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5922362 No.5922362 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not talking necessarily about how much you consider is enough to stop working forever, though that may be your definition of "life changing".

So tell me fellow anon /biz/nessmen:

>How much is a "life changing" amount of money to you?
>How much do you feel you need to stop working?

>> No.5922409

1 million

>> No.5922528

Life changing would be enough to pay off my mortgage and student loans. Already make 6 figs, so if I could just bank all of that I would be comfy as fuck. I don't see myself not working unless I net >5M.

>> No.5922547


I made £1.2 million after tax with my indie game.

Didn't change my life at all, apart from now I own a nice house. You get used to nice houses VERY quickly. Like within 1 week.

So for me £1.2m was not life changing.

I imagine at the £10m mark things get interesting.

>> No.5922607

300k would pay off my student loans and my mom's mortgage.

>> No.5922612


It is the minimum amount of money that you can live comfty without sucking tits of the nanny state forever.

>> No.5922624

10 million
use 5 million to buy 5 houses (I live in sydney), fix em all up with 1-3 million
rent them all out to rent cucks
Live comfortably from the rent income, more time to pursue things i'd like to do
buy myself a house and furnish it with the remaining 2 million

That's what i'd do if I couldn't figure out how to turn the 10 million in to a 100 million which is what i'd really like.

>> No.5922637

> making 6figs
> not being able to pay of loans or mortgage
Are you addicted to cocaine and expensive champagne hookers?

>> No.5922671

Personally I think anything over 100k is life changing, and anything over 1M is potentially enough to never work again - though more realistically 5M or more

>> No.5922779

I'd say once you pass 1mil you can buy a house and not have degrade and humiliate yourself by wagecucking day in day out just to pay the rent.

>> No.5922869

5-600k and I quit my job.

100,000 to buy me a house, another 10k or so to pay utilities, property tax, etc on it. 10-20k for all brand new furniture. 30k for a new car and I pay off my insurance premium for the year. Another 100k back into crypto, another 100 into stocks. There's my safety net for the rest of my life. After that's all said and done I have 200k in savings which will cover any other bills I haven't paid already and I'll have more than enough cash to spend at my leisure.

People say 1mil a lot but that's way more money than I'd know what to do with. Nobody needs a fancy house that costs more than 100k, and you really don't need a lambo. Once I hit 500k I'm set for life.

>> No.5922934


I could live off of that for a longggg time

>> No.5923185


If I got 10 million I'd move the fuck out of Australia.

You realize good houses are like 100k in other nations. Don't chain yourself to that sinking chink colony mate.

>> No.5923350

You are such a fucking idiot you don't even deserve to have the dream of having money.
>Wants to spend 8mil to buy houses in one of the most overvalued property markets in human history
>even if you could get $1000 per week per house, you would get gross income of $260,000, or ROI of just over 3%
>Doesn't even take into account the property management costs, depreciation, property repairs, etc.
You would unironically make more in returns from a term deposit, with literally no additional work.

>> No.5923575

About 100k USD.
I got caught up in the housing crisis bought @260k value dropped to 103k. Wife got laidoff. Foreclosure and bankruptcy as a result.
Currently raising 4 kids in a rental house that has mice in the walls.
This is my only shot at a decent home for my kids. Trying to be smart. Started with $200 now @ 1k.
Trying to sift through the garbage shills is tough though.

>> No.5923677

100k dolla
i dont need lambos and shit, i just want to build a house for my wifu and stack of little white kidos.

>> No.5923724

I want to do this exact same plan.

>> No.5923735

Agreed. I think 100k for a house is pushing your luck a bit though isn't it? Where are you from? I know little about the housing market but in the UK average house is like 300k, and that's in GBP

>> No.5923744

Probably 1 million MINIMUM. Sounds like so much but honestly you could only probably live off it for 30-35 years if you were taking a measly 30K salary a year from it. Truly life changing money is about 3+ Million.

>> No.5923755

I hope you make it anon. No one deserves to be brought up in a situation like that.

>> No.5923758


>> No.5923841

lots of morons itt

>> No.5923852

The purpose of your investment capital is to generate more capital until it is big enough that you can stop working forever. If you consider any amount less than that to be life changing, then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5923860

That's helpful...why?

>> No.5923863

For starting a business.
I will start my life once i have that much, until then it's crypto, video games and masturbation.

I never worked a day in my life i must add.
>inb4 improving yourself/making money without being a wagecuck is work

>> No.5923904

a nice 100k

>> No.5923957

I would stop working if I had 5 mil, it's enough for me to live comfortably without busting my ass 5 days a week.

>> No.5923970


lol no. if you don't live in a 3rd world country, 100k is literally nothing, let me tell you that.

You need to make 500-1000k in cryptos before you cash out to have a meaningful amount.

First you have to, depending on where you cash out, pay taxes. roughly 30%. A proper flat, and I mean not even a "good" flat costs you about 150-200k€ in a remote area of a small citiy. buy 2-3 of those and rent them to people for steady income to have your money secured in assets. you don't need to take out anything of your cryptomoney before a decent amount in order to do this. You can throw the rent money into crypto again, but if everything goes to shit you don't mind because you are already set. have 50k-100k on your bank account to pay normal expenses over the course of some years without needing to flip pennies and depriving yourself of nice food and a decent care + repairs.

LEAVE THE REST IN CRYPTO, since there is a very good chance it will multiply again, so you're not btfod when it does because you cashed out everything like a moron.

so all in all, I'd say 1million + some brains to handle it properly will make you "make it" on a basic level where you never need to work again + secured against financial crisis etc. just don't waste your money on shit you don't need (luxury, new cars etc) and liabilities (wife, children etc). do not disclose your wealth to anybody.

be happy.

>> No.5923994

Depends on the current lifestyle. For someone in a poor country, a person with a sick relative with no health insurance or a student struggling to pay off his debt, 100k is definitely life-changing, because it changes the a large part of what the persons life has been about.

As for me, I cashed out 200k recently and it wasn't life-changing at all. I was already a millionaire before crypto and now I'll just increase my basic income from stock dividends by around 10k a year. Maybe I'll finally get rid of my crappy car and buy a decent used BMW, but that's about it. Life-changing would be around 10mil+.

>> No.5924009

4k currently

>> No.5924020

People who are in crypto just to cash out are not going to make it

>> No.5924053

I would never cash out completely

>> No.5924062

3 million

>> No.5924082

However much I need for passive income so I won't ever have to wagecuck in my life.And also help my parents.

>> No.5924085

Anything that frees you of your debt. The. You can live a neet lifestyle and do something you'd truly enjoy. That's my plan, cash out, pay off myortgage and take a low stress job

>> No.5924128

>implying all sums are after tax
at 200k ill quit my job temporarily (about 2 years) for travelling, having a real life etc
at 1m € ill start thinking about quitting my job forever (maybe doing something light for a few hours/month)
at 2m € ill most probably will quit my job forever
3m ill quit tomorrow and will never work in a usual slavery job again

>> No.5924131

£150k to buy a house or a flat. If I can escape paying rent or a mortgage my life suddenly becomes very easy.

>> No.5924133

Everyone here is delusional with the 100k targets.

Once you reach that, you think, this ain't shit. But then you start getting RED days where you're down 10% and you think it's going to keep going down and you got your finger on the sell button cuz you NEED this money and holy shit WHAT IF THIS IS ALL FAKE INTERNET BULLSHIT WHY AM I *TING* suddenly a green day happens again and you think you're holding the future again in your hands.

Let me tell you, the more you get the harder it gets. 100K ain't shit but it becomes way harder on you every day with every swing.

>> No.5924141
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this is how i know you are poor

>invest the mill into 5% dividend paying bank stocks
>earn $50,000 every year for doing nothing
>historically bank stocks always go up so you make money from appreciation and thus more than 50k each year

1mill is an easy retired life for zero work

>> No.5924152

$1 million is life changing.
To stop working I would need ~$15 million.
To “make it” I would need $50 million

>> No.5924174

>Let me tell you, the more you get the harder it gets. 100K ain't shit but it becomes way harder on you every day with every swing.

I hear you brother. The swings get bigger as you get higher and it's terrifying thinking "nonono this is my new level please don't go back to what it was before"

>> No.5924205

>>lol no. if you don't live in a 3rd world country, 100k is literally nothing, let me tell you that.

I know, I never said otherwise. I was telling the aussie that if he made 10MM. Don't spend it in Australia, a country where 1MM is fucking nothing.

Australia is an overpriced shithole. Get out and go to any other country and the value of your money increases. I just said a decent house int he USA could be 100k, but even if it was 300k it's nothing considering SHIT HOUSES IN BAD PARTS OF SYDNEY ARE 1MM AVERAGE. Having 100k in Australia is basically poorfag territory.

You'd be mad to spend your gains in Australia, especially fucking Sydney or the other big cities. Get out and go overseas.

>> No.5924232
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you bought a house with the money instead of with a loan and investing the money in dividend stocks

you could be retired right now with the house and making 60k pounds a year for no work

pic related, it's you

>> No.5924234

My life in a nutshell. Inb4 larp

>> No.5924292

It always depends upon your current life.
For a person who lives on the street it might be a place to sleep.
For someone who comes from a middle class family it might be not having to work anymore.
For someone who comes for a millionaire family, fuck do I know.

>> No.5924300

> To stop working I would need ~$15 million.

What kind of luxo-normie lifestyle do you lead that would require this much to even stop being a wagecuck.

>> No.5924369

Or he's secured himself regardless of how shitty of an investor he might be. He can lose it all now and still have a roof over his head. and a nice one.

You retards think that the numbers on a screen will help you when you need them the most.

>> No.5924383

Well, I live in middle Europe and wouldn't advise people to come here. Maybe Austria and eastern Europe countries like Hungary, Czech republik, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, if you are ready to learn the language. You'd live like a King there with that amount of money with a proper society with some values that keeps them togheter.

Just don't come to our Arab and Cuck-infested degenerate shithole western Europe countries and buy something that goes to shit in the next years. Literally meaning Germany, France, Sweden, etc. Buy property in Prague, Budapest and watch it rise in value dramatically over the next years.

Chose any other location than Germany & co.

>> No.5924392

5 million
should be enough to buy a decent house, support a family of 4 or less for 40 years or so

>> No.5924393

>buying stocks on the top

>> No.5924395

I just want the security to be able to stop working whenever and still live comfortably with nobody telling me what to do.
I would probably still work 100% but just to revel at the thought

>> No.5924432

My swings went from a few hunfred bucks 3 weeks ago to wipe or add more than my monthly salary within hours.

Scary as shit, even though all of this is profit now and i could lose it all and not be out of my initial investment

>> No.5924461
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2.5 million sterling

>> No.5924463


>> No.5924532

If there's anyone who deserves to become a cryptomillionaire, it's you anon. Godspeed.

>> No.5924545
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Up to 30k a year is piss poor, 30-60k is livable but still poor. 60-100k is middle class, 100-250k is upper middle class. 250k-1mil, your business(es) are just getting good and if your success continues you will be rich in life. Not super rich, but rich. 1-10million a year is everyday run of the mill rich, anything past that I am unfamiliar with.
If you have a house paid off, all your toys paid for, etc. 2-5million is coastable for a long time.

>> No.5924583


hohohohoooo. so excited about this.
im still new, so swings of 1k bucks are something i have to check back on 2 mins later.

>> No.5924608

Just enough to pay off my debt and screw the bankers out of bleeding more interest $ from me.

>> No.5924669

One where I spend a shit ton of money on coke and hookers

>> No.5924679


I had no plans on moving to Germany or Europe anyways. I like France, but I know better than to buy there. I'd just holiday there.

USA is the place to buy. I'm aussie and I don't want to spend a cent of my gains in this shithole. I'd unironically rather move to an actual 3rd world SEA nation and live like a god over there.

>> No.5924707

I don't have much wants. After my divorce finalises, I'd be free of the financial drain that is marriage. My monthly cost is around $1,000. I've been piss poor before, and I know how to survive on less than $500. Once I cross $600k, I'll be set for life. Throw $500k into some dividend paying index funds that grows and pays me 2.5% per year, I can pretty much work any job that I fancy.

I don't plan on stopping work, but I pretty much say fuck you to work that I can't stand.

>> No.5924748

I will cash out only when i have 1.5 million, not before.

I have around 500K now

>> No.5924770

The countries I mentioned are actually decent. What about new zealand? I heard many aussies going there, also because not everything is overpriced as fuck and not everything literally wants to kill you.

>> No.5924777

Is the wife/ex wife aware of your crypto?

Separate but maybe related, is she seeking child support or alimony?

>> No.5924794

This shud be ever bizfags exit plan oncd they make enough, use your leverage to get mortgages on good multi senpai units

>> No.5924939

Thanks for the support.

>> No.5925043


New Zealand is slightly better than Australia if you want to cash out because better tax laws. But as an Aussie I couldn't do it, I don't think I could stand to be around NZers for that long.

I think if you are going to make the effort to move out of Aus, go all the way and move to the USA, not just over the pond to NZ which still has close ties with Aus and a lot of shared culture and bullshit laws. Also same problems as Australia with chinks buying shit up.

I'd buy property in the USA, and maybe seek permanent residency, and keep my wealth located there. But ideally get citizenship in one of those little tax haven islands. But where I'd live would be in asia, moving between Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore for the fun life.

>> No.5925067

put it all in wanchain lad

>> No.5925113

i have 6000 wans from ICO will i make it

>> No.5925134

1.25 MM USD net of tax

>> No.5925178

Hit me in the feels. Thanks

>> No.5925195

i've got 60,000 wan so i hope so

>> No.5925196

with 3M usd i'm moving to Thailand, not working a single more day in my life

i'm 22 rn, i think i'll reach it in 2 years, less depending on the market and if my father gives me money to invest

>> No.5925222

You guys aware when WAN hits exchanges?

>> No.5925229

buddy, it's literally not possible to purchase a house here in my area for 100k. Houses are 400k minimum, 600k for a nice pad. 1 million is barely enough after you cash out and pay tax you're left with say 800k. So you have 200k left, nothing really.

>> No.5925250

Literally: DYOR, not memeing. Get convinced by solid tech fundamentals and actual usecase / low competition (probably like LINK). They will prevail. Avoid overhyped Asian shillcoins like Raiblocks if you are not an early adopter. Also talk some risks, 1k is pocket money and you can easily RE-earn this by working 40-50h/week.

>> No.5925253

70k is life changing for me. Not cashing out in full even then, will be taking -10% profits even before then since I hit 1 bitcoin.
Getting a mediocre house with a decent amount of land would cost 35k, pay off debt, have a small investment in pm, and get a decent computer + nintendo switch for 10k and I'd probably pay the other 25k in taxes.

Money is my only chance for actual freedom at this point. I'm tired of living at home, and I need a place to call my own.

>> No.5925287

for me, its 50 thousand

got house on seaside, just need some cash to renovate and im set for easy earnings from tourism

>> No.5925291

Damn anon. That is harsh. Keep grinding.

>> No.5925296

100 million. Anything less and nothing would change.

>> No.5925305
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you are poor

>> No.5925336

My portfolio hitting a million would be life changing for me. I’d literally be able to buy a house (Australian here and our houses are fucking expensive) but I’d probably rent to start off with. So yeah, a million and then I’d work on turning it into even more.

>> No.5925348

fuark man hope you make it.

>> No.5925373

No, she isn't aware of my crypto, not planning to cash out until divorce finalises.

No kids, giving her the house, probably nego a deal or something so that I don't have to pay alimony.

>> No.5925374

500,000 dollars.

>million dollar houses
I know that feel sir.

>> No.5925381

Which game?

>> No.5925402

100k dollars would definitely be life changing for me. It would allow me to buy some suits, buy a house (with a mortgage), and a small car.

3 million dollars and I wouldn't have to work again (although I would focus all my time on my own business).

>> No.5925435

portfolio hits 1.5 MM
cash out half
trade the other 750k balance forever, taking 1% profit to fiat every month for eternity if possible
other 750k I cash out is taxed, so 600k left after CG tax. pay off 400k mortgage, buy 100k vehicle, bank 100k for vacation and annual float and quit job

please god

>> No.5925439

at the seoul meetup jack mentioned the beta will run for a month so that puts the mainnet release around the 18th. that coincides with the btc miami conference so i guess it will get listed then.
the fomo is going to be unreal.

>> No.5925452
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never tell her, she can sue for her "share" of the money because you "hid" it from her

the laws fucking suck for divorce

>> No.5925491

My own family doesnt know about my crypto.

>> No.5925500

>buy 100k vehicle

I guess you won't make it due to your fundamental lack of understanding of assets maintaining your money and liabilities to burn your money.

>> No.5925506

This guy gets it

>> No.5925516
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>35k for decent amount of land

what country, anon?

>> No.5925536

you right anon, I never deserve to purchase my dream car even after hitting all my long term financial goals
and you're right again, i'm pretty dumb with finances, that's why I'm a financial advisor

>> No.5925599
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>tfw not ready for the KING

>> No.5925698

when I'm broke, $5 is life changing.

>> No.5925718

Anything less than 2 million and I'm still living the same life with different trappings.

>> No.5925733

5-10MM is fuck-you money if you move to low cost of living country (se asia, eastern europe)
30-50MM is fuck-you money in western nations

>> No.5925751

25k that would pay off all my high interest debt

>> No.5925755

Ten million

>> No.5925757

holy shit, obviously not a very good one if you buy/suggest buying 100k cars when your balance is 1.5m before taxes, unless they are old timer assets (which they probably aren't). I wouldn't want anybody dear to me "advised" by you. But then again, I am not a US fag who thrives on spending as much money as possible only to work forever. Who do you want to advise about money if you don't even have money with a 400k mortgage? It is not about "deserving". I wish for everybody that he makes it and everybody deserves making it, but some just never will, including you probably. But good luck to you.

>> No.5925776

I consider being able to make 100k or more life-changing but,
I'll never stop until I reach 5 billion.

>> No.5925791
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>getting into high interest debt

>> No.5925806

>tfw hit $1m goal but can't convince myself to buy anything until i hit $2m

>> No.5925886

bro, calm your tits. I will take 1/15th of my magic internet beans and buy my dream car, I have literally never purchased anything for myself fucking ever. It's not like set in stone, will it make you happy if I say 50k - new car, other 50k - other bullshit unnecessary things that I've always wanted

>> No.5925892

>>How much do you feel you need to stop working?
20 000 USD
>>How much is a "life changing" amount of money to you?
200 000 USD

>> No.5925921

You should join our discord server. No pump&dumps; smart advice only.

https://discord dot gg/E3ndcy

I hope you make it. You deserve to.

>> No.5926005

That’s probably smart considering anything you cash out will be earning less. Man... cashing out kinda sucks. I don’t think I would ever cash out more than 25% of my portfolio. Not in the current climate which is the world still waking up to cryptocurrency.

>> No.5926011

Thanks, Truth is I get most of my information here and then I look into if it's has a chance of real success or just a pump and dump. I always seem to be a bit late though.

>> No.5926048

I'll look into it. Thanks

>> No.5926064

the $1m is post-tax dollerinos / non-crypto assets. i've got $90k in crypto that i'm tinkering around with.

>> No.5926089


$2mil after taxes.

>> No.5926092

So far following smart people advices got me 4x my initial investment. I wouldn't made shit if i did my own research, because i know fuck all about crypto, bussiness and what is perspective technology and what isn't.

>> No.5926108

Fucking this. I can't tell you how many times my family has tried to convince me to invest in rentals. But when you factor in appraisals, broker fees, repairs, dealing with renters, property taxes, etc, etc... You'd probably net a bit similar ROI from a couple of safe investments like blue chips or money market accounts, cds with little to no effort.

>> No.5926134

He probably makes six figs in a high col area and pays 2k for rent. Very few six fig jobs in rural places besides oil wagecuckery

>> No.5926144

Okay so $30k would be life changing in that i'd be able to pay the franchise fee for the business I'm looking at, once it's more like $3-5mil so that I can live off of dividends very comfortably while supporting a family, I'd consider getting out of my job and pursuing something different.

>> No.5926165

Totally same situation. Making 175k + bonus. Student loans and nanny state holding me back. I live comfortably already, but I want to break the shackles of office slavery + enough to start a family. I think 5 mill is the min that I would need.

>> No.5926168

that is because 4chan/biz is a degenerate shithole with lots of pajeet shilling and bots. literally this, not memeing. in 95% of the cases they shill AFTER it already 5x-10x'd. This is when you know to stay away like a muslim from bacon. They are bagholders who bought in late and want to create more pump/hype to sell off. it is used by fucking evil degenerates who literally want to make you lose money. be smart about this and don't fomo.

however in about 3-5% of the cases you get some solid information here, that is why it is worth lurking. but you have to develop the ability to distinguish shitshilling from solid information. when a coin is relatively new and not pumped you sometimes see it here and it gets your attention. then you shouldn't wait too long. throw a couple of bucks at it and forget it 3 months.

>> No.5926232

You are not factoring in the appreciation of the property that he can sell to some even bigger cuck down the road. The rent is just a place holder until he sells.

>> No.5926254

>pajeets expecting me to buy a coin ive never heard of and that went up 100% in a day

Yes... this is surely not a pump and dump. Day of the flags when?

>> No.5926257

>Or he's secured himself regardless of how shitty of an investor he might be

1. You dont have to be a good investor to get passive income. Hell, You dont even have to invest, just throw the money on a vanguard etf and let a machine do it for you
2. He didnt secure shit. He just has a roof which is only one of many basic needs. He still has to work to cover for the many others

"Buying the house to secure yourself" is pajeet tier thinking unless you have at least the money to buy 5 houses.

>> No.5926296
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No bullshit, 20k. Inb4 poorfag, I already know.

>> No.5926410

To level up my life $100,000,000 is the absolute minimum, *sigh*

>> No.5926459

I'm 30, no debt, no kids, no wife and no real responsibilities. For me 300K - 500K is my target to quit wagecucking and start building the life I want.

Buy fixer upper properties, renovate and rent them out. 200K-300K will get it done somewhere in America (maybe less in SEA, SA or EE).

Buy a few acres in a state like Idaho, Tennessee, New Hampshire and build a simple cabin/house so I always have a home base to return to. 80K - 100K.

After completing those two things I could travel as much as I want until I feel like settling down and starting a family.

>> No.5926551

I will do that too. I like renovating old properties with friends. I have competent people that would help me. This way I do what I like while my portfolio just grows and I secure money in assets.

>> No.5926568
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>when pajeets, chinks and slavs all have monetary incentive to learn how to vpn
I doubt that it would solve all our problems.

Canada, deep in the sticks with a dying community of old people.
Land is cheap if you're in the middle of nowhere in a province that does fuck all. Plus, there's barely any forced diversity here. Nightlife sucks though.

>> No.5926576

1 million would be life changing. It would be enough to get started with my bigger plans. 10-20 millon would speed up the process though.

>> No.5926602

Thats a subjective phrase. An idiot with $1M is completely different than someone with tact and self awareness with $1M.

>> No.5926645

how DARE someone actually uses the money for something he actually likes and doesn't just put it away because it could gain more money!

>> No.5926696

>t. reddit soyboy who cashed out to buy a Nintendo Switch

>> No.5926705

where do you get your info? don't tell me it's from here

>> No.5926707

All u Aussies need to understand that much of the US is plagued by nignogs and mexicans. I'd take asians any fucking say of the week over these monstrosities. Much of the US will be overrun within a generation simply by demographics alone. If I stay in the US then I'll go to Northwest, the only place with positive white demographics.

>> No.5926729

Intredasting bread.

I don't know what my number is. I have simple tastes and make 70k a year at an ok job and can live wherever I want (that has internet).

I don't want responsibilities of home ownership. No interest in starting a family. I more or less have my ideal setup as-is, with all my gains untouched. I don't know. Nothing really makes me happy.

>> No.5926747

Are you 10 years old? No decent house in America is less than 200k.

Depending where you live is a big factor.

>> No.5926767

is projecting one of your hobbies? you are pretty good at it

>> No.5926776


I don't plan to be rich off of this. I'm shooting for around 3k a month. Just enough to live comfortably wherever I'd want, but not enough to get fucked by capital gains tax.

>> No.5926833

No, but one anon here shilled a couple of twitter accounts and i made my network of insiders from there.

>> No.5926924


It's not like I will be moving to LA or NY mate. I just want the constitution and gun rights and muh freedoms. I will pick the state that allows me the most freedoms and by a property there. Doesn't need to be close to anything. Can be fuck off in the middle of Texas or in Wyoming or wherever. I just want to be free and have a collection of guns. The hoops I have to jump through to buy a gun in Sydney are fucking insane, considering I can't even use it anywhere but a gunclub anyways.

And Australia isn't just being flooded with Chinks, it's being flooded with Pajeets, Tyrones and Muhammads as well. It's being bought up by Chinks though meaning they own everything while the other 3 immigrant demographics are just poor/criminals/welfare leeches.

>> No.5926937


What's wrong with you?

The three main things a person spends their money on is - Housing, Transportation & Food.

If you can nail all those 3, which could include buying a car, what's the problem? That's what I plan on doing.

I'll then put the rest into a portfolio that gives me $xx,xxx/year passively.

If he wants to get a car then let him get a car. Especially if he enjoys driving. It's not as if he's buying a car without already paying for a house which he said he would in his original post.

Also, perhaps if you were more educated on the matter, you would know that a lot of cars tend to actually keep, or increase their value. You can buy supercars that are limited edition and trade them every 3-6 months for almost nothing. You only need that initial capital to buy the thing in the first place.

>> No.5926987

I'll send you some ICX anon. No larping. Post timestamp saying /biz/ with your kids (obviously filter faces).

>> No.5927043

>having $500-600k and sinking 20% of it into a shitty house
Wow you've got to be retarded.

>> No.5927057

100k for a house is not nearly enough. You're looking at pure shit tier houses at that price range, likely in need of major renovation. Maybe you could find something nice in Detroit for that much.

On the other hand, a 100k down payment on something decent is pretty slick.

>> No.5927107

Complete bullshit, even in a high COL state like Massachusetts you can buy a decent ready to move in home for less then 200k.

>> No.5927124
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Good luck to you, anon

>> No.5927131

Fair enough, but if you want solitude why not just move to Western Australia and build your own palace. My understanding is that it is heavily underpopulated over there, though maybe I'm misinformed.

I own some guns but rarely use them. It's nice to think that I can subdue a feral nog if the situation arises - but mostly I just don't ever want to see one again in my life. It's depressing to think that no such country exists anymore where I can live a day without seeing a minority. I just want to live an easy life in a community of my people where I can raise a family.

>> No.5927148

guess you'll cash out before summer

congrats, anon

>> No.5927164

enough to buy a new supreme shirt everyday for the rest of my life

>> No.5927249

mind sharing?

>> No.5927268

Ideally £1mil, but I know how unrealistic that is with the time I have.

>> No.5927285

10 million

>> No.5927344

I'll always work because I love my job, but 300k after taxes would allow me to move out of this shithole and into my own house and get my kid a big fat garden and some chickens as a hobby. Currently sitting at 1k from $150 initial investment in mid December.

>> No.5927382

I will be happy to reach Rothchild-level
But only really satisfied once i reach the Bogdanoffs

>> No.5927395

Know how I know you'll stay poor /biz/? The first thing you idiots would do is BUY SHIT. This is about freeing yourself from wageslavery you god damn retards. Stay fucking poor.

>> No.5927414
File: 70 KB, 1810x822, instructions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck man. this can definitely be done. I want to tell you to DYOR, but if I can give you one advice, it is ICOs. ICOs and pre-sales. Get in early, set sell limits, sell and dont get greedy, repeat x 3-5 and with any bit of research and luck, you'll make it.

>> No.5927424

>Fair enough, but if you want solitude why not just move to Western Australia and build your own palace.

Because I'd still be in Australia and have no freedom. Australia is one of the least free nations in existence. You realize that airsoft is illegal here. Paintball is heavily regulated and can only be played on licensed venues. Real actual guns, to own one you need to let cops do random searches of your property whenever you want, and you are not allowed to keep your ammo in the same room as you keep your gun. Both have to be locked in safes bolted to the ground as well. I am sick of this stiffing nanny state oppression.

Also you misunderstand, it's not solitude I want. It's freedom I want. That's why I want to have property and residency in the USA, so that I can always go there to be free. I don't have to live there all the time. If I really became rich of crypto I'd holiday all over the world. I just mean I want my home base, where I keep all my most important belongings, to be in the USA in the most free state.

What could I do in WA? It's a wasteland, there's nothing there. Same gayshit laws as Sydney for the most part, but nothing to do at all.

>> No.5927426

there isnt any comfy major city in the world where property isnt minumum ~1m in a fairly central and good area.
a million gets you a nice middle class life.

>> No.5927478
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>"life changing"

>> No.5927557

Look into following tab. Ignore Roger Ver, though, don't know why this fucker even in my list.

>> No.5927563

15k would put a lot of worries to rest and help me get back to my old self.

>> No.5927602


You would be surprised at how fast 500k can disappear.

>> No.5927676

no kids? why would you need to pay alimony then?

>> No.5927678

thanks, anon.

>> No.5927750

A $1 million lump sum for anyone with an income up to $250k is life changing IMO as long as you avoid lifestyle inflation or blow it all on shit. It gives you the option of trying a lot less harder for the rest of your life.

>> No.5927867

If I ever hit a million I'd quit my job and buy a 150K house then just withdraw around 36k a year and live off that for the rest of my life. I don't need any overpriced fancy cars or stupid shit.

>> No.5927868
File: 690 KB, 1888x950, 1 Million dollar homes in Sydney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your talking comfy, I am talking about shithouses like pic related being 1MM because they are near the central train line.

I know some shithole house in Doonside or around Blacktown in Sydney sold for over a million because of how close it was to the shopping centre and train station, and those are very poor drug addict areas filled with crime, and the house looked worse than some random shithole I found on Google maps in 2 minutes.

This is not worth more than 50k, yet there is a train station on the other side of the road from this so you can bet it could go for almost 1MM.

I don't care so much about living in the city either, I'd like to move out into a more cozy country area. The problem is Australia has no flyover states. Everything is build around these huge hub cities and all the suburbs directly surrounding them. Everyone is packed into these tiny dense cities, and you go beyond that and there is fuckall. Could get a cheap place, but you'd be doing hour long drives just to go grocery shopping, unless you are content eating whatever is at the servo station 20 mins down the road.

In the USA you don't have to live in a big city to be employed and still live close to things like a shopping centre or any infrastructure at all.

>> No.5928004
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that's only 23.6 years worth, brah

>> No.5928033

why not move to thailand and retire then?

>> No.5928094

They are at school. I'll get a pic with them holding a paper that says /biz/ when they get home. Thanks for the generous offer.

>> No.5928104
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>the land of TRAP

>> No.5928149

I just inherited 2M and my mom wont let me quit my job. She says guys must have a successful career to be happy. Fuck sake.

>> No.5928186


Wouldn't mind it to be honest.

I'd still like some land and a house in the USA though.

>> No.5928190

I won't make any withdrawals until 1 million. Should happen this year. 1 million would change my life because I could safely withdraw $100,000 and get super comfy

>> No.5928245

Are you 12 years old or what?
+ Your mom has been brainwashed if she really thinks that job is everything

>> No.5928310

I have come to this conclusion as well but have yet to feel confident in executing on it. I will look into those aggregate sites. Thanks

>> No.5928424

with a little luck I can get there.

>> No.5928440


>> No.5928595

Some of you people think so highly of your own intelligence because of the amount of wealth you've been able to gather, yet you are not privy to the most fundamental concepts of evolutionary psychology. X amount of money will never fulfill you. You are forever slaves to your own neurochemicals.

>> No.5928664
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why are we still here
>just to suffer

>> No.5928705

ye but i wouldnt have to work a job so lol

>> No.5928948
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Enough where you don't have to work any job that you don't want to work.

>> No.5929035

What a dumbass. You could have turned that 1 mill into 10 in a few years.

>> No.5929173

unless you live in NY. Paying property taxes is like paying rent.

A typical house in western NY is about 100k-150k, but you will end up paying $4k-$6k/year. Once you add in Utilitie and Home insurance, you're right back up to $700-$800/month.

Life changing for me would be about $5 million. With this money, you can live off of baby boomer index funds and never have to work.

to be very comfy, but still have to work would be about $1.5 million.

>> No.5929312

i forgot to add: $4k-$6k/year IN PROPERTY TAXES, on a house valued between $80k-$160k.

I know someone who ownes a MacMansion at $300k. That person pays $10k/year in property taxes...literally rent.

>> No.5929334

5 million dollars.

>> No.5929403

This depends on where you live and current lifestyle.

>> No.5929577

Enough to buy a lakeside house would be life changing. Working part-time after that to do more olympic weightlifting imo

>> No.5929805


>> No.5929900

>Maybe Austria
>Just don't come to our Arab and Cuck-infested degenerate shithole

>> No.5929988

I owe 22k still on my house
7k student loans
Wife needs a new car.

Not much further . But I’m a small town cop so I can only invest so much. Anything helps

>> No.5930217

I'm glad I live in Texas. Holy fuck.

>> No.5930306

Is US depends on the state and the city. I live in IN in a sort of rural area around a reservoir (500 ft from lake). My house was 65k, and put 20k into it (wife I doing remodel, fence, new furniture). For 300-500k, can live in mansion in Northside of Indy in one of the best cities in the country. For 500k where I live, I could probably build a fucking castle in the middle of the lake with a drawbridge. Our combined income is 250k, so let's just say it's not hard to make the bills. I just never understood the "buy a gigantic house and pay thousands a month to live in it" meme.

>> No.5930764

5 mil. Then I could help my whole family and extended family out live a better life. I wouldn’t quit my day job for that reason

>> No.5930879

to make what i want its about 2-3 mil. i would need 1,5 to invest and 1,5 to get a house. this is very expensive here.

>> No.5931243

No amount would probably change it. Even with 1-5 mil I would probably just keep doing what I've been doing for the last 6 years, and travel on the cheap. Wouldn't have to work to live though, and I could go do some volunteer work around the world.