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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6130569 No.6130569 [Reply] [Original]

>wife's family gives me $25,000 to put into this crypto thing
>Turn it into $39,000 in under 24 hours, take $2,000 cut off the top without saying
>They're disappointed with $12,000 in profit in one day saying "that's alright but we heard you can get a lot more from this."

Fuck Asians. Fuck normies. People would rather whine 24/7 about how hard it is to make money and get ahead in life and then whine some more whenever you try to help them.

>> No.6130618

>trading with your in-laws money
yeah that's smart

>> No.6130637

I'd be disappointed too
maybe you should invest in a moon mission coin, don't you know everyone on /biz/ goes up 100% hourly

>> No.6130736

give them all the money back and thank them for the opportunity but tell them to go somewhere else

then trade your 2k up

>> No.6130755

Yeah I'm never doing that again.
I've been around long enough to know what a real crypto bear season looks like and I can't wait for another one.

>> No.6130835

Feel sorry for you OP. I would be mad as hell. Never help them again.

>> No.6130871

I have plenty of money from crypto actually so the 2k doesn't do much for me.

Let me clarify my OP. I made about 400k or so in crypto and my wife found out, so she told her family. Her family gave me the money and I gave it back with good returns a day later and they basically think I'm being "greedy" for keeping my 400k and only making them 12k in returns.

I swear to god this has to be an Asian thing. I'm white, wife is Asian.

>> No.6130971

just lol @ marrying a gook. tell them to go play bacc and put it on banker

>> No.6130978


>> No.6131049

share the load ;^} we your in-laws now!

>> No.6131087


>> No.6131128

Are people LARPing or are you serious?
How can you seriously be so consistently good at this thing?

I feel like I am entirely reliant on luck

>> No.6131203

It's an Asian thing. Nice work my man but just out of spite I'd personally never do it for them again.

>> No.6131216
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Ask them if they know what Google is, and never talk about finance with them again.

>> No.6131245

>letting the wife learn of your gains
hope you signed a prenup OP

>> No.6131300

How would you even claim this in a court though?
Wife - He has $400,000 in that crypto money
You - No I dont
Judge - Do you?
You - No
Wife - Yes he does!
Judge - Seize his bank statements and find the cash!
You - :) :) :) :) :)

>> No.6131311

Not larping, but it takes practice. I mostly use tradingview, do a ton of research, browse bitcointalk and forums constantly, almost like a full time job. But if we're honest then yeah almost doubling your money in 24 hours takes a lot of luck. I'm not perfect at all, just been doing this for a few years.

>> No.6131418

This is 100% an asian thing.

>Be me
>Flip and Chinese
>Two of the most stingiest types of Asian combined

They may think you're greedy. They may think you're not and are just using the greedy card to get to you so the next time you go to a family gathering all the uncles and aunties are going to try befriend you and then ask you for money down the track. Or they'll even ask you to join a MLM scheme and use your money.

Put your wife in place and tell her to distance your business with her from the rest of her family. It's easier that way.

>> No.6131460

I never worried much about this because it's so easy to do this.. I mean there's infinite ways to do it in this space, I just don't know if they're believable. I'm not getting a divorce or anything though so this shouldn't apply to me.

>> No.6131473

Thats what you get for being retard
10% gains per annum were good for normies
Shouldve been
30k back to them
9k your cut
And never talk to these faggots again

>> No.6131602
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>> No.6131691

serves you right for marrying into the biggest gold digging race on the planet, yes it's embedded into their culture

>> No.6131767

what did you buy

>> No.6131782


Why tradingview and not coin market cap or some other crypto only site?

I used to mine in 2013-14, and ended up having about 3 btc from that. Played with alts for a while then lost a bunch from the cryptsy fiasco.

I recently got back in with 1500$. Are there any coins you would recommend holding/trading at the moment? The only one I really fully trust is ethereum but it won't have rapid growth.

Also, would you ever actually trust people that tell you what's good to get? I know everyone is out to profit for themselves in this world.

>> No.6131784

what the fuck? learn basic ta from youtube, twitter who the fuck knows where else. this shit is easy.

>> No.6131806
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How often do you make trades?

>> No.6131812

Do you think we'll see another bear rush like July? Or is the nu money here to stay

>> No.6131860

NEver. Never. Ever. Discuss or offer to use friends/family money to invest. Waste of time. Especially Asians. They are the most salty for being left out of this

>> No.6131898

Goddamn I hate chinks

>> No.6131967

Get that /pol/ talk out of here you retard

>> No.6131986
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>I'm white, wife is Asian.

>> No.6132003

wow, what a bunch of cunts.

>> No.6132119
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>I'm white, wife is Asian.

>> No.6132201

Dump your bitch and get a human wife.

>> No.6132225

I use coinmarketcap too for data. I just mean I use tradingview's charts for the indicators and drawing. I like the interface. Shit I'm sorry about cryptsy. I really only trust ETH much too these days, but. Lately everything's been kind of blowing up so I'm not holding much outside of very large cap coins like mostly ETH, BTC, XMR, etc. I rode up ELIX from its airdrop, ICX from the ICO, and Kyber from the ICO though and those helped a lot.
To answer your last question, no. I get that joining pump and dump groups or research tanks or discords is probably a great way to trade for some people but it's not my style.

It depends... some things I'm holding for a long time. Sometimes I make trades every few minutes, and sometimes just every few hours or every few days. There's really nothing special or interesting about my trading style.

>> No.6132237
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unironically kill yourself

>> No.6132276

All noted. Thanks. I think my wife at least has kind of come around and she just talked to me and said her family is happy anyway. But I will keep that in mind.

>> No.6132299

How did you know to pick these ICOs? From what I can tell most ICOs are really scammy.

How did you turn the 24k to 39k in 24hours?

>> No.6132389

I think and hope that we will. Boom and bust cycles is all it is.

In fact, if all you did was make 1 trade every 6 months in crypto, based on whether it's in a "bull" or "bear" market, the crypto market moves so fast you'd still probably perform pretty well.

>> No.6132547

Same, I would LOVE to wake up and see my portfolio down by 80% because everyone is selling off ferociously.

>> No.6132581

kek 4chan writes itself

>> No.6132609

Mostly ELIX and ICX.
Most ICOs are complete shit and I stay away from them, but Kyber had Vitalik as an advisor, blocked American/Chinese investors so I use a VPN and wife's ID, and had a small cap for investors so there would be more demand when it hit exchanges. That was really easy.

ICON (ICX) seemed a little more risky at first. But they had an excellent project, amazing connections, and are a huge company. But thy held my ICO funds from September to December while they took their sweet time doing KYC checks, so that wasn't fun.

>> No.6132793

what forums are you speaking of?

>> No.6132802

How long have you been into crypto?
I remember being shocked at how big it got after mining a bunch of dogecoins as a joke. Ended up making big profits from that.

So would there be anything specific you'd recommend I get as a fresh entree?

I'll stop harassing you after this, lel.

>> No.6132852

>bubble bursts during court case
>$400,000 quickly bleeds down to $4,000 and he can't exchange to fiat otherwise the law will find out.


>> No.6132856
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>I'm white, wife is Asian.

>> No.6133031

Bitcointalk, cryptocurrencytalk, /biz/, any coin-specific news sites/forums like Ethnews, and as much as I fucking hate reddit their coin boards have news so I check there too (and to get a sense of the community surrounding a coin) but don't buy into every coin's "buy and hodl" crap.
>otherwise the law will find out
I've exchanged to fiat enough times that the authorities won't find anything they don't already know. It's not ideal but I've already been there.

>> No.6133068

You are nuts if you don’t think alts weren’t in that bind. It has been free money after bitcoins 20k fail

>> No.6133224

I can't wait for normies to get a taste of a bear market.

>> No.6133283

>I feel like I am entirely reliant on luck
All crypto investors are reliant on luck

The only ones who aren't so reliant on luck are day traders who get consistent returns over time.

>> No.6133313

>Married an asian
You are the normie.

>> No.6133322
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>I'm white, wife is Asian.

>> No.6133409

In crypto probably only about 2 years. I'm not an expert by any means, just interested in the space and although I understand mining I didn't invest in it. Some airdrops from bitcointalk worked out really well though. Also, I hate to suggest anything because I actually think we'll be due for another market wide correction in a month or two. I will say that I think people are hopping from exchange to exchange right now (Polo to Bittrex to Binance and now maybe again to something like Kucoin) and the coins that get hyped up are changing almost like a generational thing. So to get started again, I would say either browse here and other forums looking for hype about a new coin and learn about it and try to get in now and ride the powerful bull and hype-driven marketing, or go start with large cap coins again like ETH, XMR, BTC, maybe even ICX, ADA, NEO to see which ones have exciting news or updates coming up and start there. I don't see any ICOs at the moment that really interest me. I'd just be cautious, because this isn't the same market it was a few months ago and I'm sure it's going to change again.

>> No.6133538

Yeah. a shame I didn't get back in the game when ETH was like 300$ and I noticed. I was feeling burnt from the past still and thought it's way too high to get in.

When btc went to 20k$ I just realized this whole thing is a massive joke that will always keep surprising you.

I know it might be a bad time to get in now but I know that even if it will crash it will eventually correct, and Ethereum + maybe some other future projects will be strong in the future, if not in 1 year then in 5 years.

>> No.6133547

I agree.

>> No.6133563

Honest question... I need to byt into an ICO. How can I tell if it is allowed in the US? Second question, how do I buy the ICO? With a second etherwallet? Thanks for the tips.

12K in 24 hours is sick gains. Are you a prophet? When you hit 100k by Friday did they say thanks?

>> No.6133661

Another thing the West created that the chinks have hopped on.

They're like fucking vampires for Western culture.

>> No.6133678

Eat shit and die

>> No.6133731
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>> No.6133868

They will tell you if it's allowed in the US or block your IP if it's in the US or something. Get a VPN or even just download VPN Robot on your phone for free or something. It's a joke. But for ID you might need a friend/relative who isn't a US citizen.

You buy an ICO with a wallet, usually ETH or NEO these days, for which you have the private key. You can make that with an offline version of myetherwallet if you want and it takes seconds. Depending on the ICO, they will give you the contract address one way or another to send to. You should get your coins back instantly, except in some ICOs where they don't do that and send them to you instead for some reason.

I don't want to burst your bubble but if you're asking these questions, I think you need to go research more about this before you start investing in ICOs. I'll be honest I don't see any outstanding ICOs coming right now. Maybe there are because I haven't really checked yet but I don't know of them. I think you should do some research on it first so it's all clear before just sending your money away though.

>Are you a prophet
No lol. It's a pretty bullish market right now so even if I were it's not hard to be a "prophet" right now.
>When you hit 100k by Friday

>> No.6134096

You dishonor your famiry.
You dishonor your sensei.
You dishonor this dojo.

Be gone, nevar return to /biz/. Your minimum gains are a disgrace to my teachings.

>> No.6134150

this, also asians

>> No.6134226

You got fucking CHINKED irl

>> No.6134379


hey brother, got in a couple of weeks ago and went from $600 to $10.5k but now i'm petrified that I'm going to lose it all on a bad trade because i can't do TA

Thus I'm busy researching TA and I have a couple of questions, firstly I've been looking at charts and can't seem to find actual chart patterns because the crypto charts are always weird looking (long candles everywhere) so should I try and make things fit or will it be obvious when a certain pattern is emerging?
Secondly what time frames should I be doing TA on?

Thanks friendo, your inlaws seem like greedy bastards

>> No.6134398

You're just as bad, for whining that you got 25k to invest.

Be grateful asshole, if you want to bitch give them all their money back, and invest with your own.

>> No.6134479

You should have chose an Asian crypto like KCS, it's 10xed within 2 weeks.

>> No.6134524

Yeah you fucked up bro. I'm Asian and my wife is white. Asian women are the biggest gold digging cunts on this planet. Wish someone warned you ahead of time, bro.

>> No.6134600


>> No.6134657

Here's what I think. Others here will probably disagree a lot:
Use indicators, even basic ones like RSI, MACD, moving averages. They're not right all the time but they're a good place to start.
Like for example if you see a daily candle with a huge wick pointing up but the body is small and at the bottom, volume is dying out, there isn't any significant news coming for the coin, maybe it's even overbought or showing a bearish divergence with RSI or a moving average is starting to point downwards, I might consider the risk of selling worth it, even if I'm wrong. I might consider selling. I don't want to influence you though because I'm not right all the time, at all.

I was almost broke when she married me but yeah.

>> No.6134667

Asian goldfarmers were one of the first to get into Bitcoin

>> No.6134690
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>tfw also white with asian wife

>she convinced me to invest 7k into ETH when it was $20 a piece instead of my conservative 2k

God bless those greedy asian genes, eh fellow WM/AF bro?

>> No.6134766

Yeah it has its upside

>> No.6134896
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Dating half Asian half Irish, wish she would engage with it more and actually put some money in. She's hot as a pocket rocket

>> No.6134977

What's your best method for finding ICOs to research.

>> No.6135037
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my niggas. i married a jap girl. conservative, hates shitskins, and after i told her i invested she said "you should put more in"

pic related. i'm going to be chin-deep in that ass in a little bit senpai. `

>> No.6135079
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>I'm getting a divorce
thought no man ever, a couple of years before getting a divorce

>> No.6135086
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I have ironically gone up 100% in the last hour.

>> No.6135130

The best ones will be shilled and marketed to me if I'm browsing forums, honestly. But for ICON, I just went through icoalert.com and looked at all the upcoming ICOs for the next few months and found the ones that looked legit and then among those decided which ones actually looked like they had factors of demand to drive the price up. Just because a company is great doesn't mean people will want to buy the coin they make.


>> No.6135132

>They're disappointed with $12,000 in profit in one day

Lmao I hope this isn't real

>> No.6135234


thanks friendo, GL with the inlaws

>> No.6135318

disappointed? its because they were testing you and you failed by trying to hold out 2k from them.

>> No.6135357

I dont generally like Asians as much as you guys but you guys always talking them up like they are the greatest wife material in the world. But I wouldn't want to be stuck with all those squiggly letters they use in their language, but Cyrillic makes sense to me so would a Russian speaking Asian girl from one of the central-Asia countries like one of the "stans" or maybe Vladivostok be just as good?

>> No.6135514

>make 12k a day
>asians not happy
And how much do they make a day?
They can fuck off.

>> No.6135978

Too brown

>> No.6136168

she's as pale as i am, and i will burn if i'm in direct sun for 15 mins straight. it's dark in my room and i have warm lighting