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5941635 No.5941635 [Reply] [Original]

Since you can’t sell fractions of coins on Binance, how do small timers like me avoid getting nickeled and dime by them by have the remaining balance of a trade effectively stuck there?

>> No.5941676

By buying BNB.

>> No.5941700

yea u just have to use eth of bnb broski.

>> No.5941703

Buy their coins and use them to pay the fees.

Supposedly they are working on a feature to sell off all the "dust" but they've been saying that for a brazillion years.

>> No.5941711

This >>5941676
You should be using BNB for fees.

>> No.5941729

Thanks man

>> No.5941774

buy like 5 bnb and keep it.
turn on "pay fees by bnb" is on on your profile (it is default on but just check to be sure)

>> No.5941785

>tfw you have the box checked to use BNB for fees, have no BNB, and I'm still getting my fees cut in half

>> No.5941803

Is buying BNB when BTC moves a good way to hedge? BNB really mooned today.

>> No.5941834

heres a secret: bnb is always mooning

>> No.5941857


Also, don’t use market order. Only sell/buy full coins. Problem solved.

>> No.5941966

i bought full coins and got stuck with 7.992 instead of 8, the other one was 14.985 instead of 15
literally got robbed