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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6130276 No.6130276 [Reply] [Original]

I've never felt more /comfy/ after reading this.

Announced Jan 6th, VeChain partners with the city of Hubei, a population of 61 million people(United Kingdom is 65 million).

VeChain partners with Hubei Sanxin Cultural Media Ltd., a publication distributor of books and digital publications. VeChain breaks into publication industry and adds digital intellectual property protection capabilities to its arsenal.

Hubei Sanxi distributes over 100 million digital books per year, is partnered with 1,000+ publishers and 1,000+ libraries in China.

If this pilot partnership goes well, the VeChain Thor blockchain digital intellectual property protection solution might be endorsed by The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China (SAPPRFT).

We're going to Andromeda.


>> No.6130422
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never been more comfy either senpai

>> No.6130443

Only got 300. I feel stupid as fuck not getting a couple hundred more back when it was 1.50usd. But then again, being a poorfag 300 was a big part of my portfolio.

>> No.6130526


im could only get 200 because poor lel
still comfy as fuck

>> No.6130536
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yup, will be fun dropping my bags on the fomo's when this thing hits mars. I'm not an evil guy so I'll say this, get in VEN now or cry, thank me later (and OP and any guy that tried to shill you VEN)

Just take a fucking leap of faith

>> No.6130646


If you were to invest SOLELY on sentiment from biz, the strategy is to ignore the shills and solely assess a coin by the value of its fud. Historically there has never been a better buy signal on biz than terrible FUD (see Eth at $5). I have not heard a single valid argument against VeChain other than "scamcoin", "shady", "buy bazinga sir or i fuk ur mother".

>> No.6130762

>tfw 250 VEN, 250 ICX, 1000 REQ, 3000 CMT, 1000 LINK
see you bros at 50k

>> No.6130770

we're literally on the titanic and we're throwing you lifevests and you refuse to wear them poorfags, fucking facepalm. anyway, bed time for me, gonna be a comfy sleep. More shilling tomorrow but hardly have to because any guy with half a brain can see that this coin literally shills itself

>> No.6130774

I have 75K VET. I went all in around a dollar. How fucked am I?

>> No.6130781


yeah? you feel comfy with 200? idk man. I wish I had like 1k of them. This will go x5 on a single day once it breaks.

>> No.6130840


You're literally settled for life man. In a couple years you'll be making money whilst sleeping with the node system.

>> No.6130979

sitting on my comfy 100k stack

>> No.6130999

atleast he's still better off than the pumpchasers. Not saying they ain't making $$ (if they're smart)
VEN is about to do something even you optimists never would have expected

>> No.6131076

couple months

>> No.6131093


don't get me wrong, i want a node. But, fuck, i'm not complaining lol I'm just happy to be aboard the ship

>> No.6131107

if true i suggest you find some nice hobbies or else you're in for some major depression, you're gonna have more money that can make you happy. It's the journey that gives happiness not the endgoal

>> No.6131292

feel like pure shit lads i just need $3k more to have a strength node and im trading shitcoins on kucoin atm not having much luck tho

>> No.6131346


Wow damn, thought it'd take a year or two.

>> No.6131353

Have plenty of hobbies. I just want to have enough money to never need to work again.

>> No.6131390

know the feel, i needed like 2k and just went flipping, fucking stared at charts for 5days non stop, goodluck bro

>> No.6131394

quarter 2 newfag

>> No.6131432

you end up getting there? im doing the same rn.

>> No.6131440


Yeah a node would've been perfect man. I never had 10k to drop on 10k coins when it was 1usd anyway so it was never a possibility for me. I honestly envy those that have enough for nodes :) Congrats to them.

>> No.6131462

lol, you're there, give it a month or 3

>> No.6131529

10k venlet here

>> No.6131559

Over 300k ven. Chinese friends family work at PBOC and the higher ups there all were interested in blockchain like VEN and IOTA. So i went all in at the ICO. Ready to be a multi-millionaire

>> No.6131579

yeah but its fucking mindwrecking, ain't complaining cos wtf? Stared at a screen for days on end, boohoo me, some people are starving dude. ANYWAY off to bed, gl my fellow broski's

>> No.6131665

how many Ven do i need for a lower tier node?

>> No.6131672

>tfw no chink family at pboc to give me insider info

>> No.6131725

THe pboc deal is a crock of shit , why would they associate themselves with a scammer like Sunny

>> No.6131751

How to 10x my $5k so I can buy a node?
Someone, please help me. I've worked so hard for so long I want to retire so bad.

>> No.6131791

I have a hard time believing I will be a millionaire. I feel like it's more likely it all crashes and burns before it gets me rich.

>> No.6131905

1 Ven if i remember right

>> No.6131970

here come the pajeets
i've got my eyes on some other good shit but they're not a done deal like VEN, so ain't shiling you cos i don't wanna feel shitty if u bet wrong


now ima sleep, fucking charts killing me

>> No.6132028

pls respond

>> No.6132055

OYE! Hijo de puta,

Dame 1(UNA) buena razon para invertir en esta moneda.

>Consejo profesional: no puedes jajajaajaj

El waltonio les va a partir la madre! Maricas!

>> No.6132304

if you're ever questioning your comfyness level just watch this video and then slap yourself for ever doubting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38Mid9B6D0o

>> No.6132905


Not gonna lie, former Vechain 40 man dev team member here. This is fucking hilarious watching VEN crash and burn. But in all serious the more research i do the more shady shit i find.

>> No.6133171
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>> No.6133285



>> No.6133351

Kek! Fucking love this synthesis.

This is the most FUD I've seen on a coin here in such a short period.

I cannot wait for the moon mission.

>> No.6133440

Former 40 man dev here , love bagging this pup

>> No.6133445

oye cabrona maricona,

ni le damos caso a los KEKS de WALTON porque sigifica nada en el mundo de smart contract enterprise negocio..

VEN > all.

chupadlas todas, jilipollas

>> No.6133460

gonna go all in

>> No.6133491
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Pump it

>> No.6133509

And here I am with 47 VEN. CAN YOU BE ANY POORER?

>> No.6133515

Bought in around $4.8 like a noob, thinking bout selling...

>> No.6133517

fucked like david carradine in thailand

but, ur thailand

>> No.6133579

thanks, Coca Kid

btw you can tip me later, just got you 7k followers

>> No.6133584

lmao incredible

>> No.6133642

i don't want to live in the alternate universe you are creating

cryptos are life, just need to be man enough to hodl that shit and take punches. its already won, pop the cork, only YOU can fuck it up now

>> No.6133644


we're all gonna make it bro

>> No.6133660

Salty waltys btfo by any sentient being that speaks a language

>> No.6133680

do it you wont regret it

>> No.6133704

i will tip you 100 ven if you hodl to ven $100

>> No.6133799

we're hard to find, what with the shitty public education system in america

-pirata bitcoin

>> No.6133830

Sell you dumb faggot

>> No.6133843

Is it a good time to buy in?

>> No.6133960

Wow, I thought nobody could be poorer than me. I just have 136 VEN.

>> No.6134273

tfw only 200 VEN but somehow not the poorest poorfag in the thread

>> No.6134344

any other 10k strength node venlets in here

>> No.6134450
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Hey guys. All the FUD today made me realize this shit has got to be legit. Like getting into Stellar when it was 5c, which I fucking ignored because I was a dumbass back then. I'm a <10k USD gainlet so I sold 60% of my portfolio and am strapped now. I'm either going to Andromeda with my fellow VEN brothers, watching the beautiful nebulae and stars along the way, or I'll fall flat into the depths of a landfill. Either way, I'm here with you all. Let's enjoy the ride boyos.

>> No.6134505

i only have 60 =(

should i go all in?

>> No.6134883


Sitting on 35k VEN - hoping DBC moons asap to get to 50k but still very happy with 35k

>> No.6134970


>> No.6135045

walls are up again. it is not time for the moon. based sonny has not yet decreed it

>> No.6135453
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Never ending suffering

>> No.6135495



>> No.6135497

Not gonna lie, former Vechain 40 man dev team member here. This is fucking hilarious watching VEN crash and burn. But in all serious the more research i do the more shady shit i find.

>> No.6135498

When is the last time any altcoin has had such large sell walls for so long?

>> No.6135509

I read Binance is down to like 6M Ven from 16 or 18M.

We might be through most of the walls.

>> No.6135537

its like its supposed to moon but it doesnt, any other coin would have skyrocketed 5-10x with the news and volume VEN has been getting, Something real strange going on with the price, i know for a fact its undervalued which is why im going to continue holding because realisticly it can only go up from here. 100K holder and im confident that mid year we'll see at least 30-50$ a VEN or even sooner

>> No.6135673

If DBC makes it to 1.50 I can get a strength node...only 2k VEN currently.

>> No.6135686

when we gettin the next announcement boys, coca cola where u at nigga

>> No.6135789

How long did it take you to get enough money to buy 100K VEN?

>> No.6135835

>tfw waiting for xlm to moon to sell around 20% and buy more ven

>> No.6135961

35k VEN here, we are going to make it aren't we?

>> No.6135973

i got most at around 1$, it's pretty much my life savings

>> No.6136099

I have some inside info about this whole project, its pretty much just scam coin with big promises which wont never be succesfully done, becouse the main point is just to make good profit from this scam.

>> No.6136182

>If DBC makes it to 1.50
so you have a strength node

>> No.6136226

interesting points, well stated, just sold 100k.

>> No.6136227

thanks just sold my thrudheim node

>> No.6136296

yes, this is why billionaire investor Jim Breyer supports it
and how they have a multi-year long partnership with PwC

"inside info" ok bud

>> No.6136377

Thanks pajeet

>> No.6136652

>ICX mooning

when's our turn, boys

>> No.6136790

Ok I'll trust you, just sold 100k VEN.

>> No.6137026

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6137088

Wish I could afford even the fucking 10k node

>> No.6137363


Currency Vechain CEO here.. don't believe the fud. Get that green my niggaz.

>> No.6137627

I feel ya bro.
Thinking about how I'm gonna get the money.
For the past week all I've been doing is researching this fucking chink coin and I just get the feeling this platform is more applicable than most other shit out there at the moment.

>> No.6138048

$100 EOY imo - meaning I need 15,000 VEN to retire.

Currently at 3,000 reee

>> No.6138169

You're an idiot if you're thinking of selling any time this year

>> No.6138189

DBC has to make it their before VEN reaches like 6 USD, but either way I'm comfy

>> No.6138217

ill hold for until $100 easy if you tip me 100 xoxo

>> No.6138218

It's obvious that it's Vechain themselves that's setting the walls up, to build immense momentum. When they rebrand and release pboc news, they will remove the walls, and we will run faster and longer than any coin in history. We will make ETH's run to 1k look like sideways trading (not saying we'll go up more in %, but we'll get there a HELL of a lot faster).

Then EVERYONE'S eyes will be on VEN. Everyone in crypto will know of the great VEN bullrun.

Just according to Sunny Lu's masterplan

>> No.6138249

I mean yeah, it'd be nice to hold for longer, but desu, if VEN is all it seems I'm cashing out as soon as it hits $100.

SIMPLY because I dont wanna get burnt by a bubble pop. If the bubble doesnt pop for another 2 years? then i'll hold...

>> No.6138369

Senpai, should I sell ICX and all in VEN?

>> No.6138508

15k here!! Cozy as fuck

>> No.6138589

you're my goal :)
15k ven before it hits $100 and I've made it

>> No.6138654

it's a stupid-ass plan that sounds like they are dumping their own shit on us.

i swear to god if sunny lu is dumping i'm going to send him a video of my own grotesquely bloody suicide.

>> No.6138688

Do you really think PwC would let that happen?

>> No.6138722

>Hey guys. All the FUD today made me realize this shit has got to be legit. Like getting into Stellar when it was 5c, which I fucking ignored because I was a dumbass back then. I'm a <10k USD gainlet so I sold 60% of my portfolio and am strapped now. I'm either going to Andromeda with my fellow VEN brothers, watching the beautiful nebulae and stars along the way, or I'll fall flat into the depths of a landfill. Either way, I'm here with you all. Let's enjoy the ride boyos.

youre going to andromeda. ive read up obsessively on this project. this is gold. it is insane actually. i cant believe im alive for this shit

>> No.6138750

pwc dont give a flying shit about the coin value because buying coins is for the dirt-eating plebe

>> No.6138793

why arnt people buying if it is soooooo good

>> No.6138803

If you missed bitcoin this is your fucking chance newfags

>> No.6138849

chasing moons

>> No.6138876

long term hodl and this market mostly reacts, or that's what i tell myself to sleep.

>> No.6138903

p-pls convince me more
(im already convinced) but every little bit helps

what are your predictions EOY etc etc

>> No.6138912

guess u didnt notice how this was $2 last week and $1 the week before

>> No.6138946

Whalebro here, I'm going to start eating through the wall so keep buying goys. I mean guys. Guys.

>> No.6138991

Can't tell if serious, you really think VEN has the potential to reach 1k per coin?

>> No.6139029

not anytime soon. $25-50 is ambitious but obtainable.

>> No.6139056

i'm really hoping 30-ish end of quarter then i can dump this shit.

>> No.6139075

>i'm going to send him a video of my own grotesquely bloody suicide.

he's a chink, he won't even blink

>> No.6139079

If the crypto market cap keeps rising up the way it is then $1k will be the new $100.

>> No.6139201

yeah money scales exponentially as we all know

>> No.6139501

Source plz?

>> No.6140085
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is it too late to get in on this? how much should i drop?

also what platforms / exchanges do you recommend using?