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6076950 No.6076950 [Reply] [Original]

bounty0x is here and its here to stay. with the schweet gains ive been seeing for a week to the nice sized flex ive been following tonight, i think now is the time to sell all your fucking DBC and hop on the bounty train.

its not even on binance yet but when it hits its gonna skyrocket. fast transactions, decentralized, and most importantly MAJOR GAINZ.

hop on now before the big moon and join me on my quest to become iron man or at least have the suit

>> No.6077191

choo choo

>> No.6077325

bounty0x is sooo underrated. 4x moon at the least.

>> No.6077351
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>> No.6077376

this is my first time hearing about this coin

omg i am putting money in now

>> No.6077424

holding till at least binance. this will be the huge gainer of the year when it gets some exposure

>> No.6077499

New Bounty Mission: Shill this to DataDash and other youtubers so they can start making sick gains too.

>> No.6077526
File: 21 KB, 420x315, judy0201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling on bounty hunters. Why not trade up?

>> No.6077565

Honestly both DBC and this are going to make a killing.

>> No.6077590

nigga why not hop in now? only a matter of time before it hits binance, esp w the growth its seeing now

>> No.6077696

good idea, we'll get some whales involved and then it'll really take off

>> No.6077789
File: 617 KB, 360x288, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying more later this week when I get paid. This shit is going to blow up. Hope it has a dip around wednesday

>> No.6077849

Nooooo, reeeeee. Wait until I get paid next week you quadruple-nigger!

>> No.6077931

I think you're being sarcastic, but for point of reference.

PRL Before: 60 cents

>> No.6078113

>this is my first time hearing about this coin
There hasn't been a moment where there wasn't four BNTY threads at a time on this board for two weeks. Where have you been?

>> No.6078212

watching this moon has been comfy AF buy more you reatards cant wait til $6/BNTY I will put out a bounty for the next fappening leak

>> No.6078574

16k bounty comfy bought at 17 cents

>> No.6078583

I am thinking more like 20-40x gainz. Ok, but 10x would be good enough.


>> No.6078690

anon 40x gains would put me at more money than i have ever made in my entire life. stop fucking with my emotions like that

>> No.6079255
File: 248 KB, 1914x745, 1515379619755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where tf do i get this coin, if it aint on binance yet what exchanges have it?

>> No.6079480


>> No.6079610
File: 129 KB, 1406x591, MQNU6Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my, what's going on right now?

>> No.6079651

God has smiled upon us.

>> No.6079687

Most Certainly!

>> No.6079692

Use this ref code when you register then spread your own

>> No.6079767


>> No.6079858
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1514405767853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't no dipping here, unless its the tobaccy kind.


>> No.6079924

LOL fucking love that pic!!

>> No.6080504


>> No.6080562

did't you just say you wanted to buy the dip?

>> No.6080708

Ffs, it's going to blast past $1 before sunrise.

>> No.6080811


>> No.6081510

this was my first "moon" almost 2 weeks ago. i pulled it out and went into DBC. still in DBC but can't believe i missed those bounty gains. gonna put half my investment in bounty right now.

>> No.6081591


50/50 DBC/BNTY has been sexy lately. Anyone recommend a ditch and switch for another on either of these soon? I'm terrified.

>> No.6081658

Put in $2000 at $.05 and sold at $.23 because it wasn't moving for 4 days. Fuck me in the ass I hate myself. Now my money is in VEN and I'm too much of a pussy to move it back to BNTY.

>> No.6081741

When do we get flags MODS? This thread reaks of pajeets

>> No.6081767

it was at .05 for a day annon, how stupid can you be

>> No.6081777

Stay salty NO-BOUNTY

>> No.6081824

>know that pic
such a good game, they need to make another one

>> No.6081833

Possibly CRED, PFR and maybe CanYa before it's listed although the current price on ED is a tad high IMO

>> No.6081880

why not just buy the game rights after bounty hits $10 and make it yourself?

>> No.6081972

I was in at .10 feels good man.

>> No.6081986
File: 343 KB, 608x512, IrpWhOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climbing still. Get in now pajeets

>> No.6082009


cred looks gucci. gvt looks good too. too many fucking choices.

>> No.6082192

how long did you plan on holding BNTY for, and how long now? i bought before the last mini moon and only held half of what i had

>> No.6082214


>> No.6082265

it has a crazy low market cap with tons of room to grow

>> No.6082286

0.17 still feels good.

But was one of my first consciously speculative “fuck it” buys so I only bought 2500 :-/

>> No.6082307


Got all in 13 cent then left at 24 cents (huge fucking mistake), then I fomoed back 50% in at 70 cents. Not smart, but lucky as shit it's shooting up past ath I got in at.

>> No.6082309

How high do you think it will climb within two days? I want to get more.

>> No.6082324

bounty is a long hodl, dont sell.

>> No.6082389

Shoo shoo poo in the loo

>> No.6082431

I got most of my stack at .22 and I just don't see myself selling until at least $5.

>> No.6082652

big sell wall at .00077 on kucoin, think we push through it or will the whales make us wait?

>> No.6082687

So fucking glad I held. I wished I put in more than $100 at .16

>> No.6082736