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6019634 No.6019634 [Reply] [Original]

Should i stay with my gf of 4 years?

Or chase crypto and tinder sloots

>> No.6019649

dat camtoe

>> No.6019651

Is that her?

>> No.6019665 [DELETED] 



>> No.6019667

You should marry your gf and spend your money on raising beautiful happy children.

>> No.6019678

Buy GVT yo!

>> No.6019687

The only reason men are monogamous is lack of money. Figure out the rest.

>> No.6019719
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>> No.6019758

She will get fat 10 years tops

>> No.6019810

This. Don't walk the way of degenecary.

>> No.6019939

>not buying COVESTING

Not gonna make it

>> No.6020020

>no boobs
>super broad shoulders
>Lopsided camel toe
>square jaw
>long face

Keep boning 'til she's all dried up. Then leave.

>> No.6020043

>floppy tits
>floppy vag
drop this 4/10

>> No.6020044

I'm facing the same conundrum. Like myself, I'm sure she is the anchor that is holding down your gains. Your hard earned money is "our" money and your interest in anything remotely profitable is considered "unhealthy".

You'll never make it if you have a gf

>> No.6020046

Just go engaged

>> No.6020081

Post pic of your GF if you want an informed opinion.

>> No.6020095


This, Troost me. I live next to degenerates that chose sloots and their is no end game.

>> No.6020097

>stubbed fingertips
>uneven camel toe
>not a natural blonde

>> No.6020150

Same dilemma here. I feel ever since I got into crypto that any time I spend with her doing mundane shit is a waste of time that I could have used to research crypto more. Also I'm too afraid to try doing some more actual trading since I never know when she might demand I do something or talk to her about shit.

>> No.6020232

It’s not his gf it’s some chick I was friends with on tumblr for a bit totally forgot her fucking name kek she’s into the whole fitblr gang thing

>> No.6020265

how do you even show tinder sluts you have crypto gains

>> No.6020316

Just don't get roped into raising a kid.

>> No.6020374

Post a pic with your car
Always works

>> No.6020393

If you need to flash money to get women then you're better of going with a prostitute. It's infinitely easier to get laid that way and basically the same on a moral level.

>> No.6020485

i just want to flash money but not pay money you know, like a pump and dump but in a tinder slut

>> No.6020574
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>Chase tinder sloots
If that's your gf, you don't need tinder sloots.

>> No.6020797

Hi OP here. Sorry i dont know why i posted this ugly sloot probs because it was the only pic i had.

So to give a bit of background. I am 24 she is 25, we are dating for almost 4 years now. She says she is old enough for family and kids and i feel nowhere that, i probably still have 3-4 years in me untill i will want to settle for good.

Some background about her. She is great. Smart, knows her priorities, knows how to cook, is very loyal and loving, always motivated, has better job and salary than me (she is managing 5 people). The only downside she has is her looks. Dont get me wrong she is not ugly. She just does not have the basic woman physical traits like tits, ass, hips. She is not fat either, she goes to gym almost everyday for 4 years now, is addicted to fitness. But still lacking those main traits makes her most of the time unattractive to me. I dont want to sound vain but i am a man and i need desire of which most part is physical attraction. This makes me very hard to love her properly.
When we go out i always look at other girls whom are probably working sht jobs have nothing going for their lives but physically they attract me 100 times more than my gf. Even average girls.
A bit of bg about me. Main reason why it is also hard for me is because she is only my 3nd seriousish relationship. And only 2nd girl i had sex with. This sucks. I am 24. I never experienced a one night stand or tinder. I feel like i am missing out so much.

Money is not an issue in our relationship, she doesnt care about mine i dont care about hers.

Anyway sorry for long post. Appreciate if anyone will read it and give his opinion. If not fuck it ill just post it on adv then

>> No.6020835

>Stay in a loving relationship where you get regular sex, and love and support eachother


>Go down a path of loneliness and greed, having meaningless sex and accumulating wagie bucks like (((they))) want

I think you know the answer

>> No.6020860

tinder is fucking terrible.

you will only match with fat disgusting whale sluts who are way less attractive than any of your gfs or women you would meet in real life.

there are thousands of guys chasing very little pussy on that site unless you are incredibly good looking it wont end well

>> No.6020883

>getting serious with a girl who doesn't have childbearing hips
You've done this to yourself

>> No.6020933

honestly bro I am in the same dilemma but you fucking know what

We are in the wild fucking west, the motherfucking gold rush. Crash and fucking burn baby, crash and fucking burn. Take these insane fucking gains and go fucking crazy. LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR YOU, a fucking 911, multiple Kilos of cocaine and hundreds of 10/10 beautiful women who will do whatever you please because your payin

>> No.6020948

I am better than average looking (6'2 lifting all my life, tried modeling)

I guess ill try tinder tonight see what it has to offer and based on that i will make a decision for the rest of my life

>> No.6020958

I actually just happened to meet the coolest fucking girl ever today. Is a bombshell, plays smash, and watches Rick and Morty.

I'm still convinced this is all a fucking dream.

>> No.6021067

Dont be naive, ill probably never make enough money to live this movie life. I just want enough to support myself and my parents and buy a boat

>> No.6021071

criminally underrated and patrician post

>> No.6021075

Yeah there is nothing at the end except emptiness brother. But at least you go to do coke off a some girls fat ass. But now you are alone while your gf marrys Chad

>> No.6021077

Relevant thread. Am 24, have a good girl, still want to bang sluts before settling into life with one person. Not sure what to do.

>> No.6021128

This desu.

>> No.6021195

Tell me your story

>> No.6021254


Don't listen to the dickheads dogging her appearance, OP. They probably haven't gotten any pussy in months (at best). Why would you approach 4chan seeking validation on your girl. I think she's beautiful. Does she have a decent personality? If she's cool and trustworthy, and can hold a conversation then keep her. It's easy to get antsy and chase strange when you're young and you've been in a long term relationship for a while. Just biology. Seems kind of disrespectful to ask a question like this of a fucking bunch of degenerates like us.

>> No.6021335

Be straight up with her you aren't looking to settle down anytime soon

>> No.6021350

You can do both. Just don't be a dumbass about it.

>> No.6021387

>This sucks. I am 24. I never experienced a one night stand or tinder. I feel like i am missing out so much.

You're not missing out on anything. At *best*, you have really good sex with someone, but that's not even a thing until you've had sex with enough people to start distinguishing between good and bad sex in the first place. And even when you have *really good* sex, it's still just a short lived thing.

Imagine the best fucking cheeseburger you've ever eaten. It's great. The memory of it is decent, but you can't exactly relive the experience. Even if you eat it every night for a year, the amazement fades away within the first two weeks. Really good sex is exactly like that. You know it's really good when you're having it. But when you're having decent, regular sex, it's good enough that the really good sex doesn't matter that much.

Get it?

>> No.6021455

>not marrying a degenerate gambling girlfriend like yourself
The fuck is wrong with you guys

>> No.6021457


I was socially stunted from playing runescape until the age of 17. Got my shit together since then, have a good career, am /fit/, and have the means to keep myself occupied with my hobbies.

Girl is good, we've been dating for about 3 years now, though the start was on-off.

I spent my saturday night couch shopping. We're seeing open houses for real estate tomorrow.

Am I too young for this shit? I've been very tempted to all in on crypto, make enough gains to fulfill my current obligations, and then run away for a year or two across the ocean while having as much sex with foreign girls as possible.

>> No.6021489

So do i tell her about the physical side of attraction? Or it will emotionaly kill her?

>> No.6021569

jezus christ don't do this, you'll scar her for years

>> No.6021570
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also it just dilutes the sex experience in general once you have great sex, you're gonna chase that thing forever

chase gains instead

>> No.6021571

No you are not too young for a house, this is the right way to go, the earlier the better.

Chad thing to do would be to marry your gf and fuck sloots on the side

>> No.6021619

this, you should never lack an exit strategy or exit scam

>> No.6021706

you're too young, get into meditation before breaking up your gf to pursue hedonistic pleasures.

ideally you'll either develop the emotional maturity to realize chasing foreign sloots while having a loving gf is stupid... or hey maybe your urge isn't that off and maybe your relationship isn't what's best for you

>> No.6021863


Does your gf suck your cum out of her sister's ass?

If not leave her.

>> No.6021894

Don't ever

>> No.6021922


I had a brief period where I was single and my gains for weight lifting had made a noticeable effect on my appearance. I'm 6'2 and 215 lbs.

The majority of my sex partners came from that period. The memories range from sad, to hilarious, to something I think on fondly. I have a long time to be married, I don't have as much time to be young and have these opportunities. But, a loving girlfriend whom I can trust is also a rare opportunity. I have no idea what to do.

>> No.6021924
File: 202 KB, 535x799, 1494982499978-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dude i'm only 22 and i've fucked 50 sluts. No LARP. Yes, definitely break up with your girl and chase sluts around. You'll miss her for awhile and you'll get really jealous when she finds someone else, but it will be worth it once you find an even better girl after you've had a few more.

>> No.6021930


Misc, is that you?

>> No.6021960


you don't, no good reason to, if you can't live with it - you will end it eventually

>> No.6022009

It's not lopsided, it because her left hip is tilted upward. And isn't blonde a plus?

>> No.6022010

fuck me that was a good burger
if only i could remember the name of the food truck i bought it from. you have no idea, it wasn't a normal burger at all. it was fucking beyond. they had this sauce they make themselves some kind of organic mayo. the whole thing was organic and premium materials but it was the combination of strange sauces and thick fucking patties and freshest veg my fuck it was perfection.

thanks for reminding me.

>> No.6022017


The grass is always greener on the other side.

In this case, it's not.

>> No.6022103

Aware since 2008

>> No.6022151

Why do her legs look comically short?

>> No.6022152


dreams can become nightmares quickly :)

>> No.6022163

i was looking forward to having enough money to afford sex (i'm not attractive so i do have to pay for it) but i was somewhat worried about oxytocin bonding. it's basically proven that slutty women can't stay in love for very long, that part of their brain is burned out on the cock carousel. the effect also exists in men to a lesser degree but so little research has been done.

anyways, do you find your ability to bond in a relationship is now totally gone and fucked over? can you still fall in love? can you stay in love longer then a couple months?

>> No.6022189


If you run off and do the foreign thing you're a degenerate piece of shit and I hope you lose all your gainz faggot

>> No.6022223

Tbqfh reject all females and pursue ascetism, crypto, and anime

>> No.6022224

You are either a kissless virgin that never been in a relationship or delusional.

>> No.6022271

So tell me what i am missing out. Sell me this shit

>> No.6022274

>watches Rick and Morty
She must have very high IQ to understand that show

>> No.6022298

I've found that I almost completely lack the ability to have feelings for a woman that are not based on looks. For example, right now I have a girlfriend. I have absolutely zero feelings for her whatsoever. She's awesome, cute, probably the coolest chick i've ever met. But I'm just waiting for someone else to come along so I can break up with her and go to the next one.

>> No.6022299

Sounds like a giga-normie to be honest. but hey if she wants to not only play smash but also smash i say full steam ahead anon

>> No.6022355

Tinder's not all it's cracked out to be. And you're probably 1-2 ratings below what you think you are so you'll get demolished on tinder. It's a piece of shit degenerate app where women match dudes for self-fulfillment and have no intention of meeting up unless you're a millionaire or are david beckham.

You have a good woman who loves you and has shown commitment and here you are asking for advice on whether to stick around or go stick your dick in a bunch of rotten meatloafs and prob pick up herpes/hpv in the process.

If you're not attracted to her than just cut ties and stop wasting eachother's time. Fuck what is wrong with people...

>> No.6022406

i've never seen a relationship that wasn't constant bickering. maybe its a canadian thing but there are (almost) no functional couples i don't think, in canada. the women are so horrible, i'm honestly grateful that i'm so unattractive. all i hear is horror stories. if you don't give her drama she'll create drama, but there was to always be drama or she gets bored and leaves. thats what women are, drama chasers for life. thats why they watch soap operas, and then they get to live the soap opera drama excitement in real life just by acting like cunts. fuck i hate women

fuck oxytocin bonding, i'll take the hundred asian whores option instead i think. i do have to admit that its degenerate and the erosion of traditional family units will be the end of western civilization and lead to an age where the government and you are all that exists and nobody will even have families. oh brave new world

>> No.6022412

Pussy. Sweet sweet pussy. I made a dumb decision to get married at 19. Got divorced at 20. I was really sad about it. Started using Tinder. Found some sluts on there and had a good time. Turned 21 and started going out more often. Turns out, it's far easier to pick girls up in person than expected. Nothing compares to going out on a weekend night, and bringing the hottest girl from the bar/club back to your place. Even if it's just for one night, you'll know for the rest of your life that you got to experience that pussy.

>> No.6022447

Why dont you just buy her a boob job? If that pic is actually her, she's pretty cute. Btw, your kids have a chance of being a manlet. How tall is she, 5'0?

>> No.6022484

It's a matter of perspective. Since the picture is taken from eye height, her legs look shorter because they get further and further away from the viewpoint. Take a look at your dick from your normal eye level. Now bend down and look at it from a closer point. Now it's closer so it is suddenly more imposing. Or your hand, whatever really.

>> No.6022488

pretty true. not all but a lot.

>> No.6022489

anyways me again
my advice op is if you have a woman that isn't constant drama and bickering, hold on to her for life, because she is a unicorn

otherwise slut it up because basically women are terrible and fuck right off

>> No.6022519


>> No.6022548


Nov. 2011 checking in.

Misc is dead son

>> No.6022590

>kid being a manlet

As stupid as it sounds this scares me. She is average female height 5'4 or something

>> No.6022608

At least sex doesn't last long. Otherwise I'd be irritated at the gains I'd miss.

>> No.6022638

LISTEN UP. This will be the realest advice you get. Its already over. look at what you wrote. You know it wont last. It wont get better. Getting married and kids wont fix shit. Its over. If their is any doubt DO NOT MARRY her. This the pinnacle of your relationship. it will only get worse and she will only get uglier. Either start cleaning up your mess slowly and surley and begin the process or prepare to cheat on her for life. Before you break up, line up some girls or youll probably be alone for a little bit.

>> No.6022647

lmao.. are you even human?

>> No.6022653

I am actually in a similar spot. In relationship of 6 years, and lately I just find myself just not feeling those loving feelings and am quite bored with everything she says. I was hoping it was just a phase but I am not so sure anymore. I keep hoping to feel those feelings again but I just don't seem to be. I am not sure if its because I am depressed, or more so I am depressed because I feel bad being around her. Sucks too cause we used to do everything together non stop, tons of vidya, anime, and gym, now only gym but pretty much ignore each other.

Most likely am going to take a few months apart and go back to Thailand on my own and try being on my own.

I am glad I am not the only one here having relationship stress. The crypto gains certainly don't help any rocky relationship. I was in the fence before crypto, but now after having 600k in crypto...hmm

>> No.6022659

From all the porn ive seen, the heavenly looking pussies, my gf has a similar pussy. Its the best part of her, she has a very good tight pussy

>> No.6022771
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I'm 28 and have sex once in my life

it sucks but I didn't choose to be completely unlovable

I don't even know what i do that makes people not like me

>> No.6022818

So is it wrong to marry a girl then go abroad once half a year for few days to fuck escorts purely for physical needs?

>> No.6022857

>GF of 3 years
>Everything she says and every joke she makes pisses me off to no end
Why does she piss me off so much now?
I used to love her.
What's happened to me?

>> No.6022905

Bro you might be a psychopath

>> No.6022910

Nothing has happened to you, the lust is gone.

>> No.6022953

Probably has BPD and is grooming you as her next victim. Wait for the manipulation, guilt, and how she's always the victim

>> No.6023049

oxytocin bonding failure. shes no longer in love with you because she used to be a slt and can no longer bond long term. so now her shit testing instincts have kicked in and shes going to keep pushing your buttons until you respond in a masculine enough way to trigger her affections again. and they'll she'll just get worse and worse as she becomes addicted to the abuse and constantly baits you into dominating her again. consciously she doesnt know shes doing it and she thinks you're being an asshole and she constantly bitches about you behind your back to her friends. but shes never been more excited by all the drama. fuck i hate women

>> No.6023092

have you considered that you might be gay

>> No.6023133

I just posted the same thing pretty much. Feels really bad because she still loves me so much and is so devoted to me.

>> No.6023147

hes probably just fucked way too many chicks and his hormones dont work anymore for bonding

>> No.6023204


> thinking 4chan virgins opinions matter

shes hot, but the fact that you are asking that question shows you dont love her, so move on

>> No.6023208

Only if she has a problem with you doing that

>> No.6023324

Think about it this way OP. You decide to stay with her and later on she cheats on you. Now wouldn't you be mad for trusting her and giving up stuff for her only to betray you? Dump her.

>> No.6023505
File: 625 KB, 567x567, donuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bf told me that I was gross, he wasn't attracted to me, but that atleast I was 'not ugly,' within two weeks of dating.

It really hit me upside the head and spun around my sense of self. Most of the reason I found he wasn't attracted to me was because I was about 15 pounds overweight, and that if I didn't lose it he would leave me.

I quickly got in shape so he would like me. Thing is I do have tits, ass, and hips, so atleast I could lose the weight, while it seems your gf wouldn't be able to grow any (unless she does squats, wtf is she even doing at the gym?)

My bf still doesn't seem very attracted to me even still. He doesn't like kissing or fucking me, and when I ask if he still likes me he gets mad.

Anyway, my advice would be to keep her if she's loyal and a good cook, those are two very important things that are very hard to find. Don't blow it all on diseased sloots.

>> No.6023565

why cant you ape faggots just go bang prostitutes instead of skanking up the dating market with casual fucking?

>> No.6023673


The chase is way more fun anon

>> No.6023709

Bunch of fucking neck beards in this thread. OP, your gf is is a rocket. You can easily chase your crypto dreams and hold down a relationship, can't you?

>> No.6023773

if he loved you more you would leave him i'm sure of it

it's always hot and cold with women. they're at their hottest with a man that is cold towards her.

it could be he only told you that because he understands how to manipulate women

thing is, you're probably pretty nice, but only because he isn't. if the only way to get drama is to create it yourself then thats what you'll do. but instead you found a man that can make you feel like shit instead. if he was nicer you would become meaner. fuck you, you're all the same.

>> No.6023862

yeah casual hookup culture is great until civilization collapses, women all become cunts, and long term relationships all end up sucking because nobody is allowed by hookup culture to get to know someone first. it has to be sex on the first date and making moves on her before you even know her name. its retarded, it wasnt always like this, and this degenerate behavior is encouraged because it makes us all weaker and pathetic and easy to control.

>> No.6023878

You're going to need to post pics, OP. You might either be a chubby chaser who wants a landwhale with quadruple D tits or your gf might look like Quasimodo.

We can't judge until we see pics. Help us help you.

>> No.6023959

OP if you’re not attracted to her and have different life priorities than her, you frankly shouldn’t be with her. Those are the real issues. Don’t let FOMO about banging randos enter into it. FWIW I did exactly that two years ago, dumping a gorgeous blonde with perfect 32Ds to go be an uninhibited man whore. It’s been fun but it’s massively, cataclysmically overrated and often just a massive waste of energy. Dump this chick and go find one that makes you really excited.

>> No.6024018

Nice larp whore. Fucking 8-10 tinder roasties for the quick pump and dump is x100 times better than fucking some fat frumpy slampig with a FUPER like you.

OP, stop being queer. If she doesn't get you hard when she looks at you, drop her like a bad habit. Split tails are a dime a dozen and once you've made it in crypto, you can fuck a different pussy every night.

Don't fall for the marriage meme. I did it twice and all you get is a depreciating asset that not only costs you money, but gets uglier and more annoying worse than compounded interest

>> No.6024067

don't listen to these anime kids. I am happily married after 3 years, own a business, and do what I want.

Chasing tinder sluts won't make you happy. Is your woman a traditional white woman who will make you dinner, and breed and care for amazing babies? If so, wife it up.

Like I said, don't listen to these fat neckbeards. If she is at least a 5/10 and tradiitonal, wife that shit up. Chances are you can't even pull higher unless you have biceps and alpha game. Work out, be an alpha, don't give a shit what people think, get big, and start your own business. Everything else will fall into place.

>> No.6024104

Why did u take a pic of urself and ur micro dick. Question tho, will u pickle my wickle

>> No.6024196

Look at it this way man.

Your current girl is a long hodl. You'll be happy you stayed with her, but maybe not until a few decades have passed.

If you sell her to go on moon missions you'll enter a restless frenzy of pump n dumps and you WILL get burned somehow, based on what you said about yourself.

I'm not saying one way is best. You decide senpai.

>> No.6024257

I found the girl in op's picture. She's on instagram @lovemymiddle

>> No.6024344


I tell him that I love him every now and then, and I do. He says that he doesn't love me, and that he doesn't consider me to be his girlfriend. It's been over a year.

All it does is make me want him more, to keep trying to see if one day he will tell me he feels the same way.

It is true, women are dogshit.

>> No.6024422

>t. slampig

>> No.6024466


Listen to this guy. If you're not a bitch or an asshole, you absolutely can find a decent girl who you can trust and fall in love with. But only if you're a man who doesn't bitch and moan and always does what he needs to do. Just don't be a whiny neckbeard and it'll all fall into place eventually.

>> No.6024491

if i ever fall in love again i'll be sure to tell her that i don't love her every day so she doesn't leave me.

>> No.6024527

the classic ironpill

>> No.6024537

Fuck you OP.

I'm a bit older than you, but people like you are why when dating women they start demanding commitment and wanting to settle down, they refuse to just date and see how things go because their past long term boyfriend didnt commit after half a decade. So now every guy afterwards gets less time with her to decide if he wants to settle down with her or not.

>> No.6024565
File: 576 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180107-161121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from her Instagram

>> No.6024594

>he says desperately for the third time this month, telling himself it will all be ok
lol good luck with all your "decent" women, i'm sure you've probably gone through a few already. dont worry, the next one will be different

>> No.6024867

Would you believe me if I told you I'm 125 lbs and a solid 7 but just have such massive self esteem issues that I think being treated like shit is the best I'll ever get?

Good strategy, just make sure to find an exceptionally damaged woman (most are).

>> No.6024961

>Would you believe me if I told you I'm 125 lbs and a solid 7 but just have such massive self esteem issues that I think being treated like shit is the best I'll ever get?
I would knock the bottom out of that then force anal sex on to her. Hopefully she says no since rape is the only way I cum anymore

>> No.6024973

So how the fuck do i stop drooling over instagram sloots?

>> No.6025003

at least you're self aware of what a horrible cunt you are. it's only partially your fault i think, i'm not sure women are generally even capable of sanity. there's a reason men kept your kind safely contained for millions of years until now. it's because you're not equal, and treating you as such will leave you confused and sad, like a dog without an owner.

>> No.6025012

where is her ass?