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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6037751 No.6037751 [Reply] [Original]

Another day, another x2. I have about $4000 to distribute. Where can I find today's gainz?

Should I trust the normie coins?
Should I go into low market cap? UFR?

Share the word.

>> No.6037779

xem xlm
first one is the one you dont hear about here

>> No.6037804
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screencap this

>> No.6037840
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OPUS - disrupting the music industry

Here the CMC page : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/opus/

Here's the project's website : http://opus-foundation.org/

Here's the Medium blog : https://medium.com/@info_62555

Here's the whitepaper : https://opus-foundation.org/whitepaper.pdf

The pros :

A seemingly strong technical foundation and a good whitepaper
A motivated team with a good CEO and CTO (Mateusz Mach and Konrad Szalapak respectively) and connections with China
Bi-weekly dev updates and Q&A
Tackling a billion dollar industry and trying to solve a real problem
Demo version online
Active Telegram group
Shitty exchanges (HitBTC and ED) + 10mcap - prime territory to accumulate
No marketing at all - see above, still low key

The cons :

Lack of interaction from the CEO and CTO apparently on multiple projects
Still grey areas around certain things : piracy, decentralization, IPFS hosting, existence of a free version with adds, etc.

>> No.6037852

kD2mHmc discord

>> No.6037886

Xlm? Why?!

>> No.6037922

UFR for sure mate it's at discount rate right now, coin with a great potential, HODL mid-long term, profit

>> No.6038034

Low market cap definitely a good idea for more gainz.

UFR is a great one, at the moment in a small dip from last nights pump, get in before it reaches $2.

>> No.6038085

ICX is about to moon

>> No.6038222

I would go with UFR.
Marketcap is sub~20million.
Excellent idea with the hype to back it up.
Listing on a new exchange soon.

>> No.6038467

dont think xlm is going to moon soon. Maybe in a few weeks.

>> No.6038932

How long before UFR moons you think? Do I have time to wait for the ICX moon or do I just go balls deep immediately?

>> No.6038936

Just buy UFR, izi moon. Just bought a bunch.

>> No.6039052

He has heavy bags

>> No.6039107
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Upfiring (UFR) has a huge potential of making, 75% gains today!

>> No.6039160

pssst. Look into XSPEC. You could stake your coins

>> No.6039253

FOOTY CASH: Footy Cash is a Fantasy Sports Coin that was created to address privacy concerns, reduce fees, and infuse some excitement to the daily fantasy industry. If you're like most fantasy enthusiasts, you want to make a deposit and immediately have your funds available to gamble. The current landscape requires lots of personal information to get started.

Masternodes:Footy Cash is the only Fantasy Sports Coin that has Masternodes! In addition to the added security and privacy offered by this feature, more importantly it provides investors with 2x the rewards! That's right, if you accumulate 5,000 XFT and create a MN, you will earn double the rewards as staking alone.

Revenue Sharing:Another exciting benefit of owning Footy Cash is that you get to share in the monthly net revenue from both the mobile and desktop platforms. Masternode holders will have the opportunity to register on our website and once the platform goes live, the proceeds will be divided evenly among monthly MN holders. No other Fantasy Sports Coin offers this unbelievable benefit!

Fantasy Sport is a billion dollar industry and Footy Cash is brand new, one of a kind, private, secure take on the traditional format. It heavily rewards early investors and early is now.

Mcap 10M, easy 10x from here

>> No.6039344

DCORP hands down, crazy low market cap

>> No.6039830