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File: 4 KB, 200x200, request-network.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6103999 No.6103999 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, for fuck sake, check the charts.

>> No.6104060

1.5k reporting in!

>> No.6104143


good boy

>> No.6104222
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76.15 reporting in !! Want to buy more but im a young man who doesn't have much but ima do what i got to do, trinkle alittrle her an der

>> No.6104228
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>32 reporting in

>> No.6104314

is it worth buying right now or am i too late?

>> No.6104340

everything below $10 is a steal, get in anon

>> No.6104391

how much you think this will go EOY and 2019 if you have a prediction

>> No.6104394


dude, I have like 8k. Jealous of your bags really

>> No.6104437

Look at the supply anon and now look at the price, now look at the supply and look on the marcet cap

What do you see?
I easy 2$ and 10$ by EOY

>> No.6104448

48K reporting in. Will not sell, will hold to the last marine!

>> No.6104456

185k and NEVER SELLING... let's do this boys

>> No.6104468

$5 EOY and thats being conservative with my estimates

>> No.6104471

fuck if I know man, I'm just here shilling around, all I know is this is a comfy as fuck hold

>> No.6104497

Lol man its all good its all fun

>> No.6104519

whale anon was here earlier today and predicted this pump, jump in - we are heading to a new ath!

>> No.6104568

got a screencap of that?

>> No.6104729

Just bought some REQ so we're going nowhere for a while

>> No.6104782


Try $50 EOY

>> No.6104870

For fucks sake. Couldnt you at least wait for 95 to fomo in?

>> No.6104903

here is the whole thread: >>6076551

>> No.6104930


>tfw waiting for LTC to process confirmations


>> No.6104996
File: 18 KB, 225x225, F84A3A1F-2A1F-4204-B0B6-12854120070F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best hold ever. Never selling

>> No.6105105

Hahaha picked up more at 75 cents who got some nice REQ on sale

>> No.6105165

Ye you can dream about 100$ and then sell after month

>> No.6105206

5k REQPorting

>> No.6105565


>> No.6105579


>> No.6105603

>Buys in
Fuck my life

>> No.6105604


>> No.6105634

1.6k reporting in since .10 cents, wish I had bought more kek

>> No.6105637
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ehhhm guys

>> No.6105672


1.5 reqmarine reporting in. Iron hands intact. Ready for battle on the next dip fiat loaded successfully

>> No.6105679


>> No.6105747

this shit could go back to 10 cents and I wouldn't sell
>because I"d still be in profit /spoiler

>> No.6105774

I hold just over 400k req. $10 would end my wage slavery forever.

>> No.6105777

im in guys holding all year and next

>> No.6105850


>> No.6105871


just 130k here. 10 bucks would do the same for me tho because of the rest of my portfolio. let's pray they deliver.

>> No.6105902
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Held since £0.03 per token, prick!

>> No.6105903

I want to suck all those green candles

>> No.6105922

bro youre set youre already rich, just wait

>> No.6105934

ok fuck it I'm HODLing this hard, not even going to look at binance
wish us all luck anons

>> No.6105938

Holy fuck can this fucking coin not just go to $5-$10 immediately.

This should be easily taking some of OMG and Populous marketcap reee.

>> No.6106020

It will, don't worry

>> No.6106026

you guys are beautiful. I think everyone of you hodl right through that dip. req was steady.

>> No.6106045

Bought the dip
Already up $5k

>> No.6106076


thought the same... REQ marines are true legion

>> No.6106085

Thx anon. Picked it up at $0.06. Now its abut 45% of my stack. Knew a few guys that did a YC start up (cool concept in the wine industry) and their companies come out of the incubator very strong. All its going to take is 1-2 big corporate partnerships (uber/ebay or something like that) to get this thing in the 3-5 billion mcap range.

>> No.6106154
File: 717 KB, 1242x2208, 520D9879-86C7-4846-B631-A172738496A3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hope REQ does something. I need some good news today.

>> No.6106184

aaaah feeling /comfy to see all those greens

shill it to other threads anons should know about these gains before normies get in

>> No.6106215
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This, you're just playing yourself selling now

>> No.6106854
File: 70 KB, 1607x426, 1514971993048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the pasta.

REQ is currently working on adding ERC20 tokens and Bitcoin support. Fiat is after that.

The point of Request Network is that you can demand payment in whatever you want (for example USD). And the payer can pay in whatever they want (crypto,erc20,other fiat) and through 0x and kyber they will get exchanged in real time with the lowest fees possible (an order of magnitude lower than the exchange rates of credit cards).

>I'm selling my anal virginity on Ebay
>It's priced in USD, but Ebay has embedded the REQ payment system
>You get to pay with cryptos, ERC20 or fiat, and no matter what you pay with, I still receive USD as requested.

Put simply, REQ tokens are what fuels the network. The REQ tokens are not currency.
Buyers and merchants will never interact with the tokens at all. They will simply use the payment system and experience it as an instant purchase/currency swap.

Aside from its intended usage, which is what everyone is basing their valuation estimates on, it will tap directly into a $750 billion crypto-market in which it's currently hard to cash out of, and expensive to buy into.

And as for competition, YCombinator, which has a high stake in Coinbase, also have a high stake in REQ. Since REQ's very functionality will pose a threat to Coinbase's entire business model, it is only logical to assume that REQ will eventually be implemented in Coinbase to ensure that both platforms survive and thrive. Owners never let one business kill the other when it is perfectly logical to merge the two.

See picture. If REQ handles just 0.1% of the global transactions, it means $5B worth of DAILY transactions. And $912M worth of REQ being burnt annually, which increases the price of remaining REQ. With a 10% marketshare, that number increases to $500B of DAILY transactions, and $91.3B worth of REQ being burnt annually.

READ THIS REPORT: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/6f7ca2_96ffee2e91f14af3bbbcecdbc7aee3b1.pdf

>> No.6106888

so little of this gem

you don't deserve these REQ gains

>> No.6106959

>I need some good news today.

what a faggot. Just hold, everything will bounce back even stronger than before you fucking fuck.

>> No.6106987
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I mean you have like 150 of them, what are you expecting even if it moons?

>> No.6107006


I keep forgetting about the YC shit, that alone will make this fucking huge. Fuck I need more.

>> No.6107020

Yes, down with the jewbase. Really wish this will work.

>> No.6107274

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6107453

1k reqqer since 33cents here, waiting for it to hit 2usd so i can finally ditch this

>> No.6107590


meanwhile mr. moneybags has 1500 whole REQ. WOWEEE u r soooo gonna make it when REQ hits 2 dollars. Thats like... 3k!!

>> No.6107606
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Any announcements/new exchanges coming up for REQ? I'm fucking done with trying to rationalize and analyzing the market. I'm only looking for hype and fomo pumps

>> No.6107701

kek 1500 req. go back to school, child

>> No.6107765

Ebay won’t happen. PayPal owns eBay. But I would take Amazon.

>> No.6107797

Then i will do it again on a dif coin and repeate. Gotta start somewhere

>> No.6108125

>Selling REQ before mainstream adoption

Never going to make it.

>> No.6108412

I've got $1k to invest, is it even worth it?

>> No.6108512

> t. 1k in REQ

>> No.6108700
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Poor man here with 5.

>> No.6108772


>> No.6108796


Check it tommorow. 1$ is ours for sure

>> No.6108834

If you want 10k by the year's end, then sure

>> No.6108933

be late? tmr this time it will still be .60 cents

>> No.6108990

holy shit guys we have a whale here

>> No.6109062

I came just reading this.

>> No.6109149
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>> No.6109247

>tfw held all the way down like a retard instead of selling at 115k and rebuying at 80k

>> No.6109435


>> No.6109466

Trips confirm the bullish flag pennant

>> No.6109562



>also most of the IDs are green

>> No.6109564

I sold some of my FUNbags at a pretty shitty price (still a profit for me) to buy 500 of these. Good or bad?

>> No.6109607


the best choice you hade made for this week