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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5959961 No.5959961 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5959972


>> No.5960099


I FOMO'd hard and bought right before it crashed 20%. I guess my mindset was simply that I believed it was going to do well long term and wasn't really thinking about the possibility of a dip, but w/e, at least I didn't panic sell.

>> No.5960114



>> No.5960126

I did, but then I bought back in and had even more coins than when I started so that's neat.

>> No.5960143

I sold half at 32cents

>> No.5960165

All of you will lose money. Tales of your legendary bagholding will spread far and wide.

>> No.5960435

I can't stop laughing at TRX failure, a normie fag I know bought ATH and must be out of his mind rn

>> No.5960441

i'm gay lol

>> No.5960584

I got in early when i saw the volume picked up and sold close to the top. You better sell before it crashes to 0 deluded newfag, this is a shitcoin that doesnt belong in the top 10 and you know it.

>> No.5960702


>> No.5960725


>I sold
>it's gonna crash

Christ if you are gonna FUD do it well. Sorry but you missed the flash crash, gonna have to get in now, probably lowest it will be for a while.

>> No.5960754

I wish I did anon, I wish I did when it was still 1350

We won't see this price again

>> No.5960789


>> No.5960799

sold all of it bout at .04

>> No.5960810


You are going to get fucked up beyond all recognition.

>> No.5960849


If I do, I'll accept my losses like a man and move on, having learned from a mistake.

>> No.5961036


Just curious, WHY was your mindset that it would "keep going up"? Fundamentally TRX is the biggest and most inflated red flag in the cryptospace. Even if you somehow argued this coin is a good hold from a fundamental analysis, why are you only getting in now? The time to get in was 20 sats (i.e: only a fucking month ago) when this thing airdropped to Binance and people started hearing about it. I threw $2k at it literally as a meme and sold at 60x. The crash of this will reverberate throughout the market for years to come

>> No.5961056

this shit has been riding a very high wave that's about to crash. it's been due for a huge correction ever since the announcement of new partnerships. the partnerships are good but not great at all right now. it will correct back to .10 i'm sure.

>> No.5961146


Because I wasn't thinking rationally, and now I know I have that weakness so I can avoid making the same mistake again in the future, which would inevitably have happened later if not now.

>> No.5961154


The partnerships haven't even been announced yet. 0/10 FUD

>> No.5961162

jutin has a great idea but the road map is very long. tron just won't be able to support this price for very long without major announcements. we did not get that tonight but we are still on track. but i would sell now while you can still make a gain.

>> No.5961168


>> No.5961189

? there wasn't supposed to be a partnership announcement tonight lol

>> No.5961209
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i wonder how many dirty pajeets are going to buy escorts with the normies monies

>> No.5961217

I'm on the same boat lad

>> No.5961297

asians love tron and will buy it. next week big announcements are coming.

>> No.5961352


>gets dumped on by the news
>blames wrong KNOWN announcement

There is literally no hope for you.

>> No.5961357

okay fr where is tron going tonight i need answers men

>> No.5961384

its going to 7 cents

>> No.5961431

No one has answers. Stop sitting and waiting for someone to give you the magic answer that will never come.

Make your own decisions

>> No.5961442

it won't go that low but .10-.15 for sure

>> No.5961457

Don't you mean 3 cents

>> No.5961477

ultimate kek

>> No.5961484

this will stabilize around .12

>> No.5961498

Buy your shit back now

>> No.5961501

R U Austist? Build Internet 2.0, Replace FB, Twitter, Youtube ETC and he hired 2 devs? On track? For what? The year 2048? kys

>> No.5961502
File: 56 KB, 320x302, Bless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold 50% at 1000 bought back in at 800. Weak hands be gone

>> No.5961505
File: 50 KB, 1390x617, ss+(2018-01-05+at+11.01.56).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completing a bearish meme triangle, just keep watching the dip. and then buy back in

>> No.5961510

ha, fag

>> No.5961545

his livestream tonight was to only talk about the new members of the team and the direction of the project, same thing as last livestream. there was no partnership announcement

>> No.5961612

thanks for the gains tron.
on to the next one.

>> No.5961631


TA only works for organic growth and decline, not on something heavily manipulated by whales and bots. And half the time it is self fulfilled prophecy as every trader see's X signal and buys/sells, normies however don't know that stuff yet so it wont affect them.

>> No.5961682
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Listen queers, asian dude can't speak english well. Just hold and see what happens. English no good no mean trx will not succeed.

>> No.5961684

exactly what he said....this coin is going to .10 easy.

>> No.5961793

did u listen to the fucking podcast moron he announced they were partnering with several no-name chinese public companies with like 20MM users (fuck me that's bad)

this fucking coin is such a joke it just speaks to the absolute stupidity of the retail investors pumping this market into oblivion

>> No.5961836


i serld high and bough lerw, am retart?

>> No.5961845

he's right

>> No.5961851

lol stay mad poorfag

>> No.5961859


Buy the rumor, sell the news. This livestream was priced in. The partnership new week is priced in.

Unless the partnership is actually alibaba (Unless Jack Ma wants to drop his hamstring his shareholders deliberately, it's not) this coin is going <.10

>> No.5961934

if you havn't learned to sell before his live streams by now you are a retart

>> No.5961948

I sure as hell did, I hope you're not so fucking stupid that you think it's not done correcting.

>> No.5962003

I know there'smoney to be made with TRX.
But I don't trust the gooks. Rtaher stick to real products. TRX won't end well sooner or later.

>> No.5962036

it's going to correct around 10 cents

>> No.5962090

I bought at 20 sats made 100X and sold, but you guys who bought in at over 2 cents and just 10X you money. You are the smarts ones. Yes you are the real traders. Im just a big pussy and idot. Now if you'll excuse me, I have another sub cent coin to dump a few thousand bucks into that Im sure biz will be shilling in about 1 month. Cheers lads. You are all heros. And truly inspirational.

>> No.5962096

poor fag tucking away a modest amount for a rainy day. TRX will be great long

>> No.5962176

i already set my buy order at 800 satoshis

>> No.5962190

I just read their website and their tech is revolutionary in terms of content monetization. This thing could become the next Youtube in the coming years.

>> No.5962236
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can anyone verify this?

>> No.5962271

Did any of you hear what he said about partnering with Nasdaq listed companies that cant be named due to disclosure agreements? Did any of you hear that Tron is partnering with companies whose total user base is 200 million +?

>> No.5962285

it will be, but not in the near future. it won't be able to hold this price. it's going to bleed slowly to probably .10

>> No.5962355

shit, sold 100k

>> No.5962365

Oh yes put your face on twitter for millions of people to see just so you can exit scam them, ya that is brilliant.

>> No.5962377
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If he exit scammed he would be tortured

>> No.5962383

Pick up anything around you and look at the bottom, dipshit. Made in China.

>> No.5962394

I bought at a massive discount today. You're a fool for bailing on this coin.

>> No.5962420

Stop larping tronny, he never said that

>> No.5962445

that's shitty fud.

>> No.5962456

the discount is going to increase, anon.

>> No.5962470


50 billion market cap at least before EOY

>> No.5962488
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>> No.5962493


>> No.5962506


>> No.5962527

This shit is bleeding hard. Too late to sell I guess.

>> No.5962558


Don't worry, it will come back up within a week.

>> No.5962613

too high. My first is at 695 anon with some safety nets at 595 and 395. If you ever traded tron you would know how hard it wicks and bottoms out in the dump period. It will maybe sit between 800-1000 but you can do better if you know this coin

>> No.5962679

i didn't think it could go that low. but you may be right.

>> No.5962687

The stream was a fucking mess, not surprised it crashed so hard

>> No.5962801

wow you guys are retarded....

>> No.5962834

When will Coinbase stop chewing on dicks and get their transfer speed sorted out? Missed the low today because my SHIT WONT TRANSFER GOD DAMNIT

>> No.5962893


>> No.5962912

whales own most of this coin. it's in their interest to drop the price before the nexxt pump. it's great for everyone really. you should just sell now and buy back around 800 satoshis.

>> No.5962915

this was probably all a plan to get new investors on board so they can buy the dip

>> No.5963080
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charts never lie, and this coin has done the same exact thing 3 other times this month. This is just a magnification of the fractal and will take a week opposed to 3 days to complete the pattern.

>> No.5963123

Did u see his face near the end of his gay little vlog when he looked at the price? Yeah. Staged my ass.

>> No.5963215

I went all in at around 40 sat and road it up... wish I had taken profit on the last pump from 1400 sat to 2000 sat. I ended up selling at 1100 sat, so can't complain. Off to other coins.

Enjoy the TRX bags.

>> No.5963258

Yeah, I noticed that too. He gasped for air and a flash of pain was visible on his face. At that moment, he realized just how much he had bombed.

>> No.5963351


yea just watch ur profits and investment burn infront of your eyes

>> No.5963395

jesus, how long am i going to have to wait (if ever) to get back to $0.25? should have just stayed all in with xlm. live and learn...but for now i'm holding and hoping this comes back somewhat.

>> No.5963435

probably a couple weeks to a month. it's going to crash a lot more but don't panic sell

>> No.5963439

Sell now while it keeps dipping, then buy back and wait. Don't just hold your bag, be proactive.

>> No.5963486

i hold now because everyone makes doing taxes sound like a nightmare

>> No.5963487

Hold anon, you only lose when you sell. It's only over when it ends.

>> No.5963603

relax. doubt it will dip much harder with the upcoming stuff. if it does just buy because next week it will be back at it's all time high.

also this is a repeat of a few weeks ago. the guy did a similar stream from his bedroom and it dipped similarly.

>> No.5963707

fuck. i'm gonna miss the xlm rebound. i thought it was gonna go up and then i was going to put the earnings back into xlm (which has 33% of my holdings) and wait for that to rebound completely. /biz was right...sell the news.

>> No.5963777

you can sell now and come back in a week and probably not lose much

>> No.5963779

You have time, XLM is gonna blow when FairX news arrives, buying before then is still a steal. If TRX hasn't come back then, only then cut your loses and go to XLM.

>> No.5963876

thanks. i think i'll just leave it all the way it is and learn a lesson about shitty twitter "news conferences" from asia. fairx is Q1, so hopefully that doesn't happen and is pre-announced beforehand to give a heads up.

>> No.5963905

happen soon that is*

>> No.5963945

I bought in at 0.02 and sold off at 0.2 (AUD)
I x10 my initial investment and put it all into XLM.
There is no fkn way I'm holding on to that junk after that shitty webcam sesh Justin had

>> No.5964051

Just for fun I sold a small position (10k TRX) of my bag at .20 cents, 30 minutes later bought back in at .18 cents adding 1101 free TRX to my bag.

>> No.5964130

where did you buy initlally?

trying to pull same 10x on a coin

>> No.5964162

in at .08 out at .18 i mean I dig it my man abut I don't want to risk all those gains on captain pumpsalot

>> No.5964229

7100 at .00001250
5870 at .00001300

Im hodling, as if i have a choice

>> No.5964244

Bought at 17 sats, sitting pretty still.

>> No.5964480

what does fairx have to do with XLM?

>> No.5964502

Bought 200k TRX at .03 cents... HODLING

>> No.5964536

It's over

>> No.5964599


>> No.5964617

still hodling most of my stack, i cashed out 1000 tron at .23 and put it into quant stamp a more long term stable hold, now have about 3355 tron left, im trying to figure out what i want to do, i bought in a .03 so i could sell now for a profit, but i want to see it go back up

>> No.5964619


>> No.5964646

getting to a jumping off point here in the next few minutes where it is gonna start a new trend either up or down...nervous.

>> No.5964710

it's going to go down. if you havn't sold by now you suckat this. it's going down a lot more. and then it's going to pump hard as fuck.

>> No.5964720

all you autists fucking chill. it'll be at 50 cents by eom, shit mooned a fuck ton and needs to relax to the mean. just chill and hold.

>> No.5964721

Cleanse your mind of fear, anon.

>> No.5964733

Yeah no we'll see $1 in a day tops

>> No.5964747

i have a stop set.

>> No.5964761

you still have time to sell tonight. which would be the smart thing considering every extra tron you make will be worth a dollar soon. sell high buy low.

>> No.5964798

that is absurd.

>> No.5964799

why do you think this is even going to take off??

>> No.5964818
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holding 950 that I got for free. so i'm just enjoying the shitstorm.

>> No.5964867

dyor retard

>> No.5964983

Good job. I had 193k at around .045. But I JUSTED myself several times trying to rebuild my stack after I did some really stupid shit with my initial holdings and now only have 60k. Basically went like this 193k>127k>110k>70k>60k. The first drop off was from a selling about 2 weeks ago and chasing a different coin that I sold for a lose before re entering a day later. What really fucked me was it dipped hard after I re entered and I sold for a small profit once it recovered thinking it would dip again so I could start rebuilding my stack but that’s when it started its monster run and every trade I made after that diminished me even more cause I swear there was bots pulling stop losses and accumulating perfectly before shooting back up to a new high

>> No.5965002

its complete chinaman vaporware

>> No.5965060

year of the dog my friends. shits gonna skyrocket by the years end

>> No.5965111

you think that puppy dog game is going to hold up that many billions of dollars?

>> No.5965143
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never underestimate the chinks

>> No.5965199
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just think of the keeeds.

but to answer the question, yes. plenty of bored idiots out there.

>> No.5965245

Unnironically? Yes. See the sausage industry, is there any thing more retarded than that?

>> No.5965252

yup. never underestimate how many asian normies and kids will play that shit on their ipads and phones.

>> No.5965340


if fucking flappy birds can fuck its way into society, then virtual dogs have all the opportunity in the world.

>> No.5965467

Trend up boys

>> No.5965489

you don't see the big picture.
you are high.

>> No.5965509

yr fukt tronnies


>> No.5965515

>highest buy in was .045 cents

Wow im not even worried

>> No.5965517

it's about to pop

>> No.5965535

i just bough $500 worth. let's see if you idiots are onto something.

>> No.5965536
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the owner just sold all his, are you seriously so in denial that your going to keep holding this garbage?

>> No.5965563

OH SHIT, dumping these bags asap

>> No.5965574


>> No.5965626

how the fuck did he graduate from ivy league with broken engrish?

>> No.5965635


>> No.5965648


>> No.5965696


If i recall he went to UPenn, and praised it for a few minutes. Implying it's even that good of a school.

>> No.5965736

Lol im still hodling my 500 if thats what u mean.

>> No.5965759

fake as shit to drive price down

>> No.5965782

sell it and get your stack up

>> No.5965783

going up

>> No.5965802

Stop fudding man. The trend is already up.

>> No.5965833

Justin has been dumping! GTFO now!!!


>> No.5965853

To all those who bought recently, you do realize it was worth 40 sats like a month ago?

>> No.5965858

for what, the last five minutes?

>> No.5965897

it cleared the resistance line so we'll see...

>> No.5965901

Yes, and will continue for the rest for the day.

>> No.5965940

after a low, exactly

>> No.5966095

the chinese love it, 16million of them watched his mandarin broadcast and ate it up
the chinese are really into him

>> No.5966235

I'm not an adult, I'm a 28 year old millennial.

>> No.5966284

this is actually legit

>> No.5966402


dude, you have no idea about society in China, here in USA we fuck each other over all day, but since China is so fucking socialist, Justin is a major public figure who would get lynched if he tried exit scam...
god damn that would be stupid before the announcements

unless it was a crypto war move to steal US sheckes

>> No.5966442


15% private pre-sale

Literally just one of Justin’s rich first investors got richer.

>> No.5966624

green whale's goin down

>> No.5966678
File: 363 KB, 1242x1959, 673EF98A-4F29-40EB-BBB4-E3D5C489AC49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


35% is locked
10% went to Peiwo to be the first app to use the TRX content rewarding system
15% went in private pre-sale. The account is most probably one of those people from the presale.

I don’t know if Justin Sun would publicly berate Charlie Lee for selling his LTC and then pull this.

>> No.5966736

>27 posts by this ID
What did he mean by this?

>> No.5966747

Sold 1/3. Which was essentially my initial investment. Making free money now.

>> No.5966934

I read the whitepaper 4 months ago and knew this shit was retarded. It is literally Engrish. That said, I still want to blow my brains out for selling my 20 million TRON at 60 sats.

>> No.5966968

thats what i did pulled out my initial investment and put it into quantstamp

>> No.5967006

>01/05/18(Fri)23:49:09 No.5966968
still have 3300 tron left, thinking about still selling about 2/3 and then keeping 1000 tron

>> No.5967057

quantstamp is literally a great investment

>> No.5967083
File: 38 KB, 840x530, trn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes knees and toes. 100X my investment buying in at .002 cents. You guys losing sleep by the penny. Get em early is what I always say boooooooooys.

>> No.5967338


You all got meme’d

>> No.5967384

Lmfao. Chinese are the biggest scammers on earth dude. I’ve lived in Asia nearly a decade.