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59585209 No.59585209 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an XRP thread? I rarely see this coin discussed here but it's climbing up on coinmarketcap. Is it gonna overtake Ethereum?

>> No.59585226

What is there to discuss? It's a centralized scam that did a 5x these last cuppa of months. I've sold at 2.52, I don't think this coin will have much life left once Trump assumes , people will sell the news as usual and the coin will crab eternally at 1.20 or so until 2026 in which it will return to 0.40 - 0.50 levels. If you are holding XRP= Sell for the love of God, sell
t. fag who bought at 0.33 back in 2022 and sold 80% of holdings

>> No.59585228

Flippening in March

>> No.59585245

Spotted the chainlink baggie kek fuck you you will never ever be the standard

>> No.59585257

Everything will overtake ethereum saaar, the eth coin very bad, we need much more centralized vc scams in crypto, eth is old tech its not even vc unlock coin or 45% corpo dump coin saaar.

>> No.59585268

post more seethe

its making me so bullish

>> No.59585292
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>s-spotted the chainlink baggie durr hurr
learn to read, retarded zoomer fag. This is life advice

>> No.59585298

$586 EOY

>> No.59585317



>> No.59585321

>The XRP Ledger operates on a consensus protocol that differs from traditional proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) mechanisms.[8][3] Transactions are validated by a network of independent validators who reach consensus every 3 to 5 seconds, enabling rapid transaction settlement.[8] Users rely on a trusted list of validators known as the Unique Node List (UNL).

It's a scam. Ignore it.

>> No.59585337

>i took profits, now everyone has to because if it goes higher i dun goofed

>> No.59585346

Sounds like good tech to me, why is it a scam?

>> No.59585357
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Pretty much, not gonna lie, lol. Bought back my stash at 2.02 and sold at 2.36, made some nice profits swinging. Still have a suicide bag of 10000 xrp left out of my 50k initial.

>> No.59585359

imagine being proud of pissing away 40k XRP

>> No.59585360

>Users rely on a trusted list of validators known as the Unique Node List (UNL).
Blockchains are supposed to be trustless. Other chains don't require a trusted list of validators, they are designed to work so that trust is not needed.

>> No.59585372

>noooo it goes against the very ethos of crypto!!

top kek

>> No.59585458

You've got to sell at some point, chuddie. I'm currently holding over 100k usdt in binance flexible earns, I've been in this space since 2021, made 11k swinging recently like it's nothing. If it keeps pumping, I've still have a lot, if it goes down, time to swing some more. Meanwhile you're probably holding like 600 xrp or so, lol and you're waiting xrp=100 so you can get out of your village

>> No.59585478

>n-noolo its centralized but it doesnt matter!!!
top cope

>> No.59585484

Yes it doesnt matter.

>> No.59585486

imagine selling your XRP before triple digits

super brainlet move

>> No.59585499

To you, but once everybody else realizes that your shitcoin has a single point of failure it's going to crash back below $1. The only reason it has value now is because people aren't aware

>> No.59585521
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ok ranjeesh you don't need to shill xrp so hard your 600 xrp bag will go to the moon indeed lololol keep holding your centralized scam while brad garlingfuck will keep dumping billions each month *laughing in tears emoji Smart money (like me) will sell and move to other projects after Trump assumes presidency
t. laughed hard at triple digits

>> No.59585528

XRP is Bitcoin, but it works

>> No.59585556

People say bitcoins main use is a store of value.

But that is what I did with XRP. I put all my paychecks into XRP and I am storing my value just the same. At the same time my value is increasing. Same as bitcoin but at a faster rate.

>> No.59585561
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>> No.59585563

Yes? What is your point?

>> No.59585651

>if a bad actor gets in control of the validator list the entire system is compromised
yeah..... sure..... lol

>> No.59585657

have fun staying poor maxipad

>> No.59585661

thats not possible with only 170 devs, what do they do all day?

>> No.59585662

a good tech? lmao even Tron is better tech

>> No.59585667

you have no defense because you dont even understand the gravity of the situation lol you're just a paid shill

>> No.59585681

XRP will be the world reserve currency

It is the best tech, has all the connections and has been in development since the 90s

>> No.59585701

a token, almost like a digital security, issued by a private company in San Francisco will become the world reserve currency?
L m a o
Why not TRX when you're at it?

>> No.59585707

>"the best tech"
>requires a list of approved trusted validators
>aka not even decentralized

>> No.59585771

I tell ya TRX/EOS are better tech, and don't even start on HBAR/ALGO, it's like XRP on massive steroids with an actual tech

moral of the story: tech is irrelevant, XRP is a meme coin (always has been)

>> No.59586504

Nobody gives a fuck if it’s decentralised you mong

>> No.59586525

banks do apparently kek

>> No.59586681

Yeah that’s why they all currently operate on a centralised currency……. You weapon.

>> No.59586695

>Mechanism ID
Wow that's a rare ID and I've seen a SHERK green ID in all caps in this board

>> No.59586708

>I rarely see this coin discussed
I'm glad someone finally dropped some alpha on /biz/. Thanks OP.

>you're probably holding like 600 xrp or so
I hold 43k XRP and couldn't do the stress of swinging. I just DCA and chill. My bag is up over 500% so it's good with me.

>XRP will be the world reserve currency

>> No.59586762

You have 2 weeks left to buy back

>> No.59586845

But it will still be priced in fiat right?

>> No.59586881

It’s centralized as fuck are you retarded?>>59585346

>> No.59586889

>iTs CeNtRaLiZeD
cry more faggot, no one cares

>> No.59586904


fucking dipshit

>> No.59586908

Have you ever used ethereum? It's dogshit thats slow and expensive to use. Of course superior tech will pass it.

>> No.59586954

>yeah man were decentralized just trust us
You serious nigga?
Banks do

>> No.59586974

awwwww no source?
how not surprising
look forward to your seethe in the coming months, btw. I'm expecting things like "so uh, guys, what with this XRP thing anyways?" or maybe "this markets So CrAzY"

>> No.59586977
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people like you can't be helped. thankfully, that reality is readily apparent to all reasonable onlookers.

>> No.59586978
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>> No.59586986

>im trying to help!
No you’re just a retard with no actual response lol

>> No.59586997

>strawman followed by abject projection
you are embarrassingly retarded

>> No.59587014

Ok man keep me posted

>> No.59587015
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>> No.59587018

>ThIs MaRkEtS cRaZy
no having xrp ass nigger

>> No.59587166
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>I hold 43k XRP
When did you buy your XRPerinos and at what price, you big larper?

>> No.59587173
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>I rarely see this coin discussed here
There's multiple XSG threads every day

>> No.59587231
File: 12 KB, 236x227, IMG_20250112_213033_830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I rarely see this coin discussed here

>> No.59587290
File: 170 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20250112_204552_Trezor Suite Lite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you big larper
The rest are on Xaman so I can gamble on shit coins.

>> No.59587301
File: 9 KB, 258x195, kenoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty nice , what's your xrp average price?

>> No.59587317

Around $0.53 DCA.
I'm still buying weekly so it'll keep going up.
But the other anon is absolutely correct about hitting triple digits eventually.
I have zero stress with DCA and chill since I know what awaits me.
Plus I like my wagie job and don't need the money anytime soon, so I'll prob keep going.
I figure it'd be more stressful swinging.
Don't become like Icarus.

>> No.59587353

>Don't become like Icarus
I feel like I've made some pretty decent money in profits so far that could open me new opportunities.
>What if XRP goes up to 3, 4, 5, 10...100?
I can live with that. I'll ride the rollercoaster in the meantime. I understand one bad swing is all it takes to rope, though. I'm holding a whole btc as well.
t. daytrader fag who is learning yet to handle 5 figures in swings

>> No.59588003

literally me

>> No.59588021

/biz/ lolcow, cant wait for you to hit your 589 kek

>> No.59588122


Justin sun, founder of tron used to work at ripple kek. Its the reason tron is still around.

>> No.59589391

he prob stole some porecious information and leaped back to the chinks

>> No.59589551

I think you mean plecious

>> No.59590137


>> No.59590158
File: 387 KB, 800x547, 1618091999589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psst, stinky stinker?
thought you might like this one

>> No.59590887
