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File: 260 KB, 1314x555, 1714060950375765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59201763 No.59201763 [Reply] [Original]

the chart has never lied to me

>> No.59201777

does the rainbow account etf inflows?

>> No.59201785

Rainbows are a sign of God’s covenant with Man

>> No.59201787

BTC to $500,000?


>> No.59201807

now it's a sign of gay butt sex between men

>> No.59201812

I'll eat my dick if it doesn't hit 300k by summer (conservative estimate)

>> No.59201918

No. They use the inverted flag.

Highest vibration is the centre of the arc

>> No.59201937

Is there math behind this chart or just a drawing

>> No.59201952

Yeah I'm starting to think /biz/ is full of faggots who don't understand what is possible because they only saw the neutered run from 2021. It even shows in your chart.
We are hitting 250k in 2025 at a minimum. 300-500k is not out of the question.

>> No.59201960

If true, 2028 is gonna be wild

>> No.59202004

Call me levi

Call me Gene

Shits about to get wild

>> No.59202019

If we hit 300-500k in 2025, which we probably will, then 500-$1m in 2028-2029 isn't that crazy

>> No.59202027

Looks like best fit log curve

>> No.59202828

I use https://charts.bitbo.io/long-term-power-law/

>> No.59202862

Even high 6 figures is not out of the question if trump actually starts buying with government money

>> No.59202912

The fucking flippening bro, the US government is gonna rugpull USD for bitcoin

>> No.59202945

$1m by 2033 according to the graph I use

>> No.59202983

This rainbow has been debnunked there is another chart that is more accurate, it uses a log curve.

Rainbow chart just goes lineal after a certain point which is retarded

>> No.59203022

The one above is a log curve. Log is the inverse of exponential so it approaches a number on the y axis

>> No.59203037
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Looks gay

>> No.59203096
File: 59 KB, 1125x604, Gbtg5rpW4Acu1Bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are 8Bn people on earth
there is a maximum of 21M bitcoin available (in practice it's much less)
currently ~85M people own bitcoin
that's roughly the adoption ratio of the internet back in 1992
the crazy thing about bitcoin is that for all the fanfare and eye-catching headlines... we're still early

>> No.59203214

Generally the 1% holds about 50% of the world's wealth. If the 1% were to hold 50% of the world's bitcoin:
8 billion * 0.01 = 80 million people
10 million bitcoin ÷ 80 million = 0.125 bitcoin to be the average 1%er. Right now that's only $11,250. It's still early.

>> No.59203247

To be fair the top 1% ain't shit, I think I'm in the top few % worldwide as are any 6 figure salary Americans. It's that .1% of 'the 1%' who fly right off the chart disproportionately.

>> No.59203291

It accounts for wars, elections, inflows, pestilence, and more.
Be not afraid.

>> No.59203310
File: 116 KB, 2380x1180, bitcoin_ownership_by_wealth_centile_extrapolation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we extrapolate current wealth distribution and apply it to bitcoin ownership assuming mass adoption, we get this graph
In this world, owning 1 bitcoin puts you in the 97th centile
To give an idea of what that means today, the 97th centile of wealth owners in the world have an average of $2.7M in personal assets

>> No.59203425

It's all relative. I think what's most surprising is how much inequality there is even within the same species. Some conspiracy theorists believe there are secret trillionaires who don't appear on the Forbes richest list. I wouldn't be surprised. One way to contemplate how rich Elon Musk is compared to a millionaire: 1 million seconds is 11.5 days while 320 billion seconds is 10,147 years. I think you need like $1.1 million to be in the global 1% (American is like 10x that) so yeah the 1% is nothing compared to the top richest.

>> No.59203472

also where did you find this graph/how do I know it's accurate? And why does the top of the graph say 1 million bitcoin? Are they saying the 99th percentile owns just under 2 bitcoin and the top richest is satoshi nakamoto with over a million?

>> No.59203622

How do you justify those high prices many years into the future? There are few bitcoins to mine and nobody uses the network. Where do the mining rewards come from?

>> No.59203628

transaction fees

>> No.59203639

Nobody uses the network. It's literally sold as a store of value.

>> No.59203706

I doubt the number of transactions per day is going to go down over time as opposed to up.

>> No.59204017

this eric wall negro that i personally asked "if you like niggers" to which he replied "yes" was the first red flag after adding more colors to the rainbow

>> No.59204038


>> No.59204047

what the fuck does this chart mean

>> No.59204160

>get back from 2nd deployment with 80k in the bank in january 2013
>see this new internet monopoly money called bitcoin being spammed on /b/
>It's being given away like candy for posting stupid shit like posting a picture of yourself with a shoe on your head (mainly sharpie in pooper)
>look into it but never bother to buy
>use my money instead to pseudoneet for a few more years until finally becoming a wagie in 2016
I'm still salty. At least i have a fifth of a btc. I could've been a full coiner if i sold my arbidoge back in march or if i would have used covid gibs on it instead of boomer stocks

>> No.59204205

When it hits 10m one sat will equal a penny when it finally stabilizes around that price for years it will be usable for everyday transactions

>> No.59204811

adam back predicted 500k to a mil for the peak of this cycle. newfags who think it is just about "gambling" on alts don't understand what btc actually is.

>> No.59204824

the best way to get rich is to buy as much btc as you can and never sell it. or buy mstr, which will outperform it, but then you might not be able to get your hands on an actual btc when you're rich from mstr and btc is so scarce that billionaires and megacorps are in bidding wars to get their hands on it lol

>> No.59204839

mining pay after the last halving will come from fees
>nobody uses the network
when btc is multiple millions per coin, using the L1 will be extremely expensive and only for important things/people. it will actually stabilize mining and make it a reasonable business venture for once.

>> No.59204840

there are 100M sats in 1BTC so BTC only needs to hit $1M for a sat to equal 1 penny. Future goods will be prices in sats

>> No.59204874

>the chart has never lied to me

you now its made up
>and in fag colors

>> No.59204891

Why do you assume that? Check 2021, it didn't hit the top.

>> No.59204933

Best wallet for BTC? I was thinking of getting a Trezor...but what happens if Trezor goes out of business or something?

>> No.59205009

my interpretation is that during the 2013-2014 bullrun it went 2 colors above the red
in 2017-2018 it hit right at the red limit
in 2021-2022, 2 colors under the limit
so in 2024-2025, it's gonna stop at that first green one under the yellow ~150k

>> No.59205203

You can't be this new lol
Sell signal

>> No.59205208

Adam Back can suck a legion of dicks. $220k will be the top.

>> No.59205225

sounds pretty emotional. do you know who he is?

>> No.59205566

I made the post so somebody else would post the updated version of the chart. I don’t have the pic of the chart I was referring to

>> No.59205673

Here, plug this into a spreadsheet:
=10^(2.53413*ln(number of days since jan 9 2009)-16.9692)
I don't remember where I got the equation but it perfectly matches this website's green line:

>> No.59205691

>chart has a logarithmic spread
anon... it's not hard for it to hit

>> No.59205745
File: 32 KB, 981x332, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon please...

>> No.59205782
File: 2.93 MB, 359x346, IMG_5211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately lies to you

Nothing personal

>> No.59205884

that is not mathematically accurate

>> No.59205973

should i swap my eth for btc now or will there be a better time?

>> No.59206087

Rothschilds estimated to be worth 20-40 trillion.

>> No.59206111

I think it's gonna get to 100k and crash all the way back to 40k.

>> No.59206991

too soon
I believe this.

>> No.59207054
File: 172 KB, 343x357, 1688299399253541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro trust me the chart is still in the firesale section bro cmon bro buy bro it's going to 500k eoy bro

>> No.59207140

$100k eoy

>> No.59207153

I think 500k is too high but I think 100k eoy is too look. Only halfway through november, even if bitcoin crabs for a month it'll hit 110k by christmas and 120k by new year's.

>> No.59208605
File: 29 KB, 600x733, 1639154716771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every single time i've seen this rainbow chart i see it moved, altered and edited ever so little that you can't convince me its even the same chart anymore. My strategy of being a liquidity provider for alts on solbank hasn't failed me yet, i dont think i want to risk it and change it for another strategy just yet
>so go fuck yourself