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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 655x509, 95f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5969917 No.5969917 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to an hero. I lost it all going all by sending to the wrong address.

>> No.5970015

i did the same in 2014 by sending 32 btc to a doge address. dont do it

>> No.5970047

dont an hero, despite the fuders crypto is another 5 years from the bubble pop, start again anon, scrape some cash together and put it in icx, easy x4 to begin rebuilding

>> No.5970081

how much did u lose

>> No.5970104

Its just all gone. $42,000 disappeared. I hate life. Crypto was the only thing going for me.

>> No.5970120

How do you manage to fuck up so bad?

>> No.5970160

nice larp faggot

>> No.5970184

He sent it to the wrong address dildo.
Sorry anon, shit happens. Get some money and start again, biz will make you money, don't go against them. Hot picks this month, VEN / ICX / XLM (after correction) / Bee ico / etc.

>> No.5970222

End it. It's the responsible thing to do at this point.

I hear drinking half a gallon of gasoline is an interesting way to go out.

>> No.5970234

legit question, how does this happen? dont all you guys copy and paste the address? or do some people actually fucking write it out

>> No.5970279

what you do so we don't repeat same mistake

>> No.5970304

Thanks for the suggestions on alts. You guys are the only friends I have. You guys put smiles on my face. I love the wojaks and "AAAAAAAAHHHHH mommy" threads. But I really do hope I can Recover from this.

I started with 6000$ it was most of my savings. I still have 500 in the bank. I hope I can come back from this anons. Thanks for giving me hope.

>> No.5970334
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 1514830427480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always type addresses by smashing my head on the keyboard. Doesn't everybody do this?

>> No.5970342

holyshit I received the exact same number earlier today out of no where like a gift from heaven thanks anon :D

>> No.5970348
File: 895 KB, 690x1035, 1511618597812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ctrl + f the address few times, F5 a few times, check the url, manually check the fees/amounts

I don't know how you niggas can fuck it up.

>> No.5970352

You've still got a good two years to make it anon, you can do it.

>> No.5970379


I went from 500 to 43k in two months biz bro. You can too. You'll be back.

>> No.5970386

you can rebuild it. just buy LSD on the deep web and sell it to college kids for 10 bucks a pop

>> No.5970432

The market it going to crash within a month's time. If you're restarting now then it's over for you. Save yourself the pain of that realization, and end it now.

>> No.5970446
File: 24 KB, 480x480, aL9b7KDP_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck I would totally an hero.
But I also wanted to an hero when I talked myself out of buying ~30 ETH when it was $10 because I thought crypto was magic meme money

>> No.5970482

Money isn't everything man. 43k is like nothing. Money can't buy you happiness.

>> No.5970488

what, don't fuck around, it can't really be that soon

>> No.5970566

This i am a college kid and i would buy alot but if the police came threatening me i would 100% give you up

>> No.5970570

money is everything in this world

>> No.5970596

it will not be. guaranteed

>> No.5970757

do it, faggot.
just think about the comeback story for future reference... you'd be superior to 90% of the faggots on this chink cartoon meme board (including me)

>> No.5970817

Sorry to hear man. Really is. But you can get back on your feet as hard as it seems now

>> No.5970848

>even the shittiest shitcoins pumping 100+%
You'll be lucky if it's a month. When investors lose confidence all that money will flow out of this scam in under a day.

OP, if you're reading this, then please an hero already.

>> No.5971029


>> No.5971354

HAHAHAHAHA nice larp fag

>> No.5971373
File: 27 KB, 367x451, 456362564636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>moving all money with one transaction

>> No.5971546
File: 41 KB, 289x343, 1514095677337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy come easy go
once u accept ur already dead u can do anything

>> No.5971573


i hope it was my address

>> No.5971624

I know you retarded faggot. I just can't figure out how anyone can be so stupid to do that.

>> No.5971651

That really sucks anon but dont kill your self you can make it back

>> No.5971729

Don't do it friend. Read the Bible and turn your heart and mind towards God and do your best to bring love and prosperity into the world.

>> No.5971738

People here know you pretty much can't fuck up a bitcoin address unless you paste someone else's valid address, right? There are checksums at the end to prevent you sending to an address that doesn't exist

>> No.5971827

You value your life being worth 43k? What a fucking faggot, don't do it.

>> No.5971931

I'm sorry Anon. I've been there but money comes and goes. We are all early in the game, trust me you will make it back and then some.

>> No.5971997

OP, not sure if you are larping. But read this: >>/biz/thread/S5774593#p5778652

I lost 40k due to etherdelta being hacked and was left with 500 dollars in shitcoins, barely had gas and fee-money to get it on exchanges. But I didn't cry. The money wasn't mine. I fucking repacked myself and just continued. Am on 5k since then, mostly due to HTML and MOON. You will make it. I am only down some 80% now.

It is all numbers. Simply buy low sell high and you will make it. There is still plenty of time left.

>> No.5972288

You’ll make it again bro. You’ll make it again.

>> No.5972367

Are you stupid? You can retrieve it.
Dude you simply have to call your bank and tell them -oh wait. Its internet money lol sucks desu lad!

>> No.5972478

Timestamp of you crying or it didn't happen

>> No.5972484


why does it dissapear? that makes no sense wouldnt the transaction just fail?

>> No.5972515

Is the only way grandpa bitcoin can avoid double spending.

>> No.5972549

I guess having ocd is good in some situations

>> No.5972554

Do they deliver outside USA tho, like down under

>> No.5972557

I can put in $100 and make that in 3 weeks

>> No.5972574

This is the real reason why normies will never adopt crypto outside of speculating on exchanges.

>> No.5972620

The bubble bursted weeks ago, anon, some were so affected by it they lost their mind and live in a fantasy world please wake up
Wake up
I love you son please come back to us

>> No.5972846

Bro its ok, i lost $3000 today by falling for a scam in a discord channel. I sent some asshole btc because i thought he was an admin wanting to trade eth for icx.

>> No.5972986

No you didn't shut the fuck up.

>> No.5973111

Purchased and held ETH at $10
Sold at $13 because at the time, that return on your investment is rediculous

>> No.5973120

This. Come on OP let me see those tears

>> No.5973141

Let me add I purchased 210 ETH

>> No.5973185

bought a sheet of LSD on the silk road for $180 when BTC was $1.30

>worth it

>> No.5973286

You can earn it back anon, don't lose hope
btw that is my address, thanks for the money

>> No.5973330

You can live like a king in spain for 3 years and not work... just fuck hot Spanish girls all day with that.

>> No.5974005

yeah if you have a nice EU passport, americucks are fucked, plus, first you have to cash out, which is gonna cost you like 40% of that, so realistically, you're still a slave to your Israeli overlords.

Man I'd just kys myself if i was Amerifat

>> No.5974122

>believes the money can leave meme

>> No.5974153

>yurostan unironically lecturing others on taxes
I'd tell you to kill yourself too, but yurocucks are already dead inside. Good luck getting rich with your commie governments, dumb yuropoor.

>> No.5974196


>> No.5974230

Ebin .

But, convincing OP to kill himself aside, I'll be withdrawing 2.4 million from the market within the next few days. I have been trading every day for several months and the end is imminent. Be very careful.

>> No.5974245

is it impossible to make the blockchain reject a transaction with the wrong coin, its so retarded that this is still an issue

>> No.5974285

I hope you are larping, but i know there are people out there that do this
I would quadrupole check that shit and do it in chunks not all in one go

I bet a crypto currency that allows you to reverse transactions would be big

>> No.5974310

i like the way you think