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5936577 No.5936577 [Reply] [Original]

Sell me the idea of marriage.

>> No.5936745
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Not once

>> No.5936885

> Allows you to stay humble by giving up your independence and wealth in exchange for not being constantly emasculated by your wife
> Regular sex for a few months until she gets pregnant or bored, then it's no nut november for the rest of your life, allowing you to max out your power level
> Having kids will ensure someones there at your deathbad, even if it's only out of a sense of guilt/obligation
>Constant and increasing expenses teaches you to be okay with not being able to buy the things you want

Need I say more?

>> No.5937044

If you were selling marriage certificates for $10,000 a pop I am sure your views of marriage would change.

>> No.5937057

No point unless her portfolio equals or greater than your own.

Anything less and she's a money sink and waste of time who will never understand your gains.

>> No.5937078

Get married and stop making society degenerate as fuck. All i see on this board are horny nerds that basically just want to become niggers when they make it in crypto by buying lambos and fucking whores all day.

>> No.5937215
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You don't need an economic contract to have a family.

>> No.5937219

Find a beautiful and submissive woman who manages the household chores and dinner, and blushes when you tell her the dirty things you want her to do to you.

>> No.5937255
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no it sucks.

>> No.5937403
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Our generation doesn't have the same assurances that previous generations of Americans had that things would always be okay. For example, the baby boom from 1946-1955 happened because we were so prosperous that most couples didn't think they'd be sacrificing a whole lot if they got married and had kids. Fast forward to present day, you have stagnant or shrinking wages, lower job security, post-modernist bullshit etc.

>> No.5937418

If cucking yourself doesn't sound appealing, sign a legal contract on top of it.

>> No.5937455

do you want to be alone at 50 years old with no friends?
If yes, then its for you.

>> No.5937478

First of all, realize that 99.99% of the women haters on this board are probably atheist virgin basement dwellers. This is my outlook on marriage.

>Gf of 2+ years working on med school degree
>We never argue, we're both smart enough to realize nothing is worth arguing for
>Both are serious about marriage im 27 she's 24
>I am finishing a CS degree
>Our incomes combined alone (without investments) will put us in the top 1%
>We live in US came from Europe (Same country)
>Grew up/Still are religious (divorce is highly looked down upon and ppl are shunned for it in our community)
>Therefore very very few divorces in the community
>Divorce not an option for my gf and I
>Plan on marrying her, staying married, having kids and creating a legacy
>Ultimate goal is so that future grandchildren will be well off because grandpa anon hustled like a beast

Having tons of money will only bring you so much happiness anon. Why do you think there are an overwhelming number of millionaires/billionaires that commit suicide? Before anyone goes mega-autist on me, just really take a second to breathe, rub one out if you gotta, then come back and think. Money's good, hell, money will make life way awesome for you and your loved ones. But if you got noone to spend that money with, you'll die rich, sad, and probably high on something with hookers around. I know most people here like to larp and pretend they're about living in the fast lane and it's all about the blow, the honeys, and the moneys but when your testoserone filled nuts finally deplete and your brain goes back to normal levels, you realize that there's more to life. Marriage/family is one of those things.

>> No.5937550

DONT do it OP. there is some guy larping his heart out on the nxt page cuz his wife cheated on him

>> No.5937601

It’s only good if you find the right person.

If you do then you’ve found a partner you can trust and count on. Someone who always has your back. Someone who loves you. This is someone you can reproduce with and have a beautiful family and a wonderful life.

Choose wisely. Hint: you don’t want the prettier girl in town

>> No.5937602

Most Westerners have terrible family values, so this is all they know

>> No.5937627

Why do you still call her GF if it was a arranged marriage?

>came from Europe
lol ok, Pajeet.

>> No.5937702

If you sign the right paperwork beforehand, you can earn twice the money while only having +25% of the expenses.

>> No.5937728


>> No.5937773

you shouldn't aspire to be "married". you should aspire to meet a woman you really love. and one of the things you do when you love a woman is marry her. i know a lot of you NEETs never knew love and think it doesn't exist, sad, but it does. maybe someday you'll experience it :^)

>> No.5937852

When did I ever say it was arranged?

got me there anon, I was just gearing up to shill you some alt

>> No.5937910

Marriage is the ultimate act of hodling.

>> No.5938044
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Does crypto essentially solve the problem of what to do with assets in split/divorce?

COuldn't i potentially liquidate all my observable wealth, throw it at shitcoins, put in ledger nano s, and that would solve the problem?

SOmeone please correct me if im wrong.

>> No.5938086


>> No.5938193

A prenup does not mean shit

>> No.5938266

Act of commitment to a partner you love and the opportunity to raise a nuclear family. Sort yourself out and save the west anon.

>> No.5938453

Marriage is a bubble anon

>> No.5938591

> Why do you think there are an overwhelming number of millionaires/billionaires that commit suicide?
>overwhelming number of millionaires/billionaires that commit suicide

my sides

>> No.5938605


Something that makes absolutely no logical sense in modern western society from a male pov, but yeah, don't take the word of a autistic virgin neet for it, just look at the marriage numbers consistent decline at the last decades.

>> No.5938718

There was literally just another thread about a guy who got cucked.

Don't do it OP

>> No.5938761
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>bagholding depreciating assets

No thanks

>> No.5938775

>Some NEET on 4chan made a /r9k/ larp post
>Don't get married