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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6131573 No.6131573 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I used to be frugal and have a strict budget

who else has lost all concept of money?

>> No.6131630

I'm still living as a poorfag because my autism refuses to let me take any profit for myself

I'm addicted to maximalising my monopoly money, I rather have 100K in crypto than 99K and a good meal

>> No.6131675
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dont give in to the darkness, anon-kun

>> No.6131701

I think most people here are like that. Looking for deals with coupons, calculating how much you have to buy to get a basket discount (like $5 off of $50+ purchase), etc. prepares you for trying to gain small edges trading

Now we all have money and relaxing a bit. But don't spend too much too quickly - there will be no enjoyment in improving your life right away. Just a bit at a time. Go from buying budget shit to mid tier shit first.

>> No.6131736

i dont really spend much but definitely costs of living have started to bother me less

>> No.6131783

I have actually become more frugal since i made mad crypto gains. People like OP waste money on dumb shit instead of investing more.

>> No.6131802
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Then assuming you moved out. Where do you live cheap so you can continue to reinvest gains?

>> No.6131820

I'm keeping it under control. I'm still masquerading as a poorfag. I do splurge on myself sometimes though, with food mostly. the people close to me can see it but everyone else is still in the dark.

>> No.6131821

I just buy more drinks and food, like beer and organic stuff because I tell myself, "Oh I earned 1k today, it's fine." Then after I buy it i'm like, this could be 10 coins of blah blah.

>> No.6131857

I've become even more frugal.

>> No.6131894

I made $20k over the weekend and rewarded myself with $73 in thai food, nothing extravagant though, but I'm not watching what I spend anymore.

>> No.6132114

lol definitely. never had tis kind of money before. literally do shit like buy an entire xl pizza, eat one slice then just toss the rest in the trash cuz i feel like it. told the waiter in the sushi restarant to give everyone in the place a free order of calfonria rolls on me. go to steakhouse and order 3 expensive lobster , steak and shrimp dinners and give them to some homeless dudes outside. feels good to be able to live as a king

>> No.6132142

>I'm not watching what I spend anymore.
Yeah. A couple days into crypto I became seriously frugal compared to before, so now i'm just frugal and think that a couple of drinks or food is treating myself. I don't keep track of my money, but I'm good in terms of crypto, savings, 401, all that nonsense.

>> No.6132174

I'm living more frugal now that I have gains.

>> No.6132190

That's stupid anon.

>> No.6132229

I lost all concept of working and wageslavery.
If I dont make it in crypto I dont think I can be a "productive 9-5" member of society anymore.

>> No.6132230

damn bro you might want to rein it in a little

>> No.6132328
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I only have $18k in crypto and almost nothing in FIAT. I still have to be as frugal as I can.

I hope I'll make it.

>> No.6132353

Same, would rather an hero than go back to working.

>> No.6132384

You can do it Anon I believe in you!

>> No.6132401

If I noticed someone doing conspicuously wealthy things like this, I would follow them until they were alone and unironically mug them. You would have to give me your coins because I am 6 ft 2 and much stronger than you.

So anon, don’t do stupid shit like this.

>> No.6132430

what's your portfolio look like? I'm drunk and generous atm and am willing to give free advice

>> No.6132463
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like this. bought everything at an average of .36

>> No.6132467

I work outside, gardening and recording insects. I love that shit, so not having to worry about money while doing that would be great

>> No.6132505

Good man, i'm giving my mate that got me into crypto in november .5 BTC if my coin moons this month. We are coin bros.

>> No.6132591

I feel the same way. I could be taking out $200 from my mad crytpo gains to get a nice chair but a haunting thought that "What if the coin I take that money out of moons?" that doesn't allow me to take anything out. Even worse knowing that most of these coins will be worth more with nodoubt by December 2018

>> No.6132595

> lost $3k on a fucking trade. shrugged a litte and went on.
> searched 5 hours on ebay to get a used router for 10 bucks cheaper
Wtf is this, I just can't enjoy my $200k I want a fucking mil

>> No.6132655

hahahaha nice fantasy manlet.

>> No.6132680

lol are you me?
But I have taken profits to pay off nearly 6 figures in student loans.

>> No.6132726
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ah hell dude. I'm really happy that you've made it but you need to move to low risk pronto. meme magic can only take you so far. 306k of this is in ETH and I just cashed out 20k over the weekend.

you should move to ETH while people are still buying and not selling LINK, then use 5-15% of your portfolio for high risk gainers. try to get in and get out around 2-5x gains and don't get greedy. you can make a few thousand each time. right now you have all you're money on the line and that is not okay at all. ETH is how you lock in your gains and keep growing instead of getting wiped when the next bear market comes along, and it will. the thing with ETH though is it always bounces back, but alts don't.

>> No.6132745

More frugal than ever. Money not spent on crypto seems a waste right now

>> No.6132751


>> No.6132931

How much will ETH rise to when the normies and media realize BTC is shit?

>> No.6133011


>live on 15k a year
>just shovelled 6k into shitcoins after 5 minutes of research


>> No.6133147

the sentiment currently, basically across the board is $3-5k by the end of 2018. this is a very realistic target I think. I have a big stack so obviously my number one priority is risk management, and that is very acceptable low risk gains for me, but I still use about 10% of it for high risk gainers throughout the year.

>> No.6133241

once you realize money makes money, how could you not

>> No.6133282
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>mfw dont know what to buy.

>> No.6133294

Dont listen to that retard

Unless you find any peoject with better fundamentals than LINK stick with it
The only one I can think off is eth and that's not gonna make you rich

>> No.6133416
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>the absolute state of /biz/ right here.
Im not complaining either i have no fucking idea what a blockchain even is(beside that website where you store your eth and btc) I have NEVER read a whitepaper. I have no idea what any of the coins im currently in do.

>150K profit in the last 3 months.

>> No.6133461

I'm really just getting started, 3k in mid-december. After reading a lot about crypto, I'm going to put over half my earnings each month into crypto.
This means I'll continue to live like a poorfag, even more of a poorfag, even if it takes years.

>> No.6133466

I ordered some pizza yesterday for 5.2m satoshis, feelsgood

>> No.6133472

post yours broseph

>> No.6133504

I've seen to many old people die without enjoying their money. I know I should maximize this opportunity. But at the same time there won't be an opportunity to be young and rich forever.

I'm gonna enjoy some of my profits every once in a while.

>> No.6133508

funny you brought this up as I got into a minor car crash yday and pretty much straigh after I had gone Into the back of the guys car I thought “fuck it Iv made £300k this week”

>> No.6133609
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>i have no fucking idea what a blockchain even is(beside that website where you store your eth and btc)

I fucking hate nu-coiners.

>> No.6133620
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also lets keep in mind now is the utmost perfect time to lock in link gains

>> No.6133665

Still making ez gainz. How can you not make money with crypto? Its literally just buy red and sell green. A fucking monkey can do that

>> No.6133756

>he's selling, pump it

>> No.6133817

Yup so true

>> No.6133920

I'm more frugal than ever because my mind basically sees the opportunity cost of everything as being 10x what the current price is. Do I really want to pay $5 for a coffee when that could be $50 if I just wait a year? Absolutely not.

>> No.6134538

I still have my job, so I'm trying to live within my means from my salary until I make it.

>> No.6134603
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Also have another meme, friend.

>> No.6134608

i still guilt trip myself when i spend money on a fastfood treat once a month. it’s horrible

>> No.6134698

keep your power level hidden anon

>> No.6134830

Not me, im becoming infinitely more frugal since I think where my money might end up and knowing I even give a cent to jews, race traiting christian politicians who love foreigners or chinks upsets me