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File: 40 KB, 3840x2160, Ethereum-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59615298 No.59615298 [Reply] [Original]

Man this FUD, I'm fucking laughing dude. Listen. I sold ETH for SOL as soon as it hit $4k. I was tired of getting outperformed and understood that SOL is basically a better version of ETH if it can manage to unfuck itself. That's what they're trying now, actually. They are trying to decrease the inflation of SOL I believe. Anyway fuck SOL that's not what I'm here to talk about.

When I sold ETH I thought to myself, hmm, some day this is is probably going to come bite me in the ass. And every time I think like that, it fucking happens dude. I swear to god. All this FUD and ETH hate is making my stomach ache. I fucking swear, it's probably going to just RIP up SO goddamn hard, like, man, you won't even have time to log on to an exchange to buy in time. It's just going to moon like FUCK and make EVERYTHING else look like absolute shit. I mean altcoins, not BTC.

Yeah that's what I predict I guess. Guys I hold 99% BTC, I'm never buying altcoins again. I have 1% in pepe so thats the only way I am affiliated with ETH. I don't give a fuck about it, whether it goes up or down. I'm not shilling it or recommending you to buy it.

>> No.59615303
File: 21 KB, 1011x275, i647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy this is the least you can do to make up for the holocaust

>> No.59615306

Hell I admit it, it will even make BTC look like shit when it does it

>> No.59615315

But to consider your whole post Bitcoin for sure is decent but yes Ethereum still has this potential

>> No.59615318

Niggers don't even read the whole post before rage replying lmao

>> No.59615325

already unlocked

>> No.59615349

Man shut up just discuss the scenario I outlined or congratulate me, or thank me, for making this thread if you are a methhead. Or laugh at it, enjoy it. just be positive man I hope everyone is happy with their bags aww yeah

>> No.59615422

the eth future is the only appealing blockchain future imo, that doesnt mean it will win, though. it could very well mean its fucked. im so financially ruined at this point