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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5942204 No.5942204 [Reply] [Original]

hodl the line guys, we are goin to da moon like what we said 2 weeks ago as all other alts quadtripled and this one just snailed around

>> No.5942360

What alts would you suggest?

>> No.5942466

Bought in at $3 can’t wait until it’s $100

>> No.5942480


>this one just snailed around

Yeah, only 10x in the last 30 days in USD

But yes, I am expecting at least 250 USD EOY.

>> No.5942499

$100 think bigger....... i know nothing btw

>> No.5942591

I can make unsubstantiated claims too, yippee!

>> No.5942630
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china number one

>> No.5942757
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just kidding, in all honesty if btc continues rising to 20000$ then buy BnB because BnB is rising accordingly.

>> No.5942850

Did you get burned with Verge and Ven?

>> No.5942853

Should I sell half of my ven incase it dips sp I can improve my position and use the pumped btc price to buy even more ven ?

>> No.5942891

verge no
ven yes

>> No.5942946

How? Did you buy yesterday?

>> No.5943193


yep, thanks to shills on biz, you can't evevn question it without being mocked

>> No.5943361

tfw you finally sell old btc and go all in on ven then btc goes for a run.

>> No.5943536

finally btc is cooling off, well get our turn

>> No.5943607


thats what people said few hours ago at 15900 usd.

bitcoin has finally broken the wall and is aiming back to its $20000 where it will stabilize.

>> No.5943718


Unless you can't afford to hold to at least Q2 2018 you weren't burned at all. barring major setbacks, vet's gonna be 20 dollars by may.

>> No.5943822


other coins will have bigger rises compared to vens slow increment in that time frame

>> No.5943886

That's biz for you, you have to pick your coins based on fundamentals even if you get made fun of for it. I've been holding VEN since 20 cents and I got laughed off so much by walton guys. But I'm feeling pretty good.

>> No.5944067

ven is the best coin for hodling long term but absolutely horrible for short term

>> No.5944160

You're the same fudding fag from the last thread. Do you literally spend all your time here trying to spread your shit? Its up 15x in one month and you call it a snail....

>> No.5944201


Sure, but vet's gonna happen. Heads might literally role if they fail. I'd rather not chase gains elsewhere when I'm so close to obtaining a strength node.

Honestly I don't know why I'm even posting this, I'd rather everyone FUD and crash this back down to <$3 so that I could potentially get a thunder node.

>> No.5944290
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hahhaha you caught me detective
15x in one month when other coins are up 100x, yes it is a snail when compared, oh and BnB was 88k sats now its 94k sats, Bitcoin is hitting 17k and going to hit 20k, BnB will probably be at 120k sats.

my prediction earlier about ven stabilizing at 21k were true and will stabilize even lower are going to be true also.

>> No.5944363

can chinks pump it up when they wake up?

>> No.5944377

So you literally made an entirely new thread to FUD just cuz you bought high and sold low. How pathetic are you? The state of newfags these days...

>> No.5944444 [DELETED] 

This PnD group is growing so fast, it's unreal..

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.5944498

So now you are creating threads for coins that you don't have?
whats your deal buddy?

>> No.5944536

What is wrong with you? Do you just enjoy shitposting that much?

>> No.5944565

"fud omfg fud fud fud" fucking turds, i am speaking the truth whereas the only thing you idiots come up with is fud.
If you honestly believe ven is the best investment compared to all the other alts then you are
>A) a paid shill
>B) delusional idiot
>C) long term holder not short term

don't spread lies and put others in a trap fagat.

BnB just hit 98k sats and btc just hit 17k and went down TEMPORARILY

>> No.5944568

I can get a node at current price but I'd be pretty much all in. Thoughts ?

>> No.5944570

Fucking waste

>> No.5944628

i want you all to fuck off from ven with your shill threads, that's all so that no one can fall into a fucking trap next time.

>> No.5944632

oh boy

>> No.5944641

Okay so I sold half of my stack to improve my position
Whats the floor for this rn its at 21K

>> No.5944676

i meant fuck off from biz not ven, oh and BnB is nearing the 100k mark, at 99k.
was 88k when i told everyone about it in the thread

>> No.5944702

I might mad he called you out first. I was luring you with questions to make sure.

This is his reddit account by the way.

>> No.5944778

bro you really need to chill
this is super pathetic, did u lose some money on ven or something?
(not sure if ur just being an idiot or just trolling)

>> No.5944802

thanks for luring me and finding me
BnB just hit 100k as we spoke meanwhile Ven stablised at an even lower point than before

>will be 14-15k by the time btc reaches $20k(mark my words, view this thread then and view the old thread also, my prediction of 21k stabilization came truee)

>> No.5944836

are you mentally ill?

>> No.5944878

I am currently all in but I have an IGNIS airdrop coming in (knock on wood) and a bunch of miners pulling about 8 VEN worth a day.

I'd go for it, I just don't have enough VEN right now to join you. Need to build more BTC to buy more VEN.

Something I've learned after half a year is that HODLing the right pick makes you the big money.

>> No.5944970
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everyone is a little autistic on this board anyway so i dunno you tell me

>> No.5945017


There's the moon signal, it's go time

>> No.5945095

don't you mean snail slime time? Don't insult real moons(TRX,BNB,ARN,XRP) by calling ven's movements a moon.

>> No.5945128

If you like passive income then, yeah. Ven won't give you 40x gains overnight though. It's a slow buildup.

>> No.5945187


>> No.5945203

So tell me how much money have you made with your investment strategy so far?

>> No.5945213

Any word on if it will work with PoS or what? I only have a shitty MacBook

>> No.5945252

Like i said in the last thread i fell for the ven scam thankz to shills

>> No.5945322

haha I'm so glad to hear that this asshole lost some money

>> No.5945400

what would you hold in the short term anon? ty

>> No.5945432


Thanks for admitting that ven is a shit coin and will move like snails, other coins are better options.

>> No.5945451

I've read your posts. You kept being impatient and selling at a loss before fomoing back in. You fomoed back in yesterday too didn't you?

You also invested your whole savings.

>> No.5945467

easy money

>> No.5945486

short term.

when the bubble pops VEN will still be around. bazingacoin or whatever you're gonna buy won't be.

>> No.5945555

ya, like which coin is good for short term gains rn

>> No.5945563
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yes i also sold my land and computer eveything just to go all into ven.

*laughing emjoi

>> No.5945589

why would you sell at a loss? i hope youre larping as retarded right now

>> No.5945597

both kinda, you will get Thor even with 1 VET

From VeChain founder, Sunny Lu’s recent AMA

Q12: Will there be a staking pool system in place for multiple people to invest in a node with percentage based payouts?

We do not have this yet. However, this could be a Dapp on our VeChain Thor platform. We encourage the community to do things like this that benefits the community and ecosystem, with incentives!

>> No.5945653

You will eventually understand that chasing pumps is far less effective than picking undervalued coins and waiting for them to reach their true value.

>> No.5945656


the bubble wont pop anytime soon, btcoin wll stablise at 20k, my prediction from last thread of ven stablising at 19-21k came true, what more proof u guys want

current short term hodl till bitcoin reaches 20k is bnb.
it was 70k sats in last thread, now its 100k sats 88k when i created this thread

>> No.5945708

can you faggots stop responding to this kid so he can fack off back to re ddit?

>> No.5945775

slow and steady wins the race

>> No.5945828

u mad becuz u missed out on BnB? dont spread fud ---- = me acting like venturds

>> No.5945893

slow and steady gains throughout all the alt coin highs but fast and unpredictable dips compared to all other alts

winning for sure i bet *laughing emoji

>> No.5946091

the main thing people are missing is that huge fast gains are not a good thing

all time price of an asset is a reflection of mass psychology. mass psychology behaves the same in all situations and therefore makes the asset price fractal

when something pumps and then dumps this creates a toxic fractal which will repeat

slow and steady growth is much better for the long term health of an asset

>> No.5946236


explain why ven tumbled the hardest despite being really shit during the last couple of days when every alt was going up 10x in days
every coin has stabilized at a mark since the first bull run but ven seems to be stabilizing lower and lower as btc rises back to its ath

>> No.5946317

VEN isn't tumbling the hardest, and it's beating the market pretty well.

Went from 70th highest market cap to 40th in the last 2 weeks.

>> No.5946344

You were in Ven at 9K. Remember in the coming weeks that all you had to do was nothing.

Your mindset and greed is going to prevent you from making any significant gains and you have nobody to blame but yourself for it.

>> No.5946394

Shill me on this coin.

> Can it reach 100 USD?
> Can it reach 500 USD?

>> No.5946435


>> No.5946446

yes & yes

>> No.5946461

100? Maybe in 6mo to a year.
500. Probably not. UNLESS certain rumors floating around the VeChain Foundation are true, such as VEN becoming the official blockchain of the PBoC, and the business infrastructure of all of china.

Then the sky's the limit.

>> No.5946467

No. It’s a PnD.

>> No.5946560

yes it is

TRX went from 1400 sats to 1085 sats during the first bull run from 14k btc to 15k btc but ven dropped to 24k and then went back up to 26k(TRX went back to 1400 sats)
then the 2nd run came 15-16k btc
trx once again went down to 1085 sats and then later stablised to 1400 sats
but ven this time went down to 22k and stablsied at 23.5k

third run (now) 16-17k
trx went from 1000 sats to 1300 sats
ven went down to 18k stablsied 21k

i am not shilling TRX btw
i am giving an EXAMple of what has just happened(it was top on binance so its the first thing i kept track of and ven

you cannot refute what i just said
this happened
what do you guys always say ?
oh yeah zoom out and read the charts of both of them

>> No.5946684

lol at this shill
it will reach $100 only in 5 years time, by then u could have earned 10000x more in other coins

during 17-18k btc run
ven will stablise at 18.5k (mark my words, last thread p rediction came true also

>> No.5946783

nope and nope

in a few minutes
ven is going to go down to 15k because btc has broken resistance.

>> No.5947012

bump of prosperity.

>> No.5947083

Guys read this and go back a few pages you can have some schadenfreude

>> No.5947218


people who read this and aren't invested in ven will agree with me that ven is indeed a shit coin.

I have analysed the drop for ven properly
what have you done other than uhhh hold tcoin hold coin

>> No.5947471


where are you, come back and face me you untermenschen !

>> No.5947623

do i sell my bnty for this? chart looks nice on kucoin

>> No.5947687

>comparing VEN to the crypto community's hype darling

>> No.5947690


read the thread bruva
if btc goes on a bullrun from 17-18k
The shills will try to tell you otherwise because need new investors so that they can profit.

>> No.5947700



>> No.5947838

i feel like you're a shill
if you're not
avoid ven if you're a short termer, if you're a longer termer wait for the dip.

if you don't
all these shills will make shit posts like "mmm it dropped time to buy more haw haw haw" basically laugh like crows, fuck them

>> No.5948027


If it falls I'm getting me a higher tier node, so I hope you're right lol

>> No.5948058

TRX once again stablised at 1300 as ven continues to dip further down and stablise at a lower level.

if you guys dont'' believe read both of their charts and notice the time frame etc.

ven is SHIT for short term.
it a plague.

look at how all the shills disappeared from my threads when i confronted them with facts.

all they do is constantly make shit posts like "oh guys ven drop lets buy some more

>> No.5948152

enjoying others misery and not speaking the truth that ven has indeed been the shittiest coin thus far, its so called moon rocket will NEVER take off
it never even had a rocket to start with, rocket to the moons = xrp trx arn bnb

ven community just wants new investors to come in and end up holding bags
avoid it.

>> No.5948336

frick off fudnigger

>> No.5948361

keep going if it falls back down to 3.20 i can afford a node

>> No.5948470
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>> No.5948479

>just you wait, once the sell walls are lifted it'll blow up!
What happened to that?

>> No.5948491

hopefully even lower, to 0.32 then I'll buy a node too

>> No.5948556

>What happened to that?
the bitcoin rush started. check the charts VEN rising again. its had 25 cent swings in both directions for two hours straight. every time it hits 3.80 it would dump and btc would start to rise again. just hodl, youll be fine.

>> No.5948594

Ven already gave me some good returns, but I am missing all the moonshots.
EVERY fuckin shitcoin mooned, even Verge.

VEN has real partnerships, even Renault onboard, but no one cares.
I'm sure they'll announce BMW partnership, PBoC partnership, EU partnership, USA partnership, galaxy partnership and the price will drop by at least 10%.

Damn it, I'm too poor to diversify yet, afraid to sell my VEN for all the other moonshots out there.

Brethen, some fuckin' pep talk?
I'm super pink!

>> No.5948603

I don't mind if it falls, I'll finish my thunder node. been in since 20c, comfy

>> No.5948642

or "it's because of btc pump, otherwise it would moon!"

its hard to admit because i too invested in this shitcoin, but there is a big chance that I end up as a bag holder for some time, atleast till some breaking news.
Also looking at those "partnerships" look suspicious.

>> No.5948657

same. today was bad. but you will likely loose if you try and chase a moon or outsmart bots. stay put and we will see green and forget about today.

>> No.5948670

selfish guy detected, ven is full of them.

>> No.5948677

then go chase moonshots.
it's a crapshot to catch the right shitcoin at the right time.

>> No.5948685

nigger nigger nigger

>> No.5948766

this is what i have been saying in the last thread and this one
Its a super shit short term hold and the shills are purposely trapping newer investors with their delusional moon claims which suggests that its a short term coin when its not(been hearing this shit for 1 month now)
Other alts have quadtripled, we could have earned 1000000x more if we weren't holding bags.

This is the part about ven that pisses me off
Its dishonest.

>> No.5948811
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>> No.5948849

You make it sound like ven going down is a bad thing. I want to accumulate more, so do the whales. Pump and dump groups tried to pump ven and got their asses handed to them by the whales. If ven would have pumped like tron, real investors would not go near it because of volatility. Ven attracts hodlers, which means that the circulating supply will actually be small. I expect massive gains in the long run.

>> No.5948928

Wtf, the same guy from the last thread? And 37+ post this time? Good lord, this is what asparagus looks like.

>> No.5948953

exactly the long run so why is it that no one admits it when i tell them its a long term hold and not some rocket to the moon

every shill ends up making false claims of rocket to the moon which traps new investors in, this is my feud with ven, the dishonesty, thats all

>> No.5948990


holy shit millenials were a mistake

>> No.5948997

i had 50+ when the last thread went down =]

>> No.5949133
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he's salty because he's autistic in a way thats not helping him (not even memeing)
This is him on reddit
Don't mind him he is possibly literally retarded

>> No.5949143

Why tho? Are you autistic? Seriously, I don't understand how a non-autistic person would try so hard to shitpost.

>> No.5949173


You give /biz/ shills too much credit, there's no 4d chess going on here, just a bunch of kids with pie-in-the-sky dreams of lambos that freak out whenever something they put $20 into has a few green candles.

I have never claimed this was a get-rich-quick coin. What I think is that a modest investment now will enable me to generate a modest passive income in the near future.

Think about it, if all these other coins are blasting off and leaving ven in the dust, how are so many posters here dead broke? Chasing moon missions isn't anything close to a guaranteed success, even if you devote all your time to it.

>> No.5949204

>batman name
>buy high sell low autistic faggot

holy shit nu-biz is cancer

>> No.5949241
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everyone is a little autistic on 4chan senpai

>> No.5949251

I'm all in on ven. I know it's not a short term rocket, but it is still a rocket. That is why I put money on other alts for short term gains. I take the gains from the other alts and pump it into ven. When the purge comes I won't be too exposed to shitcoins like verge. One thing is certain though, when the whales are done accumulating, it is going to be wild.

>> No.5949264

This is actually worse than i thought . Why is this retard still getting some attention?

>> No.5949306

I think $20-$30 would be it's upper limit. I can't imagine it going higher than that. Just look at the supply relative to similar coins.

>> No.5949400

Not really. I mean, I'm introverted and all, but I don't get emotional against or pro some specific coin. To me, this is a game of greed and feeling on the vanguard of tech. If some token underperform, I just sell and move on, and maybe I try to warn some anons of my mistakes, but you are really into FUDing a token that treat you poorly.

Not even attacking you, I'm genuinely worried/impressed.

>> No.5949437

impressed would be the proper word that i am the only one taking my time out to educate the masses.

>> No.5949517

has anyone sent this to myetherwallet, its already listed under the tokens as VET?

>> No.5949609

lol didn't you see the picture of your highlights of buying high and selling low?
Crypto is not a place to get emotional or hold grudges, you are doing both right now
You have allready been exposed as an idiot and every post you make makes it seem worse
Do you really think anyone could take your ''education'' after seeing you amazing trackreccord of being a retard

Get out of crypto kid, this is obviously not for you

>> No.5949629

i am not blaming you senpai
i am talking about other ven members
you seem to be the kind person among them who isn't attacking others but instead teaches them in a calm and kind manner, its a good trait
keep it up to be honest.

>> No.5949654



lol this thing is dead

>> No.5949679


i am not wrong about my predictions
bitcoin go up
ven go down

>> No.5949709

Anybody who doesn't understand that ven is going to make them a lot of money deserves to be mouth fucked by a horse cock and has no chance in making it

>> No.5949759

What? When did VEN go down? I bought in less than a week ago and almost doubled already.

Sure you're not salty 'cause you bought at ATH and lost out? Every coin corrects after ATH, buddy.

>> No.5949776


only post in this thread that made me laugh out loud
i mean i believe ven in long term but not short term, i m laughing at horse cock joke, good one

>> No.5949837

hahaha horse pen*s xD well joked sir!!

>> No.5949848

Serious question: is it really worth getting a node for Vechain? I mean, is there even a cap on "Thor Power"? Also, if you look on CMC, there are only 277 Million VEN in play right now... how will the remaining ~600 Million VEN hit the market? Wouldn't that cause the price of VEN to fall?

Not FUD, just looking for answers from those in the "know"

>> No.5949853

The horse cock is no joke anon, that's what it will feel like when ven hits $50 and these simpletons don't have any

>> No.5949988

Why the fuck do I always get into the slow coins, should have went to the TRX.

This shit was suposed to moon and its not, its fucking slow I want 2x gains or I am out, fuck this shit shilling for MUH LONG TERM GAINS, every coin with 10x LONG TERM but I want 2x MOON NOW U SLANTED EYE SHILLERS

>> No.5950006
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you should be stripped naked and shot dead in the street like the autistic degenerate you are

>wah waaah waahhhh i fomo'd x1000

>> No.5950042

This is not the right thread
It was made by an autistic kid in order to FUD
U might wanna come back another time and ask when he's gone
This is him >>5949133

>> No.5950077

you think icx will moon before ven?

>> No.5950105


an autistic kid who speaks the truth.

go read the bible.

>> No.5950152

>OP buys ATH and sells low
>thinks it's /biz/s fault
>makes FUD threads to convince himself it's not his fault
>used Reddit
Am I missing anything?

>> No.5950193


this, this pajeets keep shiling its gonna moon, but in reality coin is slow as fuck and wont move for months.


go fuck yourself with your long term, every coin will get long term

>> No.5950261

I've been taking screenshots of this thread. I'm going to make a thread in two weeks and with a collage as the OP.

>> No.5950276

no, 95% of the coins won't exist in the long term.

>> No.5950440


thank you i am famous now <3

>> No.5950455

>I'm going to make a thread in two weeks

Try 2 months pajeet, while you hold your bags I'l be 4x my portfolio and then jump on the train and get some of your gains.

But yeah keep holding the bags and missing the moons u double digit nigger

>> No.5950542

Added to the collage.

>> No.5950561



>> No.5950608

I look forward to that thread anon

>> No.5950609

did you even ever go to a "collage" to study? hahahaha pajeet

>> No.5950647

So I don't need to have 10k VEN to run a node to get THOR?

>> No.5950743

All this coin did was MOON 2x in the life span of month and these retards are praising it to the skies.

Lmao bag holders, some people just love to be poor.

And then after 2 months coin will moon 2x and these slanted eye pajeets will spamm this board how good their coin is and how they are gonna dominate the crypto market.

>> No.5950754

no you get thor with any amount. nodes and a bonus require 10k+

>> No.5950800

this coin was $2 two days ago. it was 15x since i bought initially

>> No.5950825
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some more

When someone is so mentally unstable he can't even have social interactions over the internet
Even reddit thinks he's retarded

>> No.5950832

literally a nigger

>> No.5950894



>> No.5950933

Everyone here talking about 2x, 10x, 100x but never actually discussing the technology behind VEN and why it is a solid investment with a exciting future ahead of it. This is practical tech with a big team behind it and partnerships with the fucking government of China.

>>5950609 you are an irl faggot and I hope you continue to lose money by chasing fomos and running to reddit to cry about it.

>> No.5950945

post more senpai
you just mad i bad mouth ur daddys coin

>> No.5950949


>this coin was $2 two days ago. it was 15x since i bought initially

This is the key to the scam.

>15x muh

no shit coin moons after its created

The fact is that this coin has a fixed price, and it with all its ALLEGED partners it still fails to break frikin what 4 or 5 dollars, each time it breaks the wall next few days dips 20%.

But the copeholders like you keep spamming the board to people to invest

Last 4 days I have seen like 5+ threads of VEN MOONING, it mooned yeah, 20+ green and then its crashed 35 red.

Fuck you indian bag holder scammer

>> No.5950997

>fuck you indian bag holder scammer

hahahaha dead, need more anons like you to tell the #truth senpai

>> No.5951025

OP is right, i don't give a fuck if this is a long term hold. There are many of those, we were promised a moon coming... yesterday i believe that would run through every sell wall

>Whales keeping it supressed

Stupid chink competition is over now, WHERE IS MOON

Fuck sake, i'm not selling for a loss but still

>> No.5951036

0 proof of china partnership not one chinese media news link
only english posted by vechain themselfs

>> No.5951047

And it was $4 yesterday, so it doubled in a day.
Half of all altcoins went red today. Are you being retarded on purpose?

And don't tell me you're so gullible that every MOON thread you see you actually hold as truth and don't see them for the memes they are.

>> No.5951048

What's with the influx of niggers on this board?

>> No.5951092

> tHiS iS pRaCtIcAl TeCh WitH a BiG tEam

so its literally every top 50 crypto coin excluding doge or some other retarded memes.


They have the partnership with one tier 3 chinese city, a country will BILLIONS of people, and even with that they cant have 2x moon, fuck out here scammer.

But when you say to these shills for example Ripple has contract with the banks, MUH JEWS MUH CONSPIRACY MUH. IT doEsNT cOuNt wuuu

>> No.5951133


They're always late to everything, even crypto.

>> No.5951143


it went within a day from 3.20 to 4 for one sec and its 3.60 now, ALL THAT with Binance competition+ massive shilling on reddit and biz. You're the one who is retard here, pajeet.

>> No.5951158
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>> No.5951160

Holy shit dude how butthurt are you? I bought near the ATH yesterday and I'm still holding. Not worried at all. Remember Binance new registrations were shut down and most people haven't even looked into this coin at all yet. As word gets out it'll start moving again.

>> No.5951177

and for that reason, I'm out

>> No.5951187


>> No.5951203

nice id lmao

>> No.5951205

go play runescape faggot we don't need your autistic ventings here

>> No.5951220

>As word gets out it'll start moving again.


For the newfaggs and lurkers, this is their tactic, its always something, its either Binance, or sell walls set by huge players, or its chinese gov, its always something, but never the shitcoin itself

>> No.5951236

that's what everyone said 2 weeks ago when china announcement was spread but instead it went down the first couple of days.


>> No.5951248

Holy fuck man of course it is not mooning at the moment with a BTC bull run. Barely any coin is. You are literally mentally challenged.

>> No.5951278

i would but the game is dead, too much shilling going on there also

>> No.5951296

stop samefagging yourself

>> No.5951301
File: 59 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these fucking idiots itt. Doesnt get what does alts usually do when BTC wakes up. Just hold ur stuff and dont panic.

>> No.5951338

This board is now infested with newfags, little kids and bots. What the fuck happened to /biz????

>> No.5951391

stfu newfag, people have been saying that since /biz/'s inception

>> No.5951393

thanks bought 100k

>> No.5951403
File: 17 KB, 300x210, this-is-bait-meme-300x210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok boys you had your fun and got some (you)'s. I'll admit you had me going for a sec but thread is dying so gg wp.

>> No.5951420


now its the MUH BTC LEL

>> No.5951421


shills happened
they biz turn to shit purposely advertising the shitcoins they invested in and trying to lure new investors so that they can be trapped and their bags get a little more value.

>> No.5951460
File: 936 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing happened to pol after election of Trump.

>> No.5951466


will just create new thread senpai
jesus said spread the truth

>> No.5951493

every single chart on Binance looks exactly the fucking same at the moment

>> No.5951537

what about BnB

lie less.

>> No.5951558

this is /b/ tier faggotry and you know it friend. it's friday night go see a movie or something.

>> No.5951675

well i am a certified /b/tard.. soooo yep :)

>> No.5951896

That's not something to be proud of...

>> No.5951988


you know
when i created this thread
Ven was at 22k sats or 21.5k sats and BnB was 88k sats

and now VEn is at 21.2k sats and BnB at 104k sats.
idk what more proof people need that Ven is the wrong choice for short term hold.
Its for long term only, people need to stop spreading misinformation on the board that s all

>> No.5952044

shill that bnb like fuck aye

>> No.5952140

i am not shilling anything my bruo i am just saying what i am looking at the moment, bnb will drop later on, its just short term now as btc rises and ven drops further down the well.
ven is only good for long term.

>> No.5952373

you are a mystic then and will be a billionaire by the end of the day.

>> No.5952494

why isnt this shit moving reeee
i wanna make some flipperinos

>> No.5952510

bnb just 110k sats as of now

if bitcoin does go up to hit 20k$ then expect bnb to be at the very least 160-170k sats.

>> No.5952605

you sure you aren't shilling shilly?

>> No.5952758

Anyone who doesn't understand that this entire thread has been one giant bait deserves to lose money.

>> No.5952767

dude i am legit being real, just look at the time frame of when i made this thread then compare it on BnB chart
what i have said throughout the thread
and compare the price rises, i will never shill anything
BnB will not rise forever, it will drop eventually when BTC starts to drop, BTC and BnB rises are in sync at the moment, that's all i am trying to you guys

>> No.5952852

i am actually done for a while lol
hope dZWmxrVa takes over my legacy while i am gone

RIP me

>> No.5952919

Bravo you probably actually tricked a few fucking retards into selling red and buying some new ATH to lose money in lmao.

>> No.5952968

good fuck off with the bnb shit.

>> No.5953065

i didn't trick anyone, not everyone is a dickhead...
i spoke about what i saw, do you honestly think it would be better for everyone to stay in a coin that barely moved during the recent alt coin moons?
anyways i am really kinda tired of arguing about it, gonna go off to Zzzz
cyaaaa fr this time