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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 400x400, sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6061049 No.6061049 [Reply] [Original]

Oh boy, the amount of plebbitors REEEEEEing once this gets past 1300 sats will be glorious.

>> No.6061177


Chinaman = gawd

>> No.6061201
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They'll all jump in thinking it's a good value and make it rise to a new ATH.

>> No.6061257

Smug pepe justin sun when?

>> No.6061268

Holy shit, I made dinner and it just FLEW up.

>> No.6061308


>> No.6061340

i swear i could kiss him.

>> No.6061506


>> No.6061572

Thats the thing, seeing Ripple and Cardano moon while they are stuck with ETH and NEO bags made them really salty. But twice the salt = twice the FOMO lmao.

>> No.6061695

Pretty major sell wall at 1200 sats, but if that breaks through... WEEEEE

>> No.6061842

It's happening

>> No.6061883

maybe not now but definitely within an an hour or two.

>> No.6061911

Yeah that sell wall is crazy, I hope a whale comes and smashes through it

>> No.6061945

major sell walls every 100 sats, this shit is crazy

>> No.6061954

why you crying anon this is a good thing.

>> No.6061998

how fukt are we

>> No.6062071

my fucking heart can't handle this. It jumped from 1200 sats to 1120 earlier. Whales are doing this for a fucking reason AHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.6062079

People wanting to get out with their bags, sad.

>> No.6062123
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>> No.6062130
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>> No.6062191
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>> No.6062203
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>> No.6062205
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>> No.6062292

sitting on 127k since .03 lets goo

>> No.6062440

Asia are waking up again and the new exchange will launch in 7 minutes.
This might turn out ok for us guys, o...k.

>> No.6062527

>Investing in a nigger coin

It's supposed to crash. We can't have nogs making it.

>> No.6062546


>> No.6062734

Every crypto has niggers you fucking idiot.

>> No.6062797

But tron is the equivalent of a KFC with a buffet.

>> No.6062852

Get out while you still can and invest in something legit. It's not like there aren't any opportunities. Don't be a tard and lose your money.

Good luck to you all.

>> No.6062874


>> No.6062887

Good, cause the niggas dont know how to cash out and might possibly be dead by eating KFC and doing crimes (years of jail).

>> No.6062901

>not wanting panic sellers in your coin so you can accumulate when it dips

>> No.6062958

How come this coin is still going up when this Justin cunt sold his entire private stack and is caught as a liar and hypocrite?

>> No.6062961

Nah, i'm good. Already made it.

>> No.6062982



>> No.6063012

Because that's not true.

Use your brain for once.

>> No.6063032

you don't understand how stupid people are

>> No.6063045
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Keep the influx of normie money for your own gains, and watch them exit losing their savings. Sounds pretty neat to me. Tron was a good buy when it was at .06 for the a bit, and selling when it was .20-.30 would have been really nice gains. People that FOMO'd when it was a .30 deserve everything they get.

>> No.6063075
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>> No.6063082

Like what? Lol you sound like the average redditor thinking some coins are "smart". All are fucking overvalued. Dont fight the trend of cheap coins.

>> No.6063090

nice hindsight u hippo!

>> No.6063142

this, why people dont sell when a coin is clearly going to go down for a bit, and put money on moon missions happening right now is beyond me.

>> No.6063200

shut the fuck up, KFC is tasty

>> No.6063261

This guy is a genius. Throws together a site with a bunch buzzwords and names it after a scifi movie to attract the normies, then becomes rich without even making a product.

The best part is that the normies don't even realize there is no product

>> No.6063523

What are the chances that 1200 sell wall is fake?

>> No.6063556

Westerners.... You're so 萌萌哒! I just want to squeeze your cheeks and kiss you on the forehead.

>> No.6063578

it would need a shitton of momentum for it to get past it. Saw a 100BTC sell wall just disappear earlier when it started getting eaten

>> No.6063588

Yup, this genius is making me money.

>> No.6063725

>Saw a 100BTC sell wall just disappear earlier when it started getting eaten
Thats because its fake. The whale removes it as soon as it gets chomped a little. Probably the same whale moved it to 1200 sats.

>> No.6063759

what the fuck 19BTC wall at 1160. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.6063779

And now it's slowly bleeding out to torture you ledditors.
Smart money does not buy shitcoins

>> No.6063830

Only 19? SAD!

>> No.6063871

>slowly bleeding
At 1135 sats lol if this is breaks 1300 u notronners better prep ur anuses

>> No.6063936

we pumped without an announcement lol, hodl for another week and I hope we're at 50 cents

>> No.6063980

>hit 1200
>bags dropping

Now you know when to drop yours, it's your last chance

>> No.6064042

>selling before Justin starts shilling again
Missing out on Ripple will make the FOMO 2x harder.

>> No.6064186

Last time Jason opened his mouth it shit itself from 1400 to 1000

>> No.6064239

I mean Justin, fuck it I'm drunk

>> No.6064246

Thats because of the livestream. Look at the charts, this coin literally loses half its value every livestream then proceeds to pump to a new ATH.

>> No.6064390

tell that cuck to quit his streams

>> No.6064644

Anon called this in meme lines earlier. We're going 3500sats.

>> No.6064708

not chainlink

>> No.6064770

i literally sold at 920 two hours ago

people this dumb don't deserve to live

>> No.6064817

COME ON! Smash that fucking 1200 wall already!

>> No.6064882

it 100 percent will.

>> No.6064987

don't kill yourself anon

>> No.6065226

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA reddit fags about to be BTFO. Muh fundamentals.

>> No.6065239

look at these 25 BTC walls getting eaten in secs lol

>> No.6065273
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get in for the moon mission faggitos

>> No.6065306

Yup, there we go

>> No.6065309
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I want everyone who fudded Tron to stay, everyone else leave the room.

>> No.6065421
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>> No.6065485

Wow, that damn bus stop at 18000 eth. Kek'd.

>> No.6065527

Fuck the volume for this shitcoin is so intense i cant even check the charts.

>> No.6065586
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I am still not convinced this coin has any value, apparently half the whitepapaer was copy pasted from other crypto or generic ethereum descriptions.

Enjoying these gains none the less,

>> No.6065624


>> No.6065707

>hurr durr
>90% of the coins traded are useless durr

>> No.6065778

About to smash 1300, woops

>> No.6065827

Tron fast moon right now

>> No.6065830

Wiped out instantly

>> No.6065844
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>all my coins are down or sideways except this piece of shit

>> No.6065849

honestly this makes me want to buy more

if you think this chink is going to let himself fail you have no idea

>> No.6065877

Its hilarious. Its obvious this shit is a scam. Good thing Im making money of the retards that still dont get it.

>> No.6065880

That entire wall just vanished. This is YUGE

>> No.6065949

Chinks knows how to pump

‘Member bcash pump.

>> No.6065955

Is it just me or is binance sluggish as shit all of a sudden?

>> No.6065968

when r u gonna sell?

>> No.6065969

The FUD may have worked with Verge but it won't work with Tron. It's upwards from here on out boys. Buckle up.

>> No.6065991

Made big gains on this the first time, took out more than I put in, so why not ride the rest all the way up just for the fun of it. Shine on you crazy shitcoin

>> No.6066035

Of course it's sluggish, look at the volume around TRX. It's typical for Binance.
Use the desktop app, it doesn't lag as much.

>> No.6066090

Fuck this I am out. Seems just before the downward trend.

>> No.6066123



>> No.6066124


>> No.6066167

Lmao, it's a just a pump you pajeets, it'll go back and hover 1100 sats. Nothing has changed to make investors think this is suddenly worth it again after JUSTins disaster of a livestream.

>> No.6066169

Last chance to sell your bags!

>> No.6066187
File: 32 KB, 477x500, 107 - mjijllj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold 25% of my TRX at 1260 sats. did I do well?

>> No.6066227


>> No.6066262

That depends, what did you buy it at?

>> No.6066316

I sold yesterday. Got left with 30% of my stack, will sell soon as well.

>> No.6066363

LMAO at all the tissue hands selling

>> No.6066373

>not dipping your gains into some KFC gravy

>> No.6066544

NO i already sold you

>> No.6066577

butthurt bagholders are going to be selling all night. Wait to get in until it finds support again tomorrow

>> No.6066613

god damn thats a lot of volume moving right now...

>> No.6066614

we're going up again lel

>> No.6066641

Because this market is fueled by morons. When new ICO's and other blockchain products start taking profit all the money is going to flow into BCH, ETH, or XMR. Soybois think people who develop businesses and applications on decentralized platforms are going to cash out into XRP lmao.

>> No.6066764

Was 150,000 two days ago on Binance, this is nothing.

>> No.6067042

the exchanges must think this is the greatest ever coin.

>> No.6067131

>the exchanges must think this is the greatest ever coin.
Which is why this coin will inevitable be listed in Bitfinex, Bittrex, and Bithump. No way they are missing out on this profit machine Binance has a monopoly on.

>> No.6067189
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>> No.6067317

Average around 13 cents.

>> No.6067387
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>> No.6067421

it wont break ath, calm tf down my niggaz

>> No.6067542

Unfortunately probably true

Sell at .20 and come back tomorrow morning at .16-.17 for more

>> No.6067595
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I hate having most of my portfolio in this fucking radioactive waste of a coin but I can't bring myself to sell.

>> No.6067599

Check the charts. This is clearly a breakout. Stop coping lol the whales were able to accumulate a shit ton from panic sellers below 1k sats.

>> No.6067706

sell at 0.27 or more, depending on where u bought
trx is an useless coin get out fast

>> No.6067723

Wished I saved meme lines charts to show you.

>> No.6067819

are we gonna see a buck ever?

>> No.6067829

>legit projects mooning left and right
>lets pick scam coins and trick normies instead

you guys like fire?

>> No.6067842

It's over lads. Time to go back jacking off to anime

>> No.6067860
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If pajeets figured this out 2005 why can't you

>> No.6067925

It seemed it was over at 1100 sats with the huge sell wall at 1200 sats but look where we are now lol.

You sure you want to bet against a shitcoin below a dollar that is hyped the fuck out by the CEO and has a massive volume?

Tron is literally the current market coinified.

>> No.6067937

Y'all need to get some ChainLink and sit on it. It will surpass literally every coin in existence in the long term. Just buy it, hold it, don't worry about it for a year. Come back a millionaire.

>> No.6067950
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>> No.6067989

>lets invest all our money because a random chars says third times the charm

>> No.6068025

You must be an idiot to invest "all your money" in the first place.

>> No.6068040

Ok. Enjoy your giant red dildos and losses. I'll go watch the catalog looking for pink wojacks

>> No.6068101

Regardless whether this dumps today or not this shitcoin is absolutely not dead and will pump near a dollar.

It has too much moon mission ingredients to stop here.

>> No.6068466
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Bought at 1220 and sold at 1240.

>> No.6068691

Tonights pump is over we can go back to the shitcoins of our choice.

>> No.6068918

I think it's establishing a new floor. Steady decline for a few days, may be time to pump up again.