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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 234x216, SHILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6121294 No.6121294 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw you try to inform poortards pre-moon but they won't listen (money-averse) lol

>> No.6122030
File: 95 KB, 500x500, batmeme12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like biz hates money.

This is $50 eoy.

Hope you guys didn't miss BAT being mentioned in the news on CNBC fast money. You do know what happened after they started talking about Ethereum, right anon?

Start at 8:45

https://youtu.be/s1mxe20plvU?t=8m45s [Embed]

>disrupting google/facebook

Like I said, smart money is already in here. And we're buying all the way up to $5.

>> No.6122117

How much to make it anons? I've got a little BAT but need to be shilled more, why should I go all in?

>> No.6122166

When to dump I don't wanna be greedy

>> No.6122207

>dump bat

>> No.6122238

Why is there no brave browser for windows 10?

>> No.6122244

Wow while I wrote this fkin post it dumped 500sats

>> No.6122308
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>> No.6122321

>biz pumping bat
what a joke, its a shitcoin avoid it

>> No.6122349

there is fag

>> No.6122371

There is, what are you talking about? I'm on it right now.

You're an adhd faggot. BAT will be +300% end of week.

>> No.6122385

What are you talking about nigger I have Brave and I've got Windows 10?

>> No.6122440
File: 79 KB, 250x269, Pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi sir how much bazinga coin do you have sir?

>> No.6122791


Im an idiot and took Windows 7+ as meaning it only works on Windows 7

>> No.6122804
File: 784 KB, 1280x720, PEWD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre just butthurt that the pewdiepie meme worked in deterring weak hands from the Ballpark.

BATmen are the heroes this board needs.

>> No.6122962
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>> No.6123025


>betting against google

>> No.6123098



>> No.6123224

Doesn't the success of this coin depend on people switching browsers to brave?
Why would anyone do that when they could just use ublock origin and see zero ads?
Am I missing something?

>> No.6123260

There are plugins anon

>> No.6123289


Because every website in the entire world will be given BAT when somebody visits their site. Every YouTuber will own BAT which they will receive when somebody is watching one of their videos.

Think about what happens if just one major YouTuber shills BAT.

Think about what happens if just one major website (like wikipedia or some newspaper) shills BAT.

You cannot contain something that is so huge.

>> No.6123319
File: 79 KB, 600x450, batgeorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in now. To the moon!

>> No.6123437


>> No.6123763

Sitting pretty with 8k BAT I can't wait until this is worth $800k.

>> No.6123909

Give it 1 year senpai. I saw this same thing with ethereum last year.

>> No.6124108

Why are faggots in the other BAT thread calling this a pump and dump? I sense they are pajeets literally FUDing by calling other pajeets.

>> No.6124123

>tfw only an extreme BATlet with 150 BAT
I'll never make it with that, but I'm still happy to finally sit on a good coin.

>> No.6124183

Not sure, who cares. Let them get left behind. Once Eich starts announcing patnerships, it will be Enterprise Ethereum Alliance all over again, but with BAT.


I remember when they were talking about Ethereum on TV, and had no idea what it was trying to describe it. It's a good sign that they're talking about BAT tho.

>> No.6124261

6K here, am I gonna make it?

>> No.6124308
File: 424 KB, 606x352, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6124406

Thinking about dumping my bag of TRON for more BAT.

>> No.6124524

sitting on 1k BAT, do not intend on selling it as it solves a real problem and if you've been following the demonetization shit that jewtube and faceberg and twatter have been pulling

plus i field tested their browser and it works great (tested it by watching lots of porn)

>> No.6124578

most of the shillers on this board do it maliciously or out of ignorance, anyone who has done a modicum of research on BAT can see it's potential and understands the solid team behind it

plus the lead guy is a white autist, literally the best type of lead you can ask for.

>> No.6124612

I'm using Brave right now, it's pretty great, although it doesn't seem to block these 4chan ads, and the mobile browser won't even bring up 4chan for me.

>> No.6124667

yea you should. you made an absolutely retarded decision buying trx in the first place, but you can make up for it with bat

>> No.6124675

I just dumped my SALT bags for more BAT, already making more money than I ever did from SALT.

Do it Anon.

>> No.6124699

yeah wtf is up with that, i tried going on 4chan on the mobile browser but it doesn't work

>> No.6124710

>sell at "peak"
>moons immediately

why am I so stupid?

>> No.6124726

Opera adblock also doesn't block the 4chan adds.

>> No.6124762

11k BAT here, buying a lambo when it hits $300.

>> No.6124802

All the people selling this off because they FOMO'd in at peak are pathetic. It'll moon again, don't drop this coin now, it's actually going places, Jesus. They'll sell this and buy into ASS and SHT and wonder why those drop too

>> No.6124819

You're not stupid, anon, we all make mistakes. It's impossible to have known.

>> No.6124832

how does bat make money when the bubble bursts

answer - it doesn't

>> No.6124846


What peak? It dipped 10 cents since the peak, if you did seal at the peak you could have increased your stack now like the smart folk did.

>> No.6124868

I'm in for 3k

>> No.6124874

I've wanted to buy this shit for the longest time but I don't have any money
I spent it all buying XLM at 971, and i'm going to keep holding it for a while because I think it will go up a bit more
If I ever get more money I'm going to use it to buy BAT and possibly ZRX

>> No.6124877

154 batlet reporting in

>> No.6124882
File: 103 KB, 998x767, pnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome BATmen

>> No.6124904

Am I too late for the moon missions?

>> No.6124917

i sold at 5660

>> No.6124920
File: 71 KB, 315x145, 1515425064640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, they shut it down. Get ready for the slow bleed back to 2000.

>> No.6124952

And now it's on bitinex. This has slaughtered the last few things that got added to it.

>> No.6124962

You know what, fuck it. I'm dumping my remaining ETH into this shit. BAT has more short-term potential.

>> No.6124969

500 babby here, I can't be convinced to leave my xrp stack just yet
nor trx, nor xlm, nor dbc

>> No.6125043

Proven PnD group here. Next pump in 46 hours.

>> No.6125104
File: 34 KB, 630x630, BAT-shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this coin is quite literally a live demonstration of "lead a horse to water," it has been so abundantly clear what this asset offers for at least 6 months now, I have no pity for those who won't benefit from what's to come. When this shit is well on its way to 100x from here, and people are asking "why god, why" i will still be buying BAT, driving around with magnetic BAT symbols on my white economy car wearing my black BAT logo shirt saying I fucking told you, I fucking told you all for a year and you did not deign to listen.
There's a poster in these threads who openly admits to FUDing it to accumulate more, as if that's gonna do anything....The BAT's out of the bag folks

>> No.6125124

Dumped my TRX for BAT a while ago lol

>> No.6125127

Shit's been stagnant since inception, I already sold at around 5k sats months ago.

>> No.6125229

I have 3k right now, how much do I need to accumulate to make it

>> No.6125244

How much of a correction we looking at in the next few hours? Might set an order to grab $2K more.

>> No.6125265

Some of the shill coins make me sick but they still make me money I will continue to hold BAT a little bit longer. But lets be real. You think people will switch browsers? Fuck you hold BAT, you are invested in BAT and you dont even have BRAVE installed on your computer let alone use it. See how stupid this thing is? But it get worse. For it to be useful people have to use it and GET ADS!!!!!! Thats right you have to watch adds to help the person you like get money while you get a few BAT's.

This is the epitome of shitcoin. B-B-But the guy who made javascript(literally the most hated half assed language on the planet) put his face on this coin. I will hold for the normie money but you are out of your mind if you have these bags on your shoulder after 1 dollar. Really wake the fuck up.

>> No.6125276
File: 132 KB, 959x533, batmeme21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Anyone who does not see why this coin will do 100x this year deserves to be poor.

>> No.6125312

Should I trade my FUN for BAT?

>> No.6125323

Sounds to me like you have no actual idea what you invested in.. genius

>> No.6125356
File: 13 KB, 652x294, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt this look lovely?

>> No.6125368

Asking this myself. I'm unsure whether to buy FUN or BAT right now, both could moon any second.

>> No.6125371

Sold all of my BAT for FUN. Should I switch back?

>> No.6125372

No, trade something else.

>> No.6125391
File: 69 KB, 939x526, batwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not how it works at all you dumb pajeet. Just sell your BAT, you don't deserve it.

Javascript is the backbone of the internet, literally no sites would work without it you dumb fuck. He also invented FireFox which destroyed IE.

He is going to do again to Chrome with Brave, but don't take my word for it. Just sell your BAT, I would hate to see you become rich from this mans hard work.

>> No.6125443

Congrats on your future 100k USD.

>> No.6125458

Retard, atleast do some research when investing in a coin

>> No.6125476
File: 276 KB, 1640x2322, batmeme24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go all in on BAT you retards, it will be a $100bn marketcap coin at the end of the year. The news even said so.



>> No.6125485

Then fucking sell dude. Anyone who's not a retard see's the potential with this ecosystem. I hope you kill yourself after you realized what you've done in six months. Now give me your bags fag.

>> No.6125516

poorfag reporting in. Got 40 and going to make it a cool hundred. Waiting for it to dip tomorrow to get the other 60

>> No.6125560


>> No.6125564

plz just do us all a favor and kys

>> No.6125578

this is a professional development project

they aren't running a hype machine, just running a real business. its a long hold but it should pay off.

>> No.6125593
File: 165 KB, 1604x535, brendaneich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying BAT before liftoff
It's like you faggots want to be poor.


>> No.6125756

I am literally browsing with Brave as we speak and uninstalled Chrome.

Once people realize they can actually get a private browsing session with Brave instead of a totally tracked, logged, and documented browsing session with Chrome, what do you think they're going to do? You're a literal brainlet.

>> No.6125819

Both are great buys, but BAT has more upside potential. I had the same dilemma, and not enough money for both.

>> No.6125835

Spread the word. Installed brave a few days ago and literally never going back.

>> No.6125896

Yeah, I went all in on BAT now. Hopefully I won't regret it.