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5962593 No.5962593 [Reply] [Original]

>start with 3k USD 2 days ago
>make 1.4k USD yesterday
>Lose 800 USD today
>Mad as fuck

Why do I feel so mad about this anons? I can't help but feel angry. What is it about human nature that makes us behave like this? I feel like I've lost something even though I've really gained

>> No.5962640

Same exact thing here. I was at 1.8K just a few days ago, yesterday I was at 3K, and now I'm back down to 2.4K and I'm bugging about it lol. Just wish I could have capitalized on those gains since they seem like they could yield more exponentially, but it is what it is...trying not to get too emotionally invested

>> No.5962657


you weak shit, people lost millions yesterday and you're crying about chump change

>> No.5962665

cause you compare to other coins that mooned 100% today, and you would want to aswell

>> No.5962694
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It gets more frustrating with larger portfolios, though you get numb to it a bit. Went up 200k yesterday, then down 100k today. I miss my 100k. I think our satisfaction is relative and we quickly adjust to a new high position. So I feel like I'm behind if I'm not at or near an ATH.

>> No.5962745

My portfolio swinging up or down $20k in a day doesn't faze me. This is just a game.

>> No.5962767

You're still on top...

>> No.5962803


Money is equivalent to resources, plain and simple. Resources are a facet of power. If you don't have resources how can influence your environment? Having more resources means you can do more, hence why you're mad at the loss of potential profits

>> No.5962848

stop being a sensitive pussy invest and accept that it will go up and down drastically. my philosophy if its been at that value once it will go back there again and beyond it. you will have only ever lost if you sell for low and to even do that you have to be brain dead


>> No.5962866

Humans value gains less than they hate losses. To help yourself become more rational, combine losses and split up gains.


>> No.5962871

It's called the hedonistic treadmill and that's why rich/famous/successful people also kill themselves

>> No.5962886
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>tfw make and lose thousands of dollars everyday
>feel nothing

i think im broken

>> No.5962969

ive made so many mistakes and panic plays...new strat is to stop FOMOing and just hold or take your winnings and move on

>> No.5963125

No, I was... just wondering

>I think our satisfaction is relative and we quickly adjust to a new high position
Yeah, it's like a new high score and if we go below it, we feel like we could have avoided it. Maybe its natural. If you think about it through the lens of "surviving in the wild" then it makes total sense. It's just avoiding a loss

Yeah, see above. It's probably our lizard brain that sets off alarm bells because "you could have had more if you had done X"

How the fuck do I do that?

Nothing hedonistic about it. It's more the opposite, you pleb. Think of the number of USD in terms of amount of food, etc. I lost food that I could have had because I didn't do X, so therefore I feel X

It's the total opposite of hedonism, you moron


Yeah, I do HODL

>> No.5963159

Buy FUN and hold a bit.

>> No.5963222


Please teach me. I just started two days ago with 200$ and was told to bet it all so I chose the most promising looking meme going and just lost half of it. What do you guys do differently? My only goal is 30k this year to pay for my wedding so my poor parents dont have to break their backs.

>> No.5963243

>started with 6.5k 7 days ago
>up to $17.5k but 80% of those gains is off the back of 1 shitcoin that im still holding

>> No.5963272

Sorry meant coin not going. And I was told if you have less than 1k just pick one coin and bet on it rather than diversify.

>> No.5963327
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>Pic related
I'm holding bags, son.

Just boy a coin and HODL it, don't sell it at a loss whatever you do. Just HODL. What did you buy? Don't buy the top either. Don't buy at the all time high, dude.

Negro what did you buy initially? XLM? TRX?

>> No.5963469

ECA, bought in at 2-3 sat for a meme but its now hovering 65 sat. on one hand i want to sell some of it but on the other its going to be coming to new exchanges soon so it will likely keep going up

XLM is biggest asset after that though

>> No.5963499

God damn I was trying to buy that for hours but couldn't sign up to the exchange. It didn't let me create an account. Holy fucking shit

>> No.5963623

I know it was stupid af for me but I bought XLM at ATH and then switched to TRX quickly at its ATH thinking either would moon. I know Im a complete retard, I know better than that but I was an idiot. Anyone with good advice that has made it, Im willing to listen.

>> No.5963635

ya sitting on just over 1mil of them, just gonna keep holding for another couple of weeks and reevaluate i guess

>> No.5963659

Fucking hold that shit dude. It's probably still going up

>> No.5963694

Yeah unless there is a specific reason for the dip it will go past it once again as the market grows.

>> No.5963720

Question, cuz it seems ECA was a good choice. How did you find out about this coin and what made you buy it? Or do you just spread your funds in a bunch of low vol coins?

>> No.5963770

hope so :^)
saw it some "top 5 coins to buy" thread on reddit on my first or second day of trading

>> No.5963992
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>falling for the marriage meme
You're never gonna make it. Let this oldfag with two marriages under his belt fuck you up with some knowledge wealth right the fuck up now. DON'T FUCKING GET MARRIED! Bitches are straight up gainz gobblins. She will cheat on you. It's not will she, but when she. Then she will take half your fucking shit. If you're lucky enough not to come home to Tyrone and Leroy spit roasting her, she will end up shitting out a couple fuck trophies and some day when you're my age, you'll look at her when she takes her clothes off and think "did she seriously just dive on a grenade?"
Save your money, pay for hookers if you need to get laid. It is over 9000% cheaper than getting married. Ever.

>> No.5964092
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Holding is the strategy none traders do.
If you're a trader you put in risk to reward management to your assets even if you're using just a $100.
You recognize the fundamental value and project that onto the market along with the correlation between different markets.
If you don't have at least a good understanding of what Bitcoin and Ethereum are doing at all times then you have absolutely no clue what you're doing.

>> No.5964098


No, YOU moron - he's not calling you Hedonistic but rather talking about the Hedonic Treadmill. Read about it and think of how it applies.

You are happy after a gain, and then you return down to your baseline. You have a loss and are sad, then you go to your baseline.

Combined with that is Loss Aversion. People dislike making a loss more than they like making a win. This means that a loss can be perceived to be between 1.5 and 2.5 times the value a gain of an identical size.

>> No.5964273

Oh yeah so it was what I was saying but I just misread, my bad

Well yeah, makes sense

>> No.5964387

u aint cut out for this game boy

>> No.5964436

Idk if your American or not, I live in the US myself but my gf and I come from super conservative religious families and we were both born in Europe so divorces dont really happen in our community in the US cuz the shame of divorcing/cheating even by your own family is enough to make you commit suicide so it doesnt happen that much. Plus, like I said, we’re super religious and she’s got a good head on her shoulders and doesnt care about stupid materialistic things (she’ll prob make way more bank than me when she finishes med school). So even though I know most ppl see marriage as a meme (and for many cases it is cuz alot of ppl get married for the wrong reasons), my girl and I arent really your “standard” couple. Im not trying to put myself on a pedestal cuz I was a pretty shitty degenarate most of my life. Im just saying all hope isnt lost when it comes to being married. And it’s not about losing my virginity either, that happened in my degenerate days long ago.

>> No.5964477

Do me a favor? When you catch her getting blacked, please bottle up some of your tears so I can feast on them later.

>> No.5964551

Must be tough being lonely anon. I was there too once. Try nofap, it can make a difference even for you.

>> No.5964612
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>she’ll prob make way more bank than me when she finishes med school
Oh you fucking retarded faggot.

>> No.5964737

>she’ll cheat on you cuz she makes the money and doesnt need you
Youre neither European nor religious. Therefore. You’re clueless. Which anime girl do you have on the poster behind your screen btw?

>> No.5964800

Ignore him.

>> No.5964804

You've been indoctrinated since birth to want something that is not easy to obtain because of a system that only allows a small amount of people to be given the best rewards. Now that you are surrounded by people who are breaking free from their previous status you want it for yourself, but are starting to realize that the reality of the situation is a lot more complex than you realized. You have to be more appreciative of the fact you made 300 dollars a day. That's important. It doesn't seem important, because others are making a lot more, but you shouldn't lose sight of reality, because all of this will one day--swiftly--return to reality. And if you don't stay sober you'll lose every single dollar, rather than make a few bucks and have a laugh about it.

>> No.5964830

>start with 1k
>Make 200$ in 4 days
>feeling awesome
>lose 300$ 2 days later

Every fucking time i see a 10% red candle i panic. i need to be less greedy and set a fucking aim... But when i do It right, It fucking bounce back and the greedy jew inside my head buy almost at the top and It dips... but THEN, my retardation kicks in and i sell, because i am a menopausing 50 years old woman without self control

>> No.5964853

Yea, shouldve. Anyway, this thread is dead thanks for all the tips. Best of luck

>> No.5964879

>You've been indoctrinated since birth to want something that is not easy to obtain because of a system that only allows a small amount of people to be given the best rewards.
Nigger, it's literally never been any different. Except now instead of death via starvation, it's death by television and junk food that the masses plow through

The things stayed the same, they just changed form. Why do you think the Ferrari logo is a horse, my nigga?

>> No.5964914

Stop trying to day trade then dude

You aren't going to out trade a bot or a professional trader

>> No.5964954
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Listen faggot she'll be sucking her attendant's cock to pay off her debt for several years so I hope you enjoy the taste of his cock in your mouth if you two want to keep your special marriage up.

>> No.5965113


Honest question, anon... what can i do? i am not trying to day trade or anything

>> No.5965350

Just buy a good coin and hold it

Don't sell at loss
Don't keep checking the price
Don't log in to the exchange cos you'll be tempted to sell

Worked for me so far