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File: 139 KB, 917x871, 7BB9DCB2-FAED-4C5A-891C-6D989352FFA5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6074188 No.6074188 [Reply] [Original]

Lost a crypto friend today. Guy made $75k on a $200 investment in the course of about four months. Then he gambled it all away in two days. I’ve put in $600 so far and have only made $9000. He got me into crypto. Super sad to see this smart dude ruin himself. We would chat all day about crypto. It was nice having him to talk to. I feel alone now, like a forever unconfirmed bitcoin transaction.

>> No.6074269

Why did you lose him did he also kill himself

>> No.6074408

No but after he told me his story he said he’s done for Good and wished me good luck. He blocked me on social media and won’t return my texts. We don’t know each other in person.

>> No.6074412
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>> No.6074472

>Then he gambled it all away in two days
He deserved to lose it all. Don't feel bad.

>> No.6074532

what did he gamble on? other shitcoins or actually casino gambling

>> No.6074535

He’s admitted his fear to me before. He previously had a gambling addiction that took years to get over. As soon as he found crypto gambling sites it was all downhill.

>> No.6074581

Feels bad man

>> No.6074598

Actual gambling. Blackjack I think.

>> No.6074632

On the bright side, very bullish for FUN

>> No.6074646

i have this friend on crypto... i don't know if i influenced him on buying crypto, but i had bought way before him... nowadays he's in his path to become a multi-millionaire with XRB and i've lost almost all my money. i'm happy for him.

>> No.6074659
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>> No.6074728

haha what a retarded gambler. get lucky on crypto and thinks he can win it big again.

>> No.6074827
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>> No.6074834

he's driving lambos in the sky now

>> No.6074957

imagine ever wanting to gamble 1.0 ever again after crypto. That's like being married to a nympho perfect 10/10, and then go slumming after dark for a crackhead 2/10.

>> No.6074970

LMAO. That’s sad though.

>> No.6075003

I remember i lost 10k trumpcoins on yobit dice. Never gambled again.

>> No.6075033

Yeah. He has an addiction. Put in like 2btc, lost it. Doubled down to try and win it back, lost that. Threw in his last few thousand in a desperate attempt to scrape back something, lost that.

>> No.6075082

what the fuck did he buy that netted him 75k off a 200 dollar investment? holy fucking shit thats insane in the membrane.

>> No.6075161

Man, this market in itself is like a casino game but a lot funner. Why would someone revert to that pleb shit

>> No.6075162


>> No.6075189

he forgot that martingale only works with infinite funds.

>> No.6075193

Toss it all in FUN then sit back

>> No.6075202
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>> No.6075207
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this man, this

>> No.6075271

kek going all in in a cryptopia shitcoin has better odds making it all back and 10x it too form other fomo reteards.

>> No.6075273

FUN always wins

>> No.6075293


>> No.6075313

Why didn't he divided his portfolio in fucking 10 parts and put each one on low marketcap shitcoins?
I assure you that with this bullmarket he would have probably made a lot of money, or at least some.
It's basically the same as gambling but with much more probabilities to win.
Like a roulette where you have a wining probability of 70%+.

>> No.6075323

He was a day trader mostly. I believe he started on a $200 ltc investment and traded into various moons. Basically spent 24/7 chasing moons. Was good at it too.

>> No.6075421

he'll be back dude, he's an addict. give him some time to get over his losses and he'll unblock and message you. dude just needs to come to terms with getting his shit pushed in.

>> No.6075429
File: 3 KB, 125x124, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highly underrated comment

>> No.6075514

You phrased it like he killed himself you fucking autist. Who gives a fuck that some random person you were talking to online doesn't wanna talk to your autistic ass anymore.

>> No.6075541

I hope so. Always talked about driving lambos together although I knew that realistically he was the only one who'd be able to afford one. I'm bad at this game.

>> No.6075581

you wouldn't have cared if he killed himself either. stop pretending to be upset, faggot.

>> No.6075682

Shuda waited for funfair LOLAMIRITE

>> No.6075706


>> No.6076025
File: 23 KB, 200x200, funfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a thinly veiled FUN thread?

>> No.6076088

>I'm bad at this game.
>I knew that realistically he was the only one who'd be able to afford one.
Looks like you're better than him, despite believing you're worst.

>> No.6076531

Yeah I suppose. Thanks for listening bros, it's been a rough day. Time to buckle down and reach the moon.

>> No.6076561

What was his methods? Let his legacy live on in our gains

>> No.6076643

Not a clue to be honest. He'd always tell me to jump on different coins and I hardly ever would. Sure enough, massive moon in one or two days time.

>> No.6077255


My coworker, who I got into crypto 2 months ago, is sitting on 9+ BTC. I think he started with $10-15k.

I started beginning of August and put in $8k over 2 months - right before the China fud/BCH drama began. I'm at $28k right now and mainly due to a $6.5k mini moon with XLM.

I'm glad for him but envious at times. He rode the hype trains for XVG, TRON and made like $45k back to back. I played it safe and only made 2x.

I decided to be more risky and put $3300 into XLM and it 3x'd. I'm gonna try getting in on hype early even if it's a shit coin because this market is retarded.

>> No.6077874

Any chance you want to take me under your wing and teach me like he did you? I'll be your new friend.

>> No.6078002

I'll be your charity case. I don't have any friends that know anything about crypto. Just moved to a new city after a shit last 2 years so this is kind of an exciting outlet for me.

>> No.6078353

>crypto gambling sites
Oh, actual degenerate indian casino gambling... not just going all-in on a sub-penny shitcoin on Yobit and losing. Absolutely no sympathy then.