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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6002069 No.6002069 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm wondering. What would be better for long term investment. Holding onto Vechain strength node or going all in into NEO.

>> No.6002111


>> No.6002232

Thanks. Waiting for more opinions.

>> No.6002272


>> No.6002321

VEN hands down. PBoC is practically confirmed with coca cola kid's latest true prediction.

>> No.6002365

FUN get in while it's cheap

>> No.6002425

NEO is solid.
If you have faith in VEN that node will pay itself off over time

>> No.6002426

probably neo, but they're both chinese trash

>> No.6002449

just sold NEO for VEN yesterday

>> No.6002464

Would go neo. Too much ven hype and it already did x100 last 2 months

>> No.6002704

Why not 50/50 ? I'm trying to grow my stack of Neo personally

>> No.6003096

NEO 5 - 3 VEN
So far. But now considering holding onto strength node and dropping other coins for NEO.

>> No.6003282


>> No.6003510

how is this even a question? neo is a plebbit coin run by idiots with a 6.5B cap. ven is the real deal with a working product and real connections w 1B cap + higher staking rewards with a node. i sold all my neo at 95 to get a strength node probably my best crypto move of all time.

>> No.6003748

NEO is already established coin and I'm looking for something stable long term.
VEN has great growth potencial but is all hype right now.

>> No.6004095

NEO 5 - 4 VEN

>> No.6004189

ven has the growth pot

>> No.6004285


Homeboy, there are literally about 35 new ICO’s launching via NEO this month. We’ll see $500 within the next few weeks, easy.

>> No.6004602

NEO 6 - 5 VEN
Also >>6004285 that pretty much convinces me.