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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 300x300, brave_icon_shadow_300px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6129573 No.6129573 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight... Some of you fucking retards argue that BAT is worthless because people will never switch browsers...


Here is browser stats from the past 10 years.
Note that this doesn't even include Netscape which was the dominant browser in the 90's.
Now I know many of you are still in diapers, but does anyone wanna link me a chart that shows how many times the USA has changed currency systems in the past decade?

> Wahhh, no one will ever download the Brave browser, but they'll totally ditch their bank and fiat in favour of a cryptocurrency.

>> No.6129662

Brave only has a chance in the mobile market, as a desktop browser its basic as hell

>> No.6129708

BAT will be a big player in combating censorship by advertisers. Brendan Eich is your friend and fights for your freedoms anon.

>> No.6129753

I do tho, that's why I own 300k BAT, and am typing this from the Brave browser.

Early adopters are the ones who win.

>> No.6129842

It's not that we don't believe in better browsers or Brendan Eich. It's that we believe that BAT is simply a terrible idea.

>> No.6129934

i'm surfing in brave atm... but i have little money to invest in bat, only 26 tokens

>> No.6129999

Using brave, If they would offer ledger support already I would delete chrome.

>> No.6130038

Yeah because browsers never add new features once they come out

>> No.6130095


Yeah, ads work GREAT right now.

> Unless you get like 20k visitors a day you make fuck all money from ads
> Google takes a giant chunk of that revenue
> Certain sites can't get Google ads and are forced to use ad suppliers that don't screen their ads properly and allow malware, scams and other shady shit through.
> Websites can't make a profit so they resort to nagging you with newsletter pop-ups, pop-unders, sponsored articles without disclosures, etc.

Unless you've got a better solution, I'm pretty sure BAT is a step in the right direction

> inb4 retards think that producing GOOD QUALITY web content should be free.

>> No.6130434

Ads are terrible, and the current industry is rife with abuse, but if people want to tip youtubers and whatever, can't they just tip them with actual money, or really with any of the other cryptocurrencies? I might be misunderstanding the project, but I honestly don't see why specific tokens would be necessary for this.

>> No.6130563
File: 97 KB, 779x660, bravepew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe OP!

>> No.6130752

I only use it on my phone, it's not very good on desktop.

>> No.6130795

I've been using brave on my phone for over a year. Never bought any BAT.

>> No.6131098

how would they tip them? patreon takes a cut and is going full faggot by banning certain content and people with certain political beliefs

paypal are known kikes and will lock your account and take all your money for no reason and allows people to chargeback scam you

finally, do you really, honestly expect widespread usage and adoption of ETH or something by normies for tipping? fuck no.

the value of BAT is that it is integrated, easy to use, universal, and the company wont kike you because you said something bad about """""you know who""""". No one can stop you from supporting anything or anyone

>> No.6131185

we should honestly start a /biz/ BAT fund to send to pewdiepie in exchange for his shilling

>> No.6131192

Same senpai except I'm only an 8k BATlet

I literally delete Chrome tonight.

>> No.6131240

Who gives a shit when you can't move BAT out of your browser?

>> No.6131826

that is right for the bat you earn as a content creator or as surfer (if some day they decide to share the tokens with the surfers)... but BAT tokens that you get from an exchange can be sent to a ETH wallet... any way i think the same as you about the integrated wallet in the brave browser

>> No.6132397

Not holding any bags, but I've read the whitepaper and definitely see the utility. Also use the mobile browser for certain ad-heavy sites and it works great. Speaking of ads, there is the potential to use this for *super targeted* ads that aren't even allowed to happen on Google ad networks, AKA targeting specific religions, political beliefs, etc.

>now the bad

Reminder that one guy basically bought up 1/3 of the ICO. This shit was over in 20 seconds and there are probably still huge whales that can easily move this market.

>> No.6132993

Well that shit is actually scary as hell.

>> No.6133150

>Reminder that one guy basically bought up 1/3 of the ICO. This shit was over in 20 seconds and there are probably still huge whales that can easily move this market.

what if that guy is Pewds

>> No.6133275

>do you really, honestly expect widespread usage and adoption of ETH or something by normies for tipping?
I expect whatever cryptocurrency who ends up coming out on top to be used for that. None are user friendly enough at the moment, but in a few years, there will probably be some kind of universal cryptocurrency that does what Bitcoin should have been able to do. My opinion doesn't matter anyway, and in the end I support any project that gives more power to people.

>> No.6133423


This is certainly true, but overall it's in their best interest NOT to crash the market and keep the price high. They can unload slowly over years and make MILLIONS. Eventually enough coins will be dispersed that it's no longer a problem.

They could certainly cause chaos temporarily, but I'm holding this shit so that doesn't bother me since I'm sure there will be plenty of dips.

Anyway the same can be said about most cryptocurrencies. Most mining of Bitcoin is focused in China (and that looks like it'll be shutting down soon) and plenty of projects have a huge sum of tokens in the hands of a few people.

>> No.6133751

I gotta say the mobile browser it pretty tits. Convinced me to switch to it as my main browser for mobile. Actually thinking of buying this crypto now because of it. It's been on my radar but might take the plunge.

>> No.6134119

I like Brave. I hope you all got your 30 "free" -- you are doing Brave a favor by claiming them -- BAT for their program so websites like this one get paid. I think 4chan made 10 bucks from me using this site and Brave has proven its model is workable.

>> No.6134363

He will be receiving BAT soon. So will other big youtubers such as Phillip Defranco and more.

It's only a matter of time before his hits $50.

>> No.6134365
File: 54 KB, 962x573, bat10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6134473

Proven PnD group here: Pumped STU to 300% profit earlier. Next pump in ~43 hours.


>> No.6134625

So your telling me that some anon of 4chan has a better understanding of the ad market than a company that plans to announce a partnership with one of the 3 top NYC ad agencies? lol k

>> No.6134677

nigga have you ever used the brave browser?
the piece of shit is ugly as fuck on desktop and the mobile site wont load my hentai sites

>> No.6134707

Haha get lost faggot. We're going to mars with or without you.

>> No.6134759

Enjoy being tracked by google and facebook kikes you literal cuck

>> No.6134806

can you provide a source? I couldn't find any.

>> No.6134849

i have BAT but i am NOT uninstalling my chrome extensions
But i will figure out later if they can be ported over

>> No.6134906

Slightly off topic, but is there a way to give feedback to the developers of Brave? I tried using it, I tried liking it, but its just dogshit compared to chrome. I really believe in BAT so hopefully other people like it, but if we ever want normies to adopt it it has to actually be good.

I get the felling that other BAT holders are fooling themselves into thinking that Brave is good or just saying that it is so more people will download it, but doing this won't actually lead to any growth in BAT, short-term or long.

>> No.6134975

I've been using brave for a few months now.
I prefer it. I want to get away from using Google services but it's so integrated in to so much of what I do it's tough.

>> No.6134991

I would use brave on desktop (do on mobile) but the only reason I don't is that I'm too much of a brainlet to install 4chanx and can't stand browsing biz without it

>> No.6135012

>try firefox focus
>laggy as fuck scrolling and no tabs
>try brave after buying BAT last week
>chromium fork but with built in adblock
literally the best mobile browser
havent tried desktop yet

>> No.6135101

Do whatever, it's your money. They're in promotion mode and that will make the coin rise in the short term, I just expressed doubts about the future after that. If you want to catch the next moon, go for it, but it seems to me that this is the kind of project which won't gain mass adoption over the long term, so I wouldn't hold it forever. If BAT tokens double or triple in value, will normies be willing to pay two or three times more to continue tipping people with them? Or is there a plan to allow to tip BAT fractions?

>> No.6135124

how does a browser make money yo

they even cut the ADS WTF

this is great charity donation - i support it.. but don't buy this thinking its going to keep up with market returns when making fucking money counts

for now have at it newbs!

>> No.6135179

>only has a chance in the mobile market
i guess no one should bother making apps anymore then, theyre just getting mobile marketshare

>> No.6135304

Agreed fellow /g/entooman

t. Brave Mobile user, Opera Destop Commando

>> No.6135363


I'm sure they're aware of issues. They have a PR woman that frequently posts in the BAT Reddit so I'd try there.

To be fair, I'm using Firefox on my desktop (Been using FF since version 1), but Brave has been my primary browser on my Android for over 6 months now.

The mobile browser is far better than the desktop browser, the desktop browser needs a bit of work.

I'm most likely going to continue using Firefox on desktop but I'll install the Brave addon the second it's available.

>> No.6135663


i am extremely sceptic, but even i have 300 BAT. we shall see.

>> No.6135706

fucking cucks, given a free browser thats fucking tits good and you fucking complain, kys and gtfo

everyone else use the fuck out of brave like i am right now. might even stop you getting hacked like the choad that you are

comfiest hold ive got along with xmr, and also helping the fucking cause. fuck off

>> No.6135802

I use Brave because it's the non-Jewish browser, didn't even know about the coin

>> No.6135895

This. But it's fucking tops as a mobile browser because adblock