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59578732 No.59578732 [Reply] [Original]

So uh how do we fix this exactly?

>> No.59578737

buy bitcoin 5 years ago
sell half
move to LaTaM this year
never come back

>> No.59578775

its 100k for a wedding.

>> No.59578794

im going to marry a trad australian woman

>> No.59578819


>> No.59579085

>work 80 hours a week
>drive a shitbox
>spend $30k on crypto
>take no vacations
>live with your parents for five years
>retire in your 30s

>> No.59579102
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>work 40 hours a week
>buy a new car
>have a mortgage at all
>in Australia
I'd be elated if this were truly the case but it hasn't been like this for years here. Aus has a lot of economic headwinds at the moment, we're nearing two years in a per capita recession and nearly all employment growth in that time is due to government spending. Our dollar is a shitcoin worth three tenths of fuck all (which is GREAT for my investments, but I earn in AUD which means that my earning power has dropped considerably).

I pretty much live like this except for the living with your parents part, and will still have to work until at least 50.

>> No.59579106

Build wealth
Leave for a SEA country once you accumulate 500k AUD

>> No.59579112

That's $307k in real dollars mate, it's nowhere near enough for retirement in SEA.

>> No.59579123

Aus is easy
>get a trade
>get job and stay with parents
>save up and buy a property
>keep saving and buying property using tonnes of debt.
>upgrade the properties
>Live off properties.
Its life on easy mode.

>> No.59579160

Lower your standards. You can live for $30 a day in Philippines easily. Their monthly salary is legit $300

>> No.59579166

>buy a property
So you're going to overpay some boomer with 15x your net salary on a 30 year debt slavery contract for a shitbox apartment and you think you're winning?

>> No.59579168

Latam is so good. Tropical weather, amazing food, happy people and cute thick brown bunnies.

>> No.59579245

I live in America and I went 15 years without a vacation and am in $80,000 worth of total debt so couldn’t get a decent car if I wanted to.

>> No.59579292

>You can live for $30 a day in Philippines easily. Their monthly salary is legit $300
I'm aware, the missus is from PH and we went there recently. $300/month might be a typical income there but the quality of life that you would buy with it is poor. Tabo showers, satchel coffee, no milk, and not doing much in the way of activities. We figured that we'd need probably around 30k PHP per month to make things work without being destitute there, and that's assuming we already own a place and don't have any rent or a mortgage to pay.

Ideally once we've hit 50M PHP we'll probably cash out of Aus and call it a day, but that's a lofty goal and I don't know if I'll be able to make it there before I get fed up with Aus.

>> No.59579312

Is the PH safe for a foreigner though?

>> No.59579317

By importing 350 million Indian geniuses of course!

>> No.59579329

>Mid-late 20s, slaving FT since COVID
>Still not enough money to take out a home loan
Turns out we need to have sex and get a gf who can also take out a loan. The power of friendship truly is the way we are meant to do it. How can we get through this, fellow virgins?

>> No.59579400

Most of it is. The southern islands are where it gets dicey though, Mindanao and Sulu have a history of terrorist attacks and some isolated incidences of westerners getting held for ransom. Rest of the country seems fairly safe and where we went (Capiz, Iloilo, Cavite, Baguio) I didn't feel like I was gonna get rolled at all despite sticking out like a sore thumb as a 6'1" white guy.

For what it's worth some popular expat locations are Siargao Island, Bohol, and a lot of people seem to end up in Cebu for some reason. I did see quite a few white people in Alabang which is about an hour south of Manila, but it's incredibly expensive as far as PH goes. Prices for housing there didn't fall short from Sydney.

>> No.59579782

it will never get fixed because the people who subscribe to this system is literally everybody except people like us on /biz who know something is wrong so we come here to get our thoughts out because at least we can think freely without being surrounded by constant bullshit all the time. Do you understand that we are totally fucked? we are in the WORST position out of all the anglo sphere countries and things are just going to get worse. you know how we all got fucked in the battle of gallipoli and the somme and australians lost more young men then any other nation per capita? i think its going to be like that but an economic version a once in a 100 year reckoning that we cant escape from and cryptocurrency is one of the few pathways out. because what likes ahead is going to be years of stagnant stagnant growth and mortgage prisons for everybody while the boomers retire.
total mellinigger death

>> No.59579862

I'm 25 this is how life is going for me so far
> work 50 hours a week
> Drive a shitbox
> Spend a couple hundred on crypto
> Take no vacations
> Live with your parents forever
> Retire in your 60s

>> No.59580627

>trad australian woman
You're going to marry an abo? Good fucking luck with that mate.

>> No.59581220


Heyy my wife is from Baguio, we’re going there later this year to visit. I haven’t been outside Aus/NZ before, what can I expect ?

>> No.59581309

>we are in the WORST position out of all the anglo sphere countries
Indeed. Though I’d say Canada is at a near disadvantage to us. I think the only thing potentially saving them is being a resource rich country with a very convenient geographical location next to the best performing economy for the moment.

Meanwhile, we’re reliant on China which is entering its big implosion. Aus should have diversified and built stronger ties with Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, and dare I even say it… India (to sell iron ore, not import their slave caste but Modi is an Indian version of Trump and will never agree to a deal that doesn’t benefit himself to the most extreme degree).

I’m struggling to come up with ways to risk mitigate personally, I do believe Australia is going to get poorer over the next decade on a per capita basis. I think finding a remote job where you are earning in USD or even SGD might be a golden ticket as time goes on, but obviously that’s not the easiest thing for the average person to work out. Aus could end up becoming the sort of country where people with any sort of promising future simply leave because earning potential is so limited, and perhaps return at retirement age.

>> No.59581813

Same Anon, different ID.

If you haven’t been outside Aus or NZ, just suspend your expectations for a bit. The Philippines is absolutely fucking bonkers and when you first leave the terminal at NAIA you’ll pretty overwhelmed. You will be weirded out. The smells are different. The sounds are different. It’s noisy and chaotic, nothing is orderly, it’s hot and humid (you get used to it). If your wife is from PH you will be fine and although most people speak at least some English there I’d suggest letting her do the talking and sorting out of the logistics.

Manila is a big dirty city and the traffic moves slowly. We hired a car and I did most of the driving there but you have to have some patience with the traffic. I was okay with it since we had all the time in the world to burn being on holiday and all but I can see how people living there permanently just lose days of their lives to it. Use the Skyway to get around Manila, as far as tolls go it’s pretty cheap for us when you convert it to AUD and will save you literally hours. If you’re not flying into Baguio, take the E1 from Manila, it’s tolled but it turns a nine hour drive into a four hour drive since it bypasses all the little towns and smaller cities between.

Don’t drink the tap water, use bottled water to brush your teeth. The whole cleaning your butt thing is a bit weird compared to the western world - nearly everywhere you go will have a bidet water gun thing mounted next to the toilet so you spray your butt after doing your thing and then dry yourself with toilet paper, most of the time I found it actually worked out pretty clean. Don’t flush the toilet paper, plumbing there isn’t equipped to handle it… this is pretty typical of pretty much all of Southeast Asia except for Singapore.

>> No.59581860
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Baguio itself is really nice, I liked it a lot. It’s more temperate than Manila, nights are down to about 15C and days seem to top out at about 23C. It’s right up in the mountains so you get to see temperate pine forest. It’s not cheap there by Philippine standards but it’s not all that expensive. Make sure you go and try Jollibee, and get a peach and mango pie. Get a taho in the morning, and then try a strawberry taho as well. As far as food goes you shouldn’t get food poisoning if you’re careful, but you might find that you’ll get a stomach ache occasionally. I had sore guts on the odd occasion but eventually I got used to the food.

>> No.59582089

buy monero. and get a real job digging trenches

>> No.59582095

>this but with monero

>> No.59582277

My dad bought a block and built a house for me here in Canberra in 2004 when I turned 18-years-old and guess what; the block AND build combined cost LESS than $200 grand back then (I think something like $197,000 roughly). I could sell the house tomorrow for $1.8 million AUD, but where would I go? Shit's fucked. I have a son now who is 9-years-old and it would be extremely difficult for me to do the same for him when he turns 18.

>> No.59582302

Yeah, just don't do that.
> Worked 60+ hours a week
> Bought an old beater car
> Didn't have a fucking destination wedding
> Took vacations when I wanted, 3/4 weeks a year
> Bought a house once I could pay it cash, but got a low interest mortgage anyway as a low-key leverage on my investments.
> Retired in my 40's.
> Easy as.

>> No.59582527

>work 40hrs a week
literally nothing. the bare minimum. this shit was made by a fucking student for sure
>buy a car you can't afford
that's a personal choice
>spend 30k on a wedding
loads of my older friends did backyard and it was great fun and 1/3rd the price.
>1 vacation a year
4 weeks a year paid vacation, 10 days/yr paid sick leave that accrue and about 12 paid public holidays. imagine complaining about that
>pay a 30yr mortgage
yeah, it is a bit cucked at the start but your earning power increases each year, the principle doesn't. So after a few years of the load you funnel the extra into the principle and you cut the mortgage down 10 years.

Whoever made this deserves to live on the street

>> No.59582625

>median house price is 1.8M in Sydney which only a couple earning both in the top 2% income bracket can afford comfortably
>median home cost to income is 15x making Sydney the second most unaffordable place is the world
>mortgage can cost more than 50% of take home salary for a shitbox apartment that may have flammable cladding
>most tolled city in the world with traffic increasing daily
It's fucking shit here. Nothing easy about it. Most places in the world aren't obsessed with homes like we are. It's normal for students to move out of their home and live in cheap apartment in Sweden for 800 AUD/month for example. Here you need to be earning above median salary to even rent a studio apartment. A student that isn't supported by parents has zero chance.

>> No.59582699

NGMI. Aussie women are a lost cause.

>> No.59582751


>> No.59582764
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1) Stop the privatised gas and minerals scam. Seriously. Just use the fucking natural resources to provide cheap energy and build a sovereign fund. everything that happened in WA is a scam anyway.
2) STOP MIGRATION. Yes house prices will go down, some industries will suffer (Unis and colleges really kek) but this shit has to stop.
3) Stop voting for Labour or Liberals. Just dont. pick any other party but them.
4)Buy Kek

It's really that easy.

>> No.59582784
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>im going to marry a trad australian woman

>> No.59582793

Get gay married with your mate for the tax bennies. Make sure you consummate so that you don't get done for tax fraud though

>> No.59582805
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>> No.59583363

I don't give two shits about inner-city Sydney.
If you insist on living in that pozzed, gook-infested shithole you deserve everything you get.
And Sydney isn't "Australia" anymore than NYC is "America". It's a small, extreme outlier.

>> No.59584221

Boomer goys with pinay wives posting on online image boards. kek.

>> No.59585712

and full of criminals

>> No.59585730


The capital cities ARE Australia tho.

>> No.59585734

>trad australian woman

>> No.59586761
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Can't argue with that. I didn't specifically go to SEA to get her, but I can see how it would look from the outside looking in.

>> No.59587134


>> No.59587135


I’m 28

>> No.59587169

Absolutely pathetic

>> No.59587203

ok Rabbi

>> No.59588435

4 day work week, 32 work hours each week so we have more time to live life. we may not be able to afford some stupid we never really wanted in the first place but at least we can be free for a whole beautiful day

>> No.59588442


t. seething fat roastoid

>> No.59588526

Hate to break but not anymore they aren't.

>> No.59588538


Which regional towns/cities are economically relevant?

>> No.59588569

Don't look where the puck is. Look where it's headed.