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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 120 KB, 1254x836, boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6121339 No.6121339 [Reply] [Original]

My mom won't let me invest in Crpyto-currency because she said "why don't you put your money in a mutual fund like your dad did?". I have no response since i don't really understand it i can't just say "i got it from 4chinz" my mom said I'll be kicked out of the house if she finds out im involved in crpyto even though im still in highschool so how is my question.

>> No.6121472

Stop being a bitch and invest in crypto. Then buy your own house and kick your mom out.

>> No.6121566

Where will I put the passcode? I'll have to write it down and put it somewhere and my mom will rip it up if she finds it and my room gets searched a lot. Also if crpyto crashes I'll look like the biggest idiot out there and my mom will be like told you so.

>> No.6121628

Crypto is the transfer of wealth from the boomers to the next generation. They though they could strip the country bare, invite foreign hordes into the land and then leave nothing to the next generation. They thought wrong just let it happen.

And buy XRP, because that's the next world reserve currency.

>> No.6121697

that will probably happen. crypto will crash and your mom will tell you "I told you so".
still want to invest? it's your own risk.

>> No.6121703

Didn't it just crash?

>> No.6121763
File: 23 KB, 331x232, toocool 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't it just crash?
Yeah, you should listen your mom bud.

>> No.6121812

kek, put your money into a mutual fund buddy

>> No.6121843

So Crypto is going to crash why is everyone shilling?

>> No.6121922

If you have to get permission, this is not your game

>> No.6121948
File: 35 KB, 400x350, 1514458308231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So Crypto is going to crash why is everyone shilling?
This isn't for you.

>> No.6122008

You're the one who's a normie, I have autism, no friends, in fact i want to do well in crpyto so i can pay people to be my friends. I also have learning disabilities am very short and have a slightly deformed face. I'm the opposite of a normie.

So because the laws in this country which i have no control over basically allow my mom to do this that somehow means it's not my game?

>> No.6122230
File: 34 KB, 334x750, RZ0JqwX 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm retarded and ugly
>Mommy won't let me buy internet bux
>4chin help me, mommy doesn't understand
>Help me make money to make waste on paying people to tolerate me

It sounds like you have plenty of free time to DYOR fag.

>> No.6122332
File: 53 KB, 552x416, rt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you cant find a way to buy crypto without your mom finding out you are literally retarded

>> No.6122526
File: 54 KB, 450x320, IMG_2233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
>its OP

>> No.6122594

I'm only allowed an hour of internet usage a day and i can't reserach if i don't have a 130IQ and understand this shit like you guys

I made an etherdelta account i don't know how to import money into it from my bank account so i can buy, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO?

>> No.6122595

Stop being a beta fuck and go all in. You'll be leaving her in the smoke of your lambo by Christmas. If you capitulate now, you'll be under her thumb until she dies, and you'll never have a life where you do what makes you happy.

Source: Am 30 and have a nice buy overbearing mother.

>> No.6122627

Retarded, or underage?

>> No.6122696

I'm 18 but i do have learning disabilities and really need to get on this crpyto thing because I'll probably end up on disability my whole life in a group home if i don't i can't even do a fucking job at McDonalds without fucking up

How tho? I have an ether account? How do i put money in it says "wallet: 0.00000" how do i put money from my bank account in.

>> No.6122729
File: 106 KB, 716x710, IMG_2232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may want to give pic related a shot before getting all your mommy's money stolen by other retards and getting put in timeout.

>> No.6122740

I'll give you a little help. XRP could be good, but high marketcaps have very little potential to go 2x quickly. Choose low to mid marketcaps with a lot of potential.

60% DRGN, 5% VIBE, 5% SGR, 5% BBT, and do what you want with the rest.

>> No.6122831

How do i buy that? Like what do i click? I have to put in my email problem is my mom has my email password so she can easily go on my account.

>> No.6122877

Register on coinbase. Connect to your bank account. Transfer $, then buy ETH on GDAX when your $ arrives in your USD coinbase wallet. GDAX and coinbase are the same company and transfers from one to the other are free. If you buy directly from coinbase, you pay like a 7% premium because they charge you a huge buy fee and the price listed on coinbase is usually inflated. GDAX has a very tiny fee that most exchanges have.

>> No.6122919
File: 18 KB, 323x231, l7e01Ti 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this portfolio supposed to be more retarded than OP?

Protip: you can't buy anything on EtherDelta without first buying crypto. If you can't figure out this first step then you should almost certainly stay way.

>> No.6122931

FUCK HE'S LARPING. Nice one OP. Ya got me.

>> No.6122937

Hoenstly fuck this I just tried to print off my code for etherdelta and my mom came in to see what i was printing. She saw it and was yelling at me and I didn't know what to say so I just said it was a link to a youtube video i want to show a friend and she doesn't believe me but if i can't even do one simple thing without getting in trouble i can't do this.

>> No.6122994

>learning disability
>investing in crypto
kek you never learn

>> No.6123005

You're obviously trolling. I know you don't actually know how to do this shit

I figured that out now, but how do i buy crpyto in the first place?

>> No.6123063

Immortalize this fucking thread.

>> No.6123076

if you ae in high school how the fuck are your parents boomers

>> No.6123119
File: 26 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I really fucking hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.6123135

His parents being boomers would explain him being retarded

>> No.6123210

go back to benghal and you won't have to worry about those coins anyway

>> No.6123216

Boomer parents at age 18 is an impressive case of "I don't care about the health of my offspring" indeed.

>> No.6123242

get out downs normie

>> No.6123303

Around 2012 (I think) I heard about bitcoin on 4chan. I was gonna invest £100 in bitcoin at £7 a coin but really didn't have the money. Would now be worth £200k+? I missed the first boat but there's more about to sail.

>> No.6123313


Do you want me to post proof? If so what should i do for that? I could video record my mom coming into my room but how would i put that here?

They had me at 45 and 44 because they wanted to spend their youth travelling and such.

>> No.6123331

im sick of all these newfags

>> No.6123357
File: 27 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They had me at 45 and 44 because they wanted to spend their youth travelling and such.
I'm fucking dying. Holy shit I hate boomers.

>> No.6123370

I have autism im not a normie

>> No.6123404
File: 607 KB, 800x792, 1514414475922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you record and post a video of your mom coming into your room with a timestamp I'll send you .5 ETH (~$500)

>> No.6123452

She also has to confirm your retardation.

>> No.6123454

Problem is, I don't even know how to cash in Eth so to me that would just be a line of code I don't understand. I will try that but then how do i post it?

>> No.6123459

This is what you do:

Say that you only want to invest a little bit of money so you can get experienced with how charts work, trading, and market psychology. Say you want to learn more about money and find it an interesting space. Tell her that parents used to discourage their children from gaming and now you can become a millionaire with it. Say that this is a similar scenario.

Tell her that its educational, try to convince them there's a lot to learn ( there is).

>> No.6123490

Or just stop being a pussy and do it anyway, they aren't going to kick you out of the house, they're just larping

>> No.6123529

Tell her that parents used to discourage their children from gaming and now you can become a millionaire with it

Don't do this

>> No.6123534

Bad example because my parents HATE videogames and don't let me play. But i understand what you mean about the just getting used to charts and market psychology

So how? How do i do it? Like sign into a site?

>> No.6123547

get the fuck off this board

>> No.6123610

Why? I don't want to finally come in when i live on my own and the crypto thing is already gone. I know this is another .com thing so i want to make some money off it.

>> No.6123624

If you're from the EU go here: litebit.eu

and purchase crypto's straight from your bank. If you think thats to risky because your parents have access to your bank history then you go on localbitcoins to find someone willing to sell someone to you P2P

Or go on Bitcointalk and find someone from your area that is willing to sell you some.

After that you could just hang out in libraries to do your trading and research away from your parents.

>> No.6123657

How old are you anyway?

>> No.6123697

And where the fuck is your spirit of rebellion? You won't believe the shit I pulled being a teenager and got away with it, 90% my parents still don't know nor will they ever.

>> No.6123721

>parents had me at 44 & 45

Will boomers go down as the most hated generation ever? Did they do anything good for this world?

>> No.6123727

I just turned 18 my parents say i could do what i wanted when i turned 18 but im 18 and they still won't let me do it

Problem is im not allowed to leave the house unless they know where im going and they usually confirm where im going by calling the parents of whoever im with so that will not work at all. But im not from EU

>> No.6123783

I used to be rebellious I snuck out once to go to a friends house at night but they found out and sent me to a shrink and they told parents at school and they told their kids and i became a freak at school and it was just a terrible experience. I decided to just stop doing stuff like that.

>> No.6123788


I kek'd so hard at that img desu

>> No.6123807

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED ON 4CHAN get off this board underage piece of shit. kys litte faggot.

and to all the others in this thread i get the feeling you all are from the board with the upvotes and shit. go back there you dont belong here

>> No.6123810

Given your posting style I doubt you're even in high school. Don't invest in crypto, you'll lose everything.

Polite sage

>> No.6123823

Then why are you bitching about
underage faggot

>> No.6123854

Don't invest into crypto. You will go to jail the moment you are caught.

>> No.6123858

Holy shit.. you got some controllive parents, you should have dealt with that when you we're 13-14.. now you're late and still feel the breath of boomer control freak in your neck.

You can say that you're going to the library right? Who they gonna call? Ghostbusters?

Dang dude.. you're fucked.

>> No.6123903
File: 74 KB, 400x533, W2c5deO 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Problem is, I don't even know how to cash in Eth so to me that would just be a line of code I don't understand.
You'll just need to post your full name, address, birthdate, social security number, mother's maiden name and I'll send in the mail.

>I will try that but then how do i post it?
What is youtube?

>I don't want to finally come in when i live on my own and the crypto thing is already gone
If you can't figure how to setup a Coinbase account I don't think you'll last long on your own pal

>I just turned 18 my parents say i could do what i wanted when i turned 18 but im 18 and they still won't let me do it
I wonder why

>I just turned 18 my parents say i could do what i wanted when i turned 18 but im 18 and they still won't let me do it
Yet you want to put money in the riskiest most volatile market ever. OP is confirmed retard.

>> No.6123922

Since when is 18 underage

I am almost done highschool actually

Because she still set houserules and kick me out if i don't comply. It's my bank account she still can kick me out if i spend it how she doesn't want because it's her law.

>> No.6123978

Well its either rebell and see if they larp or get out of the house and be free to do what you want.

>> No.6124004

this is comedy gold

>> No.6124024

Because they all hope to cash out BEFORE it crashes

>> No.6124057
File: 34 KB, 489x479, 1515388262674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't want you to move out. They enjoy having you around as an excuse. They enjoy pretending like your existence is a burden. You're an invaluable scapegoat that provides them with an alibi for being mediocre themselves.

Tell your mom to fuck off and buy some crypto. They won't kick you out because ultimately if you fail then they themselves are failures, at least in the eyes of their peers . You hold all the cards anon, you just don't know it.

>> No.6124085

That's nonsense my dad is a lawyer he would have brought that up when my mom was saying not to invest in crypto since he was there

They would never let me out because knowing me I'd never go to the library and they'd just say no.

How is crypto risky it's just doing whatever /biz/ says will moon

I'm in highschool i can't live on my own while doing highschool i'd have to work full time.

>> No.6124169

Nigga, just get a classmate to buy crypto for you and then pay him back. Then just lie to your parents about what you spent your allowance money on.

>> No.6124186

GOTTA BECOME MORE CREATIVE ANON, can't do all the thinking for you. Glad I dealt with that shit early. and I think:


Is right

>> No.6124275

Fucking retards waiting so late to get an autistic kid. If you invest in crypto, you'll be travelling at 20 and be better off than your parents

>> No.6124286

Everyone at school says im a freak they'd never listen to me for even a second for me to suggest that they all see me as the autistic guy who was forced to see a shrink.

>> No.6124299
File: 77 KB, 415x368, awjkbo16ftvy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is crypto risky it's just doing whatever /biz/ says will moon
>it's just doing whatever /biz/ says
>doing whatever /biz/ says
>pic related
>its doing whatever /biz/ says

>> No.6124325

That's why im here. I realize it's my only hope to not be a loser because i have such a low IQ and am stupid and am physically disabled I'd live off the government if i don't make money off crypto.

>> No.6124346

Listen, don't let the media fool you. Crypto is not hard. Crypto is not complicated. Even though you are literally retarded, you should still be able to figure it out. You have a phone right? Does it have internet? If so use that. Write down your code there as well as somewhere that isn't obvious like a slip of paper taped to the underside of your desk behind a table leg or something.

You need to buy ETH first. In europe we use coinbase. then you take your credit card (you do have one of those or a bank account right) and basically buy ETH. after that you send it to an exchange. There's usually a send/withdraw button that will give you a long string of numbers and letters. That's basically the name of your wallet on the site. Tell coinbase or whatever you use to deposit ETH to that. IT IS CRUCIAL that you send it to the correct wallet, since if you accidentally send ETH to a wallet meant for BTC on the exchange your money disappears. then buy a coin with your ETH that you like or believe in, and wait. Any questions?

>> No.6124377

That's true but some being shilled today (RPX and XRB and FUN and CATT or whatever it is) i think are going up

>> No.6124448

You gotta get more self esteem, but this is not a self help thread.

You're just gonna have to wrap this up and face it: Rebel or stay poor.

Likely your parents are just larping that you will get kicked out. If they really do kick you out you can always beg to get back in the house.

But on the bright side if you're homeless you can buy crypto...

>> No.6124457

Fun is a steady climber so I'd go in that

>> No.6124461

Thanks that was very helpful actually. I will try that but do you have to by ether first? Is there a way to directly by other coins?

>> No.6124483

I don't use fucking Coinbase and I'm in europe, we use Kraken or just a broker.. ffs.. get Coinbase is trash

>> No.6124529

>this is not a self help thread
I'm not here for sympathy im explaining why even though im a retard this is so important to me. I know i'll probably be made fun of i am just saying why i need crypto so badly

>homeless you can buy crypto
With what? Library computers? They block that stuff don't they?

>> No.6124549

you literally pay with a debit card to get it instantly or send a money transfer to get it later on but without a huge fee

>> No.6124614
File: 1.36 MB, 320x180, eBfYYgr 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually probably illegal for them to kick OP out. Putting someone they know is this retarded out on the street is actual manslaughter.

>> No.6124615

I'm afraid not. You have to use one of the "gateway sites" to buy some of the bigger currencies like ETH, BTC, LTC or bitcoin cash. personally i use coinbase but it might not be avaiable in your country. I would advise against buying BTC because the transfer fees are out of this world. ETH has low fees and transfers faster if the network isn't unloaded with one of the new pet breeding games that keep popping up

>> No.6124681

I just used coinbase because of the 404 bad gateway upon cashing out meme that was related to kraken.

>> No.6124795

Stop calling yourself a retard man, have some self respect just because other people think you're retarded doesn't mean you have to view yourself in the same way.

George Bush has an IQ of 70-80 and he became president, look who's in office now.. trump.. you can accomplish great things if you atleast have some dignity and charisma.

>> No.6124960
File: 60 KB, 612x472, 1515275602172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is a LARP because I'm really sad now
we're ALL gonna make it r-right guys?

>> No.6125178

Thank you OP. Made my day

>> No.6125210

4chang is 18+ kiddo

>> No.6125230

bush has as an iq of 125 and trump is 150 something. They act stupid, i actually AM stupid and can barely pass classes at school and failed my drivers lisence

i would post proof but how can i prove this?

i know i am 18

>> No.6125274
File: 37 KB, 446x696, 1514512652340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fags trying to help OP fuck back off to leddit or wherever you came from.
>OP is an admitted retarded
>Literally is so beta and risk adverse he's still letting his parents control his every decision
>His parents clearly have bad decision making skills already
>Can't figure out the first thing to do to acquire a safe crypto
>Wants to immediately then throw that into shitcoins on EtherDelta (of all places)
>Stated investment strategy is to chase PnD's posted by fellow retards and pajeets

Are you trying to bankrupt this tard and put another leach on the system? At least he's still leaching of his boomer parents right now.

I was telling myself the bubble popping soon was FUD, but I'm going to have to reevaluate it.

>> No.6125387

your parents are retards because mutual funds fees are extremely high if you were going to put your money into something back then they should of put it into an index fund. So don't listen to your mom. With the fees a mutual fund you lose 2/3 of the gains you would of gotten from your investing.

>> No.6125435

You going to let mommy tell you what to do with your money? Is she going to give you the millions you could make? No? Then fuck what she has to say do it anyway

She'll be the first to crawl back for money later

Who cares if you get kicked out you can buy the house and never have to be poor like her

>> No.6125511
File: 769 KB, 2017x1410, 1485458295610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My mom won't let me
How old are you?

>> No.6125632

Maybe its time man up take that full time job and work through school. Puts hair on your chest and puts you a step ahead of your peers, especially if not a sloth. Then you can loose all your money putting it into what ever coin randos on an Ethiopian milk truck enthusiast forum tells you to

>> No.6125684

Write up an informative paper highlighting the returns on crypto vs. mutual funds. Explain to them that it's 2018 and they need to get with the fucking times. If they don't listen, just buy it anyway and keep it a secret. You seem really smart. Your parents won't be there forever. Time to be grown up and decide what's best for you.

>> No.6125696

It didn't really crash. Coin Market Cap just excluded Korean exchanges without giving a reason why.

>> No.6125803

You should do this >>6125684
And when you do learn about the Fairx exchange, Stellar lumens and IBM. When they hear IBM is getting involved, they will start to want to know more.

>> No.6125827

How much money are you planning on putting in? I doubt your parent give you any more than to buy a few chocolate bars a week.

>> No.6125884

I just sold a boomer some bitcoin earlier today, no larp.

>> No.6125921

Crash = time to buy

Think of pink wojacks like steam sales

>> No.6125927

"AirBnB of financial transactions"

works like a champ

>> No.6125977


>> No.6125988

>begged mom until she gave him $300 to invest
>turned $300 into $1000
>mom begged me to take another $500
>turned it into 5000
>mom now has 10k with 1500 invested
>i told her to fuck off not selling her any more of my bags anymore

>> No.6125998

>Name: Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin
>sold a boomer some bitcoin
Please tell me you sold them BCash at Buttcoin prices

>> No.6126033

>Will boomers go down as the most hated generation ever?
Yep. I am admittedly weak on distant history but I don't think a single other generation has done this much damage to its own people before. It's own children, no less.

>> No.6126064
File: 102 KB, 1080x1349, 78cec7354c93aeee4333b603637d5a49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dad wants to buy GPUs and build a mining rig
I told him it's retarded. Fuck him I guess I'll be making mad gains without him.

>> No.6126118

No I sold him Blockstream coin at a premium. I hold both because I'm not a retard who doesn't know what hedging is. 30/30/30/10 BTC/BCH/XMR/shitcoins

Although I'm looking to increase my ETH position.

>> No.6126196

you've complete sold me so

just ike tron and dent and xrb and link i can get rich off newfags

where do i buy this golden goose

>> No.6126208

Proven PnD group here. Next pump in 46 hours discord(dot)gg(slash)pXz4XuU

>> No.6126221

>How is crypto risky it's just doing whatever /biz/ says will moon

>> No.6126330

Literally this, the thing with overbearing parents is that their only power over you is the power you give them.

They care more about what they can brag about to their friends than what is beneficial to their offspring. Boomers to a T.

>> No.6126341

Tell your mom that you aren't going to take care of her when she's old. She owes it to you to give you money to invest. Since her generation collectively fucked up the world that we now live in

>> No.6126415

It's a LARP. Anyone this stupid would've ended up on leddit not /biz/. :^)

>> No.6126497

How am i suppose to work full time and go to school which is 8:30 to 2:30

How do i buy it?

>> No.6126576

Drop out and get a GED?

>> No.6126600

I work and have saved up quite a bit

You're trolling. I can even prove it if my mom would come into my room

>> No.6126713

Hey OP, im not currently investing in crypto because I'm also in some trouble with my fucking boomers parents I'm 21 and them 63. I made almost 2k from 200 on July and I had to cash out because some bullshit with them.(no they didn't stoped me from investing the fuckers asked me for loans). Now I'm out of the game and I have the time and will for helping you out deeper by a throwaway email or something. Not even asking you for more than symbolic retributions as maybe $20 or $50 on crypto so you won't fill scammed if we made some mistakes... Let my know if you are interested, btw also be careful with the advices on internet including this one ;)

>> No.6126817

Please kys. Please. I don't want to pay for your welfare.

>> No.6126827

Universities consider that to be garbage

>> No.6126915
File: 2.71 MB, 256x192, pussy-money-weed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one retard trying to get paid to help another retard figure out something that isn't even hard
The actual state of /biz/

>> No.6126956

>something almost impossible

>> No.6126976

Not like this brainlet is going to university.

If you work full time instead of going to university and invest in crypto I'm due you would get better returns. Higher education bubble is going to burst soon.

>> No.6127100

Afternoon or night shit.... youre 18 man, you still live at home with your controlling parents, havent had a job and looking for a way to sneak crypto into your house. You should have moved out 2 years ago.

>> No.6127141
File: 67 KB, 600x580, 1515436654024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy even figured it out OP.

>> No.6127153

I do have a job though. I work at McDonalds.

>> No.6127253

Kek it's almost true. But I would do that even for free, I'm asking for that small amounts because i literally want him to feel not just as an spoon-feed asking loser. Considering the possibility of me being just a scammer, does $50 will bankrupt anyone?

>> No.6127291

this is great pasta

>> No.6127316

Then get more shifts or find a better job or at least a second job. Its clear you cant live with your folks anymore so find a way. Its doable but you gotta commit. Whats going to happen when youre 20? 25? 30?

>> No.6127347

tfw my parents had me when my mom was 40 and my dad was 31

Fucking boomers.

>> No.6127536

I can live with my family.

My parents were both in mid 40s.

>> No.6127575

Fucking boomers!

>> No.6127598

Are you stupid? Buy as much BTC as you can using localbitcoins and cash. She never has to know anything.

>> No.6127609

Proven PnD group here. Just pumped STU to 300% profit Next pump in ~45 hours.


>> No.6127631

>mom 9 years older than dad
Lmfao, that's doubling down on the bad there

>> No.6127648

Fucking pajeets!

>> No.6127838
File: 7 KB, 250x242, Yeah+that+must+be+it+_5ac9d2d33e9b403c801566d0efa2d0ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Literal pajeet typing

Pajeets scamming retards on a mongolian basket weaving anime porn website

Trump broke this timeline

>> No.6127981


>> No.6128182

Just buy espers on yobit sir. And please register into kucoin with my referal link. 8JGK/h . Too many money to be made!

>> No.6128195


You should post this thread everyday and ask for donations, this is beyond hilarious

>yfw this is an elaborate longcon beg thread

>> No.6128600

>ruin economy
>bring in hordes of niggers
>ruin culture


>> No.6128867

Fucking underage schoolboys get out. I hope your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

>> No.6129044


Look dude if all u say is true you don't have a choice

Take all your money buy litecoin on coinbase

YouTube how to transfer and receive coin send it to the kucoin account you make then spend it all on dbc

Wait till it hits 2 or 3 dollars

Take your money and don't invest in crypto again

>> No.6129070

Do it in secret then drive up your driveway in a lambo and she will stfu

>> No.6129105

tfw no aryan granny milkers

>> No.6129428

im 18 dingus

I don't want donations at all actually. I just want to figure out how to buy


>> No.6129494

You know those scam commercials you see on late night tv? Boomers fall for that shit.

Quit listening to old fags. Mutual funds are for suckers.