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59303113 No.59303113 [Reply] [Original]

So I just... work every day until I die?

>> No.59303122

Assuming you don’t get laid off / replaced by AI or a pajeet

>> No.59303144

no, you work every day until you get fired and starve

>> No.59303145

and while youre doing that the state and the media will hypnotize your kids to cut their own cocks off

>> No.59303148

Woods now

>> No.59303151

That's right, goy

>> No.59303158

Yes. Man was born to work.

>> No.59303163
File: 2.93 MB, 359x346, IMG_5211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he can just work
>every day
>until he dies

>> No.59303190

So you just... eat until you die?
So you just... breathe until you die?
So you just... sleep and wake until you die?
So you just... move around until you die?
So you just... suck cocks like a giant faggot until you die, OP?

>> No.59303241

you get 104 rest days a year OP suck it up.

>> No.59303408

Life kind of sucks huge balls.

>> No.59303421

No, until your Bitcoin are worth enough that you don't have to be a slave anymore

>> No.59303432

absolutely no one is stopping you from not working

>> No.59303494

I don't like working for a soulless corporation.

>> No.59303519

Yes. If you're a male you'll also get pressured into agreeing to a situation that will almost certainly make you miserable and end up losing half your networth at some point as well, so that's an exciting aspect of life to look forward to as well. Take everything you're earning and recognize besides the U.S. government who you'll owe to for life, you're also working to finance a phantom that may or may not even be in your life yet. After the government and she takes her share, THEN your actual saving and life can begin.

>> No.59303545
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Yes, except you don't even get pussy for it either. You need to "date" to get pussy, and you're competing against what your date saw on social media. You need to sit there and convince you to open her legs up for you, for some "vision of the future" that you can provide for her, as you slave away for "better" people
It's a game of chairs and you're not even playing

>> No.59303557

Fuck waging and fuck corporations

>> No.59303570


>> No.59303574

Nah, you just grind out a high income job like doctor/engineer/lawyer, work until you are 45-50, then FIRE and enjoy the rest of your life.

>> No.59303579

50% of Americans make less than 45k

>> No.59303585

imagine thinking this is a good job, kek
I rather slave at mcdonalds desu because at least I get interesting customers and dont need to professionally assure people all day every day in the same office
Doctors are notoriously depresesd

>> No.59303599

Idk about the job itself, but I know the people that become doctors are losers nerd dork geeks.

>> No.59303752

It's typically:
>Doctor: Nerds
>Surgeons: Narcissists
>Male dentists: Coomers
>Female dentists: Also narcissists
Not a single instance where this isn't the case.

>> No.59303779

That's best case scenario for many many people. Humble yourself and set your mind free.

>> No.59303780
File: 272 KB, 2048x1179, aznEomy5AN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine thinking this is a good job, kek
yeah faggot, imagine showing up onsite at 945am for 4.5 hours while people look to you as their savior before taking lunch (on the company's dime) before going to the house to """work"" from home" with your botox'd waifu and call it a "good day's work" around 2pm (when you pull in the driveway).

if the guy i work with pays off his debt and doesn't let lifestyle creep get him, i think being a doctor is a pretty fucking good job

>> No.59303808
File: 335 KB, 1200x900, Exam_room_in_a_doctor's_office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have friend doctors

>Wake up at 6 in the morning
>Take subway with miserable degenerates
>Go into office
>Stay there for 9 hours, calling in person after person, listening to their problems and reassuring them
>5 in the afternoon, take subway home

Fun maybe for a few years when work is new but after a few years, at least the doctors I know, start investing in bitcoin and other shit trying to "make it"
Work is not like Scrubs or whatever you think it is

>> No.59303820

Compare this to any other job btw where the work environment, which is where you spend your time, is more dynamic and interesting. It is the monotony of their work, because patients aren't comfortable enough to be relaxed, every patient is the same. Vulnerable. It's the same thing day on repeat. Not like the movies.

>> No.59303834

Yes, and pray to something they call God.
Also you need to marry and have kids, and your kids will do the same as you after they grow up.
Refusal to do any of it means you didn't grow up, you are just a manchild.
If you make money from speculation, and is not one of the chosen people, the chosen ones, chosen by God, then you are evil, and must be ostracized from society. Speculation is evil, easy money is evil, to be good you must serve the chosen ones.
So man up and clean it up, wagie.
Wage more, wage harder.
Wage until your last breath.

>> No.59303849

>and must be ostracized from society.
If society is just all serfs, then isnt it good to be ostracized from it?

>> No.59303855

>>Wake up at 6 in the morning
>Take subway

im not reading the rest of your post after "subway", so you live in a shithole. your opinion is completely irrelevant to the rest of America. You know, outside of your 2 mile square radius that you think the rest of the world lives in.

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.59303868

Work is shit no matter.
Hate waking up for work and going to bed knowing I have to fall asleep to wake up at 7.

>> No.59303874

And if you dont follow the rules for dating, you are labelled an incel and might as well lose your job, if people discover about it.
And you should be thankful every day for the miserable job that barely afford for rent. You should pray for God and thank him for this despicable life of slavery. If you dont do that, you are a manchild and must grow up. Grow up to serve the people of God.
And when you die, you are sent back to the past and do the same script again, and again, and again. Because you are a slave, and slaves shall serve.
Only bitcoin can free you from it, hence why bitcoin is "evil". Expect the religious coping from not having it, and calling it the "mark of the beast".
You answered your own question.

>> No.59303919

>This upset
If you are a doctor anywhere outside the city, it's even worse faggot.
>Wake up at 7
>DRIVE to work
>Whoopdidoo, now not only are you sitting in a shithole building in a shithole city, but your view is also not even buzzling. Your view is of a road, 9 hours a day, and you can't even eat takeout for lunch.

Imagine being like this.

Doctors are notoriously depressed for a reason. Their job is monotonous. Same crap every day in the same building, same room, same crap
My dentist friend invests in crypto, hoping to make it, so imagine the state he's in. He owns his clinic too. Makes a lot of money, but still needs to sit in the same room 9 hours a day, reassuring patients.
Every doctor's office doesn't have an action packed ER, you know.

>> No.59303982

>Work is shit no matter.
when you're a depressed fag with no vril

again you're typing SO much and im not reading it. Being a doctor is a good career. It has cons, like debt and time. anons, this is the kinda fag that will unironically recommend you learn welding or "get into hvac".

>> No.59304009
File: 121 KB, 857x1200, be12887beafe50a8c76d5be4d01bfe7a_a9d4afa2305f70dd18cb327adfcedae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Male dentists: Coomers
Beginning to like the idea of my next checkup a little more now.

Maybe we can talk torrents.

>> No.59304012

Nope. I recommend being a lawyer or something more interesting. Being a doctor is a good career but miserable. You can only work at hospitals and every job is the same. Even plumbers have a more fun job because they go to new houses every day and don't need to be nice to people, but they don't earn as much.

Doctor is good but it is miserable and that's a scientific fact.

>> No.59304029

Male dentists are based. The women are all narcissists so the men become demoralized and coomers

>> No.59304031

Basically yes

>> No.59304093

>Doctor is good

>> No.59304103

Good per your definition. It's still miserable.

>> No.59304109

zoomies will elect communism so we can chill with neetbux in our 60s

>> No.59304137

just be rich. why do you choose to live the way you do?