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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6068646 No.6068646 [Reply] [Original]

Will this shit ever moon?! I lost 40% of my ETH investment in this donkey shit

>> No.6068667

It will moon as soon as you sell

>> No.6068668

Should be going up as we speak

>> No.6068700
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no, sell now

>> No.6068731
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>> No.6068887

You only lost because you're a pump chasing faggot who didn't buy in early. Kill yourself retard.

>> No.6068901


>> No.6068980


>> No.6069181

delayed till 2019 kek

so long sneks

>> No.6069197
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will someone please explain to me why stellar took this dive?

>> No.6069303

Absolutely this, i'm so happy you tards that watch 5m charts are getting blown the fuck out.

>> No.6069335

I am extremely confident in XLM, just hold through this minor dip and you should be golden. Of course, you could sell so I can buy more at a lower price.

>> No.6069375

btc / etc going up, it just went 3x last week, your fault for buying at ath newfag

>> No.6069395

fork of ripple, only being used by one company (ibm) temporarily until they move to their own network.

>> No.6069404



>> No.6069411

No you fomo buy at ATH, not invested. Brainlet nigger

>> No.6069422

nice trajectory stellar snake

>> No.6069490
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>when your product is so shit not even an IBM partnership can save it

>> No.6069516

nice trajectory stellar snake

>> No.6069557

DESU, it is the only good product in TOP 10. It is just that the market is full of idiots like you. kek

>> No.6069578

I am getting sick of waiting for this fucking thing to move.

>> No.6069579
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I hope to fucking God you don't believe what you typed? If you do, you're the dumbest person on this board. If you aren't, you are trying to literally steal from us all. This is the last thing you'll ever see. Remember it.

>> No.6069591



>> No.6069637

It's not a fork of Ripple faggot

>> No.6069909

0.30 /comfy/

>> No.6070285

Same. Feel like I'm missing out on so many other good coins being tied up in XLM.

>> No.6070663

XLM has barely moved in last 12h and biz is filled with crashing rockets. What is this pussy-hands FUD bullshit going on here?

>> No.6070712


>> No.6070845


>> No.6070883

Make sure you cucks got your inflation destination set up

Mondays are distribution days

>> No.6070886

im not trying to be a dick here, but i honestly dont think this coin can succeed long term. i mean its primary goal is "the redistribution of wealth from the wealthy to poor people, and provding more opportunities and wealth for poor nations" . like, wow, im fucking sure huge companies like google, amazon, are just dying to have their wealthy monopolies re-distributed to poor struggling nations so they can have more financial opportunities like the rich have. yeah, im sure they will jump right in on this. this coin is pretty much the anti-rich coin.

>> No.6071088

>set buy order at 55000
>dipped to 55000 but order didnt get filled

>> No.6071148

The entire crypto market is redistribution of wealth. Worst argument point you could literally make.

>> No.6071521


Are you fucking dumb? What do you expect those poor people do do with this new found wealth? Search GOOGLE for the shit they will eventually buy on AMAZON. Wow this board has gone downfucking hill. Get the fuck out of here faggot.

>> No.6071616
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>> No.6071639

Bought at .22cents and currently holding 30k.

I can't wait for it to hit $1.

>> No.6071649

that's what happens when you fomo in at the ath. dumb nigger

>> No.6071691
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>> No.6071746

Buy in more and diversify. Going all in is for people with under $200 to invest.

>> No.6071873

to all the struggling hodlr

delete your blockfolio, delete /biz/ from your bookmark and chain your hands

come back 3 month

that's what i am doing

>> No.6072174


but i am not a holder, i do this full time

fucking move XLM. god.


>> No.6072245

price exhaustion. It's corrected 50% and it's stabilized and building support for the next leg up.

>> No.6072268

>not a holder

good luck in your crypto journey...

>> No.6072386

You are not educated enough to talk about Stellar.
Not a Ripple fork. Made by founder of Ripple.
Stellar is the network. IBM is implementing the network and XLM tokens for all of IBM's cross-border payments. IBM manufactures 90% of the worlds banking hardware.
FairX is a joint project between IBM and Stellar which will open the floodgates of normies like yourself into the alt ecosystem by allowing sale and purchase with fiat currency. This will decouple BTC from the alt market and possibly kill bitcoin itself.
Stellar is a big deal

>> No.6072387
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anyone watching it on binance
is this it? is the moon coming?

>> No.6072436

stay poor

>> No.6072448

Well mainly because the exchanges are shitting themselves with XLM withdrawals, especially Binance.
There is also the scamcoin/bitcoin rally that sapped Stellar and the lack of news to drive up vol

>> No.6072449

soon brother

be patient

>> No.6072458

rockets will be engaged when the XLM wallets are re-enabled on binance, let us know when, thats when arbitrage comes back online and these whales get fucked by bots

>> No.6072469

it happens tonight. get ready.

>> No.6072487

All I see is a gigantic sell wall, what do you mean?

>> No.6072507

No. Every hour it looks like it's about to moon and then shits its pants. I've been watching it for days

>> No.6072508

Wall is still there

>> No.6072562

that was just eth taking a dip.
Stellar will not moon until ETH settles

>> No.6072627

NOTHING will moon until eth and btc both settle. Portfolio been fucken sideways for 2 days. VEN/LINK up 30%, other shit down enough for that not to matter

>> No.6072714

yeah tons of tards r missing out on increasing their stack by holding xlm instead of switching to ETH while its mooning like this then buying back in. Its not even that risky with ETH

>> No.6072743

You're a liar.

>> No.6072750


>> No.6072781

XLM is not for moon
XLM is for use

>> No.6072825

you may well as go an hero yourself, my amigo. You lose money in cryptocurrency trading? Something is very wrong with you.

>> No.6072826

can you withdraw on binace yet? cbf logging in

>> No.6072842

use = moon
Don't you get it?
2018 is the year of adoption

>> No.6072915
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>> No.6072986

>use = moon
Sure, but Stellar is not likely to go more than 5x with adoption. The cap is too high.

>> No.6073050

Watching the sell walls on Binance, literally laughing because they don't know it's going to moon soon.
> OMG the price corrected and paused after a 250% rally!! ITS TANKING
> Searches for another coin to buy at ATH

>> No.6073065

Nice FUD my dude. Check last post in the image I posted.

>> No.6073111

for the many who bought like 200k at ten cents, if this does a 5x, we will be rich. i am perfectly happy with a 5x

>> No.6073116



>> No.6073120

*my sides*

>> No.6073124

Okay, what is the EOY price that you expect, huh?

>> No.6073129

XLM belongs above XRP.

>> No.6073181

>what is the EOY price that you expect,
Unironically $10

>> No.6073192

>i am perfectly happy with a 5x
So am I. I'm just saying that it probably won't moon relative to where it is _now_.

>> No.6073237

Minimum $5. FairX alone is going to shoot it too that point. Cap this

>> No.6073238

This will be easy once XRP crashes once it gets out the coin is literally a shitcoin made by bankers to steal your valuable btc and give you the equivalent of paper money.

>> No.6073245

Unironically $50

>> No.6073248

I bought some today cause it’s cheap but this coin is frustrating

>> No.6073381

> bought some today
> this coin is frustrating
Ok then buy something that's already mooning and be too late to the game, miss the peak, and sell low. Repeat cycle
> stay poor

>> No.6073409
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Daily reminder the use of XLM on Stellar network is required, unlike dog shit Ripple

>> No.6073487

This thing has to moon soon - huge volume, comparatively low price at the moment, someone is accumulating big.

>> No.6073727

YOu fell for le rocket meme

It is a shitcoin
I refuse to explain it for the 20x times

Partnerships and 'goals' don't mean shit
Normie appeal and charts mean everything

This coin is the anti mooner, it is a childrens coin. If it EVER moons, it has a shit half ass one but when it crashes.... it crashes HARD

>> No.6073954
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Guys, it's literally a fucking rocket. Where do you think it's going to fucking go?!


>> No.6074035
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Whales are suppressing the price, mongoloid, once they are done it will explode.

>> No.6074155

Nice trajectory Stellar snake!

>> No.6074225

You fuckers need paitence on this one holy fuck you anons are beyond thirsty.

>> No.6074304

XLM-Fiat pairings

that is all. Shut the fuck up, anyone paying attention to XLM isn't buying this bullshit

>> No.6074375

> anti mooner
Literally just went up 350% in 5 days. and 1000% in the last 30 days.
Do you know anything about fundamental market behaviour? If something gets overextended, it corrects EVERY TIME. A correction is not a crash, it's an attempt at finding a *higher* stable price. And just like any good project, it has continued to climb after healthy corrections

>> No.6074411

Fairx is a pajeet scam exchange. I wouldn't put any of my assets on there.

>> No.6074417
File: 10 KB, 200x200, ardor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so yeah. anyone still remember this coin? seems like an eternity since it went offline dec 28, and the wallets are STILL broken and offline, still cant trade it or do anything with it. its been a real shit show hasnt it? pretty embarrassing.

>> No.6074443

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out. 13mil supply and market cap is less than 1mil right now

>> No.6074481

No, please sell now to me

>> No.6074545
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Will I make it goys?

>> No.6074635

>Tfw got shilled as a newcomer to hold this shit
>Missed out on everything else x100ing in the meanwhile

This coin fucked me forever. I got profits from it but still held onto it too long. I'll buy back in another time.

>> No.6074647


>> No.6074748

Damn son that's almost 100x what I have. Poorstudentfag

>> No.6074797

Its an old pic I actually have a bit more. Not to mention my other coins.

>> No.6074832
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ADHD newfag fudders

>> No.6074909

make sure you got inflation set mate

>> No.6074934

I do. Just got 41 free xlm.

>> No.6074972

xlm a tough hold right now but its the cheapest face value top 10 coin on CMC, when the exchanges revamp and enable registrations and the avalanche of new normie money comes flooding in XLM will be the top 10 penny stock with X10 potential for normies it will go to pluto, right now the market makers are waiting for the flood to commence mega pumps, just hang on

>> No.6074985


>> No.6074997

Shit aboutta moon

>> No.6075094

>XLM was 20 cents 2 weeks ago
>it moons
>buy ATH
Feels good to not be fucking retarded.

>> No.6075160

How the fuck did you lose money?

I bought 1000 on new years for 3631 sats.

Unless you bought some on jan 5th then you shouldn't be losing money.

Just fucking HODL while it's on sale you moron, why the fuck do people sell at a loss in this crypto market? You would have to be a FUCKING MORON.

ALL coins go back up, DGB went fucking back up, DOGE is at 0.17c.

Just how fucking NEW are you cunt?

If you sell I'm gonna buy your bags, then watch as it grows just to spite your dumbass.

>> No.6075185

XLM is a fifth of the price and half the market cap of XRP.

This fucker has the potential to 10X.

>> No.6075201

Finally you fucking sold!

>> No.6075213


>> No.6075232

Do you tards not understand how ponzi's work? New money has to constantly come in or it's over. Binance, Bittrex, and Bitfinex are not allowing any more users. Everybody that's going to buy XLM right now already bought it.

>> No.6075255

newfag read more only thing relevant is cap

>> No.6075263

XLM trades very precisely to Elliot Waves. Every single solitary move XLM makes can be predicted almost to the .00001 of a cent.

The recent ATH was a very clear completion of Wave 3, which is making an ABC subset down to finish Wave 4 (downwards) right now. This is nearly done.

Once the bottom is in on Wave 4, we can predict exactly how high wave 5 is going to go. Measure the ATH on top of wave 3, down to the bottom of wave 4. Whatever this %age drop is, add it to the top of wave 3 to get the top of wave 5.

Easiest money of all time.

>> No.6075300
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underrated post

>> No.6075337

did u get paid just now? let me know and ill go fetch my ledger and rub my hands to my free xlm

>> No.6075405

exchanges frantically revamping platforms there is an avalanche of new money about to come in you dumb fucktard

>> No.6075460
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its ACKSHUALLY 1/10th the market cap of XRP

>> No.6075679

so xlm's going to like 9500 yes?

>> No.6075686

So much this. Everyone knows this which is why the whales were trying so hard to break support last night to buy mega wall and even then failed.

>> No.6075769
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plus the juggernauts of bitfinex and bithumb are not YET trading XLM

>> No.6075961

Assuming the algo's make the target, yes. Nothing less than 8500, could crack 10k. That's a reasonable range to watch for between now and the next 4-7 days.

>> No.6076018

thanks. that's actually really interesting. I've never tried analysis like that, but cool to see it fit with crypto

>> No.6076068


>> No.6076072

>trusting TAfags

>> No.6076153

New Strike and Mike is out.
Watching charts and sitting comfy learning about the kike menace.

>> No.6076241

would now be a good time to buy more xlm?

>> No.6076245

is it a good show? ive only been listening to TDS, are you a fellow paycuck?

>> No.6076374

Literally almost impossible. The moment it even touches fib .50 from wave 2 to 3 (not looking at the chart but I think it's about 3500 sats) the algo's would go into a buying frenzy.

This is TA 101, it literally doesn't get any better than XLM does.

>> No.6076385

anything under 5k sats is pretty safe

>> No.6076404

How high are we expecting this to go, long term?

>> No.6076408

anything under .000045 is good

>> No.6076463

10$ by next january

>> No.6076557

>it hits $1 this week
>it'll drop to $0.80 and go sideways for another 2 weeks
>during that time these idiots will post pink wojaks

You could set your watch to the pink wojacks around here.

>> No.6076584

lol $10 by May, we'll hit $1, play around with 1.10-1.25 for a bit, soar to nearly $2, retreat briefly before crushing 3, 4, ding $5, toy with high cents-- like it is now, around 5.59-5.72, take off through 6,7,8, $9 will be a tough barrier to breach but once it does $10 follows almost immediately after just before the flowers

>> No.6076585

After FairX, our next play is with IBM's HyperLedger

>IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced a new blockchain banking solution that will help financial institutions address the processes of universal cross-border payments, designed to reduce the settlement time and lower the cost of completing global payments for businesses and consumers. Using IBM Blockchain, and in collaboration with technology partners Stellar.org and KlickEx Group, the solution is intended to improve the speed in which banks both clear and settle payment transactions on a single network in near real time.

We just dont know to what extent Stellar is looped in. We just hope its the same as FairX where HyperLedger uses XLM because its on Stellar and such use is, very importantly, required.

Ripple has no necessary use of their shitcoin. Banks are not going to use it.

>> No.6076666

Yeah I'm a paycuck. Well worth it in my opinion. Strike and Mike is literal big brain shit. I look forward to it more than TDS to be honest.
TDS, Fatherland, Strike and Mike, Liftwaffe, Exodus Americana (especially the 40k episodes), Paranormies, FTN, Radical Agenda, Myth of the 21st Century and Poz Button are what I listen to on the regular, or at least try too. So much good content nowadays that I just don't have time for it all.

>> No.6076859
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Just bought 13k XLM. What am I in for?

>> No.6076877

for those of you who are close to cumming and need a push, all it takes to get to $6 is beating ripple and ethereum's current marketcap.

with the media already showing interest in XLM similar to XRP and the overall growth of the market (when will it hit 1 trillion? when will the media report it hitting 1 trillion?), that's beyond possible

>> No.6076900

Nice trajectory stellar snake!

>> No.6076908


>> No.6076910


>> No.6076921


>> No.6076930


>> No.6076934


>> No.6076957


>> No.6077034

Good decision anon, I've bought in XLM during dips quite a few times and this is nothing new. Just be smart and don't sell at a loss.

>> No.6077036

Nice trajectory Stellar snake!

>> No.6077082

The pinkest of wojaks in your future. SELL NOW.

>> No.6077245


>> No.6077259

I understand that shit has to correct after runs but this is insane, it hasn't stopped falling for like a week. I'm still like 2x up but I don't get it, it doesn't stop. Is this being manipulated?

>> No.6077289

Preparing to put my last btc into xlm promise me big money by this time next week

>> No.6077303

>being manipulated
Everything is

>> No.6077310

Wasn't this the one that came out with all of the SJW/Communist shit last week? You should have sold immediately after that.

>> No.6077375

XLM just doesn't appeal to the normies much for whatever reason.
I guess it's not flashy enough.

>> No.6077402
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Do it I just bought 13k of the fuckers

>> No.6077415

> puts politics before money
> wants to be right rather than rich
Stay poor

>> No.6077455

Not true... wait until MSM shills it after XRP crashes.... they already started it. Bloomberg and CNBC were shilling it last week. CNBC called it "the most promising crypto of 2018" or something to that effect.

>> No.6077497


It isn't about politics. It is about understanding that communists generally aren't great with money and SJWs will put their politics above profits, and abandoning ship before it sinks.

>Stay poor

I'm not the one losing money on a commiecoin.

>> No.6077602

It's been dealt with already, I believe one of the devs deleted the "problematic" guidelines, right after the community posted the thread on the subreddit.

>> No.6077656

Look what happened to IOTA though. Their main dev used to go on autistic tirades with redditors about refugees and it still 5x'd

>> No.6077661
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Fuck that Trajectory, Stellar Nigger-Snake Faggot!

>> No.6077686

Thanks faggots, unironically bought 50k

>> No.6077730

How long has the wallet been down for on binance?

>> No.6077756

If you had brains, you would be accumulating as much as fucking possible. Within a few weeks this Stellar will pop.

>> No.6077872

what is wrong with these addfags

xlm is the biggest money in the bank coin with ven in 2018

>> No.6077875

a while, its in part why price isnt moving

>> No.6077946


>> No.6077950

LOL are you kidding Ripple is 100m

Stellar will beat them to normie usage

>> No.6077956

Still HODLING, this coin is the future

>> No.6077982

That is what happens when people want in on the Biggest coin of the year
but do not want to pay a premium to accumulate

>> No.6078044

Dude I'm up over 1000% on my xlm stack. Don't tell me about losing money on a "commiecoin".
But yeah definitely stick to your political principles. Definitely sell a huge winner the moment you discover their beliefs don't match yours. Because afterall, tech means nothing vs. your strongly held convictions. You are right and they are wrong and there's no getting around that!

>> No.6078063

Let them eat cake.

>> No.6078130

Ok mega poorfag here. Have 30 XRP and 100 XLM. Should I put the XRP into XLM?

>> No.6078195


You sure are reading a lot out of my posts. It isn't about my ideological positions vs. theirs. I just know SJW/Communist track records with money. There are plenty of other cryptos out there to invest in, and this one just hoisted a massive red flag.

>> No.6078211

I think you do but do not sell your XRP at a loss

>> No.6078258

do you have a twitter or telegram we can follow, coz you nailed it

>> No.6078329

When people refer to a "snake" in this coin, what do they mean?

>> No.6078339

Cheers. Thankfully got XRP still above what I bought in at. It seems like XLM has more room for growth so don't want to miss out.

>> No.6078369


>> No.6078397

move like snek

>> No.6078669

But unlike Iota, Stellar's team are actually competent and made shit happen.
If you are really going full ape-shit over tumblr-lite forum rules, do it someplace else you subhuman tosser

>> No.6078740

It will moon very soon hopefully.


>> No.6078807

literally nothing will happen they held several already JUST WAIT

>> No.6078877

Lol pretty easy to point out the waves after they happen

>> No.6078906


You must have a pretty dull life to find my benign comments about being apprehensive about a commiecoin to be "going full ape-shit."

If you don't think having SJWs on staff copying parts of their community guidlines from feminist websites is a problem, fine, great for you. But this board is for discussing investments, so go to reddit if you want a circle jerk where people don't criticize your beloved shitcoin, you subhuman tosser.

>> No.6079099

T. Manlet

>> No.6079114

That's bullshit but I believe it

>> No.6079164


That's not an argument.

>> No.6079236

he's right, brainlet.

>> No.6079323

is Fairx a meme or is this shit actually gonna happen

>> No.6079425


>> No.6079463

Google Fairx. Nothing found.

>> No.6079594


>> No.6079644



>> No.6079648

Omg this is the dumbest thing I ever heard you are stupid

>> No.6079845

Everyone but me gotta learn anyone who makes money crypto trading I hope they have cancer

>> No.6079960

You are a children's investor

>> No.6080105

No one not even You know it

>> No.6080227


>> No.6080272

this coin doesnt do shit. im fucking selling

>> No.6080327
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>He's selling. Pump it.

>> No.6080387

do it bitch

>> No.6080411


It's fairx.io since you apparently can't use google.

>> No.6080428

>tfw want to sell too but don't know what to put it on because everything already mooned while I was holding

>> No.6080441

>i mean its primary goal is "the redistribution of wealth from the wealthy to poor people, and provding more opportunities and wealth for poor nations"
Nigga, read the whitepaper.

Read how they dole out new coins,

>> No.6080467

for real fuck this coin bruh

>> No.6080487

Same, These pajeet have gotten craftier

>> No.6080509

It's literally about to moon you fucking faggot

please fomo back in

>> No.6080510


Does your Mommy know you are still up?

>> No.6080548
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The craziest thing is you would think a very professional and brilliant, competent team would be the gold standard in finding a coin that succeeds, but its fucking far from it. Looks like all you need is a fucking filthy rich gook and a twitter account.

>> No.6080608

There are literally people in this thread at this time who are considering selling at a loss

When will they learn?

>> No.6080640
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>> No.6080766

can you tl;dr it

>> No.6080800
File: 1.92 MB, 1448x1360, 1497996419873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes wonder if you can ruin a potential god tier top 5 market cap coin/company by having it held by way too many soft handed fucks who all get scared and shook out by the whales, which leads to catastrophe.

>> No.6080857
File: 3 KB, 437x278, XLM Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon mission imminent.

>> No.6080915

That happened to TRX like 2 days ago. Its value plummeted by like 40% within the course of 30 seconds, it was painful to watch. Value is still going down btw, it's about 60% down from ATH now

>> No.6080942

Anyone with a certain amount of xlm in their wallet, 1.5 million I think, gets to vote on who gets the new lumens. They suggest using it for charitable donations.
It's awarded in proportion to the votes cast for each address. The amount of inflation is constant though.

Also, part of it in getting the "unbanked" to use lumens and services using lumens.

>> No.6080945

Just sold my bags. If history repeats itself yet again then xlm should moon very soon.

>> No.6081027

Dude you sold at the literal minute it started to moon. It's already going up. Get back in right now

>> No.6081097


>> No.6081186

Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Ground Control to Major Tom (ten, nine, eight, seven, six)
Commencing countdown, engines on (five, four, three)
Check ignition and may God's love be with you (two, one, liftoff)

>> No.6081229

Thank you for your sacrifice anon. The gods are happy.

>> No.6081238

Bought in at 65 cents

let's see how this goes lads

>> No.6081395

You're gonna be VERY happy with that entry in a few days anon.

>> No.6081498

singa meetup soon hoping itll be good

>> No.6081570

sold at 91c and just got back in. let's ride this sucker to $1.50

>> No.6081953

within in the next week.

>> No.6082073

You fags have been saying this for like 5 days straight.

>> No.6082313

It's gonna moon everywhere but Binance.

>> No.6082488

You should have sold for .95 dllrs and bought back in in the dip