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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6097012 No.6097012 [Reply] [Original]



"A company that will disrupt google and Facebook"

Get comfy BATbros

>> No.6097062

all strapped in and ready to be taken to the moon by Megamind

>> No.6097083

Actually, it's better to watch from 08:45

This chode explains EXACTLY why BAT is needed and will be a force

>> No.6097218

Comfy af BATman reporting in

>> No.6097278

May our alien leader send us to his home world

>> No.6097301
File: 64 KB, 825x564, batnextlevel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the media attention. Just wait for Eich to start announcing partnerships.
You remember what happened when Enterprise Ethereum Alliance started being announced? Don't you anon?

>> No.6097475

Set a minimum amount of BAT to hold at all times. Because of imminent announcements. Mine is 8k.
Fucking hell. hopefully, this doesn't blow up when I hold a measly 8k.

>> No.6097480

Listening to them talk about crypto is fucking painful. It's clear they have no idea wtf any of it means

>> No.6097514

Feels good to be in it before everyone else, doesn't it. It's only a matter of time before wall street will want their hands on BAT just like they did with Ethereum.

>> No.6097639

BATman checking in, put another two eth in today, will continue accumulating going forward

>> No.6097685

so i can tip youtubers with this? what if said youtuber doesnt even know what bat is. does he get a message or notification or something?

to me thats the killer feature here, that you can tip people on youtube... wait... does said youtuber also have to have the brave browser installed? is that how it works?

you're not just answering these questions for me but for anyone else that might be interested. and you are trying to boost the popularity of this coin enough that it increases the value of your own holdings so answering these questions would be in your best shill interest. fucking shills

>> No.6097743
File: 45 KB, 811x361, batcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart money has done the research, shill threads for the noobies have been made. If you didn't bother to pay attention, you're going to get left behind.

I am adding another 20 or so Eth today as well.

>> No.6097746

>You can tip youtubers
Bro the youtubers are gonna tip us. When this gets even the tiniest bit of traction with the big player, we'll be laughing.

>> No.6097806

Also holding a measly 8k. Oh well when this is $50 a token that’s $400k.

>> No.6097843

yeah yeah buddy, every shill says the same shit and there are shills for every coin. hundreds of coins shilled here. they all say exactly the same shit but some of the coins are good. you know how many hours a day i spend reading about coins that are shilled to me? too many. cut me some fucking slack shillhead. can we talk about this coin or are you just going to fucking shill at me?

>> No.6097973

Holding 1k. Need to get more before $1

>> No.6097976

shilling me softly with his BAT

>> No.6098004
File: 132 KB, 959x533, batmeme21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the whitepaper you dumb faggot.

Here is a summarized version.

I bet your adhd portfolio is at like $2k. You're never gonna make it with that attitude.

>> No.6098011

Faarrrk. Bat looks to break upwards also right now. How much time do I have, I need my ZCL to hit 0.013 first

>> No.6098017

>I would say 90% of the people that are investing in crypto in any form are probably nowhere near a transaction in crypto
Fucking kek'd. The news is a joke.

>> No.6098062


>> No.6098367
File: 260 KB, 1632x1188, Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 14.35.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you can tip youtubers with this. in the current setup, tips are paid out in aggregate once per month
pic related is my most recent BAT contribution statement

>> No.6098493


If you are a youtuber. Go there. Register and claim your BAT to USD.

>> No.6098557

Hello fellow BATlet.

>> No.6098580

the youtuber doesn't need brave installed
brave (the company) automagically sets up a wallet for any youtube channel / website that a brave user donates to
the channel/site owners can then claim those wallet at a later point by proving that they are in control of their respective sites

it's really nifty how brave will accumulate their BAT until they learn about it and then when they show up to check it out, there might already be a bunch of it waiting in their wallet :)

also I believe that emails go out to people when wallets are automatically created though i imagine that those emails often go unnoticed, since they would have to be based on publicly available email addresses

>> No.6098921

If BAT is a guarentee and you want to accumulate, why are you sharing with /biz/?

Ive seen more BAT threads than bazinga this week.

>> No.6098967

Some people actually want to see this board succeed. I was shilled eth at $10 here last February and it changed my life forever.There was at least 30 eth threads a day at that time too.

>> No.6098985

>shilling on biz
oh no 50 neets and 100 pajeets who are too dumb to buy BAT will affect muh market volume

>> No.6098998
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 50B26832-C77D-4F07-9E68-A9792C40DF2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know about OP but I really want BAT to succeed. The web has become a retarded shitshow due to ads and this feels like a legit chance at turning things back in a good direction.

>> No.6099056

Ok, but why would people want to tip in a currency that could go up in value in the future?

>> No.6099061

Finally people talking about this. I'm all in.
When do we moon?

>> No.6099105

If you are holding any currency that has no chance of going up in value, you should probably exchange it for something else :)

>> No.6099131


Currently all in with 4.1k Bats

Please take me to used Honda 2010+ land

>2004 Toyota with 281k miles
>130k student debt
>boy needs a new car but will hold/walk to work until next winter if I have to

>> No.6099203

No I mean why would people tip using bat if it might go up 10-20x like people in this thread are saying.

Sort of like that meme where that guy buys a pizza for a fuckton of Bitcoin some years ago.

>> No.6099209

Enjoy your future $200k this time next year.

>> No.6099214

>boy needs a new car but will hold/walk to work until next winter if I have to
That's the spirit. I truly believe you will make it, bro

>> No.6099216
File: 378 KB, 548x640, BATT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets go boys

>> No.6099229

April/May 2018.

>> No.6099258

Why don't you spend all your fiat right now if you know it's gonna down in value in the future?

>> No.6099270
File: 53 KB, 600x450, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this date arbitrary? Or...?

>> No.6099290

Because it's more effective to hodl crypto, duh.

>> No.6099310

fucking pajeets

>> No.6099376

people will shill for its adoption with the understanding that circulating bat around will increase its value.

have a stock pile and a less than 5% pile. one that you will receive for watching ads, circulate those little bits around.

all those youtubers who will collect it, the entire ecosystem in fact has an interest in seeing it go up. it will happen, the incentives are there

>> No.6099392

They will adjust accordingly. I am hoarding BAT but have still allocated about 5% of it to be spread around. Mofe than happy to spend it because one I actually like a lot of content creators and want to support them and two the more BAT moving around the more likely it is to go mainstream and go up in value

>> No.6099393


>> No.6099418
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>> No.6099440

I like you

>> No.6099483
File: 89 KB, 800x545, Batcave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The train's leaving the station breh

>> No.6099774

Some true memes for noobs
>BAT was created by the dude who invented Javascript in 10 days
>The same guy co-founded Mozzila and Firefox
>It has advisers/angel investors who previously worked for Microsoft and Coinbase, Facebook, and Google
>They have a PhD from UC Irvine and a dude who used to edit the Wall Street Journal
>The tech is actually good (read the white paper)

>> No.6099918

How much will I make by 2020 with 1700 BAT lads?

>> No.6100035

or even EOY

>> No.6100065

The USD is the wrong part of the map to look at.

>> No.6100256

>enormous sell wall
>price still dropping like a stone

what am I doing still holding these, guys, give me the BAT pill and tell me how long I need to wait to catch a break with this nonsense coin

>> No.6100367

>nonsense coin
just get out anon. if you don't see the insane value here, you're never going to make it

>> No.6100388

Sell me your bags faggot

>> No.6100404


Only have 10k BAT. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.6100467

I was in bat before any of you fags were in it

>> No.6100469
File: 121 KB, 1064x783, Screenshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> BAT mentioned on CNBC

Yeah, I can tell.

>> No.6100575

>bots react to USD/BTC price movement and dump alts across the board
yes, you noticed it, good job!

>> No.6101047

Why would people want to tip money that they could've put into a currency that could go up in value in the future? Same thing


>> No.6101169

Really enjoying my 10k BAT right now, getting JUSTed right now.

>> No.6101337

Why is this shit fucking tanking? I’m getting JUSTd so hard!


>> No.6101827

everything is