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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6116707 No.6116707 [Reply] [Original]

It's fucking over, isn't it

>> No.6117376

no lol

>> No.6117382

It hasn't even begun

>> No.6117451

Don't think so. Not with the exchanges having to stop adding new users.

I'm afraid Tron is going to collapse the market.

>> No.6117461

if i dont make a million this year im going to kms

>> No.6117656

This bubble is tough as fuck. It almost makes me believe it will be there long enough to stop being a bubble.

>> No.6117708

it didnt crash in december so it wont crash, that was the window

>> No.6117748



>> No.6117786

IDK what you're on about senpai i'm all in on ICX.

>> No.6117833


It literally dropped 100 billion in a few hours today after the CMC disaster. This baby can pop any day.

>> No.6117886

It's the same shit as the internet (((bubble))). They tried shutting it down, but since the crash look how many companies and shareholders because loaded beyond imagination. The jews hate that we are taking control of our own destiny and will try to destroy us, don't let it trick you. Blockchains are here to stay in the same way the internet isn't going anywhere. The world is about to change in the same way it changed with the mainstream use of the internet.

>> No.6117916

>call Big Lou and get a $1MIL term life policy
>1 year to Lamboland
>if you do kill yourself, your mom/bro/waifu gets the keys to a lambo after your death
You literally can't lose.

>> No.6117932

And it's already recovering with no shits given.

>> No.6117956

Liek you're mom's vaginity eh
Hahaha sick burn you test-tube bebbi :DDDDDD

>> No.6117978

It hit the top 10 with no working product. We've shifted from coins pumping from legitamate announcements/upgrades to pumping from 1 chinaman posting on Twitter.

>> No.6118072


>> No.6118199
File: 380 KB, 1541x964, 7FB9B4BB-9D37-4F78-B291-92C740A7B857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No comrade premier, it has only begun

>> No.6118207

It's over. Crashing just like the tulip.

>> No.6118252

If it's over, get out.

>> No.6118342
File: 7 KB, 240x160, ettubrutef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitcoin is plummeting with no sign of stopping. It's under $15k now.

>> No.6118490

Bitcoin deserves to die. This might be bad for the market overall, but it needs to happen.

>> No.6118885


Will it ever rise above 18k again? Asking for a friend.

>> No.6118978

BTC 25k by eod

>> No.6119105

it definitely deserves to die if the devs keep refusing to fix its problems

>> No.6119283
File: 191 KB, 491x498, makifes10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm afraid Tron is going to collapse the market.
TRX investors are so smart, aren't they?

>> No.6119469

yes, well probably see 100k no problem before it dies. wait for the current futures to fill and see what happens

>> No.6120069

No, it needs to be a natural proces. ETH is slowly taking it over. Before that it cannot happen, it must not.