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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 170 KB, 880x787, block array.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5962504 No.5962504 [Reply] [Original]

Time to smarten the fuck up and look into Block Array. It's what ShipChain could be if it wasn't overhyped, over-valuated, and without an actual working prototype.

>Tackles and disrupts problems in the ELD, and GS1 Barcode markets offering much cheaper alternatives - branching into several other avenues also
>Already have TWO seperate mobile apps to be released in Beta. One THIS month, and one in February
>Very Busy Q1 Roadmap with many milestones
>Part of, and based in the same city as, the Blockchain in Trucking Alliance (BiTA) - alongside with companies such as UPS and Fedex and almost a hundred of the leading logistics and trucking companies in the world
>The ICO is actually open to you USA fucks

The best part? Their hardcap is at 8 fucking million. They have done 0 marketing so far, relying only on word of mouth while developing A WORKING PRODUCT. Their marketing surge is starting THIS week already with several Youtube AMAs planned out.

Do some research and get the fuck in while you still can.


>> No.5962818

looks solid. is that partial rfid support going to be a big deal?

>> No.5963126

Where does one even buy this shit?

>> No.5963181

It's an ICO, so how about you start on their website

>> No.5963252

It's hardly an important factor at all. Devs are active on Discord and Tele if you want to raise up concerns. Research up, and strap yourself in for one comfy ride to the moon

>> No.5963522

so this coin is just useful for redneck truckdrivers?

>> No.5963796

You mean the 700 Billion dollar trucking industry in the US alone? No, the project isn't limited to that - like I said, they're working on technology to offer GS1 Barcodes at a much cheaper price than they are now. Right now, to sell shit on Ebay and Amazon you need a GS1 Barcode on your product. The markets they're aiming to tap into are absolutely massive, and they've backed up their shit with tech that's going to be beta released this quarter.

>> No.5964213

I tried transferring a few hundred dollars worth of ETH to my MetaMask account over 10 hours today so I could purchase the ISO. Does this shit always take this long?

>> No.5964338
File: 457 KB, 1616x1172, Screen Shot 2018-01-05 at 4.33.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant even fill a 7M ICO
>literally this guy is the founder
explain pic related. pro tip: you cant

>> No.5964367

Depends where you're transferring the Eth from. A lot of exchanges are shitting themselves a lot recently. 10 hours is a lot more than I've had to deal with though.

>> No.5964554

pic related is yfw you miss the most obvious 20x of this quarter because too busy fudding over a devs looks. gay as fuck.

>> No.5964579

>based in the same city
Kek, that’s some strong partnerships bro.
I’m gonna stay with my VEN and MOD bags and probably drop some money on ShipChain.

>> No.5964630
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>> No.5964751

Just from Coinbase. Never had to wait this long before. As long as I get it within the next week I should be good I guess.

>> No.5964966
File: 2.00 MB, 245x207, 1508664011456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man you're fine. this 7M ico still won't be sold out after a week

>> No.5964998

:^) :^) :^) :^)

>> No.5965874

You're actually shilling for me by basically reiterating that the only ' fault ' with the ICO is that its undervalued and underhyped. That's the very reason why its a solid investment, the tokenomics are fucking ridiculous for a project of this calibre

>> No.5966118
File: 188 KB, 600x450, 1513604329380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5966364

Hey thanks man, I'm in.

>> No.5966582

Even though all unsold tokens will get burned, I think it's important to spread the word man. Only missing ingredient from this being a 250-500mil market cap coin is community and hype

>> No.5966655

I thought this was a blackjack basic strategy card from the thumbnail

>> No.5966685

RFID is much more important than barcodes in current supply management systems.

>> No.5966708

Truckers will appreciate this. Most are independents with huge book keeping responsibilities. They adopt any tech quickly.

>> No.5966874

Can you elaborate?

>> No.5967036

Can one trust that they will succeed to market/hype this?

>> No.5967065

Would also like to know this

>> No.5967087

Barcodes require direct line of sight and you can only scan one item at a time. RFID you can scan a whole shelf of shit in a warehouse without needing line of sight.

>> No.5967186


>> No.5967271

Speak to the Devs yourself if you need reassurance - they're active, responsive and down to earth on their platforms. They're dedicating 25% of the ICO funds into Marketing, which is obviously an insane increase to the previous 0 USD marketing budget. As I mentioned, Youtube AMAs starting this Sunday is going to build traction without a doubt. That being said, everyone who invests in the ICO should realise that we bear some responsibility in building the community and being proactive in its growth. Because it will pay the fuck off.

>> No.5967745

Funny that there's >3k people in the telegram chat but the ICO is totally underbought

>> No.5967977

My brother-in-law actually works for a logistics company that works closely with truck drivers, is it worth talking to him to get a deeper insight on this thing? Logistics are way over my head and I'm not sure he understands blockchain (but probably will eventually).

Seems like it's cornering a niche in the market, I'm doing my own research now...what makes you think that a competitor won't just make a better system down the line? Not saying the team is incompetent but it's only three guys, and one freelancer. The whitepaper also has a ton of typo's in it, which I normally don't care about but it just seems a bit lazy. Not trying to doubt, just want to educate myself.

It's good to see blockchain spreading into different industries

>> No.5968298

What you've mentioned isn't outside the norm at all, but even if it was - just do your own research, observe the market and ask yourself is this undervalued or not?

Investing doesn't mean you're going to hold forever. A competitor might come along later down the line and offer a better product, but that doesn't mean that this isn't going to increase insanely in value in the coming weeks and months. Especially considering the fact that compared to their direct competitors, they're miles ahead in terms of development of their product.

>> No.5968631

Look at the teams LinkedIn that should tell you enough- no experience in this sector and no advisors.

>> No.5968968

Keep an ear out for their upcoming AMAs, you might be surprised