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608164 No.608164 [Reply] [Original]

I want to become a professional poker player. Where should I start training?

>> No.608169

by playing, bring some money I will teach you.

>> No.608308

Play in asia. Wager your body parts.

>> No.608311


You and 50,000 other people.

have fun.

>> No.608314


As opposed to the 750,000,000 other people who want to become Stock tycoons?

>> No.608317

Stocks aren't zero-sum. One person winning doesn't mean someone else has to lose.

Poker is less than zero-sum. You have to beat the other players and you have to beat them bad enough that you make up for what the house takes in rake.

An oft-quoted stat is 92% of poker players are losing money in the long run.

So having poker as your main source of income means you have to be better than 99% of all other players. You don't have to even be better than 25% of stock pickers to make money in a bull market (like the one that has existed for the last 4 years)

>> No.608324

First you're about 8years late, second It's quiet easy to test the water... Cash in 25$ on pokerstars, play the 1/2 cent tables if you make at least 10-15bb profit/100 hands in nl hold em full/six max, and Omaha over 100k hands each and are comfortable to play at least at six tables simultaniosly you can keep chasing. if you can't do that don't waste your.time and money.

You can start learning at twoplustwo, pokerstrategy or even from the pokerstars poker academy....

>> No.608361

they have free rolls every 3 hours for real money. You learn how to play.

Sealswithclubs.eu is another highly recommended poker site.

>> No.608365
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Youre playing agaisnt 6 people, so the earnings are 6×.
That means that out of 6 games you have to win just two to make a profit.
You should start by betting $150, $25 for each game.

>> No.608382



Gambling is pure chance, with some skillful selection.

Stocks are slight chance, with some skillful selection. Also stocks are an investment in something real, something physical, not a winning numerical combination.

>> No.608385


but in all seriousness.

if you really want to play: start playing in local bars about 2x a week, till you get good enough that you can take 1st nearly every time. then move up to regional shit, so on and so forth.

>> No.608395

Not OP but for the next year I have no rent/bills and not job (aside from so unreliable private tutoring).

Is they any form of gambling I could get into and make a decent amount of money off? Whether this is betting on sports or races or something like card games I don't mind, but I'm happy to devote time and effort to researching anything necessary to do this.

What would be the best place to start/dive into? Math and problem solving/logic puzzles are no obstical for me. I'm not looking to become a millionaire, just make enough money over the years as full/part time job but I'm happy to put in a lot of effort.

I have no interest in stocks

>> No.608401


Just go to the bathroom and practice saying "check" with as little emotion as possible.

That's literally all you can do because the game is pure luck and the overwhelming majority, almost to the point where you could say "everyone", loses money doing this.

>> No.608404

If you go for it, learn to deal with TILT. I have thrown away more money due to tilt than bad variance. The only thing you can control at the tables, is how you play and react to what you experience there.

>> No.608408

if you can guess three teams winning in a row in sports you can win as much money as winning one game of poker.

>> No.608419

Good luck brotha. Anyone can become a pro poker player if they have a steady job to support their habit until they start grinding out real money.

>> No.608458

I was pretty good with the NFL 2 years ago but that's wrapping up.

I was wondering which sports would be better to bet on than others, I heard dog races and baseball is quite constant, what about soccer or rugby or racing?

>> No.608469

Become a dealer at a casino.

>> No.608479

>You and 50,000 other people.
Can be said for anything.

Then again, OP is dumb if he is on /biz/ and chooses to play Poker instead of stocks, index funds, options, futures or Forex

>> No.608501

Soccer is pretty consistent. However, Racing of any kind is incredibly inconsistent due to the large fields you have to deal with.

The best sports to bet on are where you have a large enough sample size to make an informed decision. Hockey, Baseball and Basketball would meet those criteria. I don't know about Rugby.

>> No.608519

I heard something about dog racing in particular was a smart option, I can't remember exactly what though

>> No.608676

this is great advice. if you can't safely beat the penny tables then you're going to get your ass handed to you in bigger games. though i would personally start at .05/.10 for $200, that gives you 20 buy-ins for that level which is enough. the experience should also give you an idea of the patience and commitment and discipline required to really make a living from playing this game. many just aren't cut out for it, for many good reasons.

>> No.608695

poker is a game of skill not chance. you can lose here and there but if the odds are in your favor you will win in the long run. this is what separates poker from true gambling like the lottery.

>> No.608716


>you can lose here and there but if the odds are in your favor you will win in the long run

IF? Care to clarify how poker ends up in your favor and what the OP needs to look for or do to end up in this scenario so as to actually make money. Otherwise he/she is just being led on about their chances of winning.

>> No.608728

Lookup "poker table image", "poker playstyle", "poker hand probability", and "poker bluff" to start with. A good player will always end up bankrupting an entire table of average players even when all their hands are awful, by the way.

>> No.608730

Also making money with online poker is difficult. You typically have to play about 5 tables simultaneously 8 hours a day to really make dosh. Physically playing is more money but is a bit more complex because you have to hide your tells and read that of your opponents (so you have an extra psychological layer on top of the online version's).

>> No.608741

This. I can win online consistently but it is a hell of a grind. I prefer in person because there are a lot of factors you can miss when playing with someone online.

For example: I was sitting at a NLHE table last week and the guy playing next to me was really fidgety, otherwise his playstyle was normal. About 10 minutes after he sits down his wife shows up and asks when they are going to leave because she lost all her money on slots. He says "soon". Taking this information to my advantage I kept running straddles on his blinds. Eventually we got into a heads up situation where I forced an AI and took all his money. When people feel rushed or pressured it is a good chance they are going to settle with non-premium hands just to get action.

Now if that was an online game? I wouldn't have had that extra information. I doubt people really like me much in physical games because I'm the one with the hat, sunglasses and earbuds. If you can hide your expressions well and dont have any nervous tics you can have a slight advantage over people that are easily read.

>> No.608765

buy some books from two plus two

give it a shot with money you can afford to lose

once you've played a few hundred thousands hands and are making money then you might be able to attribute some of that to skill

should that skill be sufficient to earn you enough money to make a living from the game then you can become a professional

mostly it would be a waste of time - typical professional won't make much money and will have some horrible bankroll swings

better to just play casually... unless you're still young and live with parents etc...

>> No.608771

>That's literally all you can do because the game is pure luck and the overwhelming majority, almost to the point where you could say "everyone", loses money doing this.
If you are a retard and only play in casinos, sure. As soon as you play hundreds of thousands of hands at low stakes and multiple tables simultenously, you will eventually earn money (if you are good enough at it, as it requires good skills in arithmetic and probabilities).

>> No.608773

>Physically playing is more money but is a bit more complex because you have to hide your tells and read that of your opponents (so you have an extra psychological layer on top of the online version's).
It doesn't work like that, people don't have "tells" IRL and thus playing IRL is a game of almost 100% chance.

You need to play lots of hands to even out the losses (which are inevitable) if you want to earn money by playing poker.

>> No.608785

You have never played poker in real life. Not even once. You are thus kindly invited to shut your fucking anus as it keeps leaking words out in the open.

>> No.608789

>You have never played poker in real life. Not even once.
Actually true, but I do know math, and thus know that you are a retard if you believe playing IRL is beneficial in the long run (sponsored players don't count).

>> No.608802

>I have no idea whatsoever about what I'm talking about but since I haven't graduated middle school yet that means I'm an expert on rocket engineering even though I already admitted I don't know what rocket engineering means
/biz/ in a nutshell.

>> No.608804

>people dont have "tells" IRL
What? Everyone has tells, even the pros. The hard part is being able to pick up on them and interpret them correctly. Obviously it is easier to read an amateur than someone who has more experience. Ive sat down at house games before where it didnt even really matter what cards I had, thats how predictable the people I was playing with were.

Math and probabilities is a big part of poker and if you understand them better than the person you are playing with you can gain an edge, but the best poker players are the ones that are also able to play the player. Understanding probabilities is just a fundamental at high levels of play. Every good player can calculate the odds.

To say that you cant win money off of bad players if you yourself are not a bad player is ignorant.

>> No.608824
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well there isnt that much math involved really.
Just memorise the probabilities.
Unless there is something im missing.

>> No.608842

>I doubt people really like me much in physical games because I'm the one with the hat, sunglasses and earbuds.
I don't even play poker, but I hate these faggots in poker tournaments or whatever I watch.

I should start a business;
>Are you a professional poker player?
>Do you want to increase your chance of winning?
>Do you suck dicks?
>Then, I've got the perfect product for you - introducing the poker balaclava, and for those with an even greater need to hide their lack of control of themselves, the poker burqa!
>With one of these two professional looking Faggot Face Hiders (TM), you too can become a pro, today.
>All this for $249.95, but wait, there's more!
>If you order within the hour, you get a professional chasitity belt for males, guaranteed to hide any erection you might get from looking at your fellow poker players, like the homo you are.
>So don't hesitate, order now. Become professional today.

>> No.608846

Learn programming and statistics.


>> No.608857

Protip: hats and glasses are regulated in professional games. Glasses may not be opaque enough to make it impossible for someone to see your pupils, and the mouth, ears, nose and chin may not be covered.

>> No.608858

That's more bullshit journalism like the bullshit about the turing test being passed and other complete hogwash for the masses.

>> No.608860

>implying poker is just all inning preflop

>> No.608921

Not much math but you have to be able to count the number of outs and then figure out pot odds.

Yea a lot of people loathe you for wearing hat, sunglasses and earbuds and it makes you look like a douche but I do it because I think peoples attention is less on you and more on other people if they think its harder to get a read off of you. Its all about perception.

Yea I think its pretty fair. I use every advantage I can get because I play regularly enough.