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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6126080 No.6126080 [Reply] [Original]

What's stopping people from just buying a little of every new coin that comes out and waiting a year or so?
Some of them will have to moon.
Y'all are always saying
>D I V E R S I F Y
Why not take it to the logical extreme?

>> No.6126286

Diversification is for people who don't know how to analyse and don't have confidence in their analyses. Only once you realize there's no such thing as risk, you'll start making huge gains.

>> No.6126405

I put a few thousand in 10 coins that have been all over biz the past 4 months back in late nov/early dec.

Portfolio up 360%, where individual coins are between 30-600%. I recommend to diversify and hodl if you've got the ability to split up decent investments in each project, and as always monitor everything and adjust with the market as you see fit

>> No.6126615

I'm going to learn more of this no such thing as risk. Thanks for planting the seed, anon.

>> No.6126866

Ironically his statement fits this market perfectly. Double thanks anon

>> No.6126868

>TA fag holding a "game changer" coin for 6 months and it x10's
$1,000 * 10 = $10,000

>smart people who move money between weekly moons
$1,000 * 3 * 3 * 3 = $27,000

Diversify your stack to get in on weekly moons or stay poor retard. You're wasting money away if you aren't moving it in this market.

>> No.6126974
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Am I doing it right? pls respond. Started with 550€ 6 months ago.

>> No.6127071

>TA fag holding a "game changer" coin for 6 months
That's not what a TA fag does ...

>> No.6127088

It's fine, but within 6 months you could've had so much more, at least the last couple months have been insane, I went from 4k to 50k in the last month only with my "riskier" portfolio

>> No.6127203


>> No.6127204


Bro, you could have bought KCS last week with $500 and made triple your total in 7 days.

6 months you should at LEAST BE OVER 10K

>> No.6127295
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Guess I finally picked the right coins.

>> No.6127344

> Only once you realize there's no such thing as risk

>> No.6127354
File: 22 KB, 806x412, Screenshot from 2018-01-08 16-46-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I doing it right?
In 6 months? Absolutely not. Look where the market cap was 6 months ago. You should have been able to at least 100x if you tried to pay attention even slightly to the market.

>> No.6127456
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you mean like this? the ultimate shitcoinfolio lol

>> No.6127502


Because 90%+ of coins will be worth nothing in a year. If you just bought a little of each coin you'd probably be down like 90% by next year.

>> No.6127512
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>> No.6127565
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oh wait, there's more

>> No.6127606

>Diversify your stack to get in on weekly moons or stay poor retard
Let me guess you've been buying what /biz/ has been shilling lately and making profit? I've seen this cycle repeatedly on /biz/. You will put all your money in on a stinker and lose all your gains it's inevitable. You won't listen to me, but the cycle will indeed continue.

>> No.6127638

If you are just buying random ass coins you are going to rekt hard during a crash. Last altcoin bubble I saw shitfolios worth 200k crash to like a couple grand where if you held solid coins you'd only be down maybe 50%.

>> No.6127655


Why blank out the amount though?

>> No.6127687

I think I'll be safe hodling LINK

>> No.6127689

Lmfao, thanks for making my day. And also, not a bad idea if I may say so.

>> No.6127705

Neat. What's your strategy?

>> No.6127740
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>diversifying means you can only gamble on shitcoins

>> No.6128132

people can find out about your adress in the blockchain if they know the exact amount. I'll give you my Monero holdings: 14.45919096 kek

>> No.6128713


>I'll give you my Monero holdings

You'll give me your Monero holdings? thank you anon, you're so kind.

XMR deposit address: 44tLjmXrQNrWJ5NBsEj2R77ZBEgDa3fEe9GLpSf2FRmhexPvfYDUAB7EXX1Hdb3aMQ9FLqdJ56yaAhiXoRsceGJCRS3Jxkn

XMR deposits: 24acd34c488cd2e8bcba18227b7d88e4f00b1aecf14d37acb521dea465a7eb35


>> No.6129123

haha, nice, yeah eurofaggot here and so, english 2nd language. as you're posting your xmr binance adress, I recommend you the wallet tho ;) it also generates you the adress including the payment ID:


>> No.6129403
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2018 will send privacy coins to the moon. thank me on xlc in 2 months. rebranding, updated whitepaper in < month.

>> No.6129532

diversificatoin just means you have no idea what you're doing. It's like using a shotgun because you can't aim, which is more respectable than people who try to trade when they have no idea what ther're doing

>> No.6129605

diversity turns everything brown like poo

>> No.6129651


I am europoor as well anon, what country are you from?

We all will make it.

>> No.6129654


What is the best exchange for trading altcoins? How fast can I fund my account? Im ready to go tonight!! TIA

>> No.6129779

>the smart people move money to one bad coin
$27,000 / 10 = $2,700
>the guy holding the game changer
$10,000 * 10 = 100k

>> No.6129911
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I'm in around 15 coins. An index outperforms the market, sure but you can't just buy such an immature market because then you end up in scam garbage that hasn't gotten weeded out like it would in a mature market. So the trick to get into as many high potential projects as possible. I believe in the 15 or some coins I'm in and have seen roughly a 1200% gain over the last 6 months. Not as good as some of the survival bias stories you'll see on here but much safer and you don't hear as much about the people who bet on the wrong horse and managed to somehow lose money in this market.

>> No.6129960


>> No.6130032

germany, the tax fucked country. will head to japan in the summer and use the bitcoin atms or so. not paying fkn Merkel and her rapefugees one cent. you're right tho, we will all make it. I even think 100 OMGs or 200 arks or 1000 xem would be enough to make it. but well, let's go extra sure I said, I might need a 2nd lambo in case the first needs to be repaired

>> No.6130062

I just started (yeah I missed out a lot sadly) but trying to make up lost gains. I have about $1000 in 10 different coins with (I think) the most long term potential. I'll take the next 1000 to try and join the moon missions on here (or elsewhere) for the real gains.

>> No.6130071


Fuck you both. Why does this guy get 14 free moneros?

>> No.6130141

I started with 3.9k last april, now 250k, mainly from hodling good coins. I'm ok with it and it makes me feel safer and will save me a lot in taxes.

>> No.6130215

That feel when I'm your neighbour and only have to pay 1.2% capital gains tax.

>> No.6130305

which coins were you holding?

>> No.6130385

All crapto coins are valueless digital tokens that are issued by no one and represent nothing. By what logic do you conclude that pissing your money away on a variety of equally fake & worthless tokens is somehow "diversifying" your gamble?

They're all going to implode in lockstep because the entire "crypto market" is a thinly veiled ponzi scam. All so-called exchanges that actually allow withdrawing fiat will halt withdrawals at the first hint of the crash and you will be left with nothing.

>> No.6130471


Good luck anon. Get a non-degenerate gf and have some white children.

Good night.

>> No.6130829

some people have fun with trading crypto and making a shitload of money anon. you seem more like a bitter person, you might get a whole (1) ripple if you ask nicely tho

>> No.6130915


Wait did you actually send me some Monero?

>> No.6130991

what coin?

>> No.6131039

Diversify is great. I got indoctrinated by Chainlink shills and all in Chainlink. Missed many good moon coins that outperform Chainlink.

>> No.6131162


I didn't, I think the other anon read it wrong, just wanted to tilt him a little bit lol. I cannot give out free xmr, I only have 15 and the knoweledge that once cayman island money comes xmr will skyrocket to $5-20k. honestly sorry, just make sure you buy some for yourself in the near future

>> No.6131332

>one bad coin
You are the biggest brainlet on this entire board. You literally have zero clue what diversifying is do you. Just absolutely mind blowing how retarded you are. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you have horrible reading comprehension because you're from some third world shithole.

>> No.6131395


I sure will buy some in the near future anon. You seem like a nice guy, hope you make your dreams come true.

Go to sleep though, its late, sleep well!

>> No.6131425

I started with $500 two weeks ago and I'm at 6,6k anon. What are you doing?

>> No.6131674

Nice larp newfag

>> No.6131678

You sound like the kind of retard who puts all his money on one losing number in roulette instead of spreading the risk over multiple lucky numbers.

>> No.6131823

So me then.

>> No.6131924
File: 79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-09-03-23-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a newfag, but I'm not larping.

>> No.6132007

Registration Paused
Due to the extremely high number of registrations that have occurred recently we have paused our registration feature while out team works to make changes in our internal systems to cope with the increased level of traffic our site is experiencing.

We apologise for any inconvenence and will resume registrations as soon as we can.

Thanks for your patience at this time.
Now what?

>> No.6132123

Show coins larper

>> No.6132214

You're the brainlet using terms you don't even fucking understand.

Please tell me how you diversify, which is really just a term for eliminating systemic risk, when you are literally investing in ONE SINGLE TECH. You stupid fucking brainlet dipshit. This isn't the fucking stock market. There are not different industries to diversify out of systemic risk. FUCK

>> No.6132273
File: 112 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-09-03-31-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't remember all my history, but I know I bought XRB at $5 and at $15 and sold at $35, and bought PRL at $1.20 and took out the principle at $4.

>> No.6132316
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I see your talent. Shill me a coin sir

>> No.6132441
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Just buy some shit with a novel concept, a trustworthy team, a low mcap, some shilling and availability on exchanges. I use a simple excel sheet to keep an eye on potential coins below the 1b cap, see pic related.

>> No.6132747

Thanks. What would you invest with sub $500

>> No.6132757

When the fuck is binance/bittrex gonna accept new users? I have 350 in ETH and 300 in biour coin and want to buy some alts damnit

>> No.6132883

none of these fucking faggots here ever shill coins on bittrex. everyday i see xxx coin up 100% that no one even talks about on this shit hole

>> No.6133017

So should I sign up for binance then to buy ALts when they get their shit together? I have a feeling this shit is about to explode considering all the alt sights can’t even accept new users they are getting flooded so bad

>> No.6133089


Warren Buffet said "You have to bet big to win big"

So if you bet small you win small and stay poor basically

>> No.6133137

Well, this looks cool. Teach me

>> No.6133157

Where would you even buy all of the shitcoins coming out?

>> No.6133215

Why a low market cap?

>> No.6133278

Its the best strat. just buy some shill coin and hodl on. Bought in on coins like XMR, UFR and its been the comfiest hodl of my life.

>> No.6133297

i have a very similar strategy.
Look at KIN on Coss.io. get in while it's cheap.

>> No.6133321

Beautiful work my friend how do you input that into excel?

>> No.6133544

If I spoonfeed you, you'll never learn to walk on your own.

In short, marketcap shows how much it can grow before it settles in terms of percentage.

Somebody made a tutorial on how to import CMC data, which I followed:

>> No.6133553


Much greater potential for gains. In a low market cap market, a small influx of money will drive the price way up.

>> No.6133679

>own 100 coins
>$1 worth of coins each (for easy math)
>65 of them fail
>35 of them 5x
> $175!!

>buy two coins for $100 ($50 each)
>both have solid real world application and you got in low
>both 3x

That's why. The losses will kill your gains. You're knowingly investing in coins that will have to fail (they can't all make it). To be fair you could lose it all in either way. But picking solid performing coins is a great way to make money. The better way is
>$100 all in one solid coin
>it 2x in a week
>Buy $200 of another undervalued coin
>2x in a week
>do this one more time but it takes an extra week
>buy one more coin
>it loses 20% so you sell to cut losses

>> No.6134062

How long do you hold or move things into other coins?

>> No.6134237

By moon we mean like go from 2 cents to a dollar or two, not like going to 15K like bitcoin. If you put $10000 bucks in a 100 shitcoins and one goes up to 50 dollars from 1 dollar even you'll just have 5k in that shitcoin. If you pick well and put 10k in that coin you'd have 500k.

>> No.6134355


My brother began with $250 and has 32k now. You really shouldn't split your cash between that many coins if you want to maximize gains.

>> No.6134894
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The best advice I read was not to diversify below 10k, just go all in one one solid coin that has potential to rise, then rinse and repeat until 10k, and from then on it is possible to put away some thousands into each potential coin.
But I was just completely unable to pick between PBL, SNOV and BNTY, so I went in on all three before I got to 10k. I just like all of them too much. And I was absolutely unable to predict which one will rise sooner. But I'm satisfied with the results so far, though they barely even started.

That kind of depends on a case to case basis. Now that I picked 3 below 100m cap coins I decided to not to touch them before they go 3x, then take out the principle and hold for a while. But I will adjust according to the prevailing market conditions, if it turns out that it can go even higher, or if I think it will only move sideways from then on.