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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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60620 No.60620 [Reply] [Original]

Starting with info from previous thread:

It's actually happening!

Sony is currently in break up talks with major investors, Third Point LLC, Daniel Loeb and Morgan Stanley.

Morgan Stanley is acting as the mediator for the dispute. We first heard the rumor about the current break up talks back in May.


Now it appears the break up talks are in full swing.


It's rumored that Amazon is going to buy Sony's entertainment division. This makes sense because they already offer PlayStation games on their storefront. They have also had a strong partnership with Sony for many years.


>> No.60646

Stocks are dropping too.

I told you people to get out while you still can.

>> No.61274

Big announcements coming April 4th.


Cap this post.

>> No.61294


I'm ok with this.

>> No.61633
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>> No.62500


Go right back to /v/ with your shitposting. Sony is more than just video games. They're doing badly on many fronts.

>> No.62709
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Thank you based god. The sooner they die the better.

>> No.62791
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>> No.62943

>PS4 sold 5.3 million thread on /v/
>Nintendrones blown the fuck out
>Make butthurt threads in /biz/

Could you cocksuckers please stop?
This is not what /biz/ is for. Keep your cancer to your own board. You faggots know nothing about economy and stocks.

All these threads to nurse your stomped Nintencolon need to stop. Fight your own battles on /v/.

/biz/ is not your little autism stronghold.

>> No.63006


>> No.63029

Didn't you just get banned on /v/ for spamming /biz/?

>> No.63313


Well here's where you're wrong, and why you're obviously a fantard with no real understanding of this situation.

The PS3 literally lost billions it will never recoup. Ever. It's now up to the successor console to try and fill that hole. The PS4 is being sold at a loss, meaning that even with software royalties and PSN+, the compny will still never recoup the losses made by the ps3.

You just got blown the fuck out.

This is /biz/ little Timmy. We talk about business here. This isn't your little console wars playground shit. This is real.

>> No.63330
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You wanna see something really scary?


Sony lost all their ps1 and ps2 revenues on the ps3.

>> No.63343


The gaming division is a tiny part of this company. It is responsible for the smallest amount of revenue, and that was only when it was profitable.

>> No.63358


>b-b-b-buh they haven't lost billions!!
>b-b-b-buh they didn't kill PC and TV!!!
>b-b-b-buh they didn't sell their only headquarters in their home country!!!!
>b-b-b-buh they didn't fire over 100,000 people in 5 years!!!

But they did.

You seem distressed.

>> No.63361



Already confirmed PS4 can't help the company.


>> No.63367


But then why did they make it?

>> No.63387


Sony has sold everything they can to stay in business. They only things they have left of value are the entertainment division (movies and music) and the playstation brand.

They're fattening up both for a BIG sale .

Amazon gets the entertainment division. Samsung gets playstation. Sony already sold their LCD plant to Samsung after they bailed on their joint TV venture.

>> No.63401


The value of the PlayStation brand is entirely debatable. While the PS4 is moving hardware is still being sold at a loss. The PS3 is a billion dollar failure. The most costly blunder in gaming history. Both Sony portables bombed. PSP moved hardware but never moved software and Vita can't sell either.

>> No.63418


Getting into gaming ruined this company. They took their eye off the ball and lost:

>Portable Music (a field they started)
>Home Theater
>TVs (their biggest product)
>Bluray players
>Home audio

There's nothing left. They pisssed it all away because they wanted to make kids toys. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.63452

Hello sex genie. At least when you're shitting up /biz/ you're not shitting up /v/, and vice-versa.

>> No.63483





>> No.63487

>Up nearly 4% on the Nik (inb4 LE FOREX)

Can you /v/ idiots fuck off the board? No one cares about this here.

>> No.63525

Sony had its time when it was the leading company on the market. It got really cocky with all the fedora tipping its nostalgia slaves gave the ps1. So it neglected other more important parts of the company to pursue this shity video game dream.

>> No.63551


Your meta trolling isn't going to work fanboy. We care. This is the biggest news in the electronics industry.

>> No.63553

It's kind of the same reason the division even keeps existing in the first place, it has been doing shit since the PS2 which was 14 years ago.

That and Kaz being retarded

>> No.63560
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And he's right. Stocks are in the shitter.

Sony used to trade for over $150 USD per share.

>> No.63572
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Just for fun here's Nintendo.

Only a few dollars away from Sony after a recent bump.

>> No.63578
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And here's Microsoft.

Almost double the value of Sony shares.

>> No.63581
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And here's the new owner of sony's entertainment division.

>> No.63588
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>> No.63585


So you are telling me I get cheap Amazon shares? I'm fine with that.

>> No.63593

Why you cut off divs?

>> No.63596


Why is he posting values like they mean anything?

>> No.63597


That's an all time high for the company.

The buy out rumors are really sending them through the roof.

>> No.63601

Because this is a containment thread

>> No.63603

>The PS2 came out 14 years ago
Where does the time go?

>> No.63604


Because they do. They are a direct reflection of the value of any company and their potential for grown and profitability.

>> No.63613 [DELETED] 


Go back to /v/ you little ass pained shit poster. The adults are talking.

>> No.63617


It's a sign how many shares they are selling and how big they are. Tells you nothing about profitability.

>> No.63619


>Amazon bought out DoubleHelix

So we the Amazon Playstation

>> No.63623


That's definitely what's happening.


Bzzz wrong!

The sale of shares and their value is a direct reflection of the value of a company, their potential for growth and profitability, and the overall health if the company.

>> No.63631



If you check their stocks prices against the date of that announcement you'll see a bump in share prices.

>> No.63633

>Increase the number of shares
>suddenly the company is worth less

It's meaningless to try to gauge a company by the value of their shares, Sony is doing shit, its management is retarded and they are going down the shitter, but this is silly

>> No.63638


You literally know nothing about trading.

>> No.63646

I have to say I'm sad to see Sony go while Microsoft can continue shitting out NSA spy modules without consequence.

>> No.63651

I'm sad to see that people nowadays seem to have no idea of the shady shit Sony has done

>> No.63654



Stock price X market capitalization = company value.

Sony isn't worth a wooden nickel.

>> No.63659

Amazon won't buy playstation. They just want the movies, TV and music.

Samsung will buy playstation. They have all they need to make the hardware.

>> No.63662
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Z-Score is 0.5 as of today.

Sony is FUCKED

>> No.63665

What shit, exactly, anon?

>> No.63666



Bombs are dropping!

>> No.63672

This shit makes me feel old


>> No.63681


Creating fictional movie critics, bribing retailers, using slave labor, posting racist and anti religious ads, mocking rape, killing goats, mocking Jesus, DRE fiasco and other shoddy hardware, blaming Anon for the PSN hack, $599 US, killing Michael Jackson, etcetera

>> No.63683

TLDR is:

Sony installed a rootkit without knowledge of the user (and sometimes against their wish), their cover was blown, they assured no such thing was happening and then they installed more shit.

It was a 10/10 craptastic scenario

>> No.63687

You're going to have to do better than one thing anon. One scandal does not a bad company make.

I gave Microsoft the benefit of the doubt until their Xbox cum came out and was basically a DRM trap that would actually watch you at all times.

>> No.63695

Citations please

>> No.63783

does this means that i can buy a xbox one with no fear? and in some close future it will be more profitable than the ps4?

>> No.63810

>not waiting for based Gabe Cube


>> No.63835 [DELETED] 
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B...but Sony always win baby

S...Sony always wins


>> No.63967

>Pre-Market : 17.32 Up 0.26 (1.52%)


>> No.64020


They also have the most ruthless DRM system in media still installed in most blu-ray and all their DNLA systems.

Only thing preventing it from being widespread is Samsung and LG told them to fuck off on native TV Miracast and DNLA services (While Sony TV's have it)

>> No.64022


>“For them, salvation is an exit from electronics,” Goyal said in an interview last week with Bloomberg Television. “If there’s any buyer whatsoever in the electronics business -- and there might still be some today for TV and others -- get out now.”


Op wasn't kidding!

>> No.64092


Likely a Tiny buck on PS4 numbers just announced. Not sure if there will be confidence based on S&P downgrade since that was announced last friday


If you want entertaining, anything Fox Business has done was absolutely ruthless. It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.64116

>If you want entertaining, anything Fox Business has done was absolutely ruthless. It's fucking hilarious.

What do you mean?

>> No.64147


Fox Business usually kicks the absolute shit out of Sony every time it comes. Pro-Loeb as fuck. Says they should harvest Film and music and sell it to someone like Amazon or Apple. It's pretty kek-tacular whenever it comes up.

But then Sony's on Murdoch's shitlist for a very long time (It's rumored the Nakatomi corp in Die Hard is based on Sony).

>> No.64152
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>> No.64210

All the threads on /v/. I thought they were standard shit posting. But you are telling me this is for real? That sucks. Not even a Sony fan, I love Nintendo, but I don't want this. Competition is good. Guess Microsoft and Nintendo will have to keep each other in check.

>> No.64218

So, Sony died for wanting to be the best electronic toy maker instead of saving their other business? Wow, that's really stupid. And Sony fans still say that the Ps3 won last gen. Ps3 killed Sony.

>> No.64223






History of "Creative" marketing

>> No.64227

>Guess Microsoft and Nintendo will have to keep each other in check.

Good luck with that one, the target audience for both is pretty different, at most Nintendo will get the jap support.

And that's if Microsoft doesn't, which is already kind of wishful thinking.

>Ps3 killed Sony.

PSP and Vita didn't help either.

But still, it's more about retarded management than anything, consoles didn't kill Sony, Sony being retarded is killing Sony

>> No.64317


PS3 didn't kill Sony. It sped it up. But the problem was that during the PS2, Sony paid horrific amounts of money to keep certain developers exclusive like Square and Enix (They got freaked Microsoft was backing Sega and rumored to be getting more heavily involved) and paid a stupid amount to get a package deal where they paid for the Final Fantasy movie and all Square games on the PS2 for billions which almost killed Square since it ran till 2008 (E3 2008 was a huge middle finger from Square to Sony). They also paid Rockstar, Eidos and other publishers to keep games timed exclusive away from GC and Xbox. They spent shitloads of money keeping games off other platforms in the PS2 era. PS3 was just the apex of the hubris and thinking they had it in the bag already.

On top of that, TV manufacturing plunged moving from CRT to flat panel and Sony ignored the signs of increasing competition since they plunged into it first. They didn't figure a company would figure out that selling high quality components with cheap build would easily outstrip them. And then when competition came in and beat them up, they thought they could do the same thing over and over again with the Sony Tax and it would still work some day.

Most years they were literally saved by big grossing films and music but that has completely dried up in recent years with flop after flop (Robocop only took $21 million domestic on presidents day weekend. Mega-Flop as audiences hate it while critics are mixed) and music revenue starting to dry up as that entire industries trend towards self-publishing continues.

PS3 didn't kill Sony. Sony Killed Sony.

>> No.64354

Nice to see that you have the SK franchise's interest at heart, because who doesn't want to have to wait a year for localization and lower quality visuals.

>> No.64356


That was my main concern, They have a little overlap though, and I surmise that they fight fiercer on though fronts with Sony bowing out.

You are right though. The target audience is vastly difference. No you think a new player will emerge? Sega making a comeback. I can see is now. The Sucessor to the Dreamcast. The Dream Maker.

>> No.64364

They should put it on PC if they care so much about graphics.

>> No.64388

v... /v/ sent me here ;__;

>> No.64393

Fair enough, but it's not on PC, so that's really got nothing to do with what I said.

>> No.64397

could sony hypothetically subsist completely on playstation? it looks got an early lead on this generation of hardware but would a company even be able to do something like that, just kill off all but one branch or would that leave them in too much debt? nintendo certainly has been able to sustain some massive blunders with their business model.

>> No.64407

Does Sega even have the money needed for that now? Would they even want to, taking into account the competition out there?

And I don't think any other audience is going to appear, at most it will move towards PC gaming and that's already kind of wishful thinking

>> No.64408

Considering the PS4 is selling at a loss and they'd have to rely entirely on software sales, and even if they sold off literally every other division besides gaming, not only would they still be in debt, but they'd be losing more and more money every year until they eventually fizzle up and die.

>> No.64418

>No you think a new player will emerge?
Personally I think the console business is drying up, people don't care about buying this expensive all-in-one media box when their phone/tablet/laptop can do all the same things.
"Hardcore" gaming will probably go back to being a niche market (on which platforms it's uncertain) while casual gaming remains a big player in the mobile and browser markets.

>> No.64422


Thats because nintendo has a massive stockpile of money. They have been around since the 1800s

Let that sink in. They have been in business longer than you be alive.

>> No.64426

In the land of dreams and candy cane where everything works perfectly, maybe, Sony could in theory say "ok we gonna be like Nintendo now" and try to do that.

Would they survive? Hell fucking no.

They don't have the IPs needed

They don't have the studios needed

They would lose the marketing (which is one of the biggest things playstation has)

They would lose a safety net

They would still have to really fucking get their shit together in management, if Sony was a videogames company the PS3 would have most probably killed them.

>> No.64440

>nintendo certainly has been able to sustain some massive blunders with their business model.

When Nintendo does bad the directives get a pay cut and try to get their shit together

When Sony does bad the directives raise their pays and fire another 5.000 employees.

When Nintendo does bad they lose some money but keep their heads above water

When Sony does bad they get the worst financial disaster of the entire history of vidya.

Iwata might not be perfect, and maybe Nintendo would be better off with a different CEO, its management is miles ahead of that of Sony, which is hilarious taking into account the size of both companies

>> No.64449

>"Hardcore" gaming will probably go back to being a niche market

I assume that by "hardcore" you mean the core market? The people playing cod and skyrim? because the actual hardcore gaming has been niche for like a decade

>> No.64455

>I assume that by "hardcore" you mean the core market?
To the overall market as well as casual gamers, they are pretty much representative of modern hardcore gamers.

>> No.64488


MS has a lot of JP dev loyalty as they give budgets to a lot of the small guys in JP dev. They probably will get a significant amount of support despite what /v/ says (Because lol /v/)


Poor margins and gross profit debt. No write downs like the original xbox either. It would be a very poor choice to try subside on. Especially as margins on PS4 launch quarter were poor for the amount of revenue and unit sales. Nintendo concentrates on profitability first which is why their revenues are disappointing as they are currently in on a downward trend.

You would really need some sort of support structure for vidya as it's a risky low margin/low profit enterprise if you are not careful.

Hell, Nintendo still own Love Hotels. They just spun it off into it's own company not on the Nintendo books and not officially associated with the main company (And they have a Japanese law loophole so they never will on that too)

>> No.64530

Well Yamauchi needed a place to get his chin chin wet.

>> No.64541


MS shitcanned Mattrick (I kekked when it was the boilerplate "Left to pursue other opportunities" excuse for a high level exec shittcanning. Word on the street at the time was that Bill called in and did it himself, he was furious) and it was the beginning of the end of Ballmer's tenure as CEO as well with a huge re-org planned as "Something's wrong with management". Yahoo did it with huge success for a while thanks to Daniel Loeb. Didn't last and he cashed out. But change is vital.

It's the one constant through these threads. Sony has ridiculously bad management and the people in charge are bulletproof. When the cuts to Sony pictures happened, none of the execs took a hit. It was all just below that paygrade. Same people making shitty decisions and greenlights kept their jobs while the people actually working the floor got the boot. It will be the same if any other department gets cut as well. The problem at Sony is there needs to be mass exec cullings and re-organisation but they are on the complete opposite track.

>> No.64559

How come nobody ever mentions ballmer leaving its position? Surely a change of CEO is pretty relevant to xbox too

>> No.64579


Was thats the guy that scream devlopers for 5 straight minutes, lol he was funny.

>> No.64582

>MS has a lot of JP dev loyalty as they give budgets to a lot of the small guys in JP dev. They probably will get a significant amount of support despite what /v/ says (Because lol /v/)

Any examples? I never saw microsoft too close to jap devs

>> No.64594

He has had some great moments


>> No.64631


Mainly because we know how it played out. New CEO wants to push biggest growing division in cloud compute/servers. Xbone is the front facing consuemer device for services like Azure that feed into enterprise. He's keeping xbox. Bill's back on the floor and the new division heads report to him on products and he's an xbox supporter so that's staying too.

One of the hot topic's on the floor today will be how Azure stayed up and was lag free while it was getting hammered with connections with the Titanfall beta. That's a bullet point MS have with pitching to enterprise where "We had a stress test where Azure handled low pings, AI compute and Voice communication at the same time. Didn't go down once".

That's cash money for MS in people convincing enterprise to use Azure instead of Amazon AWS and why they will keep xbox. It just showed exactly why.

>> No.64644
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>Sony is more than just video games. They're doing badly on many fronts

I'm not surprised at Sony's problems with every one of its electrical or electronic divisions. They surived this long on the basis of both their loyal japanese customers and their highly litigious patent enforcement in japan, but even japanese customers switched to "made in china" copycat products. American electronics companies were killed off by chinese copycats long ago since the patents were suspiciously not properly enforced in the USA due to the level of proof needed as compared to what Japanese courts required in their home country.

Sony was famous for rootkitting peoples' hardware. Sony LIED repeatedly about it and was known to be litigious against those trying to say something negative. After getting caught the first time, Sony tried a second time and got caught again.

Sony made fake reviewer identities. These reviewers would then issue positive reviews. Sony got caught and lied. Sony made fake movie reviews, was caught, said it would not do it again. Sony then made yet more fake reviewer identities and made more fake positive reviews and got caught again.

There was a proven culture of bold-faced lying at Sony.

>> No.64641


How many CEOs have videos like this seriously

I'm almost going to miss the guy

>> No.64719
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They contracted people like DreamFactory, FROM Software, Artoon, Team Ninja, Mistwalker and more during the Xbox and early 360. Not huge level names but they gave employment and were a lot more accommodating on getting games on their platforms from publishers like SNK and Cave as well.

There's a fair bit of Dev Loyalty over in Japan. Which is why everyone sees it weird compared to Nintendo who JP devs aren't too fond of.

JP dev can be weird. But getting grassroots JP dev compared to the other two was one of the things MS did well compared to the others and It will probably continue this gen.

I fear we're getting off topic though and markets just opened.

I can already see shorting rolling off Nik trading and PS4 numbers. Can't see a candle like the Vaio sell rumors though.

>> No.64744

>Sony lose billions
>Sony stock plumets
>Sony in break up talks with investors
>Sony divisions being bought out
>It's just mad nintendrones

This has nothing to do with console wars, this is to do with Sony as a whole, they are fucked.

>> No.64751

>Sony made fake reviewer identities. These reviewers would then issue positive reviews. Sony got caught and lied. Sony made fake movie reviews, was caught, said it would not do it again. Sony then made yet more fake reviewer identities and made more fake positive reviews and got caught again.
>There was a proven culture of bold-faced lying at Sony.

This sounds to me like a company being desperate to survive.

>> No.64768

let em, the only reason /v/ dont migrate to /biz/ to shitpost is cause they have no ground to stand on, any attemp to shitpsot will be blastered with facts to crumble em

>> No.64895
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>> No.64922


You're an idiot.

>> No.65200

>Sony made fake reviewer identities. These reviewers would then issue positive reviews. Sony got caught and lied. Sony made fake movie reviews, was caught, said it would not do it again. Sony then made yet more fake reviewer identities and made more fake positive reviews and got caught again.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, but do you have any sources on that?

>> No.65222

sony is 1 shaddy bastard to be fair, from all division from music to bndling numbers (PS2/3/4) sales in Games

>> No.65249

Which is why it wouldn't surprise me, just as it wouldn't surprise me if neogaf was a literal marketing site, but it's handy to actually have sources.

I understand though that this kind of thing is more of a "yeah it's just something everybody knows at this point" than anything

>> No.65261

the problem is now that know or not, is that people just accept it

>> No.65274


See >>64223

They have history. Also this embarrassing as fuck product placement lately.


Also, no "Loeb is gone as chief agitator" speculation, anyone? It's probably why Hirai got away with the TV Spin Off unchallenged as well. No Loeb. No agitated big stake holders.

Seriously, what a fucking mess when the guy who's notorious for returning a company to profitability decides "No, fuck this. Leave a small stake in but I'm out to someone who might listen". I mean, we knew Sony was boned. But holy shit driving off Loeb might just have moved up the timetable.

>> No.65287

Why all of this Loeb worship?

>> No.65307

one of the major investors in teh company and told sony that they need to spin the company (separate all divisions, so those unprofitable could not longer leech/drag the one making money)

Kaz didnt like the idea cause among many division it would have killed./ damages Games (Kaz favorite pet), so among that and among his own ego of, I KNOW WHAT I DO, IM NEVER WRONG, Kaz used his influence onthe board to tell Loeb to get the fuck out.

6 months later and Kaz is forced to Sell PC and sony will post a 1B lost this year

>> No.65318

>this fucking thread again

I'll double my investments and see all of you retards later.

>> No.65326

> damages Games
> one of their most profitable sector
More like their TV/electronics/conductors cannot survive without leeching from everywhere else.

>> No.65335

>> one of their most profitable sector
are you drunk?
Games is on RED

>> No.65338

If Sony goes under, what does that means for PS4? I mean, if they sell it to Amazon or Samsung, does that mean no one's going to make games for it anymore or will it just be a legal change of ownership without anything being noticeably different for the end consumer?

>> No.65357

they are alwyas in the red line the only point when they posted a good profit was 2011 in the last 5 years.

>> No.65361


We know. We've had conformation from several places outside neogaf that Sony staff post on it, are obsessed with it and also leak resolutions and other stuff about other companies to certain fanboys who take it and run with it because it's easy guerrilla marketing and plausible deniability if ever those fanboys get smacked by the FTC for it (Which I'm shocked didn't happen so far)

What's become apparent lately is they are doing it when the share price is threatened as it always seems to show up when there's a big dip in Sony shares or bad news incoming (The Third Point news today is pretty huge for traders) and they go on a massive campaign to spread bad news about xbone through proxies. Same people. Same timeframes. The guy who leaked the Theif resolution is even a former Sony employee (And no doubt has investment). It's just a real hard one to prove in court so they will get away with it as well.

But then I suppose, cornered rat syndrome and desperately trying to survive.

>> No.65363

they will make it more of an entertainment device than a game console.

>> No.65380

Honestly, if Amazon or Samsung bought the Playstation division they would scrap the console immediately because they know as well as everyone else that consoles are not profitable.

>> No.65378

Are you retarded? Go look at their last quarter and forward guidance.

The sunk cost is paid for, and just because PS3 was a huge failure does not mean PS4 will suffer same fate.

>> No.65385

>Sony goes under

They have enough in their cash reserve to last a decade, and definitely enough assets to last another. This bankruptcy watch shit is hilarious

>> No.65386

I really suspect that the majority of people in this thread are actually from /v/.

>> No.65403


It got linked in /v/. Hence retard posts like >>65385 are starting to show up.

>> No.65404

>They have enough in their cash reserve to last a decade
What reserve?
And they only have $151 billion in assets with a $130 billion debt.

>> No.65394

This is a new board. Everyone is from somewhere else. There are no /biz/ natives yet.

>> No.65399

I bought and used tonnes of shitty overpriced Sony products, so I say good riddance to bad rubbish. Every brand they have to sell off is a good brand, because maybe a good company will take it and make it right.

>> No.65401

Hey guys, /v/irgin here. So if sony does die what do you think will happen to the 5 million ps4 sold? Amazon gets them? Paper weight?

Really just curious as to what you think as i'm really interested in this board but it is way out of my league.

After this post i'm just gonna lurk for several months as i find the stuff you're talking about fascinating.

>> No.65417

Sony is not going to die for decades. Sears and JCP is burning cash by the quarter and even them can still last quite many years

Come back and ask again when you are in your 40s

>> No.65427

I think quite many people who use consumer electronics have a few reasons to dislike Sony. Video game lovers might be the least hateful group towards Sony right now. Their electronics (except for Playstation maybe) lost almost their entire consumer base. They're basically the king of anti-economics. Of course there are many former Sony customers who want to state that they had it fucking coming. It's not Nintendo fanboys, holy shit.

>> No.65434

>Thinks Sony is going to bankrupt soon
>8 billion cash and cash equivalent

How stupid are you?

>> No.65435

Okay cool, capped this post. Will be back to ask in 13 years.

>> No.65441

>$8 billion
>$130 billion debt
Stop posting.

>> No.65452

>implying debt matters as cause of bankruptcy
They don't. The only way Sony will file for bankruptcy if their cash reserves goes into dangerously low.

>> No.65458

If Sony actually died suddenly, PS4 would go out like the Dreamcast. Thing is, they're doing okay with their games/Computer Entertainment sector, and their camera sector, actually rivaling Canikon. Their oats are spread too, and they haven't allowed Loeb to remove any of their limbs. If their death does come, it will probably come slowly and painfully.

>> No.65477

They also have $150 billion assets. $121 billion liabilities are far from un-manageable.

>> No.65469


That cash in hand does not equal company health. Especially when said company is financed by debt at this point.

>> No.65472

>$8 billion
>Not dangerously low for a conglomerate with 150k employees (and dropping)
I'll say it again, stop posting.

>> No.65484

>They also have $150 billion assets.
Unfortunately they can't just sell off all of their assets, they'd have to have REALLY good management to survive this, and they don't.

>> No.65492

People may not like Sony but I feel like things are going to be worse if Amazon gets Playstation. Amazon strikes me as the type that would just release mobile game after mobile game after mobile game after mobile game.

>> No.65496

>>Not dangerously low for a conglomerate with 150k employees (and dropping)

It's not. Now stop pretending like you know what you're talking about. I've read countless financial reports

Go check out JCP and you will know what is dangerously low. Even them won't file for bankruptcy for at least 2 years+

Sears is in a much worse shape that is being supported by their properties. Even Sears have enough to last a decade

>> No.65519

What are the odds of viral marketing on /v/?

I mean Sony has already done viral marketing before with Playstation, just not stealth viral marketing, knowing that, knowing this, and knowing that Sony itself stated that the marketing campaign for PS4 was unprecedented, it doesn't sound crazy at all to me

>> No.65522

JCP and Sears aren't conglomerates anon.
Hell, they're the size of maybe one of Sony's divisions.

>> No.65533


>See these stores that failed too change in tune with the market over a period of years? Exactly like the tech and media mega-corp model where companies can rapidly lose money on bad investment and sustain on better investments! Therefore Sony will survive a BAJILLION YEARS!

Yep. /v/ is here alright.

>> No.65540

It's not like the PS4 has any fucking games anyway.

>> No.65547

It's not like that matter belongs to /biz/

>> No.65558

I don't even browse /v/, and never bought a console in my life.

I just found it hilarious how retarded some of you are.

Sears is a retail conglomerates who also dabbles in real estate. They are kept afloat by selling their estates and some retail brands

>> No.65560

high but the game industry is so full of this shit is standard and no one notices or cares anymore.

>> No.65572

you are dumb, right?
ok, I ll take the time to explain you why

1st, Sony lost 4.7B on 7th gen, that is all the money PS2 made + a chunk of PS1

whatever was left (even after selling building and firing employees) was ate by PS4 just R&D.

as a whole SCE is on RED, they have made some profit in the last year, but they are not close to overall being on black.

about those 172M on Q3. That is a 4% profit margin, inflated thank to exchange rate, and during the bussiest time of the year. also, given the raw number of units sold, thos 172 are likely to disappear later this year when sony have to pay taxes over those sales.

Now, why does SCE would die if Loeb were able to spin the company?

this is how a Sony console sales

Announce Console >spend money moneyhatting devs > spend more moeny you no longer have on brian washing advertising > spent more money you now are on debt selling consoles at lost > get shouldered by other division for 3 year till you are profitable > make back the money you spent.

even when is a valid model, Consoles depend on the otehr division to drag em for the years it takes to be able to make mney out of the consoles

if you remove that safety net, thye have now way to pull that model, and if they try, they will simple die of starvation

>> No.65580

>and definitely enough assets to last another
not anymore

>> No.65583
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Are all discussions on /biz/ this emotional and full of accusations?

>> No.65584


They are guerilla marketing in an extremely sketchy way with social media. They don't need to since info spreads quick and they learned to used their own customers as viral. PS3 owners were loudest and most obnoxious last gen. Leverage that when "Winning" with some black PR and you get shit spread everywhere and everyone dancing to your tune (Dev in UK said they were already running 1080P on xbone when the new SDK updates arrived from MS. Immediately labeled as shills, liars, paid etc.)

Also, they get away with Black PR since with the old film and music scams. The other competing companies owned the cable TV news networks and newspapers that reported it when they got caught because Sony's fucking with their other business. Gaming, no one would dare since the media is so controlled and the access can be taken away.

Viral? No. Shills? They created their own shills out of their hardcore fanbase who lie and spread black PR. Why pay for them?

>> No.65598

yes, yes, all of you sell or short sony

>> No.65604

>Calculating the entire Game sector since its creation

lol. Companies and shareholders care far more about future prospects than the past. We all know PS3 is a massive failure, but fact is game sector is now profitable and will likely to remain very profitable for years down the line (see guidance).

There is two ways Sony can go about this. Spinoff their profitable sectors and rake in $$ from better managements, or sell off all their dead sectors and end up still with a decently profitable corporations.

Kaz is not unwilling to spin off to protect games, it is to protect TV.

>> No.65615

>Shorting sony when they are finally selling/spinning off
margin call inc

>> No.65621


Depends on the time of day and if /v/ is linked to the thread.

Good conversation's mostly at night. We'll probably have a bretty gud debate on what the Third Point pullout as single biggest stakeholder means later on. But for now. It's Econ 101 and explaining how cash in hand and assets can't save a company on a downward trend with extremely slim margins unless there is massive restructuring.

And a games console alone cannot save them. Hell, that margin last quarter was appalling for unit sales on hardware and software and heads would have rolled at better run companies for it.

>> No.65622

>Sears is a retail conglomerates who also dabbles in real estate.
And Sony is a general conglomerate that dabbles in everything from electronics to movies to insurance.
I know you're not an idiot, so obviously you know they're not the same thing.

>> No.65738
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>Not Looking at trend
>Not Short on high, buyback on low.

>Long Hold

>> No.65743

>Companies and shareholders care far more about future prospects
>onf a company with 7 year consecutive losse and projecting more lost for 2013,

>> No.65761

How are you guys actually monitoring all this? The news feeds seem slanted (granted, natural that vultures would come along when they smell fresh dead meat), but just watching stocks over the quarter? Comparing to the projections of the company, while keeping in mind new tech and reported business moves? Is that about right?

>hi I don't know how2biz

>> No.65759

>Good conversation's

Have fun with that intellectually stimulating conversation you're gonna have when the newfags head to bed. i've enjoyed this thread but some of you guys are so fucking pretentious. i was hoping to actually learn something but most of you guys are just dicks, not really much better than /v/irgins.

>> No.65777

fundamental and sentimental analysis

>> No.65781

Seems a little odd that sony is having a bankruptcy meltdown (IT'S HAPPENING.PNGGGGGGGG) as we speak, but not a single major media outlet is reporting on it. I'm gonna wait and see; everyone here seems incredibly anxious for Sony to be no more.

>> No.65790

>sentimental analysis


>> No.65794

>everyone here seems incredibly anxious for Sony to be no more.
Not really surprising when you look at their track record.
And a lot of their shitty, overpriced products.

>> No.65802 [DELETED] 

oh wow LEL r u sure xDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.65808

Sony isn't going down in the dumps, far from it

>> No.65812

This board was made because of all the /v/ - Industry Analysts

>> No.65824

And /sci/ducks who make /econ/ threads. And /pol/pots with their forex/stock generals.

>> No.65830

There was already an exposure of neogaf founders getting paid by Sony and forcing viral ads on other sites.

Too bad it was all lost in the great archive purge.

>> No.65838

ussing your brain

>> No.65846

sony is cause they have some really bad habits, they need to learn the hard way

>> No.65849
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>> No.65853

and /g/ cryptomoney

>> No.65855
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If you think Sony is doom, short it.

If not, buy.

We will see who is right in a year

>> No.65868
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>"i was hoping to actually learn something but most of you guys are just dicks, not really much better than /v/irgins".

>Not knowing that business is full of egotistical dicks in the first place

We're all assholes here, and proud.



No, but it is the fall of the last huge Japanese Zaibatsu. Everyone smart got out years back on trying to make everything. Mitsubishi, Mazda, Panasonic and more stick to the money makers instead of trying to make everything but Sony is desperately clinging on

Sony is doomed as the Sony we knew it. The interesting part is what form will Sony take in the future and that's what these threads are about. Poor margins, big name investors losing confidence and more. That shit is fascinating.

By the end of 2015, Sony may just be an insurance company. That's why we have this thread.

>> No.65891

Put money where your mouth is, and buy puts to my calls then


>> No.65923

The playstation 1 and 2 were successful, but also a small part of the company. Sony failed for a lot of reasons.

>> No.65933

It's like I'm really on /v/.

>> No.65940

ps2 accounted for greater than 50% of Sony's operating income in the 2002s and 2003s.

It was not small in terms of profitability

>> No.65960

That has more to do with Sony having trouble to get profit more than anything.

That they got the amount of profit they did from the PS2 is a complete embarrassment

>> No.65988

and yet PS3 managed to eat all PS2 + a chunk of PS1 profits

>> No.66000


>Buying for Shorting while Day Trader suckers are buying on PS4 sales today

You must be joking. If it caves due to the Third Point action around the 15-16 range in a day maybe.


>Call options $20-25 Jan 2015

[kekking intensifies]

>> No.66011

and now ps4 is heading to a massive success and could rake in alot of $$ from services and license sales

>> No.66016

if q3 is and indicative, PS4 is also a money pit

>> No.66029

> If it caves due to the Third Point action around the 15-16 range in a day maybe.

What the fuck are you going on about.

>>Call options $20-25 Jan 2015

Then buy puts in the 12-14 range. Like I said, put your money where your mouth is or stfu

>> No.66048


>> No.66046

>makes $100 million profit on first quarter without the delicious software sales and coming services
>hardware price continue to decrease, allowing margin to grow
>money pit
Does not compute.

>> No.66052

>posting on /biz/rael
>good goys

>> No.66055

The PS4 got a 100 million profit?

You better have a source for that

>> No.66064

>Mfw there are people that believes Sony spinoff will cause stock to decline

>> No.66070

/v/, you are worse than /pol/ (and by that I mean Ben Stiller, because we all know every post on /pol/ is made by him). Please die.

>> No.66084

Just personal deduction.

Q3 Game division raked in $170 million in operating income, with $59 million of that from PC writeoff.

All other crap in Sony game sector are at loss or small profits. The remaining is most likely due to PS4 (a quick comparison with Q2 seems to affirm that).

>> No.66092

So you are assuming that the PS3 and the Vita literally have no effect.


>> No.66096

Don't let facts like cash reserves bother you.

You are as bad as those saying Nintendo is doomed and going to bankrupt

>> No.66095

Nintendo has a better chance of going bankrupt, sony has a a shit ton of money off of the ps4

>> No.66112

you dont know how to read numbers anons

>4,2 B profit
>thios coutns, software, royalties, PS+ , PS2/3/4 sales, PSP, PSV
>out of all that pool, minus expenses, only made 0.17B profit
that is 4% profit, boosted by exchange rate, and not counting Tax over sales to be paid at the end of the year.
And this during the best time of the year

Sony problem is not making money, is that they MUST burn most of it in marketing and deal, that why they keep bleeding money at the start of every gen

and why they need to stay latched to SONY, other wise they would not survive 2 year alone with the model their work under

>> No.66113

Yes. Look at Q2

>> No.66117

Who even mentioned Nintendo?

>> No.66124

>All other crap in Sony game sector are at loss or small profits. The remaining is most likely due to PS4 (a quick comparison with Q2 seems to affirm that).
actually would be PS3, PS4 if anything barely got even and that is counting Sony going full Jew on PS+ and forcing DS4

>> No.66156

>not survive 2 year
>4% profit
What if I tell you Sony games are all at loss except for Playstation? What if I tell you bulk of console margin comes from licensing (which does not kick in for Ps4 for another year or 2). Hardware cost reduces over time, increasing margin.

Having nice margin is nice, but profit is profit. For Sony game division, that margin is only going to go up from reduced infrastructure, hardware expenses, and engineer costs, while increase sales from high margin licensing and service products.

>> No.66169

>ps3 making $100 million on ps4 release

>> No.66180
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>Credit positive and debt free
>Going bankrupt over credit negative and financed by debt company

>> No.66221

A bunch of butthurt

>> No.66662

and till then in 2 years in the future, PS4 is a money pit

one sold 4.2M units at loss
one sold 3.6M units at profit

guess who is who

>> No.68204
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They were riding high around E3 time.

>What happened?

>> No.68222

Ps4 empty promises

>> No.68686
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Daniel Loeb happened. First letter in May post FY Fueled spin off speculation on electronics. Second in July peaked the price. It floated down off OK results in July then crashed on a big loss in October.

Investors speculated and got bitten hard on Sony. Hence why it's so bearish since last October and is still finding it hard even with the PC sell off. PS4 numbers popped a $1.50 in November out of the slump. Today was muted despite the PS4 target hit before march, now that the division is known to be marginal and Third Point have reduced their stake.

>> No.68732

And this is why I told you guys not to invest in next gen consoles. They're all going to flop and be giant paper weights with no games. But noooooo, you didn't believe me, did you?

>b-but muh Xbox and Wii-U

Are garbage. The PC is the only platform that will continue making a profit. Hell, look at Valve. They make millions off of Team Fortress 2 A DAY. People are willingly buying pixels from them at top dollar, and their stocks haven't been higher since. Gabe Newell is an evil genius who knows how to sucker people out of their money.

>> No.68779

I wonder if they release that 5.3M number to fight off Loeb selling stocks

>> No.68872


>Praising the fat ass who needs to take his company public and establish proper QA channels because "MUH CONSOLE WARS"

Steam is a fucking money sink from an investors perspective. Growth shot up during the PC Renaissance from 2010 but now competing platforms are becoming more popular with consumers and developers like GOG and Desura, or even Origin. On top of that, QA has been lackidasical and Early Access is nothing but a scam to try barge in on the Kickstarter craze that is seriously denting consumer confidence. Greenlight was a spectacular failure with nothing to replace it and developers are starting to be put off. All they offer is some sort of hazy future blue sky research like VR and a Debian distro of linux that some of their consumers want, but few can afford and their "steam machines" were the second biggest laughing stock of CES after Micheal Bay spilled his spaghetti (And to keep it on topic. Sony's CES keynote where they claimed they were going to take back TV and go all in on 4K was 3rd. Especially when the next day, Vizio rolled them and announced a 4K series starting at $1000 compared to Sony's $5000 starter set. Wow)

Problems on consumer and enterprise end not being fixed because "Horizontal Management"? That's the sort of shit that caused dot com bubble companies to burst. Don't bring that trash in /biz/

>> No.68924


Standards and Poors downgrade and Roboflop as well. Lots of flinging shit about PS4 to keep good news in the media through proper PR and black PR (Gee, suddenly resolutions came up again from a former Sony employee on the back of a lot of bad finance news. If those faggots at neogaf can't see they are just pawns for inside trading then I don't even know what to say)

>> No.69002

>and their stocks haven't been higher since

Whose stocks?

>> No.69039


He's trying to talk about Valve. And he wouldn't know anyway as they are a privately held company. Also a really bad investment.

>> No.69081

So Berkshire Hathaway is by far the most profitable company ever?

>> No.69161

>heir stocks haven't been higher since
Valve is completely privately owned

there are no stocks

>> No.69440

>debt free

So they're entirely supported by equity?

Fuck, that must cost a bit of coin

>> No.69537


This is huge news.

Sony's biggest shareholder and strongest supporter has bailed on the company. This is literally the end. Investors know this company will never return to profitability.

If you're holding Sony shares at this point you're about to lose your shirt .

>> No.70300
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I wonder if Loeb's going full retard. He just bought Blackberry


Also seems Third Point's doing swaps between proxies on Sony. Either clever way to get out or multi-pronged assault on Hirai from different reps. Or full retard.

>> No.70334

Sony was still in business?

>> No.70807


That's just it.

>> No.71256


Huh. Looks like they got enough suckers in with Music Unlimited on PS4 and the strategy will be to push that more. No wonder they are not in any rush to put DNLA or user media function on the PS4 outside of their own and partners.

Looks like the strategy will be to put every single thing behind a seperate pay wall this gen. Interesting to see how far they can push consumers considering how "Loyal" their audience is.

>> No.71893

The PS4 isn't being sold at a loss, when's the last time you bothered checking that information.

>> No.72167

>Sony said it

>> No.72193

Whoops. Posted a forum link without thinking here is an actual article


>> No.73465
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>multi-pronged assault on Hirai from different reps.
You make it sound like literal corporate warfare.

>> No.73736

What is Samsungs company symbol ? biz-game doesn't cover the LSE or KF do they ?

>> No.73892

>Amazon will soon own the rights to the Spider-Man movies
Just give them back to Marvel.

>> No.74041

What anouncement?

>> No.74121

they just have always been able to make more than what they invested in a short period of time.
and were smart enough to make a good savings account

>> No.74135

>push that more
they are hopping fans are as drones as possible
and they expect PSNow to keep forcing user to use their wallet

add to that the DS4 mandatory and no DS3 support, PS4 is the ultimate jew console

>> No.75366


This is what Loeb does. He's hanging back and probably splitting his stake around because of the bad bet and public warfare might turn nasty or to create a quiet pullout that won't affect the main stake


Certainly has shut up because of his "Bad Bet" and agitating the board. Just wonder where he will be at after the FY


They trade as 005930:KS on the KOPSI

>> No.76263

Market's open, faggits. Get in here


Down at market start to 17.10, was already down on JP trading due to unease on the Nik. Very likely about Third Point's shuffle (Additional note about shuffling. While it also can be used to proxy war. It can also be a cover for easing out without causing shareholder panic. It's rattled the cage however.)

The candle off PS4 sales are well and truly snuffed out at this point. Especially being down so quick. Moody's keeping Sony Life (Separate IPO) at investment grade but claiming Sony Corp is actually still a risk probably not helping confidence either.

>> No.78961

/biz/ is /v/'s containment board. Deal with it.

>> No.78999

if you have 20 sony shares and amazon buys sony, then you have 1 amazon share. It's not a deal. It's the same money

>> No.79016

But amazon is an american company, they can't buy a part of a Japanese company. It's against the Japanese law.

>> No.79258


There's an exception to that. If the business already provides employment and infrastructure in Japan, they can actually buy companies or assets as long as they remain invested in Japanese economy.

You can't come in and buy a company outright. It's a protectionist law and goes for most around the world. Example, Suntory bought some soft drink lines from GlaxoSmithKline. They had enough British presence to do so. The regulators allowed the purchase as Suntory had provided employment to British people and weren't pulling out of the country any time soon.

Amazon can certainly buy PlayStation but they would be obligated to keep it open for a certain amount of time and maintain a certain level of infrastructure in Japan.

>> No.79789

>Sony as a whole in trouble
>People cant stop talking about console wars

go /v/ and stay /v/

>> No.79816

ps4 is outselling xbox one 2:1
stores are constantly running out of ps4's to sell.
so how is it doing badly?
not trying to be a smartass, just genuinely curious.

>> No.79938

Because Sales != profitable

And please don't be so stupid, the PS4 is scarce intentionally

>> No.79940


Extremely Low margin when the company can't afford it and needed out of the gate high margin in the $400-500 range without exchange to be a real company saver. Next quarter will deliver a million sales and still extremely low margins due to cost of launch in final regions. I would expect something razor thin like $0-10 million if 4.2 million units can't even bring in $150 million.

It would fetch a pretty penny if division was sold due to unit sales (Though software attach rates seem bad at the minute) but it's a money sink for Sony Corp.

It's doing badly but more of a division and company fuck up to create the short term gainer that saves the company instead of a long run bet.

>> No.80128

Not him but
The whole PS brand is in red
PS3 didn't make any profits and consumed the profits of PS1 & PS2, PS4 is selling with loss.
Ms shoot themself in the foot, it was christmas/black friday sale time and the console have a very good launch, PS4 will never gain a such boost in sales again but even with all those advantage Sony only made 170mil profits. The profits wasn't even from the Ps4 alone but from PS3/PS4 and the Vita/PSP combined, while Ms made with the Xbox brand nearly half a billion profits (thats more than the profits of Sony as a whole company).
I can only see that it will go down from here, the hype about the console is dying, Ms denied the rumours about selling the xbox brand and will start to try to catch up, the PS4 exclusive line up for this year is shit (maybe except for Infamous) and Daniel Loeb give up on rescuing Sony.
Even if the PS4 is outselling Xbox 2:1 it won't stay always the same, Ms will start to moneyhat exclusive and extra contents, buy studios and as soon they will implement the free games for gold program next year PS+ will lose all its advantage.

>> No.80147

>Even if the PS4 is outselling Xbox 2:1 it won't stay always the same

This is what baffles me, how incredibly quickly do people forget

Nobody remembers last gen, PS3 was dead in the water for 2 YEARS, it took forever until it picked up steam and look at it, 80 mil sold

>> No.80205

I think Sony will bounce back. I think I'll buy Sony stock when it hits rock bottom.

>> No.80211

Sony is going to be fine Jesus fucking God just shut the fuck up you stupid Nintenponies.

>> No.80290

Why do you assume that someone who thinks that Sony is in a bad financial position must be a Nintendo fan?

Because it would seem that the whole market is fucking full of "nintenponies", which looking at the WiiU sales isn't probable

>> No.80310

people are just jumping on the PS4 hype and MS hate train, I think even if the PS4 is stronger and cheaper than Xbox, they lost one of the best(and probably the only) advantage of the Cell architecture. People forgot the time as the Xbox360 outsold PS3 even in Japan Ps3 could catch up because they got in the end many exclusive games. How did they got those exclusive, they moneyhat developers, have a loyal fanbase that only play a serie on the PS (I know some people wo said they would rather die than play MGS on the 360 lol), the developers would chose either they made the game for 360 with no fanbase that would buy it or they made it for the PS3 with a loyal fanbase.
Sony lost those 2 advantage now with the PS4, they can't afford to moneyhat exclusive anymore and now that both console use the same memory architecture, games can be easily developed and ported between each other. Third party exclusive will die out(maybe not for Xbox because MS can afford it to moneyhat developers.)

>> No.80470

bumping for interest

>> No.80564


Business is always fluid. Tomorrow MS could get their shit together and say "Fine then. Kinectless SKU bundled with digital copy of Titanfall. $350". And consumers would buy their box en masse. If they were making profit of of it and lots of it. That's good business and would help them claw back.

Videogames are fluid. Sony was seen as one of the also rans alongside 3DO/Panasonic, Phillips and Atari till Sega fucked up hardcore and Nintendo announced they were arriving 1996. Sony came in with smart marketing and took the audience.

It can all change on a single bad decision. But that's business.


It's a fascinating subject for a lot of business people that the last big mega Zaibatsu is killing itself trying to compete with Korea when everyone else streamlined in the face of recession and trying to lose money. The Financial Times delivered a killer of a line when reporting the Quarterly with, "The Japanese company, lately known more for it's disappointments rather than it's Gadgets".

But because video games are involved and that involves almost cult-like loyalty to product. You get accusations like that. Hell, "Intesting in the Futures Of Bullshit" tier rags like Motley Fool figured out the cult like devotion gets clicks and started baiting more than usual. Good business even if it is irritating.

>> No.80583

Sony will be selling game division, you heard it here first. Likely buyer will be Google.

>> No.80600

MS would have to increase Xboxone specs AND allow developers access to their entire system before they'd be able to compare to ps4.
If you look at the graphical comparisons between the two (which seems like all that most people base their buying decisions on) there's a clear winner

>> No.80670

>If you look at the graphical comparisons between the two (which seems like all that most people base their buying decisions on)
Last gen Nintendo sold over 100 million Wii consoles with shit graphics, Sony could catch up with MS even thought the PS3 have worser multiplats perfomance( even worser than Xbone games to PS4).
PS2 is the best selling consoles ever with the far weakest hardware in the 6 gen.
Why do you think that people only pay attention to graphics?

>> No.80682


>Power comparison
>In /biz/ thread
>While completely missing the point or even addressing anything

Crawl back to your cesspit on >>>/v/ you mutant.

>> No.80818

Don't kid yourself, this shit has nothing to do with graphics and everything to do with money

If people actually cared about graphics they would buy PCs, and Vitas, they don't

>> No.80843

>power comparison
the exact reason that ps4's are outselling 2:1
do you run all your investments without looking into the thing you're investing in, or why people like it? (or don't)
wii had novelty and that's why it sold, also the casual aspect, but even the graphics issue cut into it's numbers.
ps2 had an stable of amazing exclusives, and a solid line of games besides. also, weakest hardware? gamecube was weaker than ps2, and xbox didn't yet have the clout of being an established brand.

>> No.80838

Hell I'll add to this, check the best selling consoles, then check in each generation which consoles were more powerful and which ones were cheaper

>> No.80871

PS1 decimated N64 in hardware and sales
PS2 was stronger than Gamecubeand Xbox and thrashed the competition
PS3 was the most powerful and the cell was so damn powerful the US MILITARY said it was stronger than anything they had
PS4 is set up to repeat history once again

Face it, Sony's an unstoppable dreadnought and is going nowhere.

>> No.80863


Is this really the end for them? PS4 sold 5.1 million units, how much of a loss are they taking on those things?

>> No.80874

They dont' buy pc's because that's not a console. unless you have solid data stating that pc's take up a large portion of the console market, then why mention it?
also, vita's are handheld, not console. (again)
But, from what I'm gathering, Xbox's are a lot cheaper to produce than ps4's and therefore make a lot more money, even though they sell less units.

>> No.80902
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>gamecube was weaker than ps2

>> No.80918

>PS1 decimated N64 in hardware
>PS2 was stronger than Gamecube and Xbox

Revisionism is a terrible thing anon

>PS3 was the most powerful

Yes and the consumer really cared about that the first two years right, even though the games didn't even look good because the architecture was retarded, the consumer at heart knew about the power of the cell.

Which is why it was dead in the water for 2 entire years

It wasn't several price drops and marketing what sold it, no sir, it was the cell

You are a delusional fanboy

>Face it, Sony's an unstoppable dreadnought and is going nowhere.

And not only that but you somehow think that Playstation is enough to make Sony survive.

You have no place here.

>> No.80929

How wasn't it?
I had both. Gamecube was weaker in every aspect. if it wasn't, then no games utilized it's potential at all, which is the same thing as being weaker.
also, traditionally, whatever sony embraces becomes the standard.

>> No.80933
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>> No.80946

>Toddlers butthurt about donkey kong flopping hard that a vita game
>Wiiu selling like crap
>Xboners getting asshurt by the shitty graphics and low sale on his bones


Then again you dont believe /v/ predicitions

>> No.80978

>also, traditionally, whatever sony embraces becomes the standard.
This. Sony has such a huge influence on culture and technology that if we lose Sony god knows how many years we'll be set back.
Also this. /biz/ is just filled with butthurt Nintenponies and Xbots.

Which good riddance. Maybe without Nintendo or Xbox, /v/ can actually be decent.

>> No.80996

I most point out that it's pleasant that people to shit things up is actually a eventuality rather than a constant

>> No.81010

I don't know about that.
I come from /pol/ not /v/
also, I've owned every Nintendo console ever made, and love the shit out of Nintendo.
But I also love my ps1/2/3 and play halo on my pc.
HOWEVER - Sony has a lot more going on than just their video game division. we've established that sony has a 1000 year reich on the gaming industry, but I'm curious as to their numbers in their other divisions.

>> No.81089


The thread gets linked in /v/. Fact is like salt to a snail. They shitpost.

It happens and we will expect it to happen on /biz/rael. Best is to report and move on.


We hate to repeat ourselves but we actually check facts here. Hence our predictions that the Reich will last as long as it really did.


Also, feel free to get out of /biz/ and back to /pol/ when you are done.

>> No.81476

why didn't they just make games


>> No.81520
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>How wasn't it?
>I had both. Gamecube was weaker in every aspect. if it wasn't, then no games utilized it's potential at all

Guess which one is which.

>> No.81539

This is as stupid as


Leave your consolewars in /v/, it's ok to comment on how, for example, being based on exclusivity contracts and the PS3 architecture fucked them in the games department, which leads to poor sales etc, but your post right now adds nothing to the discussion

>> No.81564

So would Sony be able to survive if they became solely a video game company?

>> No.81689

I don't intend to be harsh but the fucking question has been answered like 5 times in the last 2 days, and there are answers to it in this very thread

TLDR: Probably not if they get their shit together, absolutely completely not if they intend to keep going at it like this

>> No.81783


They would need to increase margin exponentially to do so. We're probably talking Nintendo margins of $400-500 per quarter plus cost cutting like crazy on software production. So no big "Cinematic" games or only one every year or two, either. Streamlined staffing and management too.

Bad management as well. PS3 managed to put 80 million units out but rarely posted profit. Would have to pretty much take execs out back, have them shot and replaced with more efficient new execs.

So no, not a hope in hell. Especially how poor their margins are considering units sold. Heads would roll at other companies for that.

>> No.82219

>PS2 was stronger than Gamecubeand Xbox

please stop white washing ps2 and double check your facts about each consoles hardware aspects before spouting shit like that
either that or get the fuck back to >>>/v/

>> No.83945

>One scandal does not a bad company make.

Installing programs to spy on users without their knowledge and even going against the user's wishes when flatly denied permission is a FUCKING HUGE DEAL AND IS UNETHICAL AS SHIT NO MATTER WHAT. Fuck off fanboy, Jesus Christ.

>> No.84003

>The PS4 isn't being sold at a loss
without posting any proof.
wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.84019

N-no please ... just go bail them out Japanese government ... Sony is nippon pride worldwide and I don't want amazon cunts messing with a very promising PS4.

>> No.84016
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/v/irgin here. I'm really sorry for the butthurt Sony fanboys /biz/, they're a scourge on /v/ too, and they shitpost everywhere they go.

I remember some time ago there was some drama over Samsung buying one of Sony's PS4 GDDR5 plants and another one burning down. Did Sony ever comment on that?

>> No.84096

Y'all niggas need to understand the trends

Google has been growing like a tumor recently in two directions. Robotics, and gaming.

There's a reason they're doing this. They see the writing on the wall better than anyone.

Prepare for the Google Playstation 4

>> No.84108

/v/iruses who can't accept the truth and wants nintendo go with sany's sinking boat.

>> No.84132

>one of the world's foremost consumer electronics companies might be going under
>nothing but video game talk and le epik trol

What a disappointment

>> No.84157

I see a lot of bullshit arguing and faggotry in here.

What does this actually mean for the PlayStation brand if Sony breaks up? Will the Sony brand exist under, say, Amazon? All Amazon hardware could be Sony Branded and we get some nice deals on TVs and shit.

>> No.84255

>Just personal deduction.

>Just personal bullshit.

>> No.84271


Basically the PS4 may not be going anywhere if someone else buys up the SCE division and treats it well afterwards. It's possible that the SCE division will not ever be bought or sold, and thus the Playstation brand will die.

>> No.84500

It just struck me though that if Samsung did buy the game division that almost no one in Japan would buy the next Korean version of the Playstation because of Asia's bullshit habit of petty nationalism. They already similarly shun Xbox for being a pig disgusting fat gaijin console. That means everyone in Japan, as significant market, is going to Nintendo. That would also mean all the Japanese developers would trend towards Nintendo too since they primarily make games and peripheral products for their local market first.

A pretty terrible world, if you ask me.

>> No.84515

>sonyger in /biz/

Are you blind? Sony's fanbase is shit as fuck. Maybe if sonegros get the fuck back to reddit or neogaf then /v/ would be perfect.

>> No.84542


"ALL ABOARD THE SONY'S SINKING SHIP" - every sonyger ever.

>> No.84590

Japanese people don't buy Xboxes because the only Japanese games that get "developed" for it are erotic anime PC ports.

>> No.84728

Sony's ED will be bought by Apple in the third quarter, rumors will start to circulate next month. You heard it here first so invest wisely.

>> No.85465

You're projecting stereotypes. Japan is less xenophobic than you think, and as a whole possibly quite a bit more cosmopolitan than you are yourself. Imported shit of all kinds sells like mad. Apple and Samsung goods are very, very, very popular in Japan.

Xbox not selling in Japan due to xenophobia is an excuse. Don't believe it. "Those fucking racist Japs" is always going to be an excuse when something foreign fails there. It's the go-to trope for losers who want to feel better about their failures.

>> No.87377

>just go bail them out Japanese government

The government has explicitly stated they won't bail out electronics companies


>Japan Economy minister Seiji Maehara says that a government bailout is not on the cards for the nation’s struggling electronics giants

>> No.87410

Don't underestimate the presence of xbox and microsoft in Japan

Also before you start assuming they just hate the white devil, look at the fucking iPhone, look at KFC, hell look at fucking MCDONALDS

>> No.87472

>Don't underestimate the presence of xbox and microsoft in Japan
It is practically impossible to underestimate the Xbox in Japan.

>> No.87621
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That's been hovering around for a while and the rumor was that Kaz was afraid to spin it off while Loeb was suggesting it because Apple might proxy war shareholders into selling it off fully to Apple.

Sort of a "Fucked either way" situation though if the talk of Loeb spreading the stake into other names and pushing proxies around is true and it's not a quiet way to divest out without hitting the main stake (It's been a tactic for years to say you will shuffle into proxies then quietly pull out so there's no panic drops). Proxy war with more shareholders with the same stake and Loeb ratchets up more pressure to carve out Pictures and Music into it's own IPO


The reason Apple does well in Japan is extremely good marketing as a cosmopolitan lifestye product with the whole easy breezy Californian ideal mixed with Japan's sensibilities. They are fantastic at it. Samsung sells because it produces better phones than Sony and the Galaxy S3 was the year long leader in droid phones till they fucked up the marketing of the S4 and Sony took over again. Till the end of Sony's exclusivity with NTTDotComo ended anyway.

Thing is, the marketing for the consumer facing part of MS was terrible in Japan for years. Everything was marketed really badly with no clue including Windows 7. Thing is, Microsoft now have a clue in Japan after a new marketing team was established took over and the brand's never been more popular. Why? They took the 2ch culture and OS-Tan's and co-opted it. Win 8 now has official OS-Tan's. Internet Explorer recently got an official Tan and Internet Explorer usage shot through the roof in Japan with the custom version of IE featuring her. Their marketing has never been more on point in Japan.

Marketing is everything. Japan is no exception.

>> No.87647

>Kaz was afraid to spin it
kaz just didnt want to admit his plan was not gonna work

Kaz has fucking big ego

>> No.87801


I'd go for a combo of both. Apple's in panic mode and "Producing content" is one of the ideas they are floating while Sony Pictures and Sony Music are probably the weakest out of all the monoliths at the minute. Makes sense to try poach the weakest of the pack and makes sense for Sony management to try be protectionist.

But also Kaz's ego. Old school Sony management still running the place even after Stringer left (Fucking Morita is dead and it sounds like he runs the place). They have a problem. Spinning off TV's to placate investors yet having it being 100% wholly owned and funneling billions into it? Idiotic. Hell I wouldn't be shocked if they funneled even more money due to the 4K gamble. One of the laid off employees posted on /v/ the other night that management shat a brick after Sony did their big 4K spiel and 4K TV's for $5000. Vizio announced a 4K range for $1000 the next day (I wouldn't be shocked if Samsung and LG have their 4K by the end of the year at the $1000-3000 range as well). So absolutely an ego problem. Any sensible business would either try match of quietly consign it to the dust bin. Sony just insists on marching full retard into stupid decisions.

See that's the difficulty of the Third Point shuffle effect from a market perspective. Was it a shuffle to start proxy wars, or was it a shuffle to divest out quietly through proxies without the main stake being affected. And the Loeb name is big enough that a straight up "FUCK THIS SHIT" would immediately tank the price.

>> No.87823 [DELETED] 

>being a sonyfag

Ya dun goof'd.

>> No.87828

>4K gamble
thye are in on that as CD/DVD/BD paid em, yet at lest BD was a luck strike.

at current prices (specially Sony brand TV) I dont see 4K being mainstream anytime near. less with other factors like Internet Cap will blow in couple of day only by using 4K stream from Netflix

>> No.87832

Fuck the everloving fuck OFF with this shit comments.

Look at the fucking thread, people are trying to actually discuss shit here, if you have something to add you do that and if you don't, then you shut the hell up

>> No.87846

Is the general consumer savvy enough to realize the problems that might arise between 4K and netflix even?

Maybe it's just me but I get the feel that the average consumer for TVs is still not that tech savvy, it's kind of the most used electronic hardware by "old" people.

Like I know my parents wouldn't even realize

>> No.87853

>is still not that tech savvy
it wont matter when they get some extras $$$ on their next Cable Bill after going over their Data Cap

>> No.87959


BD was a lucky strike that won't even pay as much as DVD did since streaming media came in quicker. Their who "cloud TV" pitch is purely panic mode like Playstation Now is and even then, Netflix and Amazon Instant own the market.

>> No.87985

by next year sony will sell TV akin to when they sold PC. that is granted

>> No.88021


You kidding? That would usher in another golden age of gaming, since PC and consoles could be separate again.

>> No.88265

the irony is its faggots like yourself shitposting and hoping sony go under who are contaminating this board, go back to your wagglan

>> No.88295

Except we do have sony fanboys in every single thread, often stating retarded shit or just not even knowing what they are saying

I don't know why do you assume he is a nintendo fanboy either, and that's also part of the problem

>> No.88427

>mustard race threads
>allowed to discuss games, feel smug compared to "plebs"
>nintendrone threads
>allowed to discuss games
>sony threads
yeah sonyfags are the worst

>> No.88443


Just post facts and they give up or try start their own thread. Which gets posted with facts and they give up there. They can't win against the Gekkos (Note: This would be the perfect 4chan cup team nickname)

Anyway. Market open. Downward trend again. PS4 numbers only held price rather than candled which is probably because the knowledge of the margin isn't inspiring market confidence. Hirai's wild ride continues.

>> No.88463

>people think the japanese government would let sony go under when they're willing to risk major free-trade agreements collapsing and waste billions just to keep a few old nips with rice farms happy

>> No.88479


We shit on Steam and Gabe Newell's lack of business acumen and dot com bubble strategies here as well. There is no sacred cow other than the Bull on /biz/

Know your place >>>/v/

>> No.88486


Isn't it lucky Sony life is it's own IPO concern then?

They will bail out Sony life. Everything else is asset fire sale time.

>> No.89045

They already said they won't help the electronics corporations, the link is in the thread.

>> No.89144

Thread is saging out.

New Thread starts here >>89138

Try not to link it to /v/ this time.

>> No.89371

Gabe newell gets shat on

Nintendo and Iwata gets shat on

Sony and kaz get shat on

The only problem here is that Sony happens to be actually WAY more fucked than the other two, so they get more shit.

Because they have more shit to sort.

Sorry that this is not a hugbox, go back to /v/ for that

>> No.89379

It just happens to be that the japanese government also thinks that the japanese government would let sony go under.

>> No.90437

People are still willing to give up their freedom to have one of their systems (commit a crime and go to jail to get it).

Its not going anywhere anytime soon.

>> No.92930

>gamecube was weaker than ps2
You don't know jack shit m8.