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6029418 No.6029418 [Reply] [Original]

Remaking this thread, the last one was elite

>> No.6029522

Last thread was a disaster. Some serious morons on /biz/
>comparing marketcaps of crypto to dot com bubble not realising that markets are fractals so need to compare growth rates
>comparing crypto to stocks
>comparing crypto to fiat
>comparing crypto to gold

Listen you fucks we are undeniably in a bubble, who the fuck knows where the top is. I can tell you the bottom is sub $100 BTC though

>> No.6029532
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>all the normies and kids with money are trying to get into crypto as we speak
>mfw thinking of all the normie money to be made
No REEEEEE for me lads, Normies get in!

>> No.6029579

Fact of the matter is, none of us have any idea wtf is going on. Crypto is valuable because of the philosophical ownership points, and because it stops regulation, is global, potentially very fast, and stabler than some fiat.

But is this current situation sustainable? Who the fuck knows? We can sit here arguing about that but nobody's ever gonna convince others to change their minds.

>> No.6029613

Ah, there's another guy who just pulls numbers out of his ass

>> No.6029620
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The crypto bubble is just like the Dot Com.



>> No.6029626

>buy in coins worth a few cents that havent mooned yet
>normie sees low price
>HUUHEHUHU its could be the next bitboin XD ima gonna buy this CHEAEP COIN
>normie money pumps price
>You sell at the top of normie hype
>Rinse and repeat

>> No.6029654
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We bubble at 100kish

>> No.6029680

there's a shitcoin bubble. the useful coins will survive after this frenzy is over

>> No.6029687

Dunning-kruger type of talk.

Never ceases to amuse me.

>> No.6029711

Its only 7 days past the new year so I doubt anything will happen. The sign of trouble is when we hear bad news coming from the coins. e.g. bitcoin banned/Banks stop using ripple/No dev support.

>> No.6029713

Except so far it's behaved completely differently. You can't just compare two arbitrary markets and draw conclusions about the future

>> No.6029724

I’ll take a prize winning economist over /biz/ any day

>> No.6029767
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>> No.6029777

There is rampant dip-buying behavior though. I'm really not sure what could put a stop to it any time soon. It's all about dangling that carrot infront of investors faces so that they spend more time looking for the next 100x than they do thinking about how to convert to USD and get out. A BTC sitting as a buy order on polo is a BTC that can't be sitting as a sell order on GDAX.

>> No.6029810

>transaction fees are ludicrous
>slow as shit
>essentially centralised because of currency distribution and mining distribution
>provably traceable
>outdated use case

Bitcoin isn’t going to recover if it crashes

>> No.6029815

Economists. Nice degree. k3k

Lets run on the hypotheses this is a bubble. So what? Only idiots buy shit coins, good coins with real world applications will be allowed to survive and prosper after it pops (there's about 4 of them at the moment out of almost 1400). In fact, let the market crash for all I care, panicking is for morons who don't know what they are doing. Like you, your fear feeds me.

>> No.6029816

Fun fact: if people blindly followed the average economist advice they would be likely to perform worse than the market.

>> No.6029850

Reading that sent a chill up my spine for some reason. Pls black horseman no bully

>> No.6029871

We've all been in crypto since 2013 or earlier and we're early to the party. We didn't know this would happen but we knew blockchain was valuable. Will we also see when the time comes to get out?

>> No.6029891

Yes obviously btc is shit at its fundamentals, but on the other hand it still keeps acting like a valuable collectible in the same manner as cold.

There are however coins that don't tick any of your points. Namely XLM and XRP. A lot of the others are also pretty decent

>> No.6029935

last month of gains, 25k would be a nice target before this all goes into the shitter

>> No.6029952

No we won't. And we won't know when or if that time is.

The smart answer is to keep taking profits and not acting like you can see the future.

>> No.6030009

>good coins with real world applications will survive
>buys more BTC

>> No.6030031
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also this

>> No.6030195

I'm kind of skeptikall it will happen anytime soon though too.

Most of these normies have been in for at most 3 weeks. I don't see why they're going to want to get out so soon.

>> No.6030221

>malleable, divisible, innate, limited, PHYSICAL good with real world application
>BTC: ?

>> No.6030241

This is a good point, even by crypto standards it would be early for a crash

>> No.6030242


>> No.6030282

See >>6029579

>> No.6030296

Daily reminder that normies didn’t buy into dot com

>> No.6030315

As for all these supposed "useful" coins that will survive the implosion: what are we talking about, exactly? Siacoin? A $3B Dropbox beta that doesn't need its own coin by any possible argument? Show me these useful coins. Please. Pretty please.

>> No.6030347

>not backed by governments
>not regulated by any bodies
Hmm really makes me think

>> No.6030393

ofcourse they didnt, where the fuck do you think the money came? Out of air? Fucking think before u post anything

>> No.6030425

Well uhh there’s ripple it’s the bank coin that is like bitcoin but $2, and there’s XLM something something IBM, and there’s hmmm OMG dude Thailand, dude McDonald’s and there’s hmmmmn...

>> No.6030427

Crypto is fucking addictive, nobody is getting out

>> No.6030456



>> No.6030479

Yeah look at all that regulation (((gold))) is getting

Face it, gold is a bubble far worse than crypto. >>6030347

>> No.6030512

Not in any appreciable %. The % of people investing in crypto is higher than the dotcom as a fraction of personal investors/industry investors. Don’t even try to deny that

>> No.6030526

markets reverse when there are no more buyers.

>> No.6030538

OK but we'll be at like 17,500 by like 8pm eastern

>> No.6030553 [DELETED] 

Discord Pump Group

We are a team of highly dedicated members hell bent on capturing the cryptocurrency scene. Be a part of it or miss out big time. Let's get this snowball rolling

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.6030557
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>Face it, gold is a bubble far worse than crypto

>> No.6030583

Gold is the anti-bubble. When anything goes wrong, normies FOMO into gold like crazy.

>> No.6030636

Nice argument, Goldman. Gold is several trillions and it's nothing more than a specific metal with limited industrial use. It has no business being as overpriced as it is.

>> No.6030641

What you need to understand is that governments want to inflate this bubble. There are perverse incentives due to the asymmetrical nature of capital gains tax. The speculator takes on 100% of the risk and the government reaps 33% of the rewards, and those rewards can be astronomical in some cases.

Furthermore, due to the truly global nature of crypto and the fact that citizens of developed countries were in nearly all cases the early adopters, this could act as a way of extracting value from developing countries as they will be the last to buy in.

Governments really have no reason to curtail people cashing in or out of crypto. They only thing they have to ensure is that at the end of the day EUR and USD are what people truly desire. Hence why there is so much emphasis on the fiat price of crypto on the news, fiat is the measure of all things.

And to people comparing this to the 2013 crypto bubbles, this time it genuinely is different. I would call it the coinbase effect. It takes 5 minutes and a creditcard to buy it this time, not some shady Japanese exchange and a wire transfer. CB has dozens more coins to add, we are far from finished here.

Meanwhile, ICOs are the essence of what crypto's main use-case has been for years: pure speculation. ETH has completely changed everything and this bubble would not exist without it.

At the end of the day, Satoshi never intended Bitcoin to be traded for fiat; you were supposed to mine it, not buy it. It was never meant to be this way but it is.

>> No.6030656


>You are valuing another countries currency using the one hyperinflating, how could you accurately know the value? Measured in dollars they would seem to be getting insanely valuable

Easy, use the prices of things like bread or water to peg the price of everything else. This happens because the usage of certain things remains stable, even if the market collapses. It's imperfect though, so I will grant you that.

Anyway as it applies to BTC: if all currencies except BTC crash, then the inflow of money into BTC is cut accordingly. This hurts the demand for bitcoins thus dropping the price accordingly, or at least until supply is decreased to match the new demand. BTC would crash with everything else since most people buy BTC off exchanges rather than mining it themselves, again this is a limitation of BTC. In case such things are not obvious again I want to restate what I said here >>6028771 - BTC's problems are not necessarily with bitcoins (the item) themselves but with all the third party services built around it, that are abusing and exploiting bitcoins in ways their creators never imagined.

Which is to say 99% of the problem with cryptos comes from the exchanges, and is why we don't have a true lasting coin yet. Nobody has exactly figured out how to code their coin in ways to prevent third party abuse, although proof-of-stake systems are the initial attempt at doing so. As cryptos mature, so will understanding of how people abuse them which is how better coins will be built. But this will take years if not decades.

I'm still optimistic about cryptos, just not their current form.

>> No.6030699

Kek, no they don't. Jews will. And if they don't? Everybody realizes that it's overvalued and the bubble bursts

>> No.6030721

>limited industrial use

>> No.6030819

Take lithium for example. It is orders of magnitude more useful than gold. Gold's industrial use only makes up a fraction of its price, the rest is meme status.

You are sounding more and more salty with every post

>> No.6030824


I think we may have better indicators than some other people will at the very least. The hive mind of 4chan doesn't cause things to happen but I think it's something to pay attention to.

Once people on /biz/ really start yammering incessantly about an incoming pop it might be wise to listen (any 4chan user knows how to filter out shills and people who aren't being genuine). I'm sure many won't but it feels like the mood here hasn't shifted yet. There are still hundreds of "I'm new here threads" every day.

>> No.6030925

The best thing about this bubble is that everybody, even institutional investors, are trapped in the market. The money can't leave easily or quickly.

Big players might be able to sell thousands of bitcoins in a dark pool but who will buy if they think the market is crashing? The bubble can't be popped that easily.

>> No.6030935

Well I guess a mood shift could mean something. If the overall opinion becomes cynical that could say something. So far it's mostly nocoiners who are saying crypto will go to zero.

But a crash could still come unnannounced. The amount of shitcoins in the market is not healthy for it.

>> No.6030965


Also so far there is no easy way to short 95% of the alts. Nobody has any incentive for it to go down. As soon as exchanges start implementing mechanisms to short major alts that may be time to get out an reevaluate until it settles.

Housing suffers from the same problem of not being easy to short which is why that gets caught out bubbling relatively often.

>> No.6031017

It’s orders of magnitude more avialable as well. And lithium isn’t more useful than gold, it has specific use cases in batteries but even then LiCd batteries will get phased out by ionic polymers

>> No.6031078

Hahahahahahaha you are legitimately retarded.
Either they lower the price to sell driving down the market or no one buys and the tulips become rotten in the field

>> No.6031100

It's not like either is a limited resource per se. There are dozens of other rare nice-looking metals and rocks, but none of them are as overvalued as gold.

>> No.6031126

Right. $TINK. Which is a white paper. Which is useful for wiping your ass. GTFO. We're in pre-release alpha stage of blockchain tech, but nobody gives a shit because right now it's a money-printing ponzi scheme.

>> No.6031192


We're trapped because in minor rushes like IOTA all the exchanges crash. Imagine if mass panic sets in. The exchanges will all go down. The networks will go down. Banks will probably freak out about all these incoming ACH deposits (which is what most coinbase normies will do).

It will be ugly.

>> No.6031226


>> No.6031738


>markets are fractals

explain this

>> No.6032048


I think he means that they are self-similar on all time-scales, right?

>> No.6032369

Banks have never used fucking ripple

>> No.6032829

One last bump.

>> No.6032862

I laugh at goldbugs scoffing at crypto like any other but I need to set the record straight.
Gold will stay a perfectly acceptable hedge for a long time.
>limited uses
Gold as an element has multiple very unique properties, read a book.
>muh space mining
Gold is as rare in space as it is on earth. Mining it from asteroids has enormous energy costs so wont bring gold price down, up rather.
>muh shiny rock
It's a rare shiny rock with a long history of being uaed as value store. Read some Taleb, how long something has been around often is a rough indicator for how long it will be around in the future.

>> No.6032927

Ok, we agree that crypto is in a bubble now.

That's ok, because we're making money. The bubble will pop when there is no new money coming in.

What will cause this? Will this happen? Do you agree?

>> No.6032929

yes, comparing market caps make very little sense. you need to compare rate of growth

>> No.6032979
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pic related to how fucked btc holders are.

>> No.6033231

Try again with logscale taint for brains

>> No.6033329

I held through that whole thing and beyond faggot, buying some cheap ltc and eth along the way.

>> No.6033390

i-it'll a-always recover g-guys...

>> No.6033427

There have been faggots on /biz/ claiming the end is near for the last 2 fucking years.

>> No.6033445

This whole bubble talk makes me wonder.
We know both crypto and stocks are bubbles. I don't think we've ever had a system for comparing bubbles though. Is there any way we could theoretically evaluate which is more overinflated and will burst first?

>> No.6033515

it's a bubble, yes, but we're not going sub $100 BTC

like 95% of the shitcoins are going to crash hard though

>> No.6033546

People have been saying this for the last 20,000 years.

>> No.6033604

if anything this is an argument to invest MORE. read about the dotcom, the crypto bubble is surprisingly similar. there are thousands of shitcoins that have no product and they will all crash and burn, just like during the dotcom bubble thousands of companies had no product and crashed and burned.

after the dotcom bubble popped there were winners - apple, microsoft, amazon, etc. the same will happen with crypto. it will cash, tons of shitcoins will die - but there will be winners. Ethereum. NEO. BTC. A few other big ones.

shitcoins are for gains, not long term holding. remember that.

>> No.6033650
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>> No.6033940

that alone would make everybody millionaires. just pour your money into the one you know is gonna burst later, and when the other bursts, pull out