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5948254 No.5948254 [Reply] [Original]

I am from Oxford, England and I really miss the city. But London is a bit ... dirty and expensive.

I was in Atlanta, Georgia, near the center in a place called Little Five Points and there were beautiful 3 bedroom houses just like $300k

(a room with a sink is close to 1m$ in london)

I've been thinking it would be great to move there, I would even be near Pensacola Beach in Florida which is lovely.

so /biz/ - am I being retarded?

>> No.5948317

I live in north Georgia. Have all my life. Ask away. What do you want to know about Atlanta or Georgia in general?

>> No.5948322

what coin is this?

>> No.5948391

One question really - why are you not living in Little 5 Points? Its near the center of the city, the houses are cheap - I dont understand why you wouldnt - it looked like a perfectly idylic neighbourhood - whilst also being close to down town?

>> No.5948408

I live near you in England and have been looking for somewhere to move to literally anywhere in the world. London is always tempting but you're right, housing their is extortion.

>> No.5948597

I live in Gainesville, about an hour from Atlanta. Our population is 30,000, located in Hall County with a population of 180,000. It's a relatively rural area, as that is more my thing. However, if I ever want to go visit Atlanta, it is only an hour's drive away. The cost of living in my area is very inexpensive and there are good job opportunities. I make 50k a year as a restaurant manager, my 4br/3ba house on about an acre of land I bought for 85k. Living in the "suburbs" outside the city gives you the flexibility of peace and quiet, a decent standard and low cost of living, and closeness to the city to visit whenever you want.

>> No.5948754

thank . you for your reply, interesting !

I just think I would get bored living further out, there are only those slightly crappy chain store thingies near roads and the odd donut shop - i think i would get super bored though

hav eyou ever considered moving somewhere else? if so - where to?

>> No.5948981
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I live 5 minutes from Little Five Points, so let me know if you have any specific questions.

You are right, property is cheap out here and you get a cool little updated bungalow for anywhere between 300-500k. Here are my personal pros and cons after having lived here for a year.

- Very cheap
- People are generally nice and welcoming, on the surface atleast
- Atlanta is on the come up, so if you do buy a house and the economy doesn't take in the next few years it could be a good investment

- Fairly left leaning despite it being a southern city
- Everything is spread out in Atlanta, so you must have a car and public transportation is not that good.
- A lot of black people, take that how you will
- Not a whole lot to do (I'm from New York City, so I say this comparatively)
- Traffic can get bad sometimes
- Summers can get pretty hot

>> No.5949040

How do you intend on just moving there? Getting a green card is pretty difficult. I would a finally love to move there myself.

>> No.5949051

In between where I live and Atlanta is Gwinnett County. It is where I work, its a larger county and has a population of nearly a million. There are lots of things to do there, for example the Mall of Georgia which is the biggest in the state, and lots of other things. It's only 30-40 minutes from me. Even in Hall County it's not really that backwater, especially in Gainesville proper and south part of the county. North of us is backwater, its what they call "Trump Country", meaning stay far away from there, lol.

As to whether I would move, I would not. I value my peace and quiet, being able to stand on my porch and look at the quiet and empty sky. Maybe that's just because that's how I grew up, though.

>> No.5949110

>Trump Country
>stay far away from there
Found the cuck

>> No.5949141

unless you are already dual citizen, forget about it. it's impossible.

>> No.5949164

Chocolate City.

>> No.5949213

>considers going to the mall "something to do"

yeah this guy is a fag, don't listen to him. also places outside of the heart of Atlanta suck. if you wanted to move here, metro Atlanta would be the place to be.

>> No.5949226

It's full of niggers.

>> No.5949323

OP didn't tell us what his job was. If it's tech related or something skilled he could get H1B. Or marry a fat 400lb landwhale to "fix his papers", we have plenty of those here!

>> No.5949406

You lived there for a year, where did you live before then?

>> No.5949462

can't you buy your way into the US? if you have a few million these days?

>> No.5949490


>moving to a nigger-infested shithole

yes OP you are being retarded

>> No.5949502

>Is a trump fag

>> No.5949536

hey fellow georgia boy. Forsyth herer

>> No.5949596

>I would a finally love to move there myself

Is it a me mario?

>> No.5949615

>I would even be near Pensacola Beach in Florida which is lovely.

5 hour drive.. is close?

while it atlanta might have been fun to visit I dont think it would be fun to live with the atlanta ghetto blacks.. (not /pol/ just being honest).

lets face it, your thinking like an Englishman is going to upset a lot of the southern people down there. It probably wont be your cup of tea

>> No.5949652

Macon here, unite brothers

>> No.5949686



>> No.5949708

yes hello

>> No.5949712

OTP fags

>> No.5949799

There's cool places in the US you can move to. There's cool places in the South US you can move to. Atlanta is a mixed bag. I'll be honest, I would not move there unless I was black. If you're of African descent, Atlanta may be the best place on earth to live in terms of a community of upper middle class and rich black people.

But I'm not black and so Atlanta does not interest me at all. Plus the traffic is horrible. OP you should look into other cities in Georgia or Florida

>> No.5949834

youre gonna make it brah

>> No.5949835

Actually no. If you are not going to live in Atlanta, then just stay out of Georgia. Everything else is desolate and lame.

>> No.5949864

Urban Atlanta = niggers & traffic
Rural Atlanta = White & Land

>> No.5949878
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Englishmans summary so far:

>There are lots of blacks apparently
>Lots of traffic

Are these literally the only downsides?

The weather is awesome
The city is fine
The houses are like 80% off AND the neighbourhood is beautiful
Girls will love my brittish accent

Cmon guys who arent doing a good job proving I'm a retard.

>> No.5949922

You better like niggers OP

>> No.5949960

*By downsides - I meant downsides according to those who posted those comments - Im totally fine with the above

>> No.5949995

Black man spotted. Is it true that niggers are fetishized harder than they are in the North, and how many wives have you fucked while their husbands masturbated in the corner with a belt around their necks? This is for my thesis, so please be as verbose as you can.

>> No.5950046

Have you ever met a ghetto rat? These types of niggers are really something you want to avoid.

>> No.5950132

no really. the h1b is a lottery based, and if op is "looking where to move" it would imply there's no job sponsoring him. if there were a transfer from a uk company that would be realistically the only way for op to immigrate with an L1, but also wouldn't have to choose where to move.

op is a dirty illegal.

>> No.5950151

>implying I’m not just a retard

For real tho, GA is great. Been through a few times and I honestly love everything outside of Atlanta.

>> No.5950279

Savannah is better.
If you want to be near Pensacola just move to Mobile.

>> No.5950304

had a bedroom flat in Faringdon that my grandparents left me in 2006. best fucking thing I ever did was sell it and move out of that shitshow.
nice food and that but christ has the city gone down hill quick.
have a house in Devon now. comfy as fuck but gonna sell next year though and get the fuck out.
weather is a bit depressing on this rock

>> No.5950314


This. Atlanta has black culture on lock down and has plenty of upper echelon black folk. If you like black people and can see yourself dating one, then yes go.

>> No.5950333
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>People wanting to move TO my state
wtf is this

Anyways OP L5P is kinda sketchy after dark. For that money I don't think Atlanta is the best place to go to. We're simply another melting pot but with less identity, it seems to me that we're generally behind on things and only relevant in the rap/hiphop scene if you're into that, otherwise pretty much everything around ATL is literally nothing, and yeah it is incredibly boring.

>The weather is awesome
The weather is fucking horrid, unless you like 90+ F, ridiculous humidity, and mosquitos for months. And if it does snow, you better hope you're not in ATL, because the whole city will shut down.

>> No.5950354

>had a bedroom flat
3 rather
fuck.. i'm retarded

>> No.5950399

kek. H1B visas are for pajeets only. Pajeet companies scam to control them.

>> No.5950413

Way too many niggers in GA, especially ATL.

>> No.5950502

>Are these literally the only downsides?
Im not sure you understand what american blacks are actually like. You dont want to live anywhere near them, especially in the south. Just do a little research on black crime and you will see.

>> No.5950693

If you like sitting in traffic all day to go to the coca cola museum for the 4th week in a row (there's nothing to do) or getting stabbed by basketball americans while simultaneously dying of heatstroke then go for it breh.

>> No.5950788

L5P is a great way to get introduced to Atlanta when you aren't into digging the mainstream. Atlanta is stupid expensive at the moment so your options get pretty nice if you want to live just outside the city. But that comes in hand with traffic that will make you want to kys over and over again every time you want to actually come into the city. So if you're like this anon, you'll move out of Atlanta because its cheap, then never want to go back into the city again.

>> No.5950853

OP is a nigger loving faggot


>> No.5950937

>I live in Gainesville
Dam I was literally Jet skiing on lake Lanier 2 weeks ago.

>> No.5951005

>London is always tempting but you're right, housing their is extortion.

Buy the Brexit dip.

>> No.5951059

Do jet skiers just have the best lives?

One of my dreams is to jet ski from Florida to Bimini

>> No.5951110

Jet skiing gets boring pretty quick

>> No.5951135

We lived in Decatur for 2 years... not the trendy decatur, the 'you don't go out to check your mailbox after sundown' Decatur. People would come to your door asking if you wanted to buy some car speakers that were just lifted from your own car. We had a crackhead who mowed our yard and would come back every three days asking if we needed it mowed again. A guy walked up our driveway in the middle of the night ass naked because he was just robbed at gunpoint down the street and the robber told him to get undressed and start running or he was going to shoot him. Good times with that demographic.

>> No.5951149

Don’t say to me

I’m hoping it’s the answer to all my questions

>> No.5951277

Wel shiiiet guys I’m starting to worry now but maybe yall exagerating.... :0

>> No.5951428

>One of my dreams is to jet ski from Florida to Bimini
Jet skiing is like other form of off road vehicle, eventually you'll get bored of it, but if the scenery is nice or you can get air or fuck with flocks of birds, it can sustain your attention for awhile.

Honestly unless I lived in midtown or Buckhead I don't see the appeal of living in Atlanta, even then it's still possible to get nigger fatigue.

>> No.5951432
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>living in the worst part of the worst `first world` country

>> No.5951643

just keep doing research about which areas youre looking at. sketchy lives right next door to trendy in ATL. i lived in oxford back in the 90s and i can say that atlanta has the cool vibe that oxford has, but i remember not giving a fuck being completely hammered on the streets at night in oxford. don't know if i can say the same anymore about atlanta as a whole. look into these areas: east atlanta village, kirkwood, stonebridge, vinings/smyrna, and if you want to yup it up, east cobb and brookhaven.

>> No.5951749

pretty much why i took my family on the white flight to the burbs. i couldn't take them any more.

>> No.5951755

I couldn't wait to get out of there.
I was from North York (Toronto), Canada, and I had no idea how amazing that place was until I got out.
Humid and hot.
Winters have damp, miserable periods.
Trashy people.
Very few women dress with class.
Gun violence (my mother was held up at gunpoint).
Homeless people (homeless people often attack people. Somebody heard, "Help!" and ran into an ambush where he got his skull bashed with a brick and got his belongings stolen).
Bad drivers.
Small city (by my standards).

North York:
Beautiful weather.
Winters are refreshing and crisp.
Dynamic, diverse population from all around the world living in harmony.
Educated and civilized affluent population.
Great public transportation.
Parks all over the city.
Great public library system.
Great community programmes and services.
Juxtaposition of quiet suburban neighbourhoods with tall commercial centres.
Two large shopping malls each with film theatres and connected subway stations walking distance from where I lived (right across North York Centre).

If you care more about affordability than these factors, then sure, go to Atlanta.

>> No.5951955

I think it was the last time I was in L5P when my brother and I were walking to the car after a concert and we saw a pimp flip out on and drag one of his girls, some lady in her 50's, back into his car. And I really don't think that's anywhere near the worst you could see.

I'm probably burnt out because I've been in this state for my whole life, and while I appreciate L5P for what it offers in music and arts, you really have to ask yourself if you want to live in that kind of environment. I'd imagine that's just how it is in urban places, but if I had to deal with urban things going on every day I'd want to be at the cutting edge of music, art and culture. So somewhere like LA or NY I guess. I think my first pick if I were to get super wealthy would be Vancouver though lol.

>> No.5951973
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Fulton has some nice areas.

>> No.5952016

Great public library system? Sign me up

>> No.5952701

You will become racist if you move there.

>> No.5952849

I forgot.
I went to a high school in a very rich suburb outside of Atlanta. The kind of rich suburb that breeds the future leaders of USA. I had a class where the subject of evolution came up. The vast majority of the class did not believe in evolution. They were very hostile to the idea ("it's just a theory!"), and somebody mentioned their minister showing a documentary that refutes evolution, and how in that documentary, evolution proponents couldn't prove how life "came from crystals".
There was somebody who had eight siblings.
I was in science and math clubs, and everyone in there, with a few exceptions, were people like I, who moved in from out of state.
"Niggers" aren't your only problem in Atlanta.