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6072749 No.6072749 [Reply] [Original]

>watched bitcoin go from $800 average to $16,000 average in 3 years
>still refuse to buy any crypto that's more than $1 per coin
>only want to buy something cheap that I can get thousands/millions of
>"let me buy $100 worth of this shitcoin that costs $0.0001 then hope that it gets to a dollar value in a few years so I'll have a million dollars"


>> No.6072803

What you are doing is actually the correct way of crypto investments.

>> No.6072813

cuz you're mathematically illiterate

>> No.6072827
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go by marketcap dummy

>> No.6072873


There's literally no hope for you desu, stop trying.

>> No.6072901
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>> No.6072927


Is his really how you faggots are getting rich? Wtf have I been missing out on?

>> No.6072925

Your logic makes sense but any percent gains is better than none

>> No.6072953

explain how this is a better way to invest
protip: it's not

>> No.6072975

i don't see the problem with what you're doing

>> No.6072978

ofcourse this is the way to fucking do it.

$800 - $16,000? that's only like 20x gain over 3 years that's not much compared to shitcoin growth (hell if I had sold at peak I would'v made that in a month off ripple).

if something costs $0.00005 it may go up to $1 and you make huge money, if something costs $20,000 it'd need to go to $1mill and that's unbroken ground

>> No.6073133

you can make up for it right now by buying VEN and ICX and still made mad mad mad money when they run to 100 this year.

>> No.6073302

This right here is why I put .01 into a bunch of sub-10sat shitcoins, because this is exactly how the dumb money pouring in thinks.
>"Why would I pay 17k for a Bitcoin when I could put that 17k into the NEXT Bitcoin?!"
Please make me rich you fucktards.

>> No.6073353

but u have to buy BTC to buy any crypto...

>> No.6073433


Because I've been burned with this investment strategy before

Did my retarded ass invest in bitcoin, litecoin, monero or whatever else in 2014 when I first delved into crypto? Nope

I decided to hodl some damn flappycoin, fedoracoin, potcoin, colossuscoin and kittehcoin, among other shitcoins.....just because I could get millions of them for like $50 each

Yeah, some of them shits went x10 by now and I made a few hundred profit altogether but it still wasn't worth it for a long-term investment

If I had held btc I would have at least came out $15,000+ richer. But I thought "man that shit is $800 each and is too mainstream; that won't go much higher in the future"

>> No.6073437

go all in on ethereum now and you'll experience the BTC ride again

>> No.6073442

I agree with previous anons this is the fruitful way to invest in crypto right now

>> No.6073472

That or ETH. Go to Coinbase, get some ETH, send it to coinexchange.io and go all in on MGT. Thank me later.

>> No.6073484

Or eth or LTC

>> No.6073625
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Nigger what? Looking at marketcap is one of the easiest ways to gauge whether or not a coin has room for immense growth. I'm not sure if you're a normie or a pajeet but that is such an incorrect way of thinking.

>> No.6073649

what do you like better ETH or LTC? also should i trade my BTC for ETH or keep it?

>> No.6073756


If you saw a coin with a marketcap of 2 TRILLION, do you really think it could 10x?

You understand how supply and demand work, right anon?

>> No.6073787

Is ETH safe to buy even at current price? Feels bad missing out on ETH when I could've bought it for $100-200

>> No.6073989

t. XRP and TRX brainlet

>> No.6074010
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You still have a chance with BBT anon

>> No.6074186

so i guess the best way for you is just find cheap coins and put money on them regardless of their mktcap ? damn u dumb

>> No.6074331

Because youre a <100 iq who can’t into market cap and relative value.

>> No.6074330

>Is ETH safe to buy even at current price? Feels bad missing out on ETH when I could've bought it for $100-200

See this? THIS is my way of thinking

I firmly believe ETH is the future based on what I've researched....but ETH is over $1200 now. My brain refuses to buy the 1/3 of an ETH that I can afford to get, and believe that I can make any significant profit from that

Sure it might double/triple in the short term, and I could get $800 profit for a $400 investment. But I have a hard time believing that I can get tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars profit from it long-term, so I just don't fuck with it at all

I want REAL profits, and I'm willing to wait 3 or 4 years for them. I want some shit that will cause me to go out and buy a suit, top hat, monocle and cane to walk about the town and sneer at the normie peasants....then STILL have money left over to buy a decent house and car

>> No.6074387

if u are looking for a "stable" coin to balance your portfolio or something i would say its a good choice, for gains not so much

>> No.6074399

replace dollar value with market cap. Seriously how could you watch crypto for years and not realize this?

>> No.6074467

> he doesnt understand basic finance

>> No.6074518
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are you fucking down syndromed?

>> No.6074591

eth for holding ltc for exchanging

>> No.6074654

a lot of people do this, and sadly whats retarded about this kind of thinking, is that the cheaper a coin is, the more easily suppressed and manipulated it is by whales/bots. with more expensive coins that are like $100+ per coin, whales cant manipulate it or suppress it

>> No.6074670


Well then HELP me understand, nigga


This reply leads me to believe that a coin with high marketcap is bad. Yet the top coins right now have the highest marketcaps, each with different prices and circulating supply

So how exactly do I use marketcap to tell a good long-term hodl from bad?

>> No.6075012


He's braindead.

Can't do simple math.

Don't even try.

Sorry OP, youre just too dumb.

>> No.6075045

>This reply leads me to believe that a coin with high marketcap is bad. Yet the top coins right now have the highest marketcaps
My sides are achin. Stay poor, brainlet
>Well then HELP me understand
We're not here to help you, only to laugh at you.

>> No.6075080

>still refuse to buy any crypto that's more than $1 per coin

Why didn't you buy ETH when it was less than a dollar?

>> No.6075091

>This reply leads me to believe that a coin with high marketcap is bad. Yet the top coins right now have the highest marketcaps, each with different prices and circulating supply
Dude what the fuck is wrong with you. Holy fuck

>> No.6075121
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Forgot pic.

>> No.6075157

>So how exactly do I use marketcap to tell a good long-term hodl from bad?
If the market cap is already high when the coin is cheap, you're going to need BILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF TRILLIONS OF MONEY pumped into it to increase the price of the coin. More money than exists in the whole world combined. (Not literally but you get the idea.)

>> No.6075167
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this. crypto isn't for you OP
because thinking isn't for you
but no worries, maybe you can work as a bricklayer somewhere. Not saying that you have to be dumb to do it but it might be an appealing career for you

>> No.6075330

why didn't you buy coss or req when they were 5c then?

>> No.6075542

FINALLY a serious reply in an expected sea of laughter....thanks

So bitcoin is #1 with a value of $17K and high cap......yet Cardano is 90 cents at #5 with a similar high cap

So basically it's wrong to think Cardano is a better long-term hodl than btc, just because its cheaper and you can get more of it?

>> No.6075574

Leave. No one wants redditors here.

>> No.6075631

But you have to account for things like coin burns too. Casrdano might have one.

>> No.6075722
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>refuse to buy any crypto that's more than $1 per coin

Your a fucking brainlet

>> No.6075731

I did buy REQ about 5c. Then sold about 6c. :^)

>> No.6075801

future of what - ICOs only, network can't handle more, like BTC its going to be pigeonholed

great investment

but you want Vechain, which will take ETH to enterprise and print money

i like all the supply chain coins right now, but Vechain will be Uber and Walton Lyft. the rest are cute and will make you money. but not keepihg long like the other two. ICX its getting a little late, buy ASAP or wait for correction later.

or buy EOS and Cardano after the next big correction if you want to go

or Burst or IOTA now. or XRB in a year.

I don't own all these coins just logic if you're looking for the next space runner, revolutionary

that is what will turn you into a rich bastard

>> No.6075836

1.- Find a good coin to invest.
2.- If you want insane gains, the MARKETCAP, not the PRICE, will need to be very low.
If bitcoin has $200b marketcap at 20k USD, to make a 2x in your investment it would need to have a fucking $400b marketcap, so 200b more from the starting point, and the value of each bitcoin would be $40k.
If you have a shitcoin with $1M marketcap, and cost of $100 each, to double your investment it only needs $1M more into the marketcap. Which is much much lower.
This is the PERFECT scenario. But that's the problem, there's a sea of shitcoins and garbage, and you need to dive into the pile of shit that is this market to find a fucking undervalued gem.
If you do this, you could get your fucking 10000% and buy a monocle and a top hat.

>> No.6075852

it's actually easier to make money in the bigger coins because whales risk a fuckton more if they try to fuck with the market
Ethereum is what you want now

>> No.6075865

its the only way to invest

pure speculative gambling otherwise

which is fine, just don't call it investment

>> No.6075866


>> No.6075912

ouch get out or u doggie bag now

>> No.6075982

Maybe there is a way to buy something cheap right now and still making you rich. Buy KIN.

>> No.6076004

What's wrong with me is I am someone who doesn't know something, and who is humbling himself by admitting it and asking if someone can explain it to me

I expected all the "lol ur retarded" replies from the asshole crypto experts, but thanks to the ones dropping more informative replies like these


>> No.6076059

You get it anon. I've never looked ONLY at those numbers, I leave them to the end. There are also other characteristics you'll want when you buy a coin.

>> No.6076205

Other anons are being a bit harsh.
I think the problem is you're asking for a coin that can grow a lot and seeking characteristics of coins that already grew a lot. Of course BTC, ETH and XRP have big market caps - they're huge. You don't want a huge coin, you want a small coin that will become huge.

>> No.6076368

no, OP should never be around the crypto space if he cant do simple math. don't encourage them. theyll be the first ones to sell off during a correction.

>> No.6076480

LUL rookie mistake
coin price is completely irrelevant only market cap matters

>> No.6076895


I'm glad I started this thread.

The few serious replies taught me that I've been ignoring market cap during my research when I shouldn't have. As I type this, I have a page open that I googled which is showing me why market cap matters when investing in crypto. Would have never thought to do that since I was more focused on price and circulating supply.

The math really is simple like some of you were saying. I wasn't asking for anyone to hold my hand and teach me everything; I just needed basic starter tips on why my way of thinking was wrong (I knew it was wrong; just didn't know exactly why)

Seriously, thanks to the ones TRYING to educate someone who just didn't know.

For the rest of you, please go be an intelligent-but-miserable virgin in another thread. Thanks

>> No.6077077

glad you started it because I lurked the entire thread, every comment, good knowledge gains here

>> No.6077236

Seriously? Not to be harsh but if you couldn't figure this out on your own....well it doesn't reflect well on your analytical skills...

>> No.6077273

just because we can do middle school math doesn't mean were miserable or virgins.

>> No.6077398

This, look at trx doge reddcoin these have had insane gains

>> No.6077729

>t. "there's no way ripple could even reach $2, that market cap is way too ridiculous and impossible"
or is there some magic market cap number for crypto that only you guys know about? you don't know anything, you're trying to speculate relative to bitcoin, which is hilarious
learn to understand the market in general, and then realize crypto shits on it and throws it out the window
>investing purely based on speculative price determined by market cap
wew lad, and you think i'm dumb. i imagine your portfolio is filled with shitcoins because you figure the market cap means it can reach some ridiculous price. just because you put sprinkles on shit doesn't make it chocolate ice cream.

>> No.6077953


Not to be harsh, but notice that I never once claimed to have high analytical skills or even claimed to be smart

There are dudes on here who can run circles around me in math/finance/economics, yet can't do simple vehicle maintenance, maintain their personal hygiene or even hold a conversation with a woman

Some people aren't good at certain things and can't just "figure it out" on their own. They need help. And when they're humble enough to ask for help with it, the appropriate response is certainly not "LELELLEL U IDIOT OMG GO DIE FOR BEING A RETARD (insert laughing pic)"

Don't get me wrong....I've been on 4chan for years so I certainly expected it. But damn.

>> No.6078236

The market is entirely speculation and tards just throwing their money at things.

Don't pretend for a second that you know what your'e doing.

>> No.6078520

I've tripled my money without understanding the underlying technology. I still don't know what a blockchain or ledger is

>> No.6078598

I'm not dismissing the importance of taking into account marketcap, but it's hilarious trying to use marketcap as one of the main things to determine potential prices of a coin. here's why it makes you look fuckin stupid to do that:

>LTC supply is lower than that of ETH, so using this argument, you would expect LTC to be worth more than ETH in the long run. you would be holding those bags FOREVER.

>less DASH and IOTA than BTC, so they'll eventually surpass bitcoin right? again, holding forever bags.

because the supply is there, the demand is not. nobody is going to pay upwards of your calculated "market cap" for some shitcoin or fork that does nothing. this crypto is new, you're trying to tell the future of coins that serve far more purposes and function much better than bitcoin compared to bitcoin, which, arguably, is only at the price it is at due to its recognition and being the first of its kind. market cap doesn't mean shit for single coins at this point in time, you can't speculate the true size of this shit when we're this early in the game.

>> No.6078949

Something you don't understand is the pricing. It doesn't matter what the dollar value of a coin is because it has to do with supply. That's why coins that are worth cents have market caps worth hundreds of millions. Its because there are much more of that coin than other coins at similar market caps with higher prices.

>> No.6079014
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> bitcoin
> biggest market cap
> $16,000
> ripple
> second biggest
> $2.50

>> No.6079015

That's cuz u invested in real shitcoins.

>> No.6079026


>> No.6079084
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I buy memecoins and memecoin accessories.

>> No.6079129

You’re not from around these parts are you? Please try going to reddit instead; not in a mean way but you’ll find more relevant info for you level there. Once you have enough exp and knowledge to discern bad shills from good projects etc can read ta skills and aren’t newfag, then you can come back maybe

>> No.6079192

How do you know which coin price is good at what market cap number?

>> No.6079548

>implying that bitcoin's market cap in impossible to pass
>implying there's a magical market cap threshold that can never be passed by any coin
>comparing everything to bitcoin because you don't know any better
thanks for proving my point

>> No.6079599

aw, comon. all I'm saying is the individual coin price doesn't matter.

>> No.6079784

you're exactly right, i probably should've mentioned that was tongue-in-cheek to everyone else in the thread, not you

>> No.6079842

Teach me senpai

>> No.6079893


>> No.6080404

before you get a shitton of advice from people who obviously don't know how it works, market cap is equal to the circulating supply of a coin/token multiplied by its price
aka if the price goes up, so does the market cap, so I don't get why all these goobers are telling you to look for a low market cap coin in order to make huge gains (unless they're being autistic and comparing it to bitcoin)
if you're really chasing moon missions, you'll want to find a coin that has a low price and low supply, which results in a low market cap to start, and do your research and realize what its purpose is, if its on time with the roadmap and isn't vaporware garbage, if the team is competent, and it doesn't reek of a scamcoin or trying to accomplish something ridiculous or near impossible
ie: GBYTE has the lowest circulating supply of all the coins on coinmarketcap, but has a price of $747, which is why it's 78th in terms of market cap and a nearly nonexistent volume, which shows it's practically dead in the water and not changing in price anytime soon
high volume can be both a good or bad thing, it means the asset is liquid but could also mean it's super volatile

>> No.6080540
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kys dumb and poor

>> No.6080866

What's the point of judging by market cap if a coin can have almost no volume but decent market cap?

What does market cap even imply?

>> No.6081077
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Everyone, let's x1000 this coin.

>> No.6081292

>What's the point of judging by market cap if a coin can have almost no volume but decent market cap?
that was my whole point in >>6072953 and it rustled some jimmies, that's why judging off market cap shouldn't even be that big of a deal

>What does market cap even imply?
since it's current price of the coin * circulating supply, it's basically how much the entire coin supply is worth. and to answer the second part of the above question now that i've explained that, there isn't a point in doing that considering nobody knows for sure what the upper limit of market cap in crypto is. they're only basing it off what we've seen with bitcoin, and that's not a good estimate in the slightest in my mind. sure it could be helpful, but it's the same way you see people getting BTFO and wojaking because stuff like "oh ripple will never pass a dollar, the circulating supply is too high for that price, it can't touch bitcoin's market cap" and then FUDding it days later because they missed out. if we judged everything compared to bitcoin, sure, high prices for that many in circulating supply makes sense, but in the grand scheme of things, nobody knows if or what a "max" market cap in crypto would be. ripple could go to $1000 EoY (extreme hypothetical) and destroy any ideas of "muh marketcap"

>> No.6081375

lambo land here I come

>> No.6081451

Can you explain what market cap means? I honestly am confused even after reading and watching explanations

Is it volume X value?

>> No.6081458


unit bias: the post

>> No.6081712

How do I stop thinking in terms of units?
I can't buy $100 of an alt coin! I need 100 of them, not 93!

>> No.6081775
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$266,737,594,375 (Bitcoin market cap) = 16,788,937 (circulating supply, aka coins held that can be bought/sold) * $15,887 (current price of single bitcoin)
it's the valuation of all the coins that are currently in circulation
so look at ripple, which people love to FUD, where the circulating supply is huge compared to bitcoin, it would only need to go up about $2 in order to match bitcoin's market cap, which people believe is impossible when they're solely basing it on bitcoin's market cap, which is dumb since there's no reason it couldn't other than speculation

>> No.6081798

Crypto might not be for you.
You seem unironically stupid and normie.

>> No.6081844


nothing will ever be like bitcoin

the longer you take to realize that, the longer you will be stuck in this diluted thinking

>> No.6081936

What exactly does circulating supply refer to? Coins on exchanges currently moving around?

In what situation could a coin have a high market cap with virtually no trade volume?

>> No.6082054

Sounds like you want to invest in Chainlink then anon.

>> No.6082183
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and for what it's worth, here's how much the market cap changed in the five minutes it took me to post that given the changes in the price of bitcoin in that time
market cap is always changing, whether it be due to price changes or changes in the number of coins in circulation, which only happens if coins are burnt and removed from the supply or more are released into the supply. the general belief is that coin burns will make the price go up and coins being released will make the price go down, but that's, again, basing on market cap, which contineus to exacerbate the point i made about how pointless it is to look at and rely and market cap alone

yeah, that's part of it, coins that are in the hands of people who have the ability to sell them. they could be on exchanges, they could be in wallets. like i mentioned above, the circulation amount doesn't change unless coins are removed or added to the supply
there are a lot of coins that are dead in the water that have high market caps and low volumes, volume just shows how much of that coin has been bought and sold in the past 24h usually.
coins with high market caps and low volumes can be shitcoins that have high prices and high circulating supply, but lack of people who want to buy and sell them. maybe dead projects or things like that. could also be that a lot of people are just holding on to the coins and aren't willing to sell them at all, but that's pretty rare, most people are quick to buy and sell if their coin has been doing well recently

>> No.6082261

I'm dumb as fuck, i forgot to mention that if the coin is mineable, that also increases the supply as well, obviously a bit slower than the other methods, but it still adds up

>> No.6082321

Wait, so coins inside wallets also count?

What if a coin is valued at 100$ for whatever reason, there's 1,000,000,000 of them, but literally no one is trading them

Would it still have 100billion market cap?

>> No.6083057

Market cap is meaningless as not all coins do circulate
The value of a coin is the meeting point of the lowest sell order and the highest buy order

>> No.6083589
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HTML-less than half a cent huge potential
Opus- 18 cents super low markcap
Colx- 1 cent huge potential

You are stupid if you don't throw a few hundred bucks at least on these.