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6124331 No.6124331 [Reply] [Original]

I shoveled 6k in three shitcoins and they are literally all in the red. Meanwhile everything around me is mooning.

I picked one doing my research.
I picked one just following analysts who shill it nonstop.
Even Picked the third by completely going against my instincts just to make sure.
Result is that all of those shitcoins are in the red and meanwhile the one coin that I *almost* picked but didnt is up 50+% since yesterday.
I just have no luck with this shit. Im about to off myself if I dont see any gains soon.

>> No.6124386

it's because you don't worship truth

>> No.6124417

Want another shill?

There's been one whales be accumulating for long now.


Get in now, and thank me in a week.

>> No.6124438

Unless you picked really shit coins, most get their turn eventually. If you sell to chase pumps, you'll never go anywhere. Just hodl and grow bitter while watching other coins moon. If you did your research, yours should rise at some point too.

>> No.6124442

Which 3 coins were they?

>> No.6124477
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Well. God hates fags, OP.

>> No.6124600





>> No.6124671

Yeah, you fucked up phenomenally.

>> No.6124711

Dude what the hell. I never recommend to sell at a loss but man, I am doing so now.

>> No.6124765



>> No.6124817

Listen, sell all, buy Link, Lumens, Request and TRX, and just be patient. Uninstall every portfolio and return in two months, if you haven't x5 everything just leave crypto

>> No.6124890

buy VEN XLM ICX and you are about to get RICH MOFO

>> No.6125094

cuz ur gay

>> No.6125129
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I've reached the end of my rope too, OP. The stress of not making money in this market is getting to me. It's like we're matadors, actively avoiding making money.

>> No.6125184


ITC is pretty risky. No one knows what those chinks are up to other then that sketchy youtube video and the CEO interview which was really hard to understand.

>> No.6125200


its like theres a gazillion shitcoins mooning every minute but Im incapable of hitting one
if I chase moons I get rekt. I just hodl I get rekt. FUCK I WANT MY GAINS

>> No.6125255

Buy coins with cool names and logo when they are down. This is how normies trade. And they decide the market.

>> No.6125269
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thanks for the laugh

>> No.6125275


yeah but if its legit it could be a massive massive winner
I actually picked htis before it shot up a bunch, then FOMOd in and bought a bunch more and now Im in the red. fml Im too retarded for this shit apparently. If I dont see gains soon Ill just put everything in BTC and XMR and forget about this shit.

>> No.6125322

killyourself.network was designed for you anon

perhaps it'll save you

>> No.6125337

With the way the market is going, all of those coins will be in the black in 6 months. The problem is ALWAYS selling low. Be patient anon

>> No.6125411

Because dumb nigges like are chasing after massive gains and don't hedge your risk.

Stop being a retard, buy some ETH.

>> No.6125478

just the way it is for some of us anon

good luck in the future

>> No.6125479


Im already 90% in BTC anon but I want to see some gains
this POS hasnt gone up since December and Im tired of seeing everyone getting rich one moon missins why I barely 5x my money last year.

>> No.6125506
File: 80 KB, 850x400, quote-mr-market-is-kind-of-a-drunken-psycho-some-days-he-gets-very-enthused-some-days-he-gets-warren-buffett-113-85-82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're not paying attention to the larger trend. Buy low, sell high.

Do you know what I did today when the market fucking died? I bought $1700 worth of CND at .13c each. So, around 10,300ish or so. Why? CND has been hitting a ceiling for a week or so around 20c.

Literally, I have no idea what CND does or why it is valuable. But the trend is that people want to buy it at .20c and when people go into panics they'll sell for 13c.

>> No.6125526
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holy shit OP i feel for you man. You could try holding while everything around you moons and shifts around or selling at a loss, but yeah, you dun goofd I'm afraid

>> No.6125625


are the picks really that terrible?
ITC is a wildcard but Cliff Highs shillig the shit out of KMD and Teeka just called SALT today and hes never wrong.

>> No.6125737
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Just hold them til feb 2108 and I swear they'll be green then

>> No.6126047


>> No.6126727

Because you can't hold onto a coin for more than 2 days

>> No.6127013

Don't get my wrong, I have some but it is like 7% of my portfolio

>> No.6127538

I lost about $50 because of hodling litecoins (instead of keeping them in ether)...