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6017774 No.6017774 [Reply] [Original]

> under 20
> 400k+ net worth
> Bitches

Why haven't you made it yet?

>> No.6017802

Cuz I have only 100k

>> No.6017820
File: 41 KB, 400x416, pinkwojak5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only have 172k

I live in one of the most expensive cities i will never make it

>> No.6017829

whats your portfolio?
what coins do you recommend now if you had to work your way up again

>> No.6017872

go back to red dit , faggot

>> No.6017893


Glad I dropped out of college to pursue crypto.

Got into ETH in Feb 2016.

>> No.6017901

thx mommy and daddy :)

>> No.6018083

Don't be a pussy and diversify. I started with about 3k and didn't get going until I put 50% into NEO early. Just pick 2 (all in is ass also), dump into those and make gains. Rn, I'm gaining on lamden, zcl and Ven. Good luck.

>> No.6018131

lmao it's all me baby, worked my ass of to have enough cash to make significant gains in crypto

>> No.6018183

Don't I fucking know it. Considering moving so my money goes farther.

>> No.6018213

300k and 22 here anon. Not too far behind you so I believe you.

It's almost time for a nice big market correction again though. What do I do now, in the meantime? What do I buy? Can't time the top for a margin short or anything, so I want to know.

>> No.6018402

I have 50k withdrawn into cash, consider something similar. Otherwise, stay on top of info, move into gainers and ride the dip. We aren't at set for life money yet but we are close. Hold on comrade.

>> No.6018668

good shit, im just at 6 figs and my portfolio is spread thin across 8 -10 coins, def need to reduce the amount of coins im in

>> No.6018689

Alright, I'm starting to phase out a decent amount into cash as well. I'm assuming BTC, and to a lesser extent ETH, won't be as affected by such a dip, so I'm still keeping reasonable stacks of those and kind of trading out of other things gradually. I wouldn't be surprised if the market keeps on going at this speed for another month or two before some real corrections, along the same lines of June/July 2017, occur from profit taking combined with people overreacting to some bad news. Best of luck to you too.

>> No.6018778
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lol during texh bubble nerds got rich and powerful. With crypto NEETs and youngins are gonna make it

>> No.6018943

Hold up, if you are at 6 figs smaller percentage gains are alright, so 2 coins is too little. 8-10 is a lot, I'd aim for 5 where you are at. Good luck man, you're going to make it :)

>> No.6019012

So true. Don't get fucking cocky irl with this shit tho, it's always a bad look. Be humble and treat people well, while making so much more money than you should.

>> No.6019159

I agree with this too. At this level smaller gains in large cap coins are alright. Holding too many coins is also still not a good strategy.

>> No.6019223

>made it

Must be morning in Pajeetland

>> No.6019316

faggot, if you don't think making almost half a mill in less than a year at 18 is at least partially making it, you can kindly suck my chose.

>> No.6019413

Everyone here claims they're 18. Post proof.

>> No.6019462

I'm 18 and I have 500k, suck my dick loser

>> No.6019511


I'm 18 and my dick is 8.5 inches

pls eat my ass

>> No.6019575

sure thing dipshit, here's my birth certificate.
So so so gay.

>> No.6019609

Incorrect and queer

>> No.6019614

alright pajeet, enjoy your larping
happy to learn you're fake

>> No.6019623

Only gayboy is you faggot. Only 400k LMAO get on my level

>> No.6019642

when you say holding do you mean like large portions of portfolio? ive been throwing about 500 into so many coins to catch some gains, but now im holding tons of them. I can't decide which ones to drop, because I'm afraid I'm selling before a big jump. Should i push to get it down to 5ish?

>> No.6019676

>no larp

This fuckin board man

>> No.6019686

20 and just put $18,000 in VEN

hoping VEN hits $100 so I can make $382,000

from then its just a matter of Turning $382,000 into 3.9m :(

>> No.6019781


Prove it.

>> No.6019796

100% yes. My advice is no coin less than 5% and try to have no more than ten. Having all those small amounts results in gains cancelled out by losses in other coins, and less profit from moon missions.

>> No.6019807

>Why haven't you made it yet?
Fuck off, faggot, I'm working on it.

>> No.6019850

Alright thanks a lot for advice. I know i'm spread super thing, and my main concern was being left holding trash coins on down days, but I hadn't even thought about losses counteracting gains on some of them.

>> No.6019862

ITT: Poorfags who haven't hit a million yet

>> No.6019907

Wouldnt it make most sense to just jump from ICO to ICO a couple of times and there you have it, a shitload of money? No stressing over charts, no daytrading.

>> No.6019954

Neither have you ya fuckin faggot

>> No.6019957

I have definitely made it, but i'm not even close to being done. family members who are too inept to be in this space need to be taken care of too. spread love, brothers.. I used to forsake my family for letting this opportunity pass them by. I've come to realize that they just aren't cut out for it, but they're going to need my help someday

>> No.6019981

My mom won't let me put too much in crypto

>> No.6020002

Do it. If you make enough and want to move back. Do it.

>> No.6020039

Hmm, I don't really mess with ICO's don't have time. Requires so much research and shilling LOL. Good on you if you can make it work.

>> No.6020090

Honestly thanks for the motivation. Dodge some gains tax, lower cost of living for a few years.

>> No.6020126

Unless you're messing around day-trading minute by minute basically to score a free lunch, you shouldn't be "throwing about 500 into so many coins." You won't get anywhere doing that. Do what this guy says: >>6019796
I agree with him so far.

As for deciding which coins, go look at the news which is coming up for coins. Have a solid reason to hold those coins, a reason you think they will go up. Don't tell me "I'm afraid it will shoot up after I sell it." That's not important, really. Don't trade based on fear of losing or of missing out.

>> No.6020186

You are a loser

>> No.6020198

Turning 30 soon, made 1.2M over the last 7 months. Hopefully this level of gains can continue for another year.

>> No.6020223

Troll alert

>> No.6020228
File: 439 KB, 1080x1582, nolarphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest is already cashed out dipshits

>> No.6020253

Trust me
You've only made it after you've made 5m

>> No.6020273

This guy gets it. How long you been in the game?

>> No.6020306

KNC and ICX were the last ICOs I bought heavily into and they helped me a lot. But my idea on this is that since demand for new coins is so heavily driven by hype and people wanting to buy the coins right after the ICOs that if there's really an ICO worth getting into, people will shill it to me. The best projects will come to me through this and other forums, basically, and that kind of assures me that people will keep building hype for it for a little while even after I buy in. Even ones people say they want to keep quiet so they can get in do inevitably get shilled when they have a lot of potential, and if it catches my eye and I can list solid reasons why people will buy it in the short term who aren't already buying the ICO, I will go into it.

>> No.6020319

Fuck you guys I made 300 dollars and was proud. Although my mom only let's me put a small percent in crypto

>> No.6020354

Makes sense to me. I was starting out, Shaw the dadi shills come out, was considering it then bam they make themselves look like fools. Whoops.

>> No.6020425

Hey man, appreciate your gains. You know you haven't made it yet, but there is still time and you could grow the 300 into 3000. You are building the base for a financially successful future. Good luck.

>> No.6020438

>proof is something that is easily larp-able

You're gonna have to try harder than that you filthy smelly pajeet

>> No.6020511

Anon, were you in jail in 2013ish? Are you mostly in BTC, XMR, Byteball, Sky?

>> No.6020551

Thanks. I've just been kind of mad since I just turned 18 a month ago my mom said she'd let me choose what to buy but when I go to buy it she's like nahhh. Do you think this gold mine of opportunity will still exist in say 2 years?

>> No.6020595

No, I haven't been in jail. I have BTC and XMR, but not the other two.

>> No.6020614

ive had a bunch stolen from me and i just got in last november but i still turned 2k into 40k.

>> No.6020615

Since February of last year, but started taking things more seriously once I lost my job out of college and it became kind of a big part of my life.
I think having a lot of patience waiting for any ICO that's really good to come along is important, but at this point I don't know where the market is going to go next and I don't have any ICOs that I'm looking at so I'm open to ideas.

>> No.6020711

you're 18 start making your own damn decisions

>> No.6020713

How did someone steal it from you

>> No.6020761

I have to finish highschool and until then I cant live on my own since I can't attend school and work all the time. Until then I have to obey my parents rules

>> No.6020805

Yes. There will be bumps tho.

>> No.6020813

Did you try to buy ICO whitelistings from /biz/tards with ETH or something?

>> No.6020854

What do you mean bumps?

>> No.6021239

Go look at what happened to ETH mid-June of 2017, second biggest coin at the time. Then look at where ETH is now. That's a "bump".

>> No.6021433

Ah, just wondering. My autist bro just hit 1.2M and is turning 30 and uses the chans I think.

>> No.6021445

So ethereum isn't doing very good? I have all my crypto in ether I think it's doing pretty well

>> No.6021702

Ethereum is doing incredibly good.
You asked what a "bump" is. In June of 2017 ETH fell from $410 down to $130. That's a "bump." My point is that it has obviously recovered and is doing great.

>> No.6021737

'incredibly well'

>> No.6021796

Oh ok. So not bump I should stick with it? How high do you think ether will go and do you think dragon chainhad a future? Sorry for so many questions

>> No.6021991

Well, yeah. I mean if you see an obvious trade, make it. Like, as a random example, when Red Pulse ICO ended it was the only NEO ICO at the time, so naturally the price of NEO plummeted as soon as it ended because lots of people were propping it up because of the ICO. ETH went through similar situations. So I'm not telling you not to trade when you see money to be made. I'm just saying that like the other guy said there are bumps along the way and it's not just a clean path upwards.

The market will correct, probably a lot, probably more than you think is possible right now. Point is to stick with it (that doesn't mean "hold" necessarily but just don't give up). Regarding dragonchain...I think they had a shitty uncapped ICO and claimed to be an ETH competitor while still being an ERC-20 token. I really don't know much about them because I've had no real reason to research them. You should go do that though and look for some news or developments in the near future and learn about the coin.

>> No.6022039

>how high do you think ETH will go

>> No.6022217

I tried researching it I don't understand it tho. How do I know if "money is to be made" I tried reading articles but i don't get it. I see crypto as just a bunch of code that is limited in amount and that somehow gives it value.

What's so funny. Everyone but me gotta learn I don't understand what u mean by that

>> No.6022366

Look up what blockchains are and keep reading until you understand that. Then look up smart contracts and start learning what other coins contribute to this space. Your goal is to learn how to read different kinds of news in this space so you can infer how you think the market will react to it, basically.

I laugh because nobody can answer that question.

>> No.6022411

I am really low iq and I try reading about it but don't understand can't someone with a higher iq just say?

>> No.6022591

Go to youtube and try harder.
>just say
Say what? This is a skill you have to learn and there are thousands of videos on youtube.....for fuck's sake these videos explain blockchains to 5 year olds:

Try harder.