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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 103 KB, 1021x580, lamden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6133759 No.6133759 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you listen and get in early before it started mooning today?

It's about to break $1. It's not too late to board before we 100x.

>> No.6133804


>> No.6133834

Could hit 10x in less than a week. I am laughing at all the faggots who hated. Lamden the underdog of the year

>> No.6133884

Can’t learn how to use etherdelta, too confusing

>> No.6133896
File: 342 KB, 666x386, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamden and Icon are the comfiest holds

>> No.6133899

If IDEX can get their shit together I'd love to see my gains.

>> No.6133935

I have metamask but I can't seem to deposit ETH to ED. I've been trying to buy this all day but I don't know how to deposit my ETH

>> No.6133997
File: 244 KB, 1314x700, Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 7.09.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go bub

>> No.6133998

Holy shit I've never gone this hard in a coin before. Dropped $50k on this. Hoping for the best.

>> No.6134029

ED is such a piece of shit. I've been trying to buy for the past 30 minutes.

>> No.6134034

That's what seperates the smart money from the dumb.
If you want to make it learning ED is your safest bet

>> No.6134059

Honestly this was my first time using MetaMask through IDEX and I still have no idea what I'm doing.

Not sure how to take my tokens out of wherever they even are. I'm assuming MyEtherWallet or some shit.

Uncomfortably comfy hold

>> No.6134102

Please don't crash the coin later, sell in small doses if you would be so kind

>> No.6134103

Eyy same bro 25 eth here this shit is cash money babyyyy

>> No.6134154

>ICO $.01
>ED $.04
>IDEX $.07
---You are here---
>Radar Relay $.10
>Gate.io $.15
>Kucoin $.30
>Binance $.75

>> No.6134176

Lamden is fucking scam, Stu made this to rip you off. DONT BUY THIS SCAM COIN

>> No.6134178

only got 6k fug

>> No.6134293

ERC20 is the token standard of virtual assets deployed on top of the ethereum blockchain. Ether is still needed to transfer these tokens. Ethereum is inextricably tied to all ERC20 tokens, and thus transacting with ERC20 tokens is fundamentally the same as transacting using Ether. There is no practical use for an ERC20 token that benefits the user, ERC20 tokens cannot have any features that do not already exist on ETH, and ERC20 tokens only act to lock consumers down to their platform. Therefore, there is no reason for ERC20 tokens to exist in any capacity, and all tokens are borderline scams or money grabs, without exception. We do not recommend investing in them. *Please exercise extreme caution.*

>> No.6134380

Put in a small 1.5eth at ICO. Lets go!

>> No.6134413

All of these prices are wrong. Nice job

>> No.6134432

>trying to transfer money from wallet to market wallet
>go to etherscan two hours ago
>"transaction pending, 17 minutes ago"
>go to etherscan now
>"transaction pending, 12 minutes ago"


>> No.6134574
File: 313 KB, 808x805, A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6134689


You have to confirm it

If you use MetaMask it's as easy as clicking a button

>> No.6134702

TAU is a fucking scam, why are people falling for this shit?

>> No.6134705

>ERC20 tokens cannot have any features that do not already exist on ETH

This is like saying that a program can't have any features that do not already exist in the programming language that it was written in

>> No.6134749

Yeah my mistake. Move the decimal to the right.

>> No.6134799
File: 11 KB, 400x269, pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proven PnD group here. Pumped STU to 300% profit earlier. Next pump in ~43 hours.


>> No.6134810


if TAU is a scam, then why are my gains real ???

is this the first scam that GIVES you money ?

>> No.6134814


>> No.6134865
File: 638 KB, 1730x1080, lamdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this guy gets it. WHO THE FUCK CARES WHAT IT IS.

>> No.6134881

I wonder what the Discord developers think of all these dumb pajeet discords.

>> No.6134902


Tron is bullshit but people have made millions.

This is the wild west and faggots like that guy are going to stay poor.

>> No.6135023

Yeah guys buy a real professional coin like XLM instead of a coin which makes you money

>> No.6135148

Is MetaMask the only way to confirm it? Can't I just confirm it on EtherDelta itself?

>> No.6135163

>on ED
>Search other for the TAU because it's not on the list
>Code is 0xc27a
>Enter name
>Hex is 18
>Still can't find it
What the fuck?

>> No.6135251

Yeah you can, but I'm not sure how. It was pretty complicated for a dunce like me so I just restarted after installing MM

>> No.6135255

is it not IDEX?

I bought this weekend as my first coin with a $100 All in on my first buy like the super poor fucker i am

>> No.6135265

I'm confused. Isn't Tau the project by that Israeli genius which Agoras is based on?

Are these two things related?

>> No.6135332

Lamden Tau is the name

>> No.6135475

you might not have enough gas. That happened to me until I raised the gas limit. Check https://ethgasstation.info/

>> No.6135532



>> No.6135731

>fee for buying ETH
>fee from transferring ETH to wallet on EtherDelta
>fee from transferring ETH from wallet to EtherDelta smart contract
>fee for buying altcoin

>tfw there will never be an option to just buy an altcoin straight away using fiat currency

>> No.6135752
File: 50 KB, 536x547, f3hfOfM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6135840

went to sell is the other question. $10 possible?

>> No.6135963

tfw i'm an idiot and transferred ALL of my eth into ED so now i can't pay gas

>> No.6136058

You better lock it up boy.

>> No.6136196

Ugh just fuck off back to your mud hut pajeet I have had it absolutely up to here.

>> No.6136216

FUCK EtherDelta up the aSs!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6136606

they'll figure it out sooner or later