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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6109001 No.6109001 [Reply] [Original]

Where muh ICX bros at? We're departing this star system soon, get aboard!

>> No.6109044
File: 847 KB, 2500x1723, 1515011268098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i love this coin

>> No.6109089

volume is going down. Its gonna dump a little bit. Waiting to get back on board, sold my bags like an idiot right before it took off. fml

>> No.6109324

Any predictions for end of Q2?

>> No.6109340


me2, i sold my bags when it was 8.5 USD and went to TNB, luckily this shit is mooning hard and after this week I am back in ICX, hopefully I wont miss the train, kinda bummer since I have been with this coin for months.

>> No.6109783

ANONS, neblio or ICON? both seems pretty hype and have big annoucement coming

>> No.6109830
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I aint dropping these bags, believe me brother.

>> No.6109853

I bought at $2 and never sold but only bought half as much as I should have fuck me

>> No.6109877

LOL any time you people write shit like this the exact opposite happens, especially when it comes to this coin. Like clockwork.

This coin holds strong in a sea of red today. LOL

>mfw they STILL dont see that this is a $200 coin


>> No.6109895

ICX gangbanger reporting in

>> No.6109897

8000 ICX reporting in. Will I make it bros?

>> No.6109919

It dipped to 6400 like 9 hours ago. And that was from an ATH of 7200. Don’t think it will dip much lower than it is right now. Only up from here.

>> No.6109970

Nah man, they are waiting for the dip to $7 so they can buy in bro


>> No.6110050

Kek, $8 is the absolute bottom it could hit anymore.

>> No.6110092

Lambo is coming I can feel it
But really just trying to get a Tesla

>> No.6110112


>> No.6110150
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50/50 ICX and ENG
Comfy my dudes.

Feels good to not be a retard. See you guys in Alpha Centauri

>> No.6110155

it hit $8 for like 3 minutes during today's bloodbath, now it's back to yesterday's level's
I absolutely love the stability of this coin

>> No.6110167

Same. Tesla and a nice house. Not a mansion, just a nice house.

>> No.6110243

Yep. It always hits rock bottom for a few minutes then goes right back up. More faith in ICX than any other coin I have.

>> No.6110305

I really should use those "doomsday moments" to reinforce my position in this coin, but i'm too scared of getting burned by ICX.

This isn't a coin you can day trade. The dips are much smaller than with other coins

>> No.6110339

Nice anon. We will make it soon. Too hard to get a hold of model 3, settle for S is fine.

>> No.6110438

Solid and comfy anon.
I'm looking to add to my ENG stack, any clue if and when there's going to be a dip?

>> No.6110447
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I'm looking forward to my GT-R

>> No.6110460

>n. Will I make it

>> No.6110461

Going forward Im debating using ICX in the same way many people use BTC and Ether as a safe haven to dump their shitcoin gains into.

>> No.6110471

How much you holding to achieve this scenario? Will 7.5k be enough this year I reckon?

>> No.6110536

ICX, ENG master race. What will you do with your profits?

>> No.6110639

Dumping into ICX saved me from losing all my gains during the Bitcoin fiasco earlier.

>> No.6110684

About the same 8.4k, been contemplating on adding more but opportunity cost of other moon mission. Should be sizable by end of year to cash out portion for a Tesla

>> No.6110913

I have 3.2k ICX and 40 ZCL. I'm hoping the BTCP fork treats me well enough to at least get to 5k ICX. Barring some extreme event, I'm confident this coin will do very well. I hope it's a great year for us all!

>> No.6110989

Ah Yh I swapped my xmr for 340 ZCL I just hope BTCP actually takes off, which I think it will as privacy is a big crypto buzzword

>> No.6111053
File: 235 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180108-200701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1 million when?

>> No.6111067

it will eclipse that within 4 weeks.

>> No.6111090


dump your stinky linkies for more req and you have the official chad portfolio

>> No.6111128
File: 90 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180108-210900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recovering nicely

>> No.6111209

Nah. This is the holy trinity. All three are needed for lamboland.

>> No.6111236

Very nice anon, I'm jealous.
Lamboland you go before summer

>> No.6111299

That's a hell of a nice ZCL stack senpai. Hard to say how BTCP will do. Could just end up like BTG. But I do think the privacy aspect and the Bitcoin name, if not immediately, will help it get to at least $1500 in the coming months. God knows what ZCL will hit pre-fork, I'm considering offloading up to 10 if the price reaches $800-$1k, just as a bit of fork fail insurance.

>> No.6111474

Anybody else got AION too? They usually mimic each other. Also waiting for WAN to come out.

>> No.6111582

the holy trinity

sucks that I missed the WAN ICO

>> No.6112117

Yeah, WAN is a buy too

>> No.6112206

Everyone aware of this?
Seems there will be another 400M coins after the mainnet launch which makes the total supply 800M

>> No.6112267


>> No.6112283

Nothing new here. It's my understanding that they are minting 400M ICX coins to exchange for the erc20 shittokens everyone is holding now. Anyone know if this is accurate?

>> No.6112321

It was on their white paper. They can’t release 400mil coins all at once. They’ll release them slowly over time. Little to no immediate effect on the price.

>> No.6112392


>> No.6112435

So it seems. I've read somewhere they can release 20% annually. Any idea if this is true?

By the way I'm not trying to spread FUD, I'm a bag holder myself and not selling anytime soon.

>> No.6112450


This guy gets it, buy Aion. We'll not shill Wan for now mate. I want it relatively cheap.

>> No.6112565

Yes, 20% spread out over the year. So probably around 6.5 million a month on average.

>> No.6112946

I swear it feels like this thing is going to explode any second now.

>> No.6113157

I’m patiently waiting. I’m sure that it will within 10 hours.

>> No.6113160

oh shit is it happening?

>> No.6113165

I hope it doesn't. I like the steady growth. Huge spikes cause huge dumps. I just want it to grow like this forever.

>> No.6113360
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Even money skeleton is hungry for ICX!

>> No.6113402
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>> No.6113415

Spread this image far and wide, let the normies see it kek

>> No.6113590


>> No.6113679

keep it down, faggot, this is a /comfy/ thread

>> No.6113826
File: 120 KB, 960x649, Toss-Team-1200x811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me spread it , mah nig. we gonna make it !

>> No.6113832

>up 9.5% in 24 hours when everything else is red
Literal nigger.

>> No.6113933

Its chinaman turn to wake up and dump their BTC

Should i jump in ICX?

Seems like its up 500% already, but looking solid. At least it moves, unlike fucking XLM

>> No.6114002

>Should i jump in ICX?
mainnet is not even released yet
check the roadmap
expansion to other korean universities and hospitals later this year

>> No.6114119

Bought in at 5 and 6 USD. Only have 254 icx rn. Debating on increasing my stack

>> No.6114122

Someone post the Icon Gang vocaroo

>> No.6114493

wait for next dip and fucking get in there

in what scenario does ICX get listed on major Korean exchanges and not 3x?

>> No.6114531

what dip

>> No.6114658

We are in the dip.

>> No.6114780


BTC gonna double bottom today my niggas

>> No.6114824

>bought in at 1300 sats
>sold at 2500


>> No.6115036

ICX/VEN here. We are neighbors in comfyland.

>> No.6115125
File: 38 KB, 450x450, FUNFAIRKING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy neighbors, ICX/FUN reporting in.

>> No.6115229

comfy stack of 1400 GO GO GO

>> No.6115284
File: 192 KB, 790x700, 1513940535098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold my XRB for ICX during yesterday's moon
>bought literally ATH

>> No.6115303

Got myself a warm blanket of ICX/NEBL/ETH, feeling so damn comfy

>> No.6115340

ICX goes up when BTC drops. The last big BTC drop ICX went up like 60%.

>> No.6115389

New ATH within 9 hours. Stop worrying.

>> No.6115491

i hope so..
i also hope xrb doesn't moon without me since it's getting extremely bullish
these 2 are definitely my top coins for 2018

>> No.6115704

Relax dude. 20$ by EOM. Easy money to be honest...