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5943842 No.5943842 [Reply] [Original]

Guys let me shill you BazingaCoin (BZC)
Its below 50 cents
Write jokes and make money.
Social Media people and companies will be pumping there coins soon and they will need BZC to make it.

>> No.5944127
File: 510 KB, 1080x1492, 1515176809920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.5944207

Stay poor racist

>> No.5944286

Stay brown and smelly

>> No.5944660

Stay racist poorfag

>> No.5944714

brapsniffa cion

>> No.5944837

Stay genetically inferior

>> No.5945212

How do I know that you voted for Drumpf?

>> No.5945345

dont you have a street to shit on

>> No.5945424

You can't even buy this shit on the site lol, fucking retard devs

>> No.5945719

Don't let this bigot accumulate bazinga while it's still cheap!

>> No.5945915
File: 19 KB, 484x429, 1509998705044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is the whole world
Not everyone is a fucking burger you retard

>> No.5946021

haha now you admit I'm not indian sir ;)

>> No.5946160
File: 25 KB, 484x425, 1508338571933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably a mix of nigger and spic

>> No.5946172

Just had Puri for brekfest
busted a waz in my waz street.
had a poo coz my poo spot was looking a bit bleak..
my hands smell like Dhal.
it's gonna be a gud day i feel.
am I making it sirs?

>> No.5946271

my auto rickshaw just done a flip
this is my day sirs.. I can feel it
deep in my ganga whizzway

>> No.5946990

>meme name
>actual platform behind it
>database for writing comedy
>monetized humor
>popular tv shot

fuck me people are dumb on this board
Buy BZC or stay poor

>> No.5947257

>or stay poor
not me. not this time.
Gita and Sanjay shall be happy agin..!!
thank yuo anon thank yuo!!!
If we all make it maybe we shall invite you to enjoy Maha Shivaratri with us!!

>> No.5948048

this thread gave me ptsd