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5954862 No.5954862 [Reply] [Original]

Help me understand the state of this coin.

Great team, active community, a product that I understood the purpose of within 90 seconds of reading, confirmed government contract, rebrand imminent, steady stream of news without any signs of PnD.

So why is it stuck? Do you buy that it's being surpressed by whale/Chinese gov. sell walls? It is just going to be a slow burn? What are your realistic predictions? /biz/ sentiments on this coin flipped rapidly.

I ask this, knowing that I will be answered only with chink/nigger/pajeet/scam/shitcoin.

>> No.5954942

I really don't understand the massive sell walls on this coin for last month and a half, something goin on that people havent been able to understand

>> No.5955009

I'm not sure if it will moon really fast or if it will be a steady rise

either way I don't see how this wont doulbe or triple in the near future

>> No.5955011


I should also add, many confirmed partnerships, and a working product. Honestly, I just can't understand this coin.

This is by no means a shill thread if it seems like it. I honestly don't know or understand what's going on here and have no idea if it will flop or explode.

>> No.5955122

whens this thing gonna be on other exchanges

>> No.5955300

Current theory is that it's VeChain trying to disseminate Ven. They talked a lot about having many nodes to secure the network which requires Ven to be spread out. So they put up large walls to get as many people into it as possible. Or they are just trying to prevent its chart from looking like a PnD

The other and crazier (And I know the VeChain is doing it thing sounds crazy) theory is that It's the Chinese Government doing what they do best. Manipulating currency and getting a strangehold on the ETH of China which they have already decided to support.

>> No.5955314

Well it's on Binance and Kucoin, which should be plenty for the thing to rocket. I don't think exchanges are what's holding it down.

I agree. Something odd going on. I'd love to believe that those in the know have so much faith in it that they are in a mass scale accumulation, and that my little 5k investment will go for the ride once they pull the blocks. At this point, I have no clue.

>> No.5955383

Had some similar thoughts. In that case, it can't NOT erupt down the line, right? I just see no other plausible explanation for the absolute lack of movement. It's been locked TIGHT at $4.00 +/- $0.25 for awhile now.

>> No.5955398

it needs another high volume exchange to possibly cut down on some of the manipulation

>> No.5955400

This coin is obviously being paid to be shilled. Regardless if it’s legit or a scam, it’s highly annoying.

>> No.5955506

If the former is true then yeah it will erupt. It's got at least a 20B market cap in it. If the latter is true it's going to 100B+ cap.

It's basically a waiting game for a week or so though. Then the rebranding happens. Maybe no news until then.

>> No.5955603

That doesn't make sense to me. I could buy that if it had none of the things going for it that I had listed, but what you say doesn't add up. Can you explain further?

Seems like someone is paying to have it locked down, not pumped up.

Maybe. I'm more looking to understand why it's being manipulated, and if anyone has any indication of when it might cease. I guess the logical guess would be when everyone who wants a node has one.

>> No.5955639

It's a long term hold. It's upside might not be as high as some shitcoins, but you better be damn sure VEN is going to survive the inevitable bubble burst. After which point a consolidation will happen into the projects that show the most potential and have the most solid economic models.

>> No.5955737

gimme tldr what a node does pls lad

>> No.5955751

Or it’s just a shitcoin PnD

>> No.5955830
File: 41 KB, 645x773, 1515128793888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this always a "big" news issue. Literally no value added.

>> No.5955841

who knows
like that one person said to spread nodes and coins evenly, someone trying to stagnant the price, chink government which i don’t necessarily believe

>> No.5955859

Ven is like an ark. When the flood comes, it will rise. The whales know this so they don't want the price to be unfeasible. It is a good way to ward off pump and dump groups. I think there was a group that was trying to pump and dump it a few days ago and got rekt by the whales.

>> No.5955867
File: 21 KB, 869x60, Very soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will at the latest end when the Mainnet launches and staking happens.

Realistically though it ends this month. Sunny has said January will BELOW our minds and there is a rebranding event and another strategic partnership event with DNV-GL.

Also from the mouth of Sunny himself pic related. The walls won't hold that down.

>> No.5955904

From what I gather, same relationship as ETH/GAS. You own a node, you generate THOR coin, which pays for the transactions on the blockchain.

There's no pump, and all indications point to the complete opposite of shitcoin. With how hard it's being shilled, it should have already PnD'd by now. Do you have any rationale?

>> No.5956039


So is there any indication whatsoever that this thing isn't just a slow play? I haven't seen anyone cite anything contrary to blatant market manipulation.

I guess the /biz/ flip on this coin is really just people thinking it would 20x overnight? I shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.5956154

It's a slow play because of market manipulation. It could at any point 20X though. So you have a situation where it could 10X over night or it could slowly grind at walls for two weeks. It's going to drive anyone impatient away.

>> No.5956395


Do you think anyone could project a timeframe? How long can the walls hold out?

Seems smart at this point to just HODL. On the other hand, seems like you can throw a dart at the bottom 50 marketcap and catch some shitcoin that will 50x in a day.

Maybe I'll go 50% VEN and 50% 2-3 PnD shitters.

>> No.5956476

>a product that I understood the purpose of within 90 seconds of reading
Fucking explain it to me, then.

At this point, I'm fairly sure this shit coin is a scam. Those impenetrable sell walls can only realistically be put by the vechain team themselves. They are literally syphoning your money away.

>> No.5956591

Shut up retard

>> No.5956610

the bizfags bitching about ven right now are the people here you absolutely dont want to listen to. theyre all newfag get rich quick pump chasers. buy and forget this coin and you will be happy as shit soon

>> No.5956656

Before the end of January is my guess. I would advise 10% of your stack in PnD shit tops.

>> No.5956792

When does mainnet launch for this shit ? Isnt it in q2 ? Shit man thats a long time away

>> No.5956808

2018 will be the year of the chinkcoin and this will be one of the premier chinkcoins. When 1,000,000,000 chinese normies catch onto crypto it's going to be apocalyptic.

>> No.5956913

It may be long but you 1000 ven in your portfolio will make you a happy man EYO

>> No.5956918

I'll humor you. Goods need to be tracked as they move from production, to transit, to retail, to consumer, etc. China faces a massive counterfeiting problem. Vechain proposes to have all RFID scans upload product info to a blockchain, making counterfeiting near impossible.

There's a bunch of ancillary uses that other companies are buying in for I guess, but that's the big one. They're also doing this big venture with Chinese gov. for some smart city.

If it's a scam, then they're pulling the wool over some very large companies - and the Chinese gov. would have to either be in on it, or a victim of it.

>> No.5956919

I am so fucking glad this is being held back

it is giving me time to day trade my way to a node. i only hope when it really takes off, i am awake and holding

>> No.5956990

The walls have been getting slowly demolished by steady buy pressure for a while, this mass market dump aside of course.

There are some pretty wide meme triangles on the 15 min chart though. I expect more wall killing by the morning. In half an hour it'd be a good time to jump in.

>> No.5956998

i cant wait til these chinks and japs start fomoing when they see ven in bitoceans crypto vending machines

>> No.5957008

We should really have a talk about timing the market and time in the market.

>> No.5957076

>Vechain proposes to have all RFID scans upload product info to a blockchain
Call it a ledger because it's a fucking ledger. Existing technology, even. The tokens are completely incidental. What PwC is interested in is in a ledger. What the chinese government is interested in is a ledger, shitcoins not necessary involved.

Ripple already fooled you once, how many more times? Will you retards really buy every fucking shitcoin released by whatever shit company is being subemployed by anothern larger corporation?


>> No.5957124

We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.5957141

Jumping in while bitcoin is about to jump to $20k in tge next day or two.

>> No.5957160

how new are you? do some research before you act like some authority on shit here. there is a good reason for the coin and node structure

>> No.5957206

The walls are gone, yet the price remains stagnant as ever, when yesterday 100 btc walls were being demolished. Was it wash trading?

>> No.5957231

thats what we are dabating here dumb shit

why is it not allowed to pump if it is a pnd. there is always gigantic walls keeping this from going up or down too wildly. if it was a pnd, it would have already hit 5 bucks and dropped like a brick.

>> No.5957240

I'm sorry you were saying?

>> No.5957290


>he doesn't get it

>> No.5957306

While some of these partnerships are confirmed a lot of it is rumours, where exactly is the hard evidence about the Chinese government supporting venchain?
Just rumours from its user base, while I do believe a lot of big news are coming soon (and that a lot of these rumours will be confirmed in a timely manner) until they do its all rumours the only confirmed one being its partnership with healthcare co.
Until we go from rumours to news and official announcements it’s easy to suppress the price with sell walls, whether it’s whales accumulating while they can suppress the price or even bigger players it’s hard to know.
One thing is certain, we’ve seen vechain can deliver and they already have a couple big partnerships in place and more will follow, and when they’re announced not even the Chinese government will be able to stop the moon mission.

>> No.5957373

Agreed. Basically just a blockchain immutable ledger. The tokens are what make it immutable though, if I understand it correctly. The spread of tokens are what establishes a node, versus having to, say, set up servers at various locations to cross-check all the RFID info being uploaded.

>> No.5957403

You don't get how any of this works. Do some research.

>> No.5957416

I thought the smart city gov deal was confirmed?

>> No.5957439


Whales dumping their bags after the Binance contest and deceiving chink developer team making fake screenshots from WeChat

Sold my stack of this shitcoin and got into WABI

> 9x smaller marketcap
> working product which you can fucking see, it's not CGI in a video
> didn't blow their money on marketing and feeding 50 fucking employees like VEN
> anti-piracy sigil is already on products like baby formula
> they got integrated into WeChat

I'm also thinking about WaltonChain, but I don't have the cake for a full node :(((((((

>> No.5957526

Friendly reminder that the Wabi developer is a jealous hypocrite who shilled WeChat integration like it was a big deal when literally anyone can integrate using Mini-Apps and there are thousands upon thousands of them.

>> No.5957531

Every single time.

>> No.5957532


ALSO forgot to mention about wabi in my previous post:

Circulating Supply
277,162,633 VEN
Total Supply
867,162,633 VEN

Circulating Supply
45,248,033 WABI
Total Supply
99,218,023 WABI

>> No.5957566
File: 52 KB, 722x281, 5264878547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image.

>> No.5957580


Good bait

>> No.5957592

VEN WTC and AMB are the long term logistics projects.

WaBi is a shitcoin started by a couple recent college graduates without the business connections to make it happen

>> No.5957601


Got my WTC masternode.
Get fukt pajeets.

>> No.5957630

Waltonwabicucks right on schedule

>> No.5957700

WTC masternode checking in.

>> No.5957752
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>> No.5958020


>> No.5958169

is it gonna boom????

>> No.5958202


once the paywall has been eaten i think so

>> No.5958226

boo yaka shaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.5958369

nothing to see here for a few days at least right?

>> No.5958394

and if credible tech investors aren't your thing don't forget that faggot Roger Ver also endorsed it

>> No.5958433


>> No.5958445

I'm sorry, I just find it hard to believe that billionaire VCs choose to invest on companies via ICOs.

It's like imagining Bill Gates investing on pennystocks.

>> No.5958494

It's almost like it's more about you perception than the actual situation. If Bill Gates invested in or shilled a penny stock it's for a damn good reason.

>> No.5958619

>It's almost like it's more about you perception than the actual situation

I'm saying that if Jim Breyer is putting his money where his mouth is, he probably is directly investing on the company, you know, like venture capitalists do. Not by buying tokens.

>> No.5958685

>Normies pick coins literally based on name and logo
>no value added

Try making it big with a company with a shit name, publicity is a big deal brainlet.

>> No.5958780

the sell walls are unironically gone, most were eaten and the rest were pulled. Once there is buying pressure again this shit is going to the moon. Accumulate now i would say.

By the way there product isnt working fully yet, some aspects are yes, but they upped their ambitions to be a full DApp platform with a focus on enterprise, rather than ONLY for supply chain management (still a major use case).

disclaimer I'm all in.

>> No.5958791

Yeah just look at Walton LUL

>> No.5958824

You don't take ICOs seriously. A token economy is becoming a more popular money raising method and plenty of VCs invest in them.

>> No.5958847

>You don't take ICOs seriously.
I really don't, you got me there.

>> No.5958853

You people are delusional. It's already gone 500% in 2 weeks. What more do you want?

You're nervously rubbing your palms together after 2 days without any movement now...

Did you think it was some kind of secret that it's going 20x? Like fucking 4chan has some kind of insider info, and "whales" are the only think keeping it from going 5x more from here?

lmao. I know how everyone here works, they scour twitters, discords, and 4chans all day for "insider information"... guess what. That's what everybody does. By time you hear a rumor, the chart has reflected it for hours if not days.

Fucking snowflakes here thinking they're ahead of the game and needing an excuse why they're not millionaires...

>> No.5958874

he specifically said he doenst on a VeChain position. He probably just met them through business connections in China and understood the value of their use cases

>> No.5958913

Which honestly is a lot more telling. He is someone who spends time with the president of China. What circles is VeChain moving in that they come into contact with him.

>> No.5959087

Finally someone with brains.
Vechain is shit it ain’t going no where rn

>> No.5959188

You have shitty reading comprehension.

>> No.5959205

or u just got baited lol

>> No.5959227


>> No.5959238

The only one spewing unfounded negativity in this thread is you, and you've already confirmed yourself to be a WTC supporter, while presenting no argument whatsoever. Excuse me if I dismiss you as a FUDer. I'm all ears if you want to present actual information though.

>> No.5959242

I agree, I went all in specifically because of that post kek

>> No.5959243

>he specifically said he doenst on a VeChain position.

I'd ask for source, but I honestly don't care enough to continue.

I'll just hold this coin forever, it's certainly not dipping enough for me to go red. Just know it in your heads that if it goes really high in 6 months, then you can safely consider me a big fat butt, but with more money.

>> No.5959306

these are the people that will fight tooth and nail to protect and shill shitcoins with only whitepages, hell, some with out whitepages...

...yet when something like VeChain presents itself they dogpile it as


>> No.5959435

Just look at the way they shilled Dadi....

>> No.5959474

You wont read this because youre too dumb but here's the real answer:

value investing is the end. This has no value.

Luxury brands aren't scared of selling their shit in their stores. They supply it and know its legit.

Shady spots all sell fakes. They won't use this.

So who is buying this product nobody on earth wants?

>> No.5959491
File: 221 KB, 568x479, 1512183151539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this coin is going to make me so fucking rich and it feels so good

>> No.5959515

Counterfeit industry is literally worth $400bil, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.5959613

Of course I'll read it; I started the thread to ask for points and counterpoints about VEN.

From what I read, China has a huge counterfeiting issue. Seems like luxury brands DO have problems not getting ripped off. Is that not the case? I don't live in China.

Hell, I know even in the US, plenty of luxury goods face counterfeiting issues. Are you saying it isn't worth them investing in a technology to solve that problem? I wouldn't know in either case, just assume they would.

>> No.5959649

MAERSK and IBM have said that logistics blockchains can raise the world gdp by 5% and cut all logistics lossess by up to 15%
But yeah.. nobody will use this I guess

>> No.5959658

Yeah shit's cool on their own stores, but small online retailers are probably a huge issue, nerd.

>> No.5959660

You're a fucking retard, anyone who did a bit of research knows your fud is retarded as fuck

>> No.5959694

Counterfeiting is huge all over the world. These companies are literally losing billions in revenue every year due to counterfeit products and VeChain is attempting to stop that.

>> No.5959754

OP here - fuck, is there any credible drawback for VEN hodl? This is turning into a Vechain shill thread, when I was looking for possible downsides. So far, detractors have been blatant trolls.

>> No.5959774
File: 430 KB, 1767x3000, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah bro

its only luxury and shady goods in this world


this is a pajeet shitcoin and yall are getting SCAMMED.

>> No.5959801

I'm trying to think about some negative sides, but there's a reason I have 50% of my portfolio in this. I really believe it will do nicely

>> No.5959809

ask yourself:

What is "chinese goods" synonymous with for the majority of the world?

answer: counterfeit, fake, knockoffs

do you think the chinese government likes this?

answer: no

>> No.5959827

it has competitors

>> No.5959859

Wtf are you even try to say???. Fucking polfags

>> No.5959864


Whales are purposely making sure the price doesn't moon.

There are 3 potential reasons why

1) They want the moon to align to news.

2) They want the price to stay low so more people have time to buy enough for nodes. (If this is the case then be extremely happy because it means this is a serious long term endeavor)

3) They're trying to have a slow and steady increase in value rather than a spike followed by a dump.(Be happy for the same reason as #2)

>> No.5959896

Now we're getting somewhere. I know of WTC - any others? WTC looks a bit weak in comparison, any that would threaten their position?

>> No.5959906

Yes that's a good counterargument.
Some really heavy hitters are making a competitor together (Maersk, IBM, Microsoft, E&Y)
It's not 100% a competitor as it'll not be public and will rather be aimed towards bulk transportation, but yeah. They definitely have competitors

>> No.5959940

it had until WTC shot themselves in the foot with their AMA

>> No.5959984

So many redditors flooding biz. Kindly fuck off

>> No.5959986

Well its partnered with fortune 500 companies and the chinese government so unless a competitor trys to trump that then no, there is no threat.

>> No.5959989

The one thing it has going for which means it's likely to gain marketshare in China and the other solutions aren't.

It's Chinese. They aren't.

>> No.5959991

this is already a long term endeavor obviously. i dont think the former cio of lv really wants to ruin his reputation and be known for running a scam coin

>> No.5960016

this is the next ethereum run

researching more than 20 minutes will make this self evident

wow, just wow, unreal people label it anti-counterfeit and move on

>> No.5960020

Who or what are you referring to?

>> No.5960058

Not to mention if you do this in China, you will literally be executed. Chinese dont fuck around with their reputation, especially when they want to be leaders in blockchain technology.

>> No.5960070

Gui'an - Google

>> No.5960078

A private blockchain being developed by the ones I mentioned

>> No.5960091

WTC is a great project, I personally even would rate WTC > VEN

but they fucked up big delaying their mainet to Q2
dont bother investing in it until then

also VEN ceo promised that january would "below" your mind. Not much we can speculate besides partnerships

also I never seen any other coin have as much price manipulation as VEN. Whales probably know something that we dont

>> No.5960101

Sorry...nigger pajeet shil chingchongramalamadingdong. FUN TRX LINK.


>> No.5960132

it's going 20x easy by june

>> No.5960180

WTC is a good project, but even if you have bleeding edge tech and no way to market it, then thats when you lose. Ven has the partnerships to be a global business and therefore has way more room to expand

>> No.5960193

you obviously know nothing about this project

PwC and smart cities and Renault and those are just known partners.. more coming. You gonna FOMO hard at $20 EOM.

>> No.5960241

>using le funny twitch meems
fuck off retard

>> No.5960244

I'm at exactly 50% as well and holding a mjoldnir node.

best project since ETH except

Vechain will print money faster

>> No.5960262

yup, VEN is definetly ahead
thats why I flipped 100% of my WTC into VEN (and I was rewarded for that)

>> No.5960269


>> No.5960346

I dont think people realize how big the PwC and DNV GL partnerships are. These companies have thousands of customers and will most likely recommend Vechain to them as a blockchain solution. Its already happened once with the 24k store family mart deal, and thats not including all the NDAs that they have

>> No.5960362

Thats an excellent point that i hadn't considered.

Thank you for sharing your time and effort.

>> No.5960373

Should be a mandatory /b/ and /pol/ lurk period of about a year for all wannabe newfag /biz/raelis
Holy shit, nice stack. 10k here

>> No.5960494


One drawback that comes to mind is actually implementing the smartchips into goods isn't necessarily easy. VeChain already has developed the IoT smartchips themselves, though.


>> No.5960499

Vechain is proof of stake, right? right?

>> No.5960531


yes, it generates a separate coin like NEO

>> No.5960533

WTC suffers from engineers doing marketing and communication, the WTC blockchain is pretty damn impressive, also it's partners are numerous and it will be launching with 2 government clients on its blockchain.

VeChain has the opposite, masterful marketing and brilliant communication but from a technology standpoint are quite behind the old Walton,

The question is what's the best approach, for a crypto start up? WTC looks like to will be focusing on marketing in Q2 where VET will be focusing on their own Blockchain. I have an equal share in each coin and im not sure who the winner to the top 10 will be. interesting times.

>> No.5960555
File: 62 KB, 1379x676, ss+(2018-01-05+at+10.35.53).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VEN about to break resistance and enter the bullish meme triangle. Get in lads.

>> No.5960564

why, so I can be more of a fucked up person and loser? No thanks. I come here to laugh at you cucks and also get the occasional piece of usefull insight.

>> No.5960642

First mover advantage is really all that matters. Ven recently partnered with 2 of the biggest NFC and RFID manufacturers in China so theyre pretty much set and ready to roll out their products. Noot to mention technology can always be upgraded but big partnerships can literally take years to develop

>> No.5961224
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, LouisVechain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord the autismo went to bed
Knowing he's not having any of these gains makes me so happy
Also its finally doing something again

>> No.5961269


>> No.5961296

Why you should drop ven (a literal scam) that I dropped today after 100% returns over the last week or so.

* Sell walls finally dropped - so did the price
* binance competition no longer artificially pumping volume
* white paper has unbelievable typos ("Gary box testing: This is the test between white and black box testing.")
* The technical details are basically non existent and whitepaper ("not a whitepaper") explicitly says it doesnt bother to explain "complicated stuff like algorithms", but instead has bizarre definitions of common technical terms like microservice, white box tests, and "gary" box tests
* every announcement is "we cant talk about it yet... but ;) ;) .. there isBIG news, but NDA you know how it is ;)" - total scam hype
* THey have thrown every buzzword they can think of at their webpage and whitepaper with no details
* the team is probably non existent. they hired "40 developers". to do what? do you know how hard is it to hire 40 devs, especially in china, that are halfway competent?
* the video of the office tour hired a fake white man actor to add legitimacy to their company (common chinese tactic) from their nonexistent "european office" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSOpEXe-Pn8))

There is no way "whales" (who got their coins from where?) decided to "keep prices down to accumulate".

The people dumping these coins with sell walls are the vechain team. They are printing money. When you stop buying those walls, it's all over. They'll leave with their BTC. Be warned.

>> No.5961300
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I told you lads. There's still time to get in, just wait a little bit for the dip.

>> No.5961370

so how much did u lose son?
also this is some weak sauce fudding right there
I could debunk most of those but I'm not even gonna bother

>> No.5961406

It's called insider market manipulation and it's why I don't invest in Chinese projects. VEN may be a really great product but at the end of the day it will always be about profit for the majority stakeholders and we can all guess who those might be.

You WILL be dumped on at some point, harder than you ever have been, and *any* move by the govt of the largest dictatorship in human history could paralyze you and take you to zero faster than you can move (and even if you could, binance will, of course, be conveniently "down" during that period despite the fact they have all the money in the world for the biggest data pipelines imaginable). Investing in anything Chinese you effectively become sand poured back and forth between two hands until nothing remains of you but your monetary value, which will be assimilated.

Don't say you haven't been warned

>> No.5961413

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.5961448

ive honestly considered this possibility and considered dumping my VEN too. If you actually do enough research you will see they are legit as fuck though

>> No.5961481

Why would anyone be dumped on when this coin would be paying billions in dividends at it's peak? Are you actually retarded?

>> No.5961506
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>> No.5961620

DNV GL is not some shitty chinese company that joins in on insider trading though.
Fine, the team dumping on us is a good argument, and noted, but DNV GL will expect proper results and will do checkups. They work with chinese all the time and know how shifty they are

>> No.5961628

Take profits dude. I was scared the whole time I was in it, but enjoyed comfy gains all week.

I was keeping incase the sell walls evaporated and it blew up, but that did not happen.

I've never seen hype like it before though. Incredible hype. Potentially also part of the scam, but I cant tell.

>> No.5961633

he's probably trolling with fud (imagine trolling someone with the added feeling of your trolling having substantial effect, losing money)
Fudding is like trolling but with extra sauce
You're not only fucking with someones mind but also with their wallet
Plus this thing is doing gangbusters rn so I can imagine there is also some salt in that troll sauce

>> No.5961748

Appreciate the reasoned response, I just figured I'd throw a PSA into the thread for the newly-initiated. Everyone gets burned by China at some point

>> No.5961858

Niggerfaggot. At least come with real arguments to your FUD like some of these other guys
You're just salty you lost so much because you bought the ATH that dumped, then sold and never looked back
Yes they've said many times that they couldn't talk about something due to NDA, but guess what; it was true. Recently BMW was added to the rooster for example.
Go ahead and buy more XRP

>> No.5961980

I'm not salty at all. I literally made money on VEN. (I own know XRP but *am* salty i missed that train)

Did you read anything I wrote?

How do you justify their whitepaper? You didnt read it did you?

Want to link me BMW's website where they say they partnered with vechain?

>> No.5962281

lol. You're actually a ripple pleb who bought too late. That's something sensible people pump and dump. So much for your "you can be dumped on" FUD.
Your retardation is unprecedented.
No it's not confirmed yet, but do you think that a company that has confirmed partnership with the fourth largest accounting firm in the world wants to put their reputation on the line for such a stupid stunt?

>> No.5962435



according to these fudders a reputable company with 37bn revenue is working with a scam coin

>> No.5962468

>he doesn't know about the Chinks' tendencies to scam one another whenever possible
Blockchain was practically made to be used on the Chinks.

>> No.5962514

this. one of the best coins you can hedge with imho. better than ethereum and bitcoin even.

>> No.5962584


>> No.5962713

>Just rumours from its user base, while I do believe a lot of big news are coming soon (and that a lot of these rumours will be confirmed in a timely manner) until they do its all rumours the only confirmed one being its partnership with healthcare co.

lol the china partnership is confirmed, same with all their other partnerships. pboc and bmw are rumors i suppose but thats it

>> No.5962752

They are PnD moon chasers who write "I'm gonna have lambos on my moon base xdDDD" on Normiebook. If the other normies aren't buying in rapid succession, it's considered a shitcoin to them.

The greed is pathetic, and they are going to get slaughtered. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.5962921

This is part of the bullshit. PWC is not "working with them" or partnering in any way.

VeChain joined their accelerator program. It's literally like a training camp for babby's first startup.


They are being helped by PWC to learn how to become a real company. Not providing any of their tech. GO show me one article that says PwC is going to use vechain in a product (protip: you cant, vechain has no tech)

>> No.5963117

Does this count? Yes? No? Maybe? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-two-years-blockchain-journey-chun-yin-cy-cheung

>> No.5963228

In my book I would count that... tho i think we will find out the legitimacy of everything pretty shortly when they make the official announcement of the national government partnership. It is apparently going to be "very soon"

>> No.5963235

Good find!

>> No.5963373

It's obvious:

1) walls are being put up to keep it from exploding which would deter partnerships, governments and traditional investors

2) walls are being put up by whales to accumulate

It's either 1 or 2 or a combination. But does it matter?

>> No.5963480

And the "fake white man actor" used to work at Barclays: http://www.lyonpeople.com/les-fetes/barclays-bank-inaugure-centre-premier-2014-04-14.html

Probably hired to add legitimacy to their company too.

>> No.5963523



>This incubation programme will help VeChain to accelerate their development, by providing the company with access to the Hong Kong and South East Asia markets and strategic advice leveraging on PwC extensive global network.


>> No.5963910
File: 6 KB, 329x87, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuc is his problem?
I was making nice gains daytrading this shit

>> No.5963954
File: 39 KB, 1384x629, ss+(2018-01-06+at+12.13.07).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most blatant sign that a coin is about to moon that I've ever seen.

>> No.5964004
File: 57 KB, 983x422, 1E68C035-7833-4A25-B4A8-63BA36A2DE17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5964006

Welcome to VEN newfags. Literally been like this every 400 sat since 9k