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6069589 No.6069589 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anybody here that doesn’t have ICX? If so, why?

>> No.6069710

Only have 36.4, due to being a poorfag who only got into crypto 20 days ago..

>> No.6069787



>> No.6069854

Only got 18. I am balls deep into Bounty, if it hits $1 before the mainnet launches im moving it all into ICX

>> No.6069858
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Strapped in

>> No.6070154

It’s absolute shit. Chink hype with no solid project. They won’t change anything the internet will still be the same. You are making yellow people rich. You won’t get rich. They are laughing on the West side of Seoul with gook bitches on their arms. You are a slothy Amerifat just eating it up. Get fucking wise you bitches. “Oh main net! Mainnet will change things!” No it’s all just a scam. The only way to get back at these people is buy ridiculously low and sell ridiculously high. I’m not talking $10-and sell at $11 you numbnuts. Buy at $.18 and sell for $10. You get how this is going to work in your favor now?

>> No.6070465


>> No.6070494

You have the same amount I do. Bought in this morning before the first jump.

>> No.6070523
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>> No.6070614

i literally almost don't have any. I have been able to buy everything else on dips or at opportune times.

Well last night i sent ltc to binance to buy icx, but had to sleep, hoping price didn't run away.

well it did, but I finally realized i have to buy anyway, so I have some now, and I'll keep accumulating

>> No.6070709

8000 icx /comfy/

>> No.6070796


You literally can't hold anything in this market without that kind of doubt

>> No.6070802

This coin is literally Korean Ethereum faggot. Corporate and University partnerships. South Korea is the most internet connected place in the world that drives crypto up. This shit will have Korean projects built on it and once it gets a KRW pairing we are headed to fuckin jupiter.

>> No.6070979

Where is all this info at? Or did you just acquire it from here?

>> No.6071436


>> No.6071528

icon made me a comfy poorfag

>> No.6071928


>> No.6072049

because i dont want the korean anything, entire market is going to get nuked by norks.

find good, western projects. not chinkjeet shit

>> No.6072202

Unfortunately, this is a likely outcome. I've already said too much

>> No.6072336

bought in at 6330 thinking I got bathe with a toaster right now

>> No.6072438

If Seoul gets nuked dump bags right?

>> No.6072475
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Why are you talking like a spy?

>> No.6072581

NK and SK are signing a peace treaty.

>> No.6072645

only 305. Really wish I had at least 1k. But nigger its okay. Im gonna throw some money into Substratum and see $10 by EOM.

>> No.6072698

Whats wrong with that dogs ballsac?

>> No.6072907
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