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File: 333 KB, 1031x547, coinbase ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6036696 No.6036696 [Reply] [Original]

See pic related.

to verify:
>ctrl + F: dethroning

-Coinbase denied BCH "rumors" then added it days later (ahead of the announced schedule).

-Coinbase said a month ago in several interviews they will add new coins in January

-Brian Armstrong wants to tank Bitcoin. Millions of dollars of his company's money is locked in bitcoin because cost of transfer > money (fees are based on transaction size, not value).

-Brian hates Bitcoin Core developers and said more than once that he wants them gone.

-Brian tried to double the blocksize with segwit2x to bail out his company but failed.

-Coinbase tried to replace Bitcoin with Bitcoin Cash. Only withdrawals was supposed to be allowed for a while, he did the exact opposite to prevent a massive dump and stabilize the price.

-Coinbase shills Bitcoin Cash. It has a note on the transaction form saying "Bitcoin Cash transactions are cheap and fast"

Adding XRP is Brian Armstrong's best shot at Bitcoin. If you think he will miss it, you are retarded. Brian simply wants to avoid inside trading accusations. If Coinbase wasn't planning to add anything, why would he say anything?

In few days, you will wake up to find XRP at $5 and listed.

>> No.6036748

real world use:

>In a precedent-setting moment, Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico.


>> No.6036793
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future real world use

>> No.6036836
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>> No.6036880
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>> No.6036964

b ump

>> No.6037014

thanks OP. Still hodling here.

>> No.6037224
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He really hates bitcoin, doesn't he?

>> No.6037334

Don't buy this please it goes against the whole concept of crypto currency. Just some shitty ass bank coin.

>> No.6037434

I hate it too. But I like money more.

>> No.6037561

>>Exchange Makes crazy money from people buying and selling bitcoin.

>>Wants to tank bitcoin for XRP

Ya that makes perfect sense OP you faggot

>> No.6037790
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>hey guys lets tank bitcoin with a centralized non crypto rumour mill evil fucking scam coin muh partnerships
eat shit ripfags, you all deserve a slap irl if you idiots get your way crypto is dead in a couple years.

do your research and don't fuck yourself and all of us with shit like this

see you in the next ripfag shill thread bitches

>> No.6037848

hello no ripple schizo

>> No.6037861

Ripple speaks to an industry worth trillions of dollars, not billions. XRP will bring unimaginable amounts of money. Moon mission hasn't even begun!

>> No.6037904
File: 56 KB, 417x689, microsoft bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other cryptos are nothing but a speculative bubble now. When was the last time you used crypto to pay for something?

Merchants are dropping Bitcoin. Even microsoft dropped days ago because it's unusable.

Even Ethereum ethereum is having crazy fees now.

>> No.6037968

ripple is bringing crypto to the real world, retard.

you can watch like a sad little cuck while normies making crazy money and use it in real world, or you can jump in.

>> No.6038057
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This is not the stock market. This is a crytpo CURRENCY market. who the fuck cares about a coin with 100 billion supply? Dealing with bakers and the government is a headache. Sooner or later this shit is going to drop due to incompetent bankers and government officials. The authorities will force xrp to be more authoritative and decentralized. Good luck but I don't buy it. Good opportunity to scalp though.

>> No.6038184

>Dealing with bakers and the government is a headache.

Ripple is working full time to deal with this headache any pump my bags.

>ooner or later this shit is going to drop due to incompetent bankers and government officials.

Ripple hired powerful people with powerful connections to be able to deal with the government (start from the bottom of the list)


>> No.6038251

> "this is a CURRENCY market!"
> BTC usage is a currency gets worse the more uptake it gets, and its already unusable


>> No.6038261

crypto was created to get away from real world problems like those big banks you're desperate to bend over for with every partnerships rumour. methinks you are the one who is a cuck

>> No.6038304


Coinbase never denied BCH rumours you bagholding faggot

>> No.6038323

>Ripple hired powerful people with powerful connections to be able to deal with the government
establishment insiders? thats your selling point?

this coin is covered in boomer shit it's fucking old to even look at the dirty blood money banks. fuck em, move on

>> No.6038325
File: 17 KB, 243x200, 1471422006414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's neat and might work into a sweet PnD, but there's no way XRP can stay ahead of BTC. The whole point of BTC is being decentralised and trustless, XRP is a centralised trusted private service.

Somewhat ironically it does have a very good shot at staying ahead of all the shitcoins like BCH whose entire shtick revolves around "muh fast payments and low fees".

>inb4 more "core" conspiracies and altcoin marketing

>> No.6038331
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>> No.6038354

are you enjoying paying a tax for every crypto trade, retard?

you need lobbying to get shit done, normies get this, you don't, and that's why they are making crazy gains even though they just got started. Get out of your /pol/ bubble.

>> No.6038357

Yeah, I know. But making money off of Jews is fun

>> No.6038403
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, here are the selling points:


-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (as in Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., MIT, Microsoft, ..etc), many more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).

>> No.6038424

ripple is going to replace bitcoin and in so doing it will let people avoid paying taxes on trades? wtf are you even babbling about?

>> No.6038448

Then guess what? Hold their piece of shit coin, watch it go through the roof, sell it, then ditch it! Then don't use the coins that the kikes accumulated!

Funny how shit works, nigger.

>> No.6038517

sounds like i should buy steller, the version of ripple created to be actually decentralized without the big bank partnership rumour mill bullshit and terrifying market dominance

>> No.6038542


>"muh fast payments and low fees".

That about sums of Bitcoin Cash. You idiot.

>> No.6038567
File: 152 KB, 1299x367, ripple bitlicense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can bet your ass XRP won't be treated like the rest of cryptos.

even you retards are helping them by saying XRP is not a crypto.

the guy who created the BitLicense is sitting on the board of directors ffs

>> No.6038636

>fake name
yeah, establishment confirmed. deep state loves names like this (anthony weiners dick pics leaked?) please, it's a narrative

>> No.6038641

Stellar was a fork of Ripple, I'm invested in both because I believe in the tech. Proof of work coins aren't suitable for the real world. Slow, expensive and always leads to centralization because the richest guy can buy most of the hashing power.

>> No.6038645


nice pasta faggot, completely inaccurate though.

Ripple is a piece of shit, it's right up there with Corecoin on the shit-o-metre.

>> No.6038669


>> No.6038686
File: 432 KB, 800x800, 1515207096585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hurr durr XRP isn't a bank-controlled scam
> the coin has a purpose other than for banks to get their hands on BTC/ETH for free
> hurr durr XRP !!!!

>> No.6038746

> we can beat the banks despite our massive resource and influence deficit
> we are the resistance!!!1!!!

>> No.6038850

people use monero everyday to buy things on the darkweb. It's pretty much the only useful coin that is actually used. INB4 meh mcdonalds and OMG.

>> No.6038891

>soyboy submission
imagine that, a disruptive technology disrupting things? naw, clearly nothing ever changes and we need to just bend over right? typical millenial.

>> No.6038920

monero is slower and much harder to scale than bitcoin (according to the developers).

It's only good for illegal stuff. For everything else, people will be using XRP.

>> No.6039016

> we can beat the jews (even though theyre undefeated for 5 centuries)
> we are the resistance"!!!!!

have fun being poor

>> No.6039114

yeah it is. but people are ALWAYS willing to pay a premium not to go to jail. It doesn't matter if monero fees were 15% they would still pay it. XRP is a joke. The whole point of crypto is decentralization. XRP is the exact opposite of that. You can already send micro payments on Snapchat and Facebook.

>> No.6039199

have fun being conquered completely by a breakaway civilization decades in advance of our own. begging for soylent rations in some orwellian smart city. if you even survive the mass depopulation event. but hey, letting these people win and you get to play with a small pile of money for being a good boy. you are clearly justified in feeling superior because you are so smart well done

>> No.6039263
File: 103 KB, 591x687, cobra bitcoin 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin

-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)

-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated
-double spending not possible
-Anyone can run a validator and make his own list of trused validators
tldr; with bitcoin you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power, with Ripple, you explicitly choose who to trust.

pic related is the owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.org.

>> No.6039267
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And xrp will forever be faster and cheaper. That's the joke you fucking braindead newfag.

>> No.6039322
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"Amir Taaki is a British-Iranian revolutionary, hacker, and programmer who is known for his leading role in the bitcoin project, and for pioneering many open source projects."

>> No.6039328

guess what you neet faggot, you arent going to beat 'them' unless you start shooting. do you think theyll just let you completely dissolve their power base with no recompense? they wont let that happen lol, and theyre much more resource rich than you or any of the other resistance gayboys are, COMBINED

stop talking shit, youre a nobody and always will be unless you JFK your way in. youre not going to out money the jews

>> No.6039359

how did you feel when you learned the coin in itself had 0 purpose ?
and that Ripple clients did not use it ?
you're gay and u know it

>> No.6039399

they're not afraid of a rifle, get real. your rambo boy fantasies have no place in the real world. you don't fight them, you set up parallel systems that mirror the capabilities of the systems they control. OBVIOUSLY

>> No.6039408

Can someone explain to me why coinbase would state they're not adding new coins only 3 days ago if the adding of XRP was imminent?

>> No.6039418

so what. there are other coins. eth is painless, fast, stable, and has low tx fees. wtf are u using XRP for you dimwit banksucker ?

>> No.6039459

50 % of xrp is locked up yaaaaaaa

>> No.6039510

>find XRP at $5 and listed
It`s only x2. i`m out now fuck you

>> No.6039527

r u being serious ROFLME? u think they arent afraid of death before they get to enjoy their spoils? "set up parallel systems" ROFLME ffs, do you think they will let you do that? remember, these people control the world RIGHT NOW and they got their through the most vicious psychopathy that you cant even imagine, and theyre just going to let you take that away?

>> No.6039556

why does ripple need people to buy their coin as an investment? why would they want the price higher?

>> No.6039571
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I don't care about your shitcoins, can't you read? Doesn't matter if it's ripple or bcash.

If it's not bitcoin, ether or monero you can stick it up your poor shill ass.

>> No.6039592
File: 95 KB, 613x561, ripple xrp revenue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eth is having crazy fees right now and the network is congested as fuck

proof-of-work coins CAN'T scale

"Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare"


locking is great. you know what happens when founders coins are not locked or if they don't have coins??

litecoin: charlie dumped on the noobs and said he will leave soon

vitalik: threatening the community to leave

bitcoin: core devs don't give a fuck. They didn't increase the blocksize temporarily and as a result, it became unusable. slow and expensive as fuck.

incentives matter, and I'm comfy as fuck because Ripple Labs is working full time to pump my bags.

>> No.6039667

Ah here it is, the mind of the submissive faggot. It's all about what they'll let him do, they don't have to do anything to control him, he just asks permission.

Maybe there are over 7 billion of us? Maybe we're not as retarded and helpless as they've tried to make us? Just a thought but it could be true that we're the dominant lifeform on this planet and we've been around for hundreds of thousands of years and these motherfuckers will not be the end of us. Be a fucking man you sad sorry submissive fuck. They're going to kill most of us anyways why just roll over?

>> No.6039706

I've heard that Ripple could not reach prices like that seen with Bitcoin as it would literally be more than the cap of all economies in the world or something?

What $ could it reach then?

>> No.6039788

im the one saying to kill them while you say copy them, and im the cuck?

get a brain moran

>> No.6039840

t. ripple pajeetson

>> No.6039952

you say they won't let us set up parallel systems and ignore them. you say that as if i care what they'll let us do. and then you say shoot them? shoot who? where are they are? get real. we know their top puppets at best and they have a never ending stream of minions to serve them.

just ignore them, let them have their tantrum and we just stop playing their games. we stop playing in their rigged economic and political systems and if they don't like guess what, they were going to kill us all anyways so fuck it. lets give it a shot hell we might even win

meanwhile your going rambo situation where you hunt them down or something is just what they want. some dumb kids starting shit and they can justify a legitimate smackdown on that.

>just shoot them
wow, brilliant idea general
shooting at ghosts

>> No.6039956

at bitcoin's market cap, XRP would be about $7, but bitcoin's market cap is not the ceiling, Ripple speaks to an industry worth trillions of dollars.

also note that market cap is misunderstood.

a coin with a market cap of 1 billion doesn't mean that 1 billion went into the coin

market cap = last sold price * circulating supply

price would collapse if you try to sell any significant amount. only small number of people can cash out the current price


>> No.6039989
File: 1010 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20170511_110741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase needs mainstream competition FAST

>> No.6040064

so for example if you create a coin with a total supply of 1 trillion and sell 1 coin to yourself for 1 dollar, you would have created a 1 trillion market cap coin.

volume is easy to fake too with bots.

>> No.6040325

mark of the beast

>> No.6040371

Just bought 500k more...

>> No.6040407

>muh market cap
Confirmed crypto illiterate

>> No.6040924

But he is right. Prove him wrong.