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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6021369 No.6021369 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this fucker doing?

>> No.6021550

sam hyde JUST coin

>> No.6021568

making me money?

>> No.6021620


I'm glad that I sold my REQ for a smएरall loss.

>> No.6021788

Preparing. Whales forcing price down to scoop up more. Don’t trust any FUD you see. Announcement on Monday, can’t say anymore.

>> No.6021805

I've been in since .04 but I don't understand why people are dumping so fucking hard

>> No.6021826

>Went up 60% yesterday
>fucking shitcoin never moons
The state of this fucking generation...

>> No.6021884

-the smoking man

>> No.6021897

if you managed to lose money on this you are genuinely stupid lol

>> No.6021907

>t. berlin insider

lmao go kys faget

>> No.6022134

how is anyone losing money here?? i got in at .05. all i ever see are "what is this coin doing when will it moon" threads here, even though it went fucking 10x in a little under a month. are you all retarded?

>> No.6022174

new meme to post pajeet speak runes?

>> No.6022177

I bet you did, you filthy pajeet

>> No.6022229
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 51OIRoxklRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaking out weak hands

>> No.6022233

This same fucking thread comes up after every moon. REQ moves sideways for 1-3 days, weak handed faggots drop it, and then it suddenly moons to a new ATH, at which time pink wojacks ensue.
I don't even need a crystal ball.