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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6122133 No.6122133 [Reply] [Original]

So, how do you deal with the stress of either success or the swings in general? I'm getting shaken up with fears like "it's all gonna crash" and fighting to keep myself from going ultra low risk.

Also, general "starting to make it" blockfolio thread.

>> No.6122231

Hold btc/eth so you buy the dips
Keep your day job until you make it
Dont live off crypto until you make it.
Diversify so you dont get JUST'D

>> No.6122263

wew nice gains anon what u put em in?

>> No.6122304
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Ohh just incase you think I dont know what the fuck I am talking about.

>> No.6122309

looks like DOM

>> No.6122319


what coin was this

>> No.6122490
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dunno man, I just don't care. like it wasn't money. in the morning it was around 150k, I got in my car drove 8 hours, got out checked out pholio and I was like 40-50 down. couldn't care less since I was still 70-80k up overall. 80% of my stack is long term hold, which I don't intend to sell, so I don't care.

>> No.6122756

This one was COSS. Actually started with 3k initially. First run was the Obsidian ICO and sold at the top, then lost over half learning the system.

>> No.6122836

hello fellow cosser

>> No.6122874

Pull out your initial investment. I got in late and basically staked my life savings on it. I've just pulled out half which leaved me with approx 5.5x gains. Technically this will be infinity gains as soon as I withdraw the other half.

Plus I've found keeping it spread over multiple coins helps and don't be afraid to take profits.

I took a measly 25% on Opus in 24 hours. It was dipping and I don't believe in the project and definitely don't believe in HitBTC so I got myself out. 25% in 18 hours is great. Sure it could have been 100% if I'd left it all in for 24 but fuck it.

Also get better at assessing asymmetric risk and figuring out when things have a far lower chance of going down than going up, it makes it easier to hold. I've just got myself pretty heavy on https://ico.guts.tickets/ and https://getchange.com/ and I'm not worried about it since I've made my own assessment that both of these should be worth more than they currently are.

>> No.6122890
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This is my spread right now. Look good? Feeling like a bear cycle is coming so not sure if I should fiat bunker or just chill. And I think coss has another 10-15x in a few months so holding on (if not forever for dividends)

>> No.6122898

ignore anyone that says HODL is a meme
and by hodl i mean minimum 1 year

>> No.6122925

im a similar situation with you portfolio wise but who tf cares its not like 100k was going to change your life anyway, if it moons it moons if it crashes it crashes i dont really care either way

>> No.6123088

>its not like 100k was going to change your life anyway

>> No.6123178


You're definitely either a neet or a child, get the fuck out of here if you don't believe even 50,000 is a life changing amount of money.

>> No.6123186

He's kinda right. After taxes, it would give me about a year's salary. It would be a great couple years, but my life wouldn't be changed.

>> No.6123187

Crypto has nowhere to crash to, except for other crypto. Hodl currency coins, when ICO's cash out, that's where they go. Holding fiat is for absolute retards.

>> No.6123200

>silver spoon kids giving financial advice

>> No.6123248

yikes pajeets triggered sorry that i don't think 2/3 years salary in a first world country is life changing money lmao

>> No.6123257

Is not a pussy so I don’t suffer from your problems

>> No.6123259

My blockfolio graph is fucked because someone on ETHdelta messed up and it skewed my profile to like 100 million for a little while, anybody know how to fix it?

>> No.6123288

Until you can free yourself from wageslavery it doesn't matter.

>> No.6123300

You have some solid blu chips. I would look into taking some pot shots at low cap or micro cap projects that are mid to long term holds and the potential to go 10x.

I basically buy 2k-5k usd of a microcap and wait for it to go 10x. Low stress and you get to buy coins before they are shilled and pumped by these fucking biz retards.

Successful traders also focus on how much they can lose more than what they can gain. That is why coins like OPT are going crazy today. The risk/reward on that project makes it a buy for sure.

Also dont for get to rebalance. If one coin moons, take some profit and keep it as dry powder for the next low cap, ico or to buy dips. A 20% drop is a 20% discount. Let the bizfags post pink wojaks while you go bargain shopping.

Good luck anon. You are going to make it.

>> No.6123334

Nice run... so consistent. What does your portfolio look like?

>> No.6123355

You started 3 months ago with 5 figs and you're still not a millionaire?

>> No.6123376

So say i get 50000 what do I do with it to change my life? I really can't think of anything that isn't stupid and ephemeral

>> No.6123378

You have a disgusting attitude

>> No.6123420

shit sorry please don't downvote me dude

>> No.6123463

Yet he’s not wrong.

>> No.6123471

almost went into COSS at $0.15 but didn't because it looked too scammy

>> No.6123500

Good advice, thanks. My target is 1m by EOY. Should be possible, I think.

>> No.6123518


>> No.6123584
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Its anti-biz I do the opposite of what biz tells me.

My holds are long term and its organic growth. I dont chase moons.

>> No.6123722
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Stress is for fags and women.

>> No.6124022

Buy real-estate on loans. 50k couple give you literally 10 houses that you can live off of, and as long as you do it right, you would never have to pay any tax on those properties.

It amazes me how hopeless you 4chaners are when it comes to ANYTHING that doesn't involve your computer.

>> No.6124157


> Dont live off crypto until you make it.

this. my hope is that when I start considering cashing out in 5 years I can buy some income properties debt free and live off the rental income. that way my income itself still isn't tied to crypto, but instead I just transferred the equity from crypto to real estate.

>> No.6124431
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Set it and forget it

>> No.6124505
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The Ron Popeil strategy has brought me many gains. Just set it and forget it!

>> No.6124506

I just go by the recommendations of the discord group and stay perfectly calm. Most of the time.
https://discord gg/Z8P8VJp

>> No.6124546

oh man, I remember some poor bastard selling a bag of 120,000 LSK at 9000 sat in 2016

>> No.6124863

Do you buy every coin shilled on biz? Mirin hard btw.

>> No.6124880

Can't believe discord spamming isn't banned yet

>> No.6124975

I see you too are holding LINK.

>> No.6124994

I only started out with 2.4k , losing it all would hurt bad and id be upset about it for a long time but id learn to deal with it eventually. Just dont put your live savings or make quit your job before you actually cash out

>> No.6125105

>50k couple give you literally 10 houses

This is the most delusional thing I've read on /biz/.

Banks aren't going to hand you massive loans simply because you have 50k in your account. As far as they're concerned you basically made that money from gambling.

>> No.6125179

Wow OP NICE. I'm at 10k Wishing it was past 50k. No clue how to get there! Good luck

>> No.6125264

HODL for life is a meme. Sometimes I feel like we are witnessing a massive wealth transfer and the establishment got in first.

>> No.6125305

You wouldn't say the same if you had gotten in earlier, would you, normie?

>> No.6125380
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Stress is idiotic. Do your research, make your picks and hold them for a certain period of time. I'm hoping by the end of February I'm over a million and can quit to start a crypto consultancy.

>> No.6125525

Oooh, bumpy!

>> No.6125584
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I feel ya OP it’s got very real very quickly for me.
But I have faith in the normie horde to sustain this till 2019 and hopefully by then I’ll have £2m+

>> No.6125644

holy fuck what did u buy?

>> No.6125747
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Question to the whales:

I only have 22k and I decided to all in, am I doing right or I should diversify?

>> No.6125754

jesus christ, TRON or something?

>> No.6125797

I'm only in this space for 1 month or so, but I'd probably go 50/50 on 2 projects you really believe in if you're looking for max returns with not 100% risk if that makes sense

>> No.6125871

I diversified on 1st of jan into coss,icx,eng,link

Coss and eng have really performed for me. I also put 25eth into tau ico whitch is worth another 100k roughly which isn’t on my folio

>> No.6125888

Personally my only stress is that the bubble pops. I am 100% certain that I can hit 7 figures this year if the bull market continues for even another 6 months.

I don't want to be harsh but only a true brainlet could lose money in this market. Thankfully there are a lot of them in crypto.

>> No.6125925


I hope you changed whatever that shitcoin moon mission was back to eth

>> No.6125951

Just remember 40% swings are nothing in crypto. Use that time to buy more and diversify. Your swings wont be so heavy.

>> No.6125956

this crypto world is crazy
when i think its already too late some random guy online makes 10x gains in less than 2 weeks
fucking madness

>> No.6126007

basically anyone who hodls makes money
its only the day trades and pump chasers that lose
seriously, 99% of coins went up in the last 3 months

>> No.6126058

Nah all or nothing bro and coss is far from a shit coin
Tell me about it and I am still a very small fish in this game

>> No.6126086

Not even the average 1st worlder makes 100k a year

i know america is a 3rd world country basically but the average income is like 35k there

>> No.6126135

we should always compare by manhattan residents standards

>> No.6126158

If you really can't deal with it you HAVE to cash out, its unhealthy. Leave 10k-20k in and thats still enough to make insane gains in this space...

>> No.6126166
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>want to be free of wage slavery

>support capitalism

>> No.6126320

this is retarded opinion in the real estate business you get a real 5% income a year, so you would need like a mil to live happily ever after

>> No.6126487

Glad im not the only one who's seen insane growth of the past couple of days.

>> No.6126503

>america is a 3rd world country
god, you have no idea what ure talking about
america is a top 10 country by HDI and among white people it's probably first place.

>> No.6126546

everyone who feels that its not lifechanging money until you are free of wageslavery is only just shy of being dead right in my opinion. 100k absolutely is not life changing unless you are in debt. you're still going to have to work the rest of your life.

>> No.6126608

Being rich won't make me happy. Being poor won't kill me, and we all gonna die anyway.

This shit is all a game. It doesn't really fucking matter that much.

>> No.6126616

any country where you can walk around downtown and it's full of homeless people dying because they can't afford healthcare and begging pays more than any real job is a 3rd world country

>> No.6126643

Agreed imo 2m should be absolutely minimum of u desire freedom. I want 10 so I can make my family rich aswell

>> No.6126665

>Every bit of info I get of America is based on /int/

>> No.6126758

yeah right just like sweden is basically saudi arabia
u need to get outta your basement pal

>> No.6126792
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100k by itself isn't life changing, but assuming you arent living on it you have a gigantic advantage over the average wageslave who has the savings of just a couple thousand at best.

>> No.6126816
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Anyhow, the goal is $50,000,000.
Being able to buy an apartment facing centra park and don't give a shit.

>> No.6126863

Until I make a billion dollars I'm never satisfied

getting 100k in basically free money is for cucks anyway, who cares about risk?

>> No.6126894

thats why i said 2 or 3 years instead of 1 year lmao, I know normal people don't make 6 figures in a year. but even going by your figure of 35k thats literally just 3 years of salary, definitely not that life changing

>> No.6126941

/biz/'s gonna be the new 1%

>> No.6126950
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>can't afford health care
>homeless dying in the streets

you sound like a politician lmao

Why should a homeless person have access to a service or good they can't afford?

>> No.6126953

Can i ask what JUST stands for?

>> No.6126965

the thing is that after u hit 100k all u need is 10x to hit a million
u dont get it do u
and then after u hit a million u need 3x to have 3 million and def change ur life

>> No.6127060

I've been cashing out a little bit over the years. There is nothing wrong with taking out $10,000 and putting it into stocks. If everything crashes, you'll still have some left that's earning a nice yield.

Diversification is cool, at a certain point you won't care if you have 5 million or 6 million, but living like a bum now while you're young is a bitch.

>> No.6127076

Looks like everyone skyrocketed on Jan 6th, weird. I also more than doubled my money and months of stagnation

>> No.6127093

So I initially invested 30k and was basically break-even around 2 months ago. Now i'm up around 400k.

All i've been spending my time on is looking up how to keep the taxman off my back and stressing on when I should tax out and how to manage my funds to try set my life up to be smooth sailing (Only 20)

Hoping to hit 1M but I feel like hitting 2-3M would just set you up for life. At the same time, don't want to be greedy and lose it all.

This shit is stressful

>> No.6127122

Read this book https://www.amazon.de/Trading-Zone-Confidence-Discipline-Attitude/dp/0735201447

>> No.6127163
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>tfw stressed out

>> No.6127182

3 years of salary but you have to spend that salary on food, utilities, debts and possibly rent. Getting spendable 100k is life changing.

>> No.6127207

there is no reason not to do 3-5 different ideas

I have had some early altcoins that completely backfired on me.

But then Litecoin suddenly is worth something after being a shitcoin for all of these years. You never know.

>> No.6127213

well shit dude by that logic $1k is life changing because you just need to 10x it to 10k and then 100x it to 10k and 10x it again to 1m, ez pz right?

>> No.6127254

I have 30k now. Man I hope I can get those gains soon.

What coins did you get?

>> No.6127276

switch 100 and the 10 after it

>> No.6127287
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24 here, nice job my dude. Can I pick your brain for some advice? started with 1K in late Nov. Should I be going all in on one coin every time until I'm over 30K?

>> No.6127302

it's much easier to 10x then 3x than to 10x then 10x then 10x

>> No.6127303

the 4 bottom ones can be all replaced by better alts like CND, VEN etc.

>> No.6127309

freedom, liberty, our inalienable right to life

>> No.6127380

3 are just dust, and strat has a good 3-4x coming.

>> No.6127415

Just fuck my shit up

>> No.6127462
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You have the right to live, not the right to goods and services.

>> No.6127552
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Started with 5k in sept and had to rebound from that terrible month. How do these bags look? Had DCN since ico (50 bucks ). I'm on my way to making it, but I'm not sure if I should have some riskier plays. Any thoughts are appreciated.

>> No.6127557

I turned 1k into 20k just from hodling one coin

am I success?

>> No.6127556

You know why do you pay for health insurance? Because it's worth it. Where are you from friendo?

>> No.6127567
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>> No.6127608

I only have £800 in crypto, spread in Eth, ICX, CAPP and VEN. In this situation what would you guys do to make enough capital to make it worth sinking it into LINK to hold it for a year or so? Go all in on a shitcoin and hope it goes 2x and keep jumping?

End goal would be to buy a house for around £300,000. I don't even mind wagecucking as I enjoy my job, but the idea of worrying about a mortgage when I just want disposable income from my job is frustrating. If I could even get 100k I'd be over the moon.

>> No.6127644
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If you're under 100k best to just go all in on a solid coin under 100m cap. Great bet to get huge gains if you wait long enough

>> No.6127685


>> No.6127693

Honestly I went the way of the Shill and YOLO. A lot of low market cap coins mainly only on EtherDelta and soon to be listed onto KuCoin.

For example I bought 5 ETH of BNTY before it was listed on KuCoin, current price is 10x gain.

PRL I bought early on EtherDelta, cashed out around 12x from that after it was listed on KuCoin

CRED I'm currently ~3.5x up on from buying on ED but it still hasn't been listed on KuCoin yet

PFR I'm up 2x on, still yet to be listed on larger exchanges

HST is my largest gainer, I bought early on ED at 30c and it's currently half my portfolio sitting at $5.30~ so getting close to 20x gainz

DBC currently hitting around 2.5x

CanYa I just dumped at 2x, bought on ED before it was listed on KuCoin

And holding/trading a random amount of ETH between all the alts

Current two alts I've just bought into are TAU and OPT but they're a tad YOLO

>> No.6127712

>crypto consultancy
Discord chanell

>> No.6127738


Would anyone mind telling me the best exchange to trade all of these different coins. I'd like to start tonight, but dont know where to start. TIA

>> No.6127739

Plus get some big name tax attorney and accountant and pay whatever taxes you need to pay anon, you can make that money back easily in crypto.

You'll be free to enjoy your money without a worry in the world.

>> No.6127790

It's hard to say, diversifying is the slow and steady approach but 100% safer.

Maybe keep up a diversified portfolio then start narrowing down your coins as your portfolio increases if you want to try for faster gains.

>> No.6127791

your brain can only make so many neurotransmitters and will stop wasting them on the same shit over and over again soon. just keep holding and it will get better

>> No.6127856

if it crashes i still have time to pull out what i invested

so basically its all money i wouldn't have had anyways. which kinda makes it feel like a videogame.

i can't lose more then what i put in and i dont put in what i cant afford to

>> No.6128225
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I crave freedom from being a fucking slave

>> No.6128455

>Being a newfag
Nigger don't post until you've lurked for at least 1 year

>> No.6128538

These are the same thing though

>> No.6128620

how much did you start with lad? 20k?
Fucking nice gains either way

>> No.6128627

I feel like at 100k you reach a point where you need to make a decision. Do you cash out expecting the market to crash at some point this year and continue to be a slave but with a nicer car/cushty bank account, or do you risk it all and go for freedom? What will you choose?

>> No.6128666

my portfolio fluctuated $80k today, up then down. don't give a fuck

>> No.6128688


Do you guys think Coss Will match binance / kucoin prices? Or come close?

>> No.6128789

I have taken on a mindset that my gains don't actually exist until my portfolio hits 1M. So I won't need to make any decision until then.

>> No.6128903

Thanks mate I started with £5k hit the jackpot with fucking xvg at 5 sats (only put £100 into it) which made me £150k by the 1st of jan. after I sold that and picked those coins my folio was £250k

Need to get my head around CGT soon

It could do even if it gets half way there the return will be massive. This is without even getting into the fiat system they are trying to introduce, if they make it so we can buy shitcoins with fiat I think everyone can imagine how big this will be

>> No.6129124

Holy fucking shit that is insane
So you went from 5k to 600k in a month? Extraordinary

Did you quit your job?

>> No.6129187

No I put in £5k in may

>> No.6129215

£5k? Nice..

What advice would you give someone with £15k to invest?

>> No.6129216

Oh, well either way its still insane

Almost in lambo land for real

>> No.6129803

i only got 2 ETH worth but I would go all in SGR someone else on here who gave me solid advice said to buy that.

>> No.6130123

take a look at SMT.

what do you think about it?

>> No.6130530

My crypto gains still don't register as "real" in my mind which helps me stay balanced. I was fine before I had them, I will be fine if I lose it all.