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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 544 KB, 760x509, LINK AKBAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6062105 No.6062105 [Reply] [Original]

شراء رابط أو حرق في الكفار الجحيم

الله أَكْبَر

>> No.6062161

thanks ahmed for insider info

>> No.6062230

i can read that
you're fucking hilarious
google translate?

>> No.6062267

mashallah, just bought 100k

>> No.6062356

i didnt think i could care any less about link. im actually started to resent the coin and its deluded following. every fucking day.

>> No.6062476

Its an ancient text so its difficult to translate but I can faintly make it out. Something about price singularity

>> No.6062604


biz has really never been wrong on coins that are shilled for months on end

>> No.6062714

It's obviously Google translate.
>t. native arabic speaker

>> No.6062725

no, lol
the grammar is fucked but it's supposed to read

شراء (buying) supposed to be Buy
رابط (link) this is hilarious
أو (or) this is correct
burn حرق
في (in)
(the infidel) الكفار
الجحيم (hell)

>> No.6062772

where from the middle east?

>> No.6062832
File: 135 KB, 800x600, D133229D-A7B3-4465-A05B-EB75384D4D92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6062862

Do you guys also like IOTA very much, yes?

>> No.6062959
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, chainlinklife.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6063418

نص مصري و نص يمني، وأنت؟

>> No.6063454


Haha thanks, anon.

>> No.6063486



>> No.6063516

I happen to like DAGs in general, although I don't think that's exclusive to Arabs.
>inb4 smart refugee cities, as if I'd ever want to live in Europe

>> No.6063592


i'm american you uncultured shitbird
i bet you don't you even own a passport and for that matter have never ventured far beyond your county.

arabic is one of the most eloquent and brilliant languages ever invented.

>> No.6063664

هلا بيك ياخي، عشت اربع سنين في بيروت

>> No.6063671

fucking dirtnig

>> No.6063744


>> No.6063785


I'm actually legit freaking out a bit since I bought in at 0.25 and never had an investment do something like this. This is my first foray into crypto. I always used to wagecuck and put my savings into dividend paying stocks, sometimes a few options here and there. I can pay off 100% of my debts if I cashed out now, but that wouldn't leave me with any profits...kinda want to ride it some more but worry about getting too greedy.

>> No.6063791

>as if I'd ever want to live in Europe
what's wrong with that? Marseille, Köln, many very intelligent cities.

>calling someone else a uncultured shitbird
top kek

>> No.6063805

we are arabs, not pajeets.

>> No.6063867
File: 82 KB, 479x500, x0gd5e02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell, how many rich oil kids are shitposting on /biz/? I never realized.

>> No.6063891



does your impoverished country need USAID or NATO? enjoy your rapefugee infested cities.

>> No.6063912

>Marseille, Köln,
The cancer cells of nations. Only good part, Niggers, hadjis and progressives will eat each other when the regression kicks in again

>> No.6063966

Wow so many people close to each other butts.
Must be a horrible smell, especially because muslims...

>> No.6063975


only Saudi royals, Emarati sheikhs and Qatari princes are oil rich. the rest wait for some of that money to trickle down into other sectors to spur economic activity

>> No.6063988


The only way muslims know how to communicate something to someone else.

>> No.6063998

I dunno the writing system is nice but theirs too much gross throat noises

>> No.6064055
File: 133 KB, 889x696, 1514757523160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised to learn that 4chan advocates for diversity.

At least every household in Saudi Arabia has a bidet. It boggles me why this is not the case in first world countries.

>> No.6064068

not a muslim faggot
you know there are Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Yazidis and Druze that speak arabic fluently

>> No.6064070

>what's wrong with that? Marseille, Köln, many very intelligent cities.
What does that even mean? That the people there are intelligent by virtue of living there?

Fucking Europeans and their smug attitude; I'll stay over on this side of the Atlantic, thanks.

>> No.6064096

Don't. Touch. Anything.

>> No.6064112


sounds better than Hebrew

>> No.6064280

Dude, as someone still accumulating since 15 cents we've only just begun. My only regret is I can't afford more to spend per month because its fucking pathetic

>> No.6064948

nigger just literally hold till next year. if you don't need the money there's 0 risk because this is the next big thing. chill the fuck out

>> No.6065010

لا تشارك أسرار مع الغرب.

>> No.6065060

what else has it shilled this hard besides eth?

>> No.6065300

As hard as Link? Nothing. Ark is a close second though.