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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5993987 No.5993987 [Reply] [Original]

Up 44% and rising. Who WTC here?

>> No.5994046

300 bro brought @ 9, held that shit for so long while seeing retards make cash off tron. Finally.

>> No.5994145

Nice. I'm holding 1500 since $0.82.

If WTC could focus on marketing for like 15 mins this shit could blow up and be in top 20.

>> No.5994154

Master node, checking in

Ready to BTFO vencucks

>> No.5994171

Feels good. Walton's tech will win out over VeChain's desperate shilling attempts

>> No.5994196

Finally going to $1b market cap

>> No.5994198

Ouch. Shoulda got 5000 for that node bro... early retirement

>> No.5994215

Bushcoin To the Top !

>> No.5994219


>> No.5994229

Finally mooning on those non existent walls lmao
Have fun being in the top 100 for another week but your shit coin falls out completely

>> No.5994234

Yep. Vechain is all hype. They post medium articles and quotes from the main dude sunny or whatever lol they’re sheep like the tron followers

>> No.5994261

bought 5 at $1 for fun
should have bought the dip but i kinda forgot about it

>> No.5994270

I have 0.90 WTC on Binance.

>> No.5994281

Here here!!!!

Salty vencuck pajeeter

>> No.5994317


the problem with waltoncucks is that they
a) think VEN is a peer
b) don't realize that rising VEN lifts all supply ships, even if VEN is more than that
c) walton doesn't need ven or mod or wabiballs

waltoncuks are getting the reputation they deserve just bashing everything else and it will come back to bite them

>> No.5994360

name any partner as big as Renault or PwC and i'll buy another WTC guardian node now

oh wait i already retired on THOR i'll just use that to buy 10

>> No.5994444

Rumors of Walmart and Disneyland. >>5994317
No one shills harder than ven fags are you fucking serious right now?

>> No.5994551

Oh yeah?

Just you wait! Ven will increase by 5%!!!

>> No.5994561

Sauce? Been in WTC since August and this is news to me

>> No.5994772

You dumb fucks do realize both WTC and VEN can coexist right? You know how like we don't all have the exact same brand of computers or phones... You idiots think that only one can survive while I ride both the gains to the moon. You fucks are idiots.

>> No.5994814

Sell Wabi for this? Only holding 50.

>> No.5994837

Honestly im still pissed would have had 40k of i had held qsp instead of selling for WTC wouldn't surprise me one bit if this piece of shit nose dives right back to 60k

>> No.5994844



X10 really soon, screenshot that anons

>> No.5994849

Guardian node here

embarrassed by all the shilling and anti-ven

good shit don't need to attack other projects

i also hold VEN nodes

grow up WTC

>> No.5994877

Fuk u

>> No.5994898

regretting only buying 300 @ $10

>> No.5994915

give me a real named partner not rumors

stupid for Ven to even talk about PBOC because its a rumor

PwC and Renault and Kuene and Nagel and Healthcare Inc are all real already

speaking of disneyland, you're in fantasyland

>> No.5994950

they are the worst of the internet, they will only make money because walton is a good project, they hurt their own cause

>> No.5995149

PwC alone knocks out any partnerships WTC fags even have. Only retards who probably work slave labour jobs have no idea who PwC.

>> No.5995219

Fuck off no waltons

>> No.5995220

Buy on KuCoin, Walton is going to the moon!

If you use 1e81a I will give you 1 KCS

>> No.5995295

Already over?

>> No.5995371

I would sell at least half

>> No.5995426


>> No.5995439

Someone is constantly setting up sell walls

>> No.5995462

Itll settle at around 75k

>> No.5995492

I used to have 4 gmn, I sold one during the dip to trade and I feel rekt right now.

>> No.5995506
File: 287 KB, 1870x858, BLUE_WHALE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are sell walls.

>> No.5995515

FUCK IT, i was looking at it some days ago

>> No.5995813

There is a reason why these sell walls exist.

>> No.5996069

>exclusively made and designed by chinks
>they name is "Walton"

Who the FUCK are you kidding, you slimy squints? You think people will assume you are more legit because you have a Western-style name on your brand? Fucking lol.

Vechain is doing it to with this "Thor" bullshit. Stealing a western pagan mythological figure to add an aura of I dont know...western legitimacy? to their product. Christ. This fucking gooks are making me rich, but I really can't stand them.

>> No.5996134

Literally kys

>> No.5996138



>> No.5996174
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>> No.5996248

Right right up until BTC goes on a slight run then it will drop 50%

Zoom out and look at the hourly chart, not very dependable. That's why I got out of WTC 2 months ago its just spinning wheels

>> No.5996570

You couldn’t afford a masternode anyways chump

>> No.5996578

It's named after the inventor of RFID retard

>> No.5996625

VEN niggers are grasping at straws at this point desu

>> No.5996654

Id sell before china wakes up and dumps their bagsv

>> No.5996675

nice counter-argument

>> No.5996710

Chart is looking bullish to me on the daily.

>> No.5996724


WTC MCP $404,094,939 USD

WABI MCP $143,551,194 USD

Hasn't mooned yet, took my profits from WTC, left my bags of VEN for gullible faggots

Got into XLM and a bit into wabi

>> No.5996765

Want to get the meme lambo, or buy a waifu? Get in! >>discord / X77h5PR We got solid daily signals 50% gainz! No SHIT! Get in or stay poor

>> No.5996818


Yes sell a coin that hasn't mooned yet for one that is 16x

Then when WABI moons, sell WTC at a loss to buy WABI at ATH

unless you have a node you have no bussiness holding WTC cuck

>> No.5996888

>unless you have a node you have no bussiness holding WTC cuck

>> No.5996933

You can stake your WTC with much less than you’d need for masternode fuckboy

>> No.5997004


Q:How much WTC would be required for staking/becoming a master node?

When a node or account is holding more than 5 thousand WTC, it will become a super node. Extra rewards will be granted the super node for bookkeeping. The more WTC and the longer it is holding, the more rewards it will receive.

This is the /biz/ way, don't do your research and buy bags of useless shitcoins because they're shilled on a retard board

>> No.5997044

Have you never heard of PoS, anon? How fucking new are you?

>> No.5997046



Neck yourself.

>> No.5997048

No you're right, you can hold WTC for two months and maybe get a 2x

Good find

>> No.5997124

VEN niggers getting more and more desperate lol

>> No.5997152

Mad Vechainer

>> No.5997166

>Walton isn't allowed to use RFID
>Firms can't name themselves after pioneers in the field

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.5997268


> Sometimes keeping your cumhole shut works best

> There's levels to this shit, so yes hold less than 5k for shit tier rewards and petty 3x gains TOPS in half a year, while you're missing 20-50x moon missions left and right every single week

A = GMN Pool

B = MN Pool

C = POS Pool

D = PoW + PoST (Coins in your wallet and time) rewards

GMN = A + B + C + D

MN = B + C + D

Normal miner = C + D

WTC holders (Not mining)= C

> you're in the shit tier with your lunch money

>> No.5997284
File: 304 KB, 960x1280, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahahaha, this is the average waltonchainer. You all better stock up on diapers for when VEN goes up 20x

>> No.5997325

WALTON is also a super cringy acronym too they are using
you would know that if you DYOR, which you obviously didnt, VENnigger

>> No.5997338

get ready for round 2

Over 100k satoshi real soon

>> No.5997401


Do you think I care about a lying chink's shitcoin? Sold my bags long ago, have fun going sideways

WABI is another shitcoin, only thing I care is that is very low MCP and it will have a moon mission start of next week due to 2 PnD groups on disc

>> No.5997447

Waltonchain is easily one of, if not the most, adopted IoT solution in China currently. It has limitless real-world uses in all industries that require some form of supply-side management. On top of its potential uses in IoT home based applications, they have a highly skilled team as well as strong partnerships. Though some people tend to be weary of Chinese Blockchain startups, for Waltonchain, they couldn't be in a better place if they tried. Currently flying incredibly under the radar until completion of mining the Genesis Block (scheduled to take place within the next few months), investors still have the opportunity to get in while prices are still under $100.

Waltonchain will allow for faster/smarter item tracking for the digital age. The combination of the Waltonchain blockchain, which implements a revolutionary dual-chain scalability protocol which will theoretically allow for millions of transactions per second, and their proprietary RFID tags they produce themselves, making them the cheapest, yet most advanced chips on the market, will allow companies to increase efficiency and cut costs by jaw dropping margins.

TL;DR Waltonchain has some serious potential. It stands out not only as a concept like quite a few coins do, it stands out as one of the few coins that has serious potential for global scale adoption.

>> No.5997660



No doubt Walton is gonna be 100$ in the near future