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5992201 No.5992201 [Reply] [Original]

Anonymous P2P crypto and fiat exchange

Less than 10ml market cap, get on this moon mission

>> No.5992354

Is it still less than 10 mil? Holy fuck does it feel good to have got in at 3 cents. Guys this is the next PRL. I could have bought that shit at 4 cents and watched it climb to 2 dollars or whatever the fuck it's at. I remember every thread when they were like

>40 cents
>you're not missing this moon mission

but I stubbornly stayed out because I was pissed I didn't buy at 0.04. Now you have the same opportunity.

>> No.5992508

what's the damn name you fuckwits

>> No.5992542

Payfair (PFR)

>> No.5992547



>> No.5992610


>> No.5992647

god damn it and I almost invested in it.

>> No.5992699


Shit UI but mooning shitcoins everywhere makes it worth it

>> No.5992728

Yeah I might throw some money in there anyways, but what makes this coin better than ZenCash/Monero? Or are we knowingly shilling a shitcoin

>> No.5992741

also a decentralized exchange right? this will be the trend in the future

>> No.5992866


Decentralized and annonymous exchange = tax free cash out of your crypto

>> No.5992929

what was all that EtherDelta FUD?

>> No.5992958

my Delta just informed me that payfair is mooning
keep it up bros

>> No.5993023

the question is do i take my gains on LTC and put them into this or wait for the coming LTC moon

>> No.5993067

what do we do about a new exchange? they dont have enough money to buy access to kucoin.

>> No.5993070

Is litecoin hitting 20 grand in the next few months? Because that will be the equivalent to match your gains in PFR.

>> No.5993076

when will this come to not etherdelta, beacuse im not going to get scammed trying to deposit there, its the worst website i have ever seen in my entire life

>> No.5993090

kek. don't wait too long.
PFR has a long way to go!

>> No.5993140


They are currently in talks with kucoin

>> No.5993218

Someone just bought 10eth at .0003 lmao this shits really about to go into the exosphere. Thanks biz

>> No.5993304

where are you guys holding it? I dont have to hold it on this shit site right?

>> No.5993338

oh good. hopefully kucoin doesnt try to jew them.

>> No.5993382


>> No.5993405

MEW or equivalent

>> No.5993439

Join and win BIG weekly rewards up to 500$. Take part in pumps and instantly gain up to 40%-_

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.5993502

so why do people bitch about using the site? It doesnt look great but its pretty damn simple to use...

>> No.5993545

referring to etherdelta

>> No.5993568

I hope everyone here understands that Gayfair is literally confido 2.0.

Look up the team if you don't believe me, research the telegram, they are pathetic scammers.

You can probably make some money on this, but keep in mind the people behind this shill are looking to dump on your ass. This coin is a joke.

>> No.5993583

SHit is poppin off right now. Sell walls have been destroyed. We're clear until 7700

>> No.5993600

that is good that people find it hard to use. that means even LESS people have PFR.

>> No.5993722

When your done at ED send it to your myetherwallet.

>> No.5993858

Confido? wtf u talking about devs are totaly real

>> No.5993941

is this real? Can you post any links b/c I'm not finding anything

>> No.5994012

I bought PFR during the early shill threads. It was all run by bots. I thought we all knew this?

This is a PND coin like BNTY. We'll pump it up until it reaches the normies attention (latecomers) and then we'll dump on them.

I put an ETH on it and doubled my money but I'm out. I don't understand why the website has no info on what's even going on with the coin or what purpose it has. If you're gonna scam, scam well.

>> No.5994116

Already made like 5K out of it and handed my bags over to the next one in line.
The deciding factor was their exchange game, even Tittiecoin is easier to buy/sell than this shit.

Whitepaper written in comic sans size 20 also played a role in my decision to get the fuck out.

>> No.5994167

It's complicated for newfags

>> No.5994185

So what's your next pick then? This coin with sub-20 million matrketcap doesn't seem terribly big yet

>> No.5994189

basically this.

These threads exist to pump + give buy volume so early investors can exit with their gains.

There is no coin here. Leave now.

>> No.5994688

It is quite small, no one knows how many profits there are to be made.
All I know is I bought in at 0.04 and sold at 0.15 in just a few days time.

I graciously took those profits out, I won't feel too bad if it reaches a buck at the end of the month. I'm content with what I earned in just a few days time, 2x my month salary.

Just be careful to not be the last one in line holding all the bags. Don't let greed take a hold of you. Remember how this game is played, someone at the end of the ride is getting fucked

My eyes at the moment are on EOS, i'm not TA fag but judging by the graphs it's about the surge up in price somewhere in the upcoming days.

>> No.5994961
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Don't fall for it you fucking retards, this kind of shit is toxic to biz. BUY TRON AND DBC, WHAT IS SO FUCKING HARD ABOUT THIS? See you on the fucking moon if you wish to join me.

>> No.5994985

Not a TA fag either so I can relate. I wish I could base investments off tech rather than "hype" but seeing shit like Tron proves it's not smart in this market. Isn't EOS a shit coin though? If I could find a coin with at least alright tech and <$20 mill market cap I'd be happy, but they're getting rare.

>> No.5995000

Theres no reason to FUD guys, marketcap is still minuscule. Just get in and quit fucking lying

>> No.5995017

BTW payfair is now around 18mill mcap and trading 28cents. Hope you didn't get FUD'd like a retard.

>> No.5995402


I like how it moons while I'm waiting for my shit to confirm

>> No.5995438

Why is this shitcoin being shilled?

It's a literal cut&paste of LocalBitcoin.

>> No.5995516

that's my story everytime, but not this time
holding a lot of payfair bought dirt cheap

>> No.5995698

You did remember to take profits, right Anon?

>> No.5995755
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>17 cents
>i'll go fap then learn how to ED
>it moons to fucking 27 cents

>> No.5995816

>doubled market cap since the thread was made
who else comfy?

>> No.5996475

i did the shill threads by hand

>> No.5996530


>> No.5996612
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>> No.5996827

Here we go fags!!!! Been waiting on it to take off!

>> No.5997125
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>tfw up 660%

>> No.5997212

>proud of being to stupid to use ED

>> No.5997311

im about to crash this pump lol

>> No.5997323

trons already been revealed to be trash dude. dump your bags.

>> No.5997631

Buy high sell low faggot