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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5941565 No.5941565 [Reply] [Original]

I lost 15k today

>> No.5941586

+1.5k today

simply because im holding 33% BTC

>> No.5942079


>> No.5942612

Switched everything to ltc before the alt crash. Felt it coming. Would have done BTC but like to hold everything off exchange. Am not getting Mt.Gox'd again.

>> No.5942649

Lost $700

Pretty hard hit, but I'm still up 2k since NYE

>> No.5942662

+5k today
holding same %

>> No.5942683

I was 100% in bitcoin
I did something right for the first time

>> No.5942711

$10 today
feels bad man = (

>> No.5942721
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> TFW still 392k €

>> No.5942728
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around 9k.

>> No.5942780

+50k$ today. I don't even know why I work for 25k$/year anymore.

>> No.5942814

Lost %10

>> No.5942842

Around 3k.

But it makes me happier realizing that some normie bought BTC at 19k, sold at 14k, rebought at 16k, sold at 13k, and rebought at 16k just now.

Someone out there did this.

>> No.5942849

do you still work or do you just live off your crypto earnings anon?

>> No.5942885

Because you could lose it all as fast as u got it

>> No.5942910

15k too

>> No.5942940

>wake up, check blockfolio

Nice, just lost 100k.

>> No.5942964

show portfolio.
$2k+ today for me, at $30k investment

>> No.5943013

$350 since I am a poorfag and trading brainlet

>> No.5943029

Only have $400 in so 20%

Is moving to BTC at this point a bad idea?

>> No.5943060

who else comfy up 15% btc wise

ven dip at 18.4k and siacoin main bag easy day

>> No.5943125

moving to btc for what? if you arent going to short it then whats the point, alts are rekt already its too late to sell unless you want to stress of trying to buy them back cheaper and that might not even happen, they can reverse in minutes

if you have btc spare now is buying time, if you dont have spare btc now you know why you should always have a good chunk of your portoflio in btc at all times

>> No.5943212

Super comfy with 40% btc holding, it dropped in btc value, but usd is the same

Never forget who the king is!

>> No.5943280

Just got into crypto, thanks for the advice.

>> No.5943318
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Still work. Just been at this shit for 3 months. My job is pretty fun as I am an ad creative. So dunno I'll probably continue working for fun.

>> No.5943376

about 3.5k

>> No.5943659

Thank God for DBC, that coin is a cash cow.

>> No.5943771


>> No.5944057

He's gonna be a whale.

>> No.5944122
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2k here

>> No.5944162

Red alts are good, that's when it's time to buy

>> No.5944174

4k bro and I'm feeling pretty good everything is in the fucking red

>> No.5944189
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>> No.5944196 [DELETED] 

This PnD group is growing so fast, it's unreal

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.5944251

Lost 100 bucks, i'm a poorfag tho so it kinda hurts.

>> No.5944285

I didn't lose much, I have a diversified portfolio and it has binance coin in it, which is up 64% today.

>> No.5944289

Unless you sold you haven't lost anything. Buy the dip.

>> No.5944317

-5.27 buttcoin

>> No.5944392


>> No.5944393

not bad considering

>> No.5944409

Lost like %20 in sats. FUGGGG.

>> No.5944431


All the profits I made this last 2 weeks holding are gone
Don’t fall for the meme.

>> No.5944469
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Nothing, actually made 200$

>> No.5944505

bought ETH at the "dip" yesterday.
already down 0.5 BTC though.
hope it goes up in the next few months and not down like june-nov

>> No.5944522

Up 15%

>thank you based XRB for not being like all other alts when BTC drops

>> No.5944524

What if you don't hold Bitcoin though.

>> No.5944550

it's only a loss if you sold like an absolute retard

anyway 2% because half my shit is in BTC

>> No.5944629

ur too weak handed, anon. Crypto is not for you, cash out what you have asap

>> No.5944645

$1600 unrealized loss
Not too bad.

>> No.5944716

Alt market probably going to get rekt real good if btc goes to 18k let alone if it goes to 20k
Weeks of pink wojaks

>ETH moons
We all moon

>grandma bitcoin moves
Everything crashes

Fuck that chunk piece of shit coin, I smelled something was off when I saw all these sell walls on cryptos like vechain, I knew the chinks were up to something.

>> No.5944810

bitcoin is crashing -> everything else crashes
bitcoin is stale -> everything else is stale
bitcoin moons -> everything else crashes again

i don't understand this meme economy

>> No.5944814

oh well idc because I only buy coins with long term potential like BAT, XRB, and XLM

>> No.5944857

I made $1000 today

>> No.5944879

>bitcoin goes up
>all bots go in
>bitcoin goes down
>all bots go from bitcoin to dollar
>bitcoin does nothing
>alts get bought

>> No.5944906

I put all my savings (5k USD) into altcoins last week and went up to ~5150 USD and now I'm down 92% over 24 hours to ~400 USD. I'm getting absolutely justed. This is so unfair, it feels like this kind of market manipulation should be a fucking federal crime.

>> No.5944977

>Fuck that chunk piece of shit coin
I want it to die so fucking badly. I'm investing in promising technology over here and this piece of SHIT 'store of value' keeps ruining it.

>> No.5944990

How did you manage to lose that much? Did you realise all your losses then buy in and lose again?

>> No.5945012

...This explains it actually. The dollar step was the missing piece of the puzzle that had me so confused.

>> No.5945055

suggest you look at the charts from May, likely to happen again

>> No.5945056

lost %10 only. thanks to xrb tanking other 6 coins i have.

>> No.5945079
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How the fuck did that happen. Show your portfolio.

>> No.5945092

maybe i underestimated the number of bots. seems like 85% of the whole market is just bots competing with each other

>> No.5945114

Yeah my portfolio hasn’t budged barely at all. That’s what you get for going all in on fucking hype coins.
I’m in NEO and WTC and they holding up well.

>> No.5945131
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down like 50k
>you're not in loss unless you sold mr brainlet

>> No.5945133

worst thing is I tried to trade and I'm own in coins too

>> No.5945142

Enjoy ur x5 in 2 years

>> No.5945151

11 bucks up

Mywish is doing gods work

>> No.5945159


>> No.5945222

Yes, I did that twice, so I've bought into my coins 3 times now. I bought into several low cap coins that /biz/ was shilling and no BTC because /biz/ said it was "Buttcoin". Each time I sold, /biz/ told me I had weak hands and said that my altcoins were rising again so I had to buy in RIGHT THEN. So I ended up buying them at a higher price than I'd sold at.

>> No.5945255

$39k so far

>> No.5945299
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23 dollaros for me the last 24h more money more problems my niggurs

>> No.5945367

Buy high sell low

You’re one us now.

>> No.5945369

unironically $666

>> No.5945383


>> No.5945390


buy high sell low baby

people this stupid really exist

>> No.5945527

I lost 8K today but I'm putting the rest of my gains in the PUMP ICO. this coin is purely for pump and I am expecting huge one on the way

ether contact right here for anyone who lost: https://etherscan.io/address/0xdbe46c0e6526e9068da1626acfddff2386635045#code

and address: 0xDbe46C0E6526e9068DA1626acfDdfF2386635045

>> No.5945574

Up 10k (of a $200k portfolio)

Signs were there last night and this morning that BTC was getting ready to make a run. Liquidated my smaller holdings into BTC, and kept the holdings that I felt had enough momentum to overcome a BTC bull run at this time (KCS, ZCL, XRB, DRGN, BNB). Portfolio is only 7% btc.

>> No.5945612

How long will bitcoin keep going?

>> No.5945662

I was at 240% gains and I am now at 192%

I feel sorry for the BTC peeps only making 10% gains this year.

>> No.5945713

-.4 btc

>> No.5945725

atleast one more "wall" at 20k and then another big dip to 14k. then it's Ganymede baby

>> No.5945765

>I go in losses thread to talk about my gains
We don't care you fucking idiots.

I was in usdt so lost on btc gains I guess.

>> No.5945815


-50% black friday here

>> No.5945822

Broke even today. Which given the collapse is pretty good

>> No.5945844

It is, I don't fully understand how desu. Are some bot owners losing?

>> No.5945850

how is that even possible lol

>> No.5945889

You'll fit right in anon.

>> No.5945935

You only gain or lose if you sell

>> No.5945955

I lost 400 dollars.
About 7% losses.

>> No.5946012
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it's just AI accumulating currency/information/power while learning how human emotions affect their reactions.

>> No.5946068
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-2.81% change

feeling super comfy with my 40% BTC portfolio

>> No.5946079
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All in XLM lel not even worried

>> No.5946107

You didn't lose anything faggot until you sell.

>> No.5946122

>Expecting me to actually look at my blockfolio

I'm long anyway, so it'll bring me nothing but pain.

>> No.5946163

4% "loss" right now. i only hold XMR

>> No.5946242

46k so far.
Who is worried? I’m not because I’m a long term hodler

>> No.5946305
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2k...It'll come back eventually right guys? Should have sold last night but I was asleep god damn it.

>> No.5946333

There are millions of new people buying alts and bitcoin every month.
Almost everyone is winning (except days like today of course).

Some bots win more than others that's it.

>> No.5946343

Is there a way to ban the bots?
Design APIs that ban people from trading who don't behave like humans?

>> No.5946404

I hold XMR and it's down like 25% from 2 days ago. Wtf you on about.

>> No.5946424

Well no, 50% of the money must be losing.

>> No.5946445

but aren't they only winning compared to fiat?
compared to crypto (BTC or ETH) most people are either staling or losing when btc rises like it does

>> No.5946462

APIs were put in place FOR bots. And there would still be bots without them, maybe less though.

>> No.5946523

I heard ~70% of people lose in crypto trading.
But the losers are mostly the humans. Bots don't really lose because they're usually whales. And whales are too smart to lose money.

>> No.5946579

We need some regulation.
Can't have this. It's cheating.

>> No.5946585

40% BTC means I didn't lose anything

>> No.5946586

i meant compared to dolleros. the BTC is only temporary. the btc price always averages out after a week or so.

>> No.5946626

Holding 250k fiat, 19 BTC in KCS, a few BTC/ETH, and 4 BTC in other alts that got JUSTed

>> No.5946686

+$3782.12 so far today
75% in BTC

>> No.5946692

Fuck you larping ass cock sucking faggot die in a fire

>> No.5946724

Value in BTC is what really matters though, unless you're cashing out.

If a year from now you have half as much BTC (in value) as you do now, you fucked up. Even if you doubled your money.

I agree it usually corrects slowly after a few days though.

>> No.5946772

not true. not a zero sum game. In order to make above average returns in the short run, somebody must make below average returns, but average returns can still go up in the long run.

>> No.5946819

Up 25k today I bought LMC.

>> No.5946850


>> No.5946854

>but average returns can still go up in the long run
Assuming not everyone eventually cashes out I suppose so. There's no way for EVERYONE to get out with a profit though.

>> No.5946868

£300, but I know I’m gonna make it in the end.


>> No.5946894


Down af in sats though.

>> No.5946907


Nigga you got manipulated on so many levels that you might as well sue somebody for rape.

Serves you right for investing everything you have in something you have no idea of

>> No.5946909

go get a bot then dumbass

>> No.5946960
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Down 30% sats since December
I'm not cut out for this

>> No.5946965


Welcome to the club

>> No.5947209


/biz/ + ITC

>> No.5947241


>> No.5947298
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pls moon

xmr isn't even a meme, wtf I hate this market.

>> No.5947703

started with less than 1k in april, i'm at 105K today.
Only major fuck up was getting rid of SNT and missing an extra 15K profit. I still can't believe how much it mooned.

>> No.5947742

in the last 24 hours im up $1400

cant complain really

>> No.5947956

I'm torn. I want it to stay low so I can buy more when I get more money, but it's getting raped on the charts by scams right now.

>> No.5948104

just buy and hold no matter what happens. unless a coin literally goes to $0 because it's a scam, it'll almost always recover to new highs eventually.

I started in crypto 6 months ago with $6k went all in on random alts (stuff like link, kyber, 0x, qtum, coss, kuckoin, xvg, several others) and was pretty hyped when that $6k had become like $13k after a short time, but then there was that big BTC bullrun a couple months back when it almost hit $20k and all my alts went from $13k total to like $4k, I was sad as fuck, had less than my original $6k and no profits were taken. I held everything anyway, did nothing, didn't sell, didn't panic, just felt like shit and held.

As of today that original purchase with almost no other buying/trading is worth $64k just from holding over ~6 months through every up and down. The XVG I bought for $0.004 was worth $0.20, the COSS i bought for $0.06 was worth $0.53, the 0x I bought for $0.09 was worth $1.10

just buy and hold and don't try to daytrade even when everything's tanking and down by 90%, it'll eventually recover and you'll profit

>> No.5948512

Made 5k.
DBC ftw

>> No.5948596
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+70k crypto
-12k poker
+58k total

>> No.5948720



>> No.5948746

Lost around 6k, 30% of what I have, just end my life

>> No.5948795

everything would have to drop like 1000% for me to lose money at this point

lmao newcoiners

>> No.5948886

What app is that?

>> No.5948890

folio is up 3.96% today. probably because so many of you faggots told me I was "over-diversified".

>> No.5948962

Same here but its hard, im thinking about just stepping away for a week so I don't panic sell my lumens

>> No.5949219

Are you implying that you were in the negative and now in the positive now that you narrowed your assets? Or are you implying that your gains are stagnant since your 3 coins aren't moving?

>> No.5949391
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guess im the only idiot that went all in Sai

>> No.5949955

up about $500 every day atm ($10500 atm)

Up 9600 since 1 Dec.

>> No.5949975

the cuck is strong in this one.

>> No.5950158

Holyshit what coins were you holding ?

>> No.5950213


>how to get manipulated by fear and FOMO for 1000 points bob

>> No.5950243


I was an idiot and improperly converted time zones. Jumped out a few hours later when I realized.

>> No.5950275

I lost my innocence today. Etherdelta raped my ass.

>> No.5950294
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i only 10-25x off of ICOs. What are losses?

>> No.5950362

>Punched out of Siacoin at 700%
Feels good.

>> No.5950412
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I exited alts about 11 hours ago and am now down 1/4 of my portfolio.
The king is supposed to still be going up g-guys r-r-right?

>> No.5950631
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Down 1.2k so far. Had all in xml at 5770 sats.
Could have sold at 6300 but I was drunk and decided to sleep on it. But I'm holding long term just guess!

>> No.5951081

Had no idea there was a crash until reading this post as I have had nothing but gains.
All in on DBC and KCS only available on Kucoin.
use my invitation code fellas - 1fcht