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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6121754 No.6121754 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw this is your once in a life time ticket to endless riches
>tfw every moment ticking away is a moment lost
>tfw coins are mooning 200% daily and each missed moon is one less chance to becoming rich
>tfw any number of events could tank the market
>tfw its a minefield out there full of NEETs and Pajeets.

>> No.6121822

will mean nothing when the taxman takes it all away

>> No.6121844
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>tfw over 28%

>> No.6121907


>> No.6121990

>tfw coin breaks out
>ill wait for it to pullback
>w-wait, shall i FOMO in
>is this it, is this the last moon
>will my money be safe over night
>i wonder if any normies i know are getting rich off this

>> No.6122038
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>TFW can only trade at the weekend because wagecuc
>Was scalping MON 3 times over 2 hours and got 40% gains
>TFW have to be online 14 hours a day for these volatility / volume sweet spots

Truely this is a golden opportunity for neets.

>> No.6122118
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stop posting winter pepes, it feels like early spring already in here

>> No.6122131

It's not even remotely a minefield if you invest according to the forecasts and recommendations in the discord group.
https://discord gg/Z8P8VJp

>> No.6122205
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If my chosen rocket makes even 1/10 of where I think it's heading, I'm set for life. But this whole thing could come crashing down tomorrow and I'd have to go out and resume my wagecuck existence.

I have never felt more alive.